[S A F E S P A C E .]
[S A F E S P A C E .]
Other urls found in this thread:
i enjoy feeling safe
i would much rather be safe than not be safe
all measures should be taken to improve safety
wear a helmet
some dude gave me a 6 of modelo for a fair price
that's victim blaming
everything should just be padded instead
like it's his fault he decided to become a girl
all these entitlements
actually wearing a helmet could be a cool idea
but it shouldn't be optional
everyone should always be wearing a helmet
then people won't make fun of me for wearing a helmet while i take my cat for a walk
is in zion
When was that vote happening?
i'm gonna split post in both threads
I have them both opened but nothing is really happening in either.
youre the tolerable aussie right?
i hope not
you ever just want to get into MTG
Prepare your wallet, if you do get into it
Loco. You'll be a sadder sack of shit if you do.
Of course im not going to how fucking pathetic do you think i am
it's just a passing feeling
I think you are a terrible person. That is why it is so likely.
Is Loco x Doots the new Desu x Subtle where they're amicable in private?
i have scoots blocked
Important pieces of plastic covered card.
I am blocked from the more extreme levels of my "hate speech" I possess in that sphere.
moog post fresh pics of hole
I don't even like Loco that way. I don't even like loco. So.
i left scoots because i have a daddy irl now
like what's the point of internet flirting when i can be fucked by thick black cock whenever i need to be
damn moors
White daddies 😍🍆💦
it tastes better
i heard their cocks are warmer
thicker skin = more capillaries and heat retention
How about you shut the fuck up you WHORE
The community here is cancer. Everything is being swallowed by copypastas. The comments section of every post is slowly degrading into a shitfesty circlejerk. Even this is going to end up as a copypasta, I guarantee it.
Black lives don't matter.
Lil Wayne's life matters
It is what it is hommie
are there people who actually thinking sucking dick is gay?
1. you're sharing protein
2. you're admiring masculine physique
3. being in the vacinity of other high testosterone males increases your own testosterone
eating pussy is gay because you're litterally slurping down estrogen. and long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone.
spartans had gay orgies all the time and they were the height of masculinity. you bet they were at least fondling eachothers test producers.
all these summer DYEL's piss me off. their twink bodies don't understand, but in time i'm sure they'll get it.
Lil Wayne is just trying to appeal to his mostly white audience.
this tbh
Do you do this too?
I think I've learned a lot at these things
Surround yourself with what you enjoy, wear it for others to see, what can you enjoy without feeling embarrassed? What can you justify enjoying? Learning the difference between enjoying something genuinely yourself and enjoying feeling like to belong are different things
The summary of what we do is the collective of what we are and the act of enjoying or showing that you enjoy something of questioned quality is not as negative as showing you have the potential to separate what you enjoy from what you need to do
As much as he lets me :^)
Feeling like you belong*
On negative important* wtf autocorrect
where is sabs
i need to be publicly humiliated to get off
Conventions are just for people to peddle shitty fanart and homemade merchandise.
If I was there in person I'd say you were a pretty boy and stroke your hair
that's not very humiliating. better off grabbing my hair and fucking me against a window.
Considering I have experienced most of my convention with minimal exposure to that your opinion is slightly invalidate d in my personal eyes.
wear spandex shorts and go cycling
Seems less humiliating if you start aski g for it
That's mor like request fulfilment
The major ones are fairly commercial and backed by whatever owns/produces what the convention is about.
The smaller ones are mostly just organized by fandoms that have to pay for renting the space in someway, usually it's by getting vendors.
Neither are really just about "appreciating [whatever the convention is about]" or anything, though you can go to them for that.
If you're asking for it then it's just a reward.
Congratulations you know what business is
I very much wish to not be cheek kissed right now
well me asking for it is humiliating for me
and a good daddy knows never to take suggestions. sabs would've immediately gone for disciplining me i think/hope.
don't tell me what to do with your cheeks slut
Not sure what I want to do today until George gets home.
