How the fuck do you properly dock in this shit?

how the fuck do you properly dock in this shit?
i've been trying for hours now, my orbits are nearly identical, distance at best has been 1.8km, but even the smallest change in velocity to try and catch up completely fucks up my orbit

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post screen cap of your orbits

-The easiest way is to set your target to the object you want to rendezvous with.
-Get your orbits setup for a close approach (anything under 2km)
-Switch your nav ball to display velocity relative to the target.
-Now your pro-grade and retrograde icons on the ball will show relative velocity.
-Burn retro-grade to zero out your velocity relative to the target
-Use the nav-ball to point towards your target.
-Accellerate slowly towards your target(5-10m/s)
-Use time acceleration to inch closer.
-When you start moving away from your target use the nav ball to cancel out your velocity relative to the target.
-Rinse and repeat until you are 100m or so from the target.
-Switch on the RCS and make sure you set it to docking mode.
-You can hit space bar to toggle WASD between the two modes. One mode rotates you, the other mode translates you.

This isn't the most efficient way, but its the least complex once you understand it.
Alternatively you could watch one of the millions of videos on youtube explaining it. I suggest Scott Manley.

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If you've gotten that close (assuming it wasn't like a 5 km/s pass by) you've already done the hard part. You need to

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this is what i have so far
now what

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Kerbal thread?
I was always interested in this flavor of autism. If I want in is there a older version I should torrent or can I just use the most recent build?

Its a top-tier game. Its worth paying money for imo. Even if the developers are dirty spics.

To answer your question though, its made with Unity and there is no DRM so you can pirate it pretty easily.

I use mechjeb to automatically sync my orbits and then dock manually (which is fucking easy as long as you’re not mentally ill). Real world rendezvous maneuvers are handled totally by computers, so I’m not going to waste my time doing that shit manually. I’ll do what the astronauts do.

You have to match your spin with the retro thrusters

Why not just use the most recent one? I haven’t played in a few years because the spics refuse to update, so I’m going to download 1.4 (which just came out), throw a few mods on and get back to building.

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Post your space stations.

git gud you flilthy mechpleb.

Get recent it gets better every update.

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arent they working an an expansion set to release this month?

Once you're at that point you can ignore the rendezvous nodes in the map mode. Just focus on the gimbal and the normal view.
If you want to do it the easy way:
If you want to do it slightly more difficult (and likely fuel efficient) start here instead:
>find the Target icon on the gimball

Once you're really close, you can set the docking port as target. Also "Control from here" on your ship's docking port if it's in a weird place. Then you just approach slowly, preferably in a straight line, until the docking ports touch and the two ships connect. A straight approach is when the target icon, prograde vector icon and you ship's direction (the dot in the v shape in the middle) are all on top of each other.

Why did you kept writing anymore then that?

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why even bother playing in the first place?

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we did it reddit
i just wish it hadn't taken literal hours
probably should have read the rcs controls first
and apparently i put it on the wrong port, but whatever

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Yaaay threads over.
What are you going to do to celebrate user?

Nah. You’re suffering from genuine mental illness.

eat dinner?
my entire day was wasted on this

Keep your part count as low as possible when building space stations user.
Unless you have supercomputer your framerate will plummet when there is a lot of parts loaded at once.

I came back to it a month or two ago and was surprised to find how much new content was added. I started a new campaign and got hooked all over again. I figured they'd give up after 1.0. I guess NASA keeps chucking shekels at them.

I still don't like career mode, but science mode is much more challenging with the new shit (stolen from mods) they added, like communication relaying, mapping, and heat modeling. No more shooting a single probe out to the depths of the solar system to earn half your tech tree, but at the same time it forces you to earn science doing the gayest shit like running a vehicle around the KSP headquarters every time you get a new sensor. It really needs to be balanced better. There's no good reason why the flagpole is its own biome while 80% of Kerbin's land is the same 5 biomes. I'd like to see them model it more like the Mun, where there are separate biomes for unique features.

Please take this weak bait back to cuckchan where it belongs.

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Do the orbital rendezvous tutorial. In fact, it's worth doing all the complex tutorials because it's gonna be a bitch trying to trial and error that shit.

Even when you know how to orbital rendezvous properly, it's still a bastard.

Do the tutorials user, and practice practice practice. There's a tutorial specifically on going to the Mun. Getting into orbit of Kerbin is the hard part, after that you just need enough fuel. The game is kind enough to let you rewind and correct any errors in your craft. Re-entry can suck too, so don't fuck around with a large re-entry pod when you're learning, just the command module with some heat sinks on it.

