

Attached: QXRMQMB9RVBP1517347487403.jpg (2560x1440, 868.35K)

Dubs thread it is.

Nice thread cuckchanner

you know, after years of wanting to play this I finally sat down and tried it. It definitely is a work of the time. You can see what made it so good but since then other mmos do what it did and some have refined the formula. Still, love the art style.

For fucks sake that's by far the most inconsistent and shitty part of the game. So bad in fact it infested fantasy game development for well over a decade at this point.

I disagree, I think it's pretty consistent and well-done, at least now. It was one of the few redeeming things about Warlords of Draenor.

They're good at presentation, but god damn their stories are schlock. I wish the NPCs would shut up, and Khadgar would get the fuck out of my face.

lol no they just copied it with their own spin, added a few of their own gimmicks and shoved microtransactions up the ass
WoW also ended up being as cancer as all of them though but I haven't seen "refinements" for the genre at fucking all

With Christie Golden coming on board as staff, the stories should, at least hopefully, be more consistent. Or maybe have more consistent character personalities and motivations.

Didn't WoW copy a shit ton from EQ?

You fucks need to be skinned alive and hang from your necks from a pine tree branch.

Calm down there, autist.

WoW is an EQ clone
So is FF11

OP got trips, so this is obviously a super rare TRIPS thread. Dubs alone won't cut it.


We're all just clones of Lilith, or something.

You're right, we can't lynch you, the branch would just break from your weight alone

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Jesus kid, calm yourself.

Fuck off, faggot.
If you actually want to talk about it, maybe put some effort into the OP. like maybe detailing the massive differences in quality and style of quests between horde and alliance so far in the alpha/beta

I'd still call you a faggot, but you'd be less of one.


It's a beta?

Alpha. Lots of stuff being datamined on wowhead.

We have IDs you fucking brainless dipshit.


Yeah, and?

I'll be one to admit it, I like retail WoW, but it's too expensive to justify. If it were cheaper, I'd love it to death. I usually start playing again around each new expansion for a month or 2, but for this one I'm not so sure.

Dude, if you want to talk about WoW, ask a question or make a statement about it. If you seriously don't know the new xpac is in alpha, you clearly have some questions.
Put more effort into the OP, man.

I'm currently unsubbed since I didn't have the dosh to play, but I'm not doing anything right now in-game anyway. Lull in content, etc., etc.

You failed, but check mine!

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I did make a statement. Explain how my post isn't a statement.

What the fuck is that?
That's not anything.
Try again.

posting in a quality thread.

checkin' some quality digits

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I tried to extend the olive branch
I can't help you now.




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Fucking hell.

The faggot who was class designer since Gaylords of Draenor, ladies and gentlemen.

Well shit, that makes a lot of sense I guess.

I want to kill myself.

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They're rehashing the first Warcraft game but as a shitty MMO?

Are they even trying to balance classes/races anymore? These racial abilities are op as fuck.
Highmountain Tauren
Lighforge Draenei
Void Elves

And yet we still have fuck nothing about what really matters, Dark Irons. WOD was a shitshow, and Legion was so all over the place with dailies I dont know how people didnt bitched like they did in MOP. Then again, I know everyone will bitch left and right about everything, the one good thing that came out of Legion was Celestafaggot getting shoved into Overwatch in an inane "cultural department"

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People have been autistically screeching about the Allied race repgating since it was released, I don't know what you're talking about. WQ system as is is pretty okay, though.

Go play vanilla or Burning Crusader on some private server.
Or a better game all around.

Celestakike was moved to Hearthstone, as far as I know.

I'm not sure what's worse, his slimy disgusting hair or the butter teeth

They are desperate for sub trap mechanics at this point.

it's a fucking shampoo gnome

WoW was never good. Fucking RuneScape and Ragnarok Online were better. So was Mabinogi, Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot, EVE Online, and Guild Wars (if we count it as a MMO). Hell I had more fun playing a F2P Korean MMO called Priston Tale because of its diablo-esque gameplay and comfier style.

WoW was garbage-tier casual trash from the beginning, and it was mostly popular with the casuals. The design is a fucking failure, the balance is a fucking failure, the PvP is a disaster, the travel times are a complete fucking failure, and it is all braindead as fuck. The only thing it had going for it was a successful marketing push, time commitment mechanics, and enough e-socialization to get people suckered into grinding up their ePeens. It was casual trash picked up by casual players. From launch WoW was shit and it went to shit even faster as the original WoW designers left the building and got replaced by retard-tier "hardcore" EQ crack-addicts who thought all endgame should be ultra-repetitive chaingrindshit and not dungeons like Dire Maul (a holdover from the old designers). They took a game that was supposed to be fun and turned it into goddamn work. Raid grind + raid mat grind = fucking labgor. PvP rank grind = fucking cancer. Also itemization was pretty cancer. And grinding random loot drops over and over again for that one item you wanted was just fucking painful for those players. People bitched about Nef dropping Warlock and Druid sets all the time because those were the least popular classes and every so often the damn boss dropped loot no one was going to use. Good raid, guys. And if you weren't going hardcore raid you would generally be so far behind the guys who did it fucking sucked. And there wasn't much else to do other than raid or PvP. Dungeon-runs, maybe, but the loot you got there was frequently swiftly outdated. The most you had were the casual 20man raidgrind for loot and onerous rep grinding quest chains. The game is legit more laborious and painful than it is fun. That is not a good MMO. Even the gameplay mechanics were simple, repetitive, and lame because to be as casual-friendly as possible they made it as braindead as possible. This also caused a bottleneck at the endgame scene where casuals had trouble grinding the endgame shit and started getting left behind more and more. And then the grindwhore devs would throw them a bone by making some kind of time-consuming monstrosity of a quest chain to get slightly decent loot (T0.5 for instance). Cancer fucking trash, man.