*cheek kiss*
Fap to pictures of him, and when he comes home, look him in the eye as you finish.
Fuck off and go draw me stuff then
You seemingly don't.
I did that LAST week though.
Drive to Amsterdam and do it irl.
you heard me,
that would be so embarrassing
Okay, back in a few
*I slide my paw in your pants*
As you said, you cab go to them while avoiding those things, so you don't appear to understand in this case
The post was about what I got out of it not what it is for, or more accurately how it is funded
play dark souls
joke's on you i don't have a pussy anymore
This better be the valentine's day reaper skin.
My goodness, Rin.
Your gash is so wet.
You didn't even have to add the pants part as soon as you said paw they dipped out
ikt or Tokai?
We can bring out the bondage if that is more your style.
Pet my tail.
Really though.
How was your day?
I'm back you cunts.
I already have one gay furry friend that keeps joking about this and the answer is still no.
sup scanner
I cleaned mostly.
Nobody is at the offices for apartments so eh.
Pet my fucking tail.
Tails are only tolerable on girls because it at least leaves something open.
I could really go for a hug right now
What are you?
We recorded 2 hours, of me getting blind drunk and nerd shit.
*head pat*
Please. Molest me.
Without George I am so cold.
*head pat*
Didn't you find some gay furry to fuck in your area?
Call him up.
good helmet
Where did you get the fur part?
^^ *chu*
Didn't you meet him on the gay furry dating site?
I mean, I just sort of assumed he'd be a gay furry if he was on a gay furry dating site.
Like, I'd expect people one "black people meet" to be, well, black.
I got a dude of solid rep to edit my nonsense; and actually upload the shit on youtube; hope it becomes a weekly feature.
I need a better helmet.
A butter helmet?
Growlr is just for gay bears.
A banter helmet.
That sounds furry-ish.
They're from goddamn Louisville.
What the hell?
Gay bears just makes me think of an app that homosexual anthropomorphised bears use.
You are an idiot.
I thought that was just the CareBears.
I changed my theme.
Fuck them, get another song.
It's just weird that they're from Kentucky and their official channel isn't allowing it in the States.
This video contains content from B_Viacom, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Cage the tellyphant
That will change, if not; then pirates like me will spread the word.
Capture the giraffe.
Do you think things like Care Bears had male adult fanbases back in the day but they could just never become a visible subculture due to not having the internet to meet other weirdos?
I honestly wouldn't be surprised.
Autism has always existed, just was never given means to contact each other.
I have the mind of Lord Byron, the emotional capacity of Bloodhound Gang and the the physical strength of Edmund Mc Millen
All is interchangeable
I'm gonna get more booze and fags; if anyone dares stop me, tell me so.
Fucking dare me.
No seriously, if I don't have brakes, I'm going to the corneshope and get more.
Donald Trump is a human McNugget and Hillary Clinton is a reptile
that's all I eeeded, more booze for me.
Aren't McNuggets tasty
Are you implying that you've tasted Donald J. Trump, and found that his flavor was unsatisfactory?
I'm saying a human McNugget is pretty good after all
It's better than a human cabbage at least
mcnuggets are made of residue hosed off the carcass of the chicken and anus
what is so wrong with you that you think that's better than a vegetable
Are you sure about that..
Not any vegetable. Just a bad one, like cabbage
the anime in ur pic sucks my soul out
It started off so cutesy, I bet you were expecting something different :c
Do I drink tonight? y/n?
No they're not you satirical idiot
kys instead of drink
what if I drink so much it kills me in the process?
Would that be fine too?
why would you make something out of ground chicken if you were using anything other than miniscule or unsavory parts
think about it
What do you think autistic manchildren of the civil war would have been into?
Drink until you ky.
See look how much smarter I am than Yan.
Like drink until I'm drunk enough to decide to ky, or drink until the alcohol kills me?
No just kys :3
"To add and blend ingredients into the chicken and make mass production much easier."
The last one.
I'll pass.