Why'd you make a giant space crossbow?

i was supposed to put it on the other docking ports, and do it multiple times to make it like a circle
but i fucked it up because i'd been trying just to dock properly for hours
i'll probably redo it tomorrow, i don't think my shit is even rotated at the right angle

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Do it the way they do in space:
Slow down to put yourself in a tighter orbit, which will cause you to fly under the target object. You're going slower, but you have less distance to cover, which allows you to overtake the target.
Then, you speed up to pull yourself into the target orbit and intercept.
Orbits: you speed up to slow down and slow down to speed up.

that's pretty much what i did on the successful attempt
i was going higher orbit before that, because the current orbit is already so low that i can't skip enough time, and ironically this made me waste more time because it was even harder to get close that way

You don't need to be smart to get to the moon. It was easy even back in the old days, when the map didn't predict encounters. Just get into a roughly circular orbit, then once the moon rises above the horizon burn prograde until your apoapsis is roughly at the distance of the Moon. It might not be pretty but any trouble can be resolved with liberal application of delta-v.

Unless you meant landing in which case, yeah, that can take a little practice.

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And you can always use the orbit planner tool to make sure you're on the right track. That makes orbital manuevers pretty much foolproof, at least in the Kerbin system. Just remember to change your orbital inclination if you're targeting Minmus.

Interplanetary is a little tricker. You should use a calculator to find the optimal start position and angle for the planet you're trying to intercept.


I remember when they first added the Mun, they hadn't yet implemented Kerbin's rotation. So the Mun would always be in the same place at the same time on the mission timer. You could basically plan the encounter without using the map at all, just based on a strict timetable.

There is sense to that but half the fun is feeling like the best part of Apollo 13. So yeah, it's spergy, I guess.

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If you wait for the Mun to be in the correct spot, you can just burn straight up and get a perfect encounter with it.

I really, really suggest getting the Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod. Once you work out how to read the fucking thing it makes docking so much easier because you don't have to fuck with the camera endlessly.

Moreover, it makes it feasible to do the entire final approach from the cockpit view. Especially if you have the enhanced IVA mod that lets you use a proper docking camera.

What most irritates me about that game is how much science limits you in the beginning, then as soon as you get the science lab you can abuse the shit out of it. I don't have any screencaps of it, but I rushed for the science lab and nuclear engine last time I seriously played and ended up with a craft that, although painfully slow to maneuver, I was able to put into lunar orbit, farm shitloads of science via orbital EVAs over different lunar biomes, then slingshot out to Duna, hit the moons, get even more science, orbit duna for even more, and because I'd put landing legs and parachutes on it on a whim, I actually managed to land it on duna as a permanent manned probe that just constantly fed science back. By the time I actually landed though, I already had enough science to unlock the rest of the tech tree.

Pic semi-related, basic Duna probe from a different playthrough.

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well this one was easier, only took about half an hour to get right
i really should have done the math on the curvature though, there's no way i can make a circle out of this

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Eventually I gave up Career mode and just started to fuck around in Sandbox with hyperedit for the same reasons.

Fuck you, Gilly.

Whatever, diaper man.


Anyway, a rare KSP thread? And the day before the first ever DLC releases? Seems shilly to me.

whats the content anyway?
i saw some saturn V parts and some sojuz R7 parts
anything else?

In what reality is it shilling to not talk about or even hint at the thing supposedly being shilled? I didn't even know there was a DLC coming until this post; don't you think that's just a little bit at odds with the entire concept of shilling?

It's those new Saturn and Soyuz parts as well as a mission creation tool. Doesn't seem worth $15 to me. I'm sure some people will create some interesting missions with it (looks like you can schedule parts to fail at certain points of the mission), but still…meh.

for parts, a few pointless """historically accurate""" engines, few capsules, a solid rocket booster, and another pointless middleground radius fuel tank. the big thing is that it adds a mission/scenerio maker-editor thing, although it's kind of pointless within itself. not worth the 15 bucks, it's essentially a crappy stockalike mod they want to charge you for.

Wait, there's new content for KSP coming tomorrow? Nice. I hope I won't have to wait too long for a Linux torrent.

Just kill yourself.

Don’t get me wrong, I do everything else by hand. Launches, landings, docking, transfer burns, etc. I just don’t rendezvous by hand. Because fuck that shit.

I bet they’ll be limited to stock part requirements, which is a damn shame. Still, I hope to find a “one month to Eeloo” mission and beat the shit out of it.
Apollo 13 Simulator 2018

I happen to think you're a great warrior user ;3
don't let other mean people tell you what you can and can't do >:(

*wugs you* ΟωΟ(wuv+hug)

But the DLC is already out..
I got the GoG version from goodolddownloads.

If you farm all the biomes on Kerbin and the Mun, it's probably enough to unlock the entire tech tree.

Here's someone (not me; I fucking WISH it were) getting nearly all the science possible to get, back before most places even had as many biomes as they do, and it's already absurd overkill.