Where did this alt-left meme start?


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It's 100% manufactured. There is no "alt-left".

It's just that "extreme" left-wing politics is seeing some growth along with the far right as liberalism sputters and coughs. "alt-left" is basically an attempt to fabricate reality out of horseshoe theory and associate socialist politics and rejection of liberal norms with the scary evil "alt-right" but using the same prefix.

top fucking kek it's the "cultural Marxism" fiasco all over again but different flavor

it's the same thing as the "bernie bro" thing honestly, they're doing because it works.

it's a heinous weaponization of liberal IDpol but fuck, it worked to cuck Bernie out of the nomination and damn, it'll still work again

first time I saw it was on a TIME article written by a reporter whinning for being attacked by the "alt-left" months ago


The liberal hegemony is breaking down and they are doing all they can to rope people back in. 'fake news' and 'alt-left' were all started by pro-Clinton outlets.

I stumbled upon a New Statesman article in late December using it. Fucking Fabians.

Is GULAG a political terminology?

First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win

This is a sign that leftism is attracting new followers. Its also nice to see awareness of the term 'neoliberalism' to call out new labour blair/clinton types

this could actually work

He's going all out!

I know you're looking for a huge political conspiracy against the left but it could be as simple as:

Honestly liberals are such a bunch of snakes it wouldn't be remotely surprising if there was no conspiracy and a large amount of them came up with a duplicitous strategy when faced with a new challenge at the same time. They are unable to accept the fact they are now the established order and no longer, in their black and white worldview, "the goodies", and will create an army of strawmen for them to fight in an effort to uphold this moral virtuosity they've assigned themselves.

Holla Forumstards post the same shit when you make fun of them.

The original anarcho-liberal.


you forgot to include the really poor attempt to quote proudhon at the end. Anyways, obviously it's entirely manufactured, but I think what's so ingenious about it is that the libs are trying so hard to find the moral high-ground here. Like, yes the left often has a bit more of a relaxed attitude toward idpol than these sorts (this board is probably the worst example of that), but like there are really hardly any antifeminists on the left or any of that outside of places like this one.

Like this attempt to come off as "the real left" comes off as really fuckin desperate.

So I guess ATTAC, Le Monde Diplomatique and all the alter-globalists of the 90s/00s were already the "alt-left" before it was cool, then ?
Why Americans can't conceive any other political position than "liberal", "conservative" and "fascist" ?

Yeah that's what happened. OP didn't suggest otherwise, just when did this start.

Well, regardless of when and how, now


hard times are ahead

For this conflict to be framed as 'liberals vs. brocialists' is good, because it squeezes SJW socialists out of the picture. These liberal attacks won't succeed, because liberalism is dying, but they will elevate anti-idpol leftism as the real alternative to liberalism. There is a big market for that.

American Liberals think they're the real left due to decades of COINTELPRO so they smear actual Marxists and anarchists as equivalent to alt-right neonazis. Just another instance of my country being a retarded backwater: pay it no mind.

Don't you know? "Left" means feminist, LGBTQ, anti-gun, anti-racist, anti-bullying, identitarianism. It has nothing whatsoever to do with economic reality or the inherent conflicts between classes.

What they said. It's been created out of whole cloth by that bastion of truth and honesty called the media. It's the liberal version of "cultural Marxism".

Looks like it's being used in Twitter since at least 2015, but the first appearance "in print" is in Pajamas Media of all places.


The funny thing is, liberals are trying to brand the actual left as alt-left so they can sell themselves as the real left, whereas the rightwing media is selling the socjus-spewing liberals as the alt-left.

I don't know when it started but I can tell you when I first started hearing it. Just about the time the media was hyping up the "alt-right" boogeyman during election last summer, I saw Hannity immediately started calling every liberal "alt-left", which, admittedly, as much as I despise Hannity I found it pretty funny.


Rad left is better than alt left

oops. I was just looking at Google News' list.

There was a huge boost of it at the time of the election and before this year it barely existed

Its good in a way. This muh white males shit won't work forever and it just demonstrates to leftists how easily co-opted and shallow Idpol is.

The term "Alt-left" has been around for at least a year, and referred to a wide variety of things. At one point hillbots were using it as a self descriptor even in their insane bid to pick up moderate republicans. Some other people I know were using it to self-refer to a more technocratic view of leftism rather than populist.

This one you're seeing is from an article last week that was just referring to Bernie-or-bust types who are perfectly happy (or at least less pissed than if Clinton had won) with the bust.