National holiday, brakes as it is. Like the purge man; can't go further nuts.
Don't think I have enough alcohol for that.
Drink until you are drunk enough to crossplay in a TinyChat and do lewd faggot things so you will want to kys tomorrow.
One cig, one beer, gotta ration now; so I'm with you at fire chat.
What we talking about?
I just got out of my crossplay like an hour ago
At least try.
Flesh of mine, please bother me.
I dunno if that's a good idea; I have to be up and functioning early tomorrow.
Fine, if you're going to be so insistent I'll do it for you.
It's times like this that make me regret not living near a 24hr supermarket anymore.
I really like this song, from the Ace Attorney games.
Then drinking is just a bad idea.
I also like the Professor Layton Vs Phoenix Write: Ace Attorney versions of just about every track.
for years my parents sang to me "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands" and i took it on board readily
not once did either of them tell me what to do if i'm cripplingly depressed and i know it and it turns out i'd be using that skill far more often if they had
das cute.
ehh I'll just get a light buzz and go to sleep at like 1.
give me coffee and cigarettes or give me death
what now
I love this
lol nice
Obscure traveling minstrel shows meant for children and/or reading Thoreau.
"I have crippling depression"
pfffff sucks for you lmao
"it looked like you could fit a baseball in his leg and not see the top of the baseball, like, you could almost see the muscle"
this lady doesn't know how legs work
what order the layers come in
in the injury she's describing, you could see lots, and lots, and lots of muscle
i suspect "muscle" and "bone" are just words she's heard but never bothered to look up to see what they mean
i dun fucked up
Finally got a pic of all three
what the heck are those
I love how the one on the far left is looking at the camera like "can you believe how autistic these other two faggots look?"
I set up my phone all nice and stuff and then I wanted to root, but I need to unlock my bootloader and doing that wipes everything I did ;_; All that work for nuffin
what are they dressed as
Which, is incredible, since she is dressed up as the furry
fucking op terran smh
fk byun
it's funny on a lot of levels.
They are dressed as characters from the game Undertale
Like a cute wallpaper? ^^
not knowing means i keep my normie dignity
Glad I got the pic then
if you'd gotten a clearer picture of that one's face I would have cropped and saved for a reaction image.
but you didn't.
thanks for nothing.
But I don't want to get the cops called on me.
brb showa
Organic picture taking with a phone for not work like that, I did not even ask them to sit or pose
Just use Soto's for that.
He always seems to find people that truly look like they're dead on the inside.
Speaking of autistic manchildren, I was watching the Transformers cartoons today. I remember it being much better as a kid, its always that way with childhood nostalgia things though. Often best not to revisit them despite the temptation.
The only cartoon from my childhood that I've ever rewatched and thought "yeah, this is still decent" was Courage the Cowardly Dog.
Was it the super shitty one that had the "mini transformers" that became guns and swords?
The bad guys have other transformers that are like less intelligent slaves that come out of them and do their bidding. It was made in the 1980s and then updated a bit for the 1990s. Animated in Japan by Toei.
for fucks sakes.
They are also smaller so yeah might be what you are thinking of.
Are boys okay??
you should have.
he has a special talent for it, yes.
As long as its fake there is nothing wrong with it right?
yes shota is allowed.
I googled it and the shitty one from when I was a kid was "Transformers Armada" and the midget ones were "minicons".
Sounds a little biased
Why do girls like little boys like that
That one in the middle looks super awkward.
The were in the middle of talking to the chara and expressing something to them
I guess no Dark Souls with my duo tonight.
Might need to just farm shit solo.
Its called /ss/. Its hot.
truly, you have the hardest of lives.
Night time is when all the fun shit starts gotta go start getting ready
I might play Undertale or Shovel Knight.
I never actually walked back to the end after talking to goat kid.
Pick me!
Thinking about things from childhood though, I think I probably appreciate some of the Disney movies more now. I kind of like Mary Blair's concept art for Alice in Wonderland for example. Which isn't something that would ever occur to a child.
