How does it make you feel when artists or comedians you like turn out to have fascist perspectives and sympathies?
Pic related is Sam Hyde, noted Internet comedian and former Rhode Island imperial wizard
How does it make you feel when artists or comedians you like turn out to have fascist perspectives and sympathies?
Pic related is Sam Hyde, noted Internet comedian and former Rhode Island imperial wizard
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I view it the same way of being a fan of historical figures who were flawed. You can like a part of somebody and hate the whole, and it is not a contradiction.
have no idea who this is except for him pretending to be a victim of Heidecker
Yeah they had a beef after Hyde's show got pulled from Adult Swim. Dunno what it was about tbh, Internet drama is always dumb
He really is a victim of heidecker tho, and other liberal adult swim execs. He's only fashy-ish as a reaction to the liberal mainstream. He's anti-political correctness, embraces ethnonationalism somewhat but he's not full fascist. I read somewhere that he likes Noam Chomsky. We need someone like Sammy boy on the real left tho
I never liked anyone who later turned out to be fascist.
I discovered an artist I liked was an AnCap. Could never look at any of their stuff without a sense of disgust ever again.
There are layers of fascism? Lmao. You're either a fascist or not.
Then he's not.
Dude is a massive loser.
hahahahahahahaha no he fucking hates blacks and women and leftists and hispanics and asians. Like fundamentally views them as subhumans. The dude regularly jokes about nuking Israel and deporting blacks back to africa. Not that i don't think he's hilarious, i can't get enough of his material. But, he's definitely only left leaning in the same way that Bannon is. He wants jobs back here, people working, no more immigrants, no more financializing the economy. He believes in eugenics, natural aristocracy, the iron law of oligarchy, HBD racialism etc. You can't red pill someone out of that shit. They have to abandon it of their own accord. The people who come here with the "i was pol, now im leftypol" never had a strong grasp on fascist thought or weren't white (and thus abandoned fascism as a survival mechanism). Sam Geno is a fascist through and through. And i prefer him that way
almost nothing is black and white like how you put it. come on this is Holla Forums not /r/im14andithinkimsmart
this guy isnt funny though
Learn to comedy, faggot. Racist, sexist, whatever, jokes are still very funny. He said in an interview he likes black people who are a lil racist, cuz he can get along with them. Sounds like zizek to me.
lmao im kek'ing hardily right now, thank you my ignorant idiot friend
A bullet is either in your head or not.
Fascism is only untenable until the threat of communism and workers revolt becomes present. Keep thinking you're going against the grain.
Lol this is patently false
thats not ideology works you fucking retard
Then it's your bad hearing.
>being an autist you will be expelled from most universities and will have zero friends
>being an autist as a politician makes you unelectable, as a professional makes you unhirable
This is exactly how it works.
I think Sam is the mirror image of people like Patton Oswald or Sarah Silverman; comedians who used to do comedy but now just sperg out about their dumb political beliefs.
yeah he's not an ironic faggot like you. he means he likes Hotep, Black Nationalists who despise "niggers" and "spics" and "kikes"; all advanced white supremacists love racial separatist minorities.
You're fucking retarded, he has said dozens of times on twitter, in Q&A's, in his Hyde Wars videos (totally sincerely) that he despises the Jewish ethnic group, thinks blacks are fundamentally dumber than whites and that women belong at home with children. He means what he says in his comedy, the fact that its funny is a device to disarm liberals to win them over to alt right beliefs. He avoids leftists on twitter and in his social circles. All that him and Charls talk about is: Jews, SJW's, immigrants, Fags, elite pedos, post-modernism, hipster fags, nu-males that's it. They hate those things fundamentally, he's not an ironic faggot like you guys. He's being post-ironic, he means what he says but recognizes it as absurd and humurous to most people in light of our expectations. Stop being a one-dimensional thinker its fucking embarassing. He's not a leftist, he refers to The Left as the enemy and makes fun of communism on twitter constantly. I love his comedy and sympathize with a lot of his complaints about our culture, don't fucking tell me what to think about him you fucking fag
forgot to take off my shitposting flag
Show me where sam Hyde advocates ethnic cleansing without it being a funny ruse? :)
Fucks trans girls and is a hypocrite in the sense of his """comedy"""
Also takes advantage of underage girls
Good to see this dweeb burn up
I can tolerate musical artists up to a point but if they're too autistic about their political views then I don't really want to listen or interact with their work
Sam Hyde is what you get when you're trying to be political, contraversial and contrarian despite being apolitical and generally clueless about things outside of meme culture.
