Classcuck cringe thread?

Here's a screenshot of a post in a plebbit thread about the weekend penalty wage rates being cut here in Australia. Despite our reputation as being laid back and lazy, this sentiment is extremely common here.

Where does this level of classcuckoldry come from? What drives a man to be grateful for the tick sucking blood out of his arsecheek?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sometimes I'll create a throwaway, abuse some redditors in whatever thread inspired me to do so, then never check the account ever again.
It's the only way to use reddit.

because pretty much every political party that people know about uphold the ideas that work is good and more work is better and if you don't work you're a subhuman useless eater parasite that should die.

leftoids do the whole workerist "ahh work is very good and workers are the Best" (while hating on unemployed people or NEETs or other forms of Lumpenprole), rightists do the whole "wwharrgg damn Welfare Queen's they should GET A JERB REEEEEEEE",

the left doesn't oppose this enough, the right endorses it wholeheartedly, so of COURSE you're gonna end up with MANY SUCH CASES of classcuckery

How can we ever recover ?

holy shit, I guess there's a good reason even MRAs hate redpillers

This is what constantly thinking of pussy does to your brain.

Only of you can't get any, which is most PUAfags.

How does one need to be "red pilled" to "see" this? It's literally the main narrative of the conservative right-wing. No deep understanding or enlightenment required.

Move over, ultimate classcucks coming through.

Well that's something I guess.

dude he said capitalism is red pill.
these people are convinced capitalism is unpopular.


horseshoe is real, but only with Holla Forums-tumblr

I'll respect anarkiddies when they stop acting as brown shirts for the DNC, and instead start smashing the fucking state instead of trashcans and their fellow prole.

But we both know they'd get put down like dogs as soon as they bit the hand that feeds

i'll respect any USian leftists the minute they stop acting like pindicked demcucks and pick up some AR-15s and do an open carry march

this is some next level retardation

also never 4get this gem

It's what happens when you consider victimhood virtuous.

I'm sure some faggot in some irrelevant hundred man party not respecting them is a mortal wound.

I don't even know what to say.

my gott

Trash cans are to block the police, literally hindering the state. I think you just like complaining about smashies

It gets worse.

If Anarchists overthrew the US governmemt and implement syndicalism these fags would complain that we hadn't hit FALC yet because no daddy Stalin 2.0.

This one still gets me every time

Just another proof that "Arbeit macht frei" is not a fascist, but a capitalist meme. Or rather that fascism is a ideologically subordinated to capitalism.

How can "free stuff" be delusional when it feels so right?

As I said in another thread, I find this hilarious as before this election cycle we were berated as the "old left." Now we are some new unexplained phenomenon.

I went through her twitter one day and found nonstop nonsense statements. I guess to her slight credit she was at least paid to be an idiot by the Clinton machine herself.


I think smashies are mostly retarded but I wish to commend your effort to say this everytime that meme comes up because you're 100% right.

Holy shit those last two.

Blocking the police that were given stand-down orders by the state to let said anarkiddies run wild, since they weren't actually fucking with anything important?

You're delusional.


It doesn't always happen, and when it does half of the anarkiddies are actual cops themselves.

It's just sliding at this point.


You're right.

Trash Can Internet Defense Force

They're not wrong, Capitalism is indeed unpopular.

Not nearly unpopular enough. And I bet any polling of capitalism vs socialism/communism would show that there's no comparison.

If only capitalism had some sort of institution, or even a system, by which it could defend itself from their slanderous claims.

Well as governing practice and politcal dominance it is certainly still popular.

Among the young it isn't popular, but I think even that is a little deflated in a sense that it doesn't mean kids necessarily want socialism. People on the street also have this habit where they cut consumerism away from capitalism, they tend to think free market choices are good even when they're essentially worthless.


only in the us

in europe socialism polls slightly higher
although by socialism they probably mean socdems and such

The last two aren't even shitty opinions they're just straight up ignorance.

Only if they define capitalism as "The free market" and socialism as "a government regulated market".