I'll probably just be getting merchants quests done.
sleep snug, smug
I really am not fond of that bowdlerized Disney movies of the mid 20th.
snug smug visited qt, not you. Wait your damn turn.
;_; mean
sleep snug, smug
Yeah I was just thinking I watched them back recently and found I appreciated them in different ways than as a child where as before it was just about the story now I find myself caring more about art and animation which I think there is quite a bit to be impressed about even if the films themselves are quite sanitised and intentionally unoffensive in a lot of respects.
what a LOSER.
That really needed some punctuation.
How the fuck is /ss/ hot to adult females??
it's been 4 years
I didn't realize she was involved with Song of the South.
There, now you'll have cozy, comfy smugs.
bitch about patriarchy.
im just happy im not being called nasty things at this point
I walked from the end of the game to the start with no shortcuts. I don't want to walk back.
I've seen some fairly amusing depictions of negroes in the concept art for that.
I wouldn't call you nasty things.
That must be why she reacted in such a way.
sounds like you're just being a lazy little bitch.
probably. hello nymph.
How you been?
When have I ever said nasty things to you?
Something like that.
lots today!
I haven't talked to you today, besides the last few posts.
Link it.
let's not worry about that.
how about you?
how dare you.
I'll take that as a not so good then.
If that's the case, I'm sorry to hear that and hope things get better.
I've been doing pretty great myself, promotion at work recently and am now full-time with a set schedule, so that's nice.
It was this one I was thinking of.
Wait who told me to fuck off when i emoted a pet or head pat
you patted me last night and I told you to fuck off.
That's not really me being nasty tho.
oh nice, that's pretty great. glad to hear things are going well for you.
Yay I am not demented.
Yeah, maybe my life is finally starting to be put together. I think being away from this place definitely helped me grow.
Also, I like the avatar choice, but why Sableye exactly?
I tell everyone to fuck off; I only really mean it when I say it to Bard tho.
*scared heat pat*
being away from this place is the only way to grow.
I don't ever really know why I end up deciding to save enough pictures to post with a character. I just let my instinct take over. I made the decision literally right here
just realized I wanted to make a whole folder of this guy. I had a couple pictures already, wanted more.
*unapproving glance*
Yeah, I've sorta thought about somewhat returning tho. I posted here a bit yesterday and today, which is actually a lot for me.
I would have never thought there would be enough Sableye images to make a folder.
No but really wish are you into /ss/?
Is Wish even here?
but 4real, who isn't in to /ss/
If some moderately attractive female molested me as a little boy I feel like I wouldn't be too traumatized, but you know, Wish doing it
Wish is doing VERY Canadian things.
Sorry I didn't see the name an just assumed, I just like hoeing on Wish
weirdly pixiv barely has any, but deviantart has a ton. plenty for a folder, even if it's not as big as some of my others, like gardevoir.
yeah, I've noticed you around more. as long as you're enjoying yourself I see no reason not to stick around.
Nezi you there?
I just don't know you enough yet for head pats.
Megumin is top-tier tho, so you've got that going.
I feel like this place is so time-consuming tho.
I also don't have enough free-time to begin with, so I may only stop by on weekends when I don't have to work.
It is time consuming
That's literally what it's made to do
I'm forgettable but harmless.
what sorcery is this?
the time consumption is the point, I think. at least for me it is. I use this place to kill chunks of time and make sure I don't think.
stop by exactly as often as you choose to. you shouldn't feel any kind of obligation or need to be here more. just be here when you want to be.
I don't know why, but time flies when posting here. 4 hours will pass after what seems like an hour of posting.
And when I do post, I tend to focus on it too, so a lot of times I'm not even multi-tasking while I post.
I just don't want to go back to nearly how much I posted at my prime.
Have we properly met btw?
I don't think I know the name you go by, unless it's actually Megumin or E86
Yeah wtf am I doing, grom? Must be the alcohol.
help me pls.