It's mainly just the fact that 'alt-right' is a thing therefore there must be an 'alt left' and people keep throwing their hat in for what that means.

There's some here who wanted to claim it and some other faggotry, but for how it's being used by this fag and will be used liberals in the coming months? From the BernieBro shit.

It's good that the """white males""" are telling these people to shut the fuck up and people who aren't white guys are backing them up or even being the ones telling people to shut the fuck up. Of course these people have internalised self oppression so they're all technically white guys but the people who trot this line of thinking out are becoming widely despised across the political spectrum.

Why not just use the word that proved to be so scary in the past, dear liberals? Let's make it perfectly clear what the contradiction is really about.

I remember "alt-left" was mentioned in threads months ago, with links to this article : altleft.com/2015/11/14/a-clockwork-greenshirt-introducing-the-alt-left/. That's the oldest mention of the term that I remember. Then in twitter thread some anons wanted to appropriate it to distinguish themselves from liberals/other leftists, but it didn't took off.

read this if you want to actually know the history of the people who are pushing the "alt left" thing https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */-left-b927fe66d3a4#.ds77ov99l

https:[email protected]/* *//the-alt-left-only-exists-to-liberals-ec0560910fe9#.nfzpryiqv
This is pretty good.

This guy is claiming he personally knew Bookchin, WTF?

Engage bully mode, retweet it around leftypol twitter with various mocking phrases.

I just made a twitter account. I don't have any other leftists on here.

He's probably telling the truth, and that should tell you something about bookmeme.

His name rhymes with David Cock.

you mean ((podesta))?

It's hilarious to see these Clintonites block all the women and people of color on the left that criticize them. Clintonites want a worldview where women and people of color are subservient to them and cannot think for themselves. They want women and people of color to drink to idpol kool aid that says it's fine that they are oppressed, so long as they invite a handful of women and people of color into the ruling capitalist class.

If only Holla Forums could have half the success Holla Forums had…

Liberal Idpol isn't even idpol, it's weaponized to silence any discussion of class. They don't use idpol to defend people like Ben Carson or Betsy DeVos. They use idpol to attack even lukewarm socdems like Bernie Sanders, despite having a better track record of standing up for marginalized groups than Hillary Clinton and her cabal.

Concur. Look at shit like this: twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/706670045410299904

Say some perpetual motion / free energy scammer decides to use thermodynamics terminology as part of the sales pitch – it's not so much a statement about statistical mechanics or thermodynamics as much as it is about scammer strategy.

liberals using IDpol terminology to shut down the left (and even pseudo-socdems like Bernie (who I have to admit, could have won)) is literally the same level of scamming and aping pseudotechnical language as the scammers who try to sell desperate people (useless and physically unworkable) devices to reduce their electric bill or gasoline cost and justify it with gobbledegook about quantum nonsense.



Tells more about him than Bookchin.

That guy campaigned for Kerry and hates Sanders for not cooperating with other Democrats.

I'm not even sure if it's satire but it's still brilliant.
Have you taken the politics graph pill, Holla Forums? It's a tough pill to swallow!

politic's is back baby

it's good again

awouuu (wolf howl)

no that graph is from a famous "weird twitter" jokester in response to the nonsense QUEEN "SLAY" HILLARY nonsense

I'm honestly just glad that someone managed to find a way to slip some convincing satire in given how bizarre things have gotten.

Prior to the Bush presidency Giordano was an "anarchist" ( ) and did a lot of political organizing. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew Bookchin.

Yeah it sounds like this guy used to do some environmental protests in his youth b4 he "grew out of it" ie sold out. That's probably how he knows bookchin

For one, because it would sound like Cold War paranoia. For another, because saying "communist" as an invective might prompt more people to look up what "communist" actually means.

If you're looking for exactly where it started, it's Sean Hannity's catchphrase.

Bookchin was very active in the anti nuclear movement just like that guy.

It's funny because notions of rejecting IdPol and embracing accelerationism are fucking ancient ideas that were already discussed in the lifetime of Marx - the only tendency that would fit the description of "alt-left" would be NazBol, and only recently I read an article describing Steve Bannon as "National Bolshevist". This is literal retardation.

It's pretty low to invoke the dead guys name if that was the limit of their interaction. He pretty much implies Bookchin approved of his political views.
Someone with a twatter should press him on it.

Good luck with that. Giordano has a block list longer than Brianna Wu.

Especially since he was pro-Sanders early on while Bookchin was highly critical of him. They probably allways where on different sides politically.

Well, they won.

A superficial, shallow victory that will change nothing in their material lives, but won nevertheless.