replacing fascist with autist doesn't negate what i said. You can openly espouse communist beliefs in school, i've done it, my friends have done it, i've seen other students do it. People will giggle and often join in because most liberals like dabbling in leftist thought. The only place fascism is ok is with humor, malicious humor and that's it. You can't write a paper about how blacks are inferior and shouldn't be subsidized and that whites should be, you'll be expelled for harassing minorities. That's real contraryanism, shitting on humanist values of equality is much more daring than "we need to stop sending nogs to prison and pay my parents to go do useless factory labor at the state's expense" which is what 90% of leftists end up asking for. You people are retarded
Show me where sam Hyde explains Hegel's understanding of the spirit? Show me where he's not being an average ameriburger consumer?
I don't think Sam Hyde is educated in philosophy or politics. He functions on high dosage of Holla Forums tier memes and autism.
post-ironic racism is not the same as faggot Holla Forumstards making oven jokes. He is not joking, he despises ethnic minorities that's why all of his humor casts them in a bad light. Watch more content or stop seeing what you want to see in everything, he fucking hates us as Leftists and makes fun of the Left (not just liberals). Ideas like collective ownership of the means of production, egalitarianism, class struggle, heterogenous culture, anti-nationalism are all things he rails against in interviews and on his little psuedo-podcast HydeWars. Him and Charls fucking hate us, they go on pol, they read Breitbart and vehemently supported Trump
sam hyde is a faggot
Yea actually he might be the "average ameriburger consumer" that's actually a good point, that's his appeal. Sam Hyde shows us why the average white male in America turns to their own brand of identity politics, to oppose the identity politics and point out the hypocrisy of the bourg media. It's very entertaining. And it's funny because the blackest niggers I know watch his videos.
My point is, he's obviously doing something right. I'd rather he be a commie but at least he's spouting anti-sjwism , not pro-fascism.
I doubt Heidecker had any say in whatever happened to Hyde.
Sadboi can't take a joke about his ideology :🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀(
^^^this is the crux of my argument, post-ironic racism is straight up racism. Its not meant to be lampooned like original pol/new/b shitposting was. Its not absurdism, its genuine reactionary beliefs dressed up with humor
Props to Hyde for getting fucked over though
I shit on humanist values quite literally by smacking some gobs I don't like.
he and Zizek exist in different universes, this comparison is impossible.
Why should he be fired for racism tho, it's not like he wants to kill other races. He just likes his own race more, because they're like him. That's not so bad. I'm sure only a small percentage of you actually like black people
Sam hates blacks tho, he hates black culture, hates stupid feeble people and hates that we share a planet with them. Jokes about seizing all the natural resources in Africa and about slavery. There is no such thing as separate but equal, if we separate its so one group can then conquer the other completely.
>>>Holla Forums
.t Holla Forums
was disappointed when i learned that james hetfield of metallica is a liberturd redneck type.
however i don't care about political opinions when it comes to music. i listen to burzum and some other local black metal bands now and then as well.
3 stages of feels
This is what happens when unrepentant polfags adopt leftism
polyps are just as much if not more our enemy than sjws nigger
How does it make you feel when a comrade you like turns out to have bad taste in comedy?
Let me guess: Sinner?
If you liked Sam Hyde then you are probably a fascist yourself (or at least a Holla Forumstard)
this tbh
getting tired of polfags in here who have barely abandoned their muh superior autism gene meme knowledge
Comedy stems from insecurity, so i wouldn't be surprised
Nice ideology faggots
Its because retards like you think of "black people" as a monolithic group
I never understood the appeal of Sam Hyde in the first place.
I don't, I just notice patterns in behavior. I act pretty "white" I'd say. But of course it all boils down to the individual ego, which, most black people are spooked into their identity.
You have no ideology if you consider yourself in any way left and like Sam Hyde. It's just a hobby to you. You can turn off your ideology to laugh alongside wannabe fascists.
My gott, I finally did it
i hate this cunt
Interesting. Does this also mean that people who like the writings of Mishima or Ezra Pound are fascists?
I'm pretty sure he's taking the piss out of political people in general.
Have you seen his twitter?
No, don't go on those websites, they're for attention whores.
True but if you see it, it's pretty clear where his politics lie and it isn't exactly just making fun of political people.
He literally posts videos of himself ethnically cleansing entire ghettos
He's a fascist through and through
Most people are spooked, period, and I'd say you're among them. Seeing everything in the lenses of "black" and "white" identities just means you are looking out for the cultural stereotypes formed from the decaying carcass of colonial society