I already have enough to fill the little free time I have, so idk why I decided to come back, wasting so much of the free time I have.
That's how I've sorta felt since I "quit". I used to just stop by if I wanted to say hi to a certain someone, and sometimes I would get in conversations and stick around for a little bit.
don't agree with me you damn furry.
/dealcohlic pats
it will be oke
busy working these days?
also can I steal some of your dorito gals?
wtf I'm almost textwalling.
maybe you enjoy coming back here and talking with your internet friends. crazy, I know, but some people seem to enjoy it.
posting return imminent
Fair enough I never had the problem of posting to much so cannot relate
do people still do that even?
yeah when it gets busy
This is actually the first weekend I've drank in over a month. I normally don't drink.
Yeah, working 9 hours a day, monday-friday, and I start early, so by the end of the week I get pretty tired.
Here's dorito grills imgur.com
I also have two smug albums if you want those.
I do miss everyone here every once in a while.
It's nice to stop by occasionally.
no grom stop me.
Yeah, there was points when I'd spend practically all my free time in threads.
Yeah, I didn't think it could habben any more, with how dead this place can seem.
HI NIMF!!!!!!1111
remember me??
i'm the guy who used to pop into your osu streams and tell you i love you
Awww, I want to text wall.
I haven't done that in ages.
Emily !66666666Ok
Rainbow Swag
already ripped the album a couple mins ago, just wanted your blessing~
I think you gave me those before
hope you're making a lotta mun
here's something to start you off with
I've never text walled regularly I think, and I haven't posted more than two hours a day regularly since Holla Forums
yeah, once in a while. or constantly. or somewhere in between. all kinds of posting is fine and dandy.
just start replying to more people.
The place where the blacks live is literally called lazy town.
Does that happen often?
It's happening.
This (You) sustains me.
There are not many I care to talk to.
then quit your whining.
not as much as it used to, but I feel it is picking up again
last night and a couple days earlier is when I saw it personally happen
all it takes is 2-3 thread personalities to start it~
embrace the (you)
double spacing and breaking up your sentences into lines also helps :3
Whining also sustains me.
Curry daddy (You) is best.
Yeah of course I remember you, guro. guro isn't a name I'd forget.
Here, I'll give you another post to reply to on your textwall.
Oh, I know you then. I like you.
Weren't you posting as anonymous yesterday? Prob why I didn't recognize you.
Making enough to live, and buy nice things occasionally; can't complain.
shota is nice, but traps are better imo.
Well on here I haven't either, but back on Holla Forums I used to post a lot.
Yeah, I'm thinking I might start posting a bit on weekends. We'll see.
wtf am I doing. send help.
My team is losing, send help ;~;
I usually only break sentences up in lines if they're different topics. Also, anyone who doesn't double space between replies is a shit.
That's good. Try to get to a point where you have a surplus, though. Stuff to save and invest with.
I'm saving up to move soon :x
too much
like, 3 people care about the sports you follow, and 2 of them care because you care.
there is no hope here.
Yeah, Holla Forums ate my name again.
See there they are
when I wanna be an asshole I doublepsace
disgusting. who the fuck is even like that.
well it's nice to see you in any capacity. maybe because I only see you a little bit. wanting what's not around ya know.
rip Toronto.
Who are they playing?
It always seemed like too much effort to sustain relatively superficial conversations to me.
Gosh darn it you are just accumulating more.
Throw chips at the tv
I don't want to go overboard.
I can't text wall. Only like 3 people I like to talk to are posting.
I am too on occasion, that was the joke I was going with.
It's not racist at all, clearly.
are you muu or amy or someone else?
you should
rust with me
so I don't feel like the only retard who runs out in the middle of the pitch black night in a 4x animal spawn server only to get mauled by a wolf
Yeah, I still usually make more than I spend. I could definitely be saving a lot more tho.
ok, well now that I know you're Emily, pats are oki.
It's definitely nice to see you too c:
There's too many people posting right now ;~;
you don't have to lie.
