What does Holla Forums make of Trump supporters in Texas chanting Pinochet? vid related
Trump-cucks chanting pinochet
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the white working class clearly does not give a shit about the white working class and i can't wait for their demise that turns them to the left. its only a matter of time
They're chanting for their hero, Generalissimo Peenochet, who peed his pants while bravely fighting the liberal menace.
god it almost hurts hearing this shit
They're fine with getting fucked as long as their neighbor gets fucked harder.
Bad taste for a dictator, they should chant hitler who actually acomplished something for his country. but they don't have the balls
I think you already made this post, fam: >>1448195
I think the most ironic thing about this is that most of the people that love Pinoshit would be thrown off a helicopter if they actually lived under him.
4pol is celebrating this boards.4chan.org
Something is wrong with these fucking Anglos
yet Marxists will still try to liberate them
shit taste in dictators tbh
He wasn't even that memorable other than being a US puppet and fucking up Chile's economy
There is no working class in the First World though.
t. Jason Unruhe
I can see why this man loved Pol Pot now
Why's that?
The working class has been led astray by porky's propaganda. This does not make them retarded, only confused and lost. If propaganda were ineffective they wouldn't be using it.
idk why leftypol supports conservacucks so much
bc they're working class and can be converted
Automation has made any factory job left in the First World simple supervision, workers are now managers in their own right, watching the machines and pushing buttons. Sometimes they still have to haul, but eventually even that will be done away with. The closest thing to a working class are Walmart greeters and the people who work at fast food restaurants. Any laborious jobs have been moved to where the minimum wage is low, and developing countries actively change the minimum wage so they can draw in companies.
more hope for liberals tbh
yes but you should still try
It's pretty funny because Pinochet ruined everything that resembled Chilean manufactory in favour of a commody-exporter/tax shelter service economy that they still have today while Trump promissed the opposite, whatever.
No they wouldn't you fucking retard.
The working class are those who need a job to eat, it doesn't matter how many robots are between them and their job, the third world will automate in time.
Jesus fucking wept at least you tried.
you are retarded
I don't see the point in intellectual pursuits to be honest, you might be right. I just don't want to live in this kind of society anymore, it's fucked up, the whole thing needs to be burned down.
get rid of the third-worldism spooks
you are out of touch if you really believe this.
You're the one out of touch. The robots are replacing us. Pretty soon they'll be living our lives for us. And you know what. Those robots will be us.
Roast in piss, Americunts.
I live in the first world and know plenty of factory and assembly line workers. You have zero idea of what you're talking about.
Wrong, ZOG Occupied Governmenttron. You're a tool. A specimen. Better bend over and prepare to be disassembled.
Maybe I am, I'm not denying that. I just don't think people in the First World have it that hard really, save for underclass.
Don't take this the wrong way, but are you still in college surfing on the college loans/living with your parents? Or are you actually trying to live on the best shit wage you can get?
Being working class has nothing to do with having it hard. They do, btw. Shit is shit even if there's diarrhea in another room.
I suppose I'm living with my parents. I don't plan on getting a job or working though, but I do plan on leaving shortly. Not going to any educational institution, they're pointless.
How do you expect live bruh? NEETbux?
be a nomad
This is nothing new. We already knew these people have no principles, no theory, etc, and are only in it for the edgy memes
This tbh. Does anyone here seriously believe the vast majority of these kinds of people are really into actual discussion or change? I mean really now.
The only consistent thing in their worldview is a desire for violence against anyone perceived as threatening the Natural Order (tm).
These are the same kinds of people who think they wouldn't be the first to the gas chambers after the jews and gypsies in Hitler's regime. Of course they'll chant for stupid shit.
Not a mass movement, just a couple dozen Holla Forumsacks being edgy IRL. Not worthy of serious concern.
The obsession with Pinochet always seemed strange to me. He was a puppet dictator of the US who allowed foreign business interests to exploit his nation at their leisure. Why would nationalists like such a blatant traitor?
Because they're vipers and only care about upholding capitalism
Because they are nationalists. They always like the wrong people somehow. Dutch neo-nazi's are a perfect example of this.
You can either be a Capitalist or a Nationalist, not both.
Oh wow, that was a pretty stupid post, at least it isn't going to…
oh my
White working class don't give a shit about white working class because they don't identified themselves as such, don't see themselves as such. There is little to no class conscious between american workers, and only now some kind of (twisted) class struggle is returning, with the contradictions of neoliberalismo becoming more and more apparent.
they only like him for "killin' commies"
Cuz Holla Forums's entirr existence is just them trying to piss off the left
Because they're not even nationalist.
Pinochet would probably had supported Hillary over Trump
I'm 99% sure most of them are just spouting memes and don't even know who Pinochet was or what he did except using helicopters to kill people.
But capitalism is not an absolute.
There are many varying strains of it like there are varying strains of socialism. Rhineland capitalism=/=the current anglo one for example. Now, you might argue that were protectionism begins capitalism ends, but after the criteria there are not many capitalist states on the world.
someone needs to read theory
Mao, go home.
Cringy as fuck, but not surprising.
Reminds me of this webm
Kek, is there some kind of coordinated psyops campaign to get people to read this book. I'd never heard of it before like 4 months ago and now it is everywhere.