Nah just your friendly neighbourhood nignogs.
goodnight emily.
Is Kamoo still around? I haven't told him to fuck off in a long time.
Trust me, I'm not lying.
You're one of the people I actually liked.
nini. sleep well.
just curious
hope you're building credit too
Don't be silly nobody actually cares about hockey
Vancouver is my team tho
I ate them all ;;
I don't understand why. from my recollection we barely interacted. of course since the car accident I can't trust my own memory much anymore. I've had people talk to me on steam who I had literally no memory of but they knew me quite well.
Wish hi wish
hi nezi.
I totally saw that coming
curling is the only sport anyone should follow
I'm so used to you posting those petite girls
how are you?
Old man.
far more important question: how are you?
Rust does not interest me.
Of course I'm building credit.
Oh, I thought you were always a Toronto fan, no?
Nezi, do you by any chance still have some of my trips?
Well I remember a lot of the time when I was posting a lot, you weren't posting super often.
And out of thread I never really talked to anybody besides a very small amount of people; and I am usually not the first to initiate conversation out of threads.
so in other words, you can't account for why you actually enjoy seeing me either.
edmonton is tied in Overtime.
good man
that shit is so important
idk how the credit system works in CA but it should be similar to the US
can I help you there, grim?
get a load of this fucking RACIST PIECE OF SHIT
Can I help you?
your response to a question not even aimed at you, however indirect seemed quite excessive
fuck my sides
idunno. tired.
Perhaps. I shall check.
To be honest I kind of did too.
Oh yeah I do that.
Another day.
I'm not allowed to agree with statements people make, regardless of who they direct said statements to? good to know. I'll continue to give zero shits.
perhaps sleep is the answer.
I remember our interactions being pleasant, and I never had any negative feelings towards you. Generally all the posters I like I miss after not being here for a while.
Yeah, I know a few people who don't even have credit cards, and just use debit for everything. I tell them building credit is important, but they don't listen >.> They need to teach this shit in school.
Thanks. My HDD died a little while ago, and I lost every tripcode, and every thread related thing I had, besides a couple avatar folders.
hi who are you again?
I think it's our national support
My parents like Toronto but I'm a rebel
yeah but WHO cares
I do tend to not try to ruffle feathers, so I imagine most remember me fondly. not that they should. I have no substance or worth to speak of.
in no way or form did I ever suggest or imply such a statement, I was only inquiring to why you had such a large disagreement with it. I don't want to try to outsass you though, so I'm just going to re-cap this can of worms I nearly opened
Race war when?
I couldn't care less about the post that caused him to make the statement he did, I was just strongly agreeing with his statement. there is no can of worms. you should perhaps not take things online so seriously, particularly from people you know bear you no ill will.
I could have sworn you were a Toronto fan a few years ago >< idk, maybe I'm thinking of someone else though.
My dad is a huge Toronto fan too, so of course I cheer for the opposing team.
Don't say that. Like I said, every interaction I had with you was pleasant, and you were a really nice guy. There were a lot of posters who were unpleasant, so you're at the very least better to talk to than them. Don't be so harsh on yourself.
honestly? probably pretty soon. and it's going to be ugly. I'm just glad I live in a state where the minorities know their place.
I'm not harsh about myself. I'm objective and honest.
The Canucks on New Years Eve.
And my family owns property in a rural area as well so I at least have a backup against the Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
But it seems you're focused more on the negatives, rather than the positives. Think about the positives you have, while building on and improving the negative parts of yourself.
It was such a violent game it wasnt even fun to watch
The Yankees on Valentine's Day.
shit i would a Ro so hard
there's just like, barely any black people near where I live. I look forward to enjoying the upcoming race war from the safety of my home.
besides, if their previous actions are anything to go off it's just going to be a bunch of niggers looting and destroying their own communities while white people cry about how guilty we all are for stuff people two hundred years ago did and then president clinton will declare the race war over and won and everyone will wonder what the fuck was going on in the first place.
Violent? As in lots of fights?
Yeah, she's a qt.
if there were any positives about me I would be happy to focus on them. sadly, there are not. other than my bitchin' hair.
but shotas are cute tho
You're still negative when describing it, saying it gets everywhere.
Well I mean a lot of people are dicks to a lot of people, myself included, but I don't really ever see you being negative towards people. That's a huge positive imo.
They are pretty cute, but I do still prefer traps.
except I'm not? I've never really been negative about my hair. I always find it amusing when women or other men with long hair complain about their hair getting everywhere and whatnot. if you can't handle having long hair, don't bitch about it.
I'm usually too busy hating myself to worry about other people's negative qualities.
Bitches will bitch regardless.
and your point is?
no I'm serious, that's when they play them.
That doesn't sound healthy. Feel free to hate me once in a while.
I wanted to indirectly call you a bitch for complaining previously.
Stop that. You're a good person.
Yeah plus a lot of cheap shots
Oh neat
Alright, I think I've been here long enough today.
Have a good night everyone!
I literally cannot hate you. but I could probably be persuaded to verbally abuse you a bit.
how rude.
do it again.
I'll go ahead and trust my own judgement on this, as I've had the misfortune of living with myself far longer than you've had to ever interact with me.
goodnight, nymph.
kek. Like i was saying a day or two ago, montreal can have fun keeping their undefeated streak. That's real hard to do. I see they got analihilated yesterday.
bork bork
slept fine enough last night but body's still recovering I guess
Don't make it weird, Cup.
you need more sleep. sleep. sleeeeeep.
it's always weird with me, tracer.
he never even put in price lel
Doesn't have to be.
I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism In Your Yearbook
My MSN is banned, ask for it if you want it
What's your MSN?
I could be wrong but it seems like the most important thing was to give him a rest or something? I'm glad Darling isn't that bad.
How the hell many are there in the NHL? I thought it was true there weren't any black hockey players.
I have Liz Phair playing for some reason.
pk subban
it was an old poster from the OG days
Yeah I know who the paste is from..
to each his own i guess
What's your MSN
What about the opposite. Are there a lot canadian NBA players?
you never met haikus though?
MSN was better than Skype.
Guys, are we living in a golden age of circle jerk boards?
Toronto Raptors are NBA right?
I posted on 4ch at the same time but thankfully never a conversation
That's a fact, but it's not like it's hard to be better than Skype.
That's like asking if it's the "golden age of cholera" or Islam.
oh yeah.
Wait do you actually always have hit lighting on
do they have Canadian players?
I'm so sorry.
I had no idea what they looked like on that skin
so distracting ;;
Not sure.
I didn't even know this was an option until now, gonna see what it's like without
I remember back in the old days when Cholera was still good.
ah ok
Oh, probably not though
Oh wow, I find it a lot nicer
feels great man
its nearly 3am, and im awake, leveling firemaking in runescape while the bf plays dinosaur minecraft
I know someone that runs a botfarm on that game, he makes $2k a month through it
ya never know
if i did that and jagex caught me id be paying a hefty fucking fine for it
wow ur so good im big fan
I might still be arachnophobic.
Because I almost didn't wash my hands because there was a carpenter spider sitting above the tap.
funny thing that goat is a hacker
kill it then
Spiders are like super cute.
Nigga, you insane?
I see the thing and the first thing I can think myself to do is vacate immediately.
take off and nuke it from orbit?
I greatly disagree.
I would if I could.
He was a pretty shit hacker, couldn't even keep himself from becoming a flower again.
You can't say no to this cutie.
And hes back
I called it
Why are spiders so cute?
Wish I was getting bad reception here earlier at the con but the thread wanted to know your opinion on little boy penis
do iiiiit
he got hit by the feels train, had to quit hacking and rethink his life
everyone did
Now watch Bardock come back in 50 episodes.
it would bee nice mostly if they give us gine too
Cup, come play OW with me and Georgie.
no. I have to get ready to go to the movies now. I told you this.