wew lad
Game Dev Tycoon adds ultra hard mode where you combat piracy with DRM
Wasn't this added for pirates from the start?
this is old af
At least they got the part where your fans hate you right.
Yes, but now legit buyers have the option to enable it.
Looks like pirates won again.
Honestly this game is really fucking boring and annoyingly unrealistic.
This only happens with games that are made year after year, nobody said this with the Crash games or Ratchet & Clank.
DRM makes is harder to be successful in the game, that's why it's called hard mode.
That’s why Game Dev Story is better than this copycat trash
Do you think that gamedevs actually realize how useless their DRM is when it comes to stopping piracy?
You'd think they would have wisened up by now.
Maybe they just lazily slap DRM on nowdays without the intent to actually prevent piracy. Maybe they just don't want to send the wrong signal
Buyfags not even once.
There was quite a backlash when L4D2 was released a year after IRIC
Developers themselves don't care about DRM most of the time. In some cases they don't want any. Its usually forced on by publishers.
But user, you're wrong. There is no joke there.
They flat out said "piracy is bad and will bankrupt you unless you develop DRM to prevent it"
I wish Game Dev Story would get a good PC version, as far as I remember the only new version of it is the phone app port.
not even that original neither
I will never understand why this isn't industry standard yet.
Buyfags get the game and that's it, pirates have to wait months for 1337 haxxorz to disable all the triggers and get the normal experience.
No internet check ups, no resource hogging or anything like that, just buy the game and play it.
Sauce on the theme song?
Most of that came from the fact the game wasn't even out in some countries yet and the sequel was already on its way.
Where is the ultra casual mode where you bribe journos (or get into bed with them) for positive reviews?
croteam are so innovative, first they invent retro shooters next they invent drm that does things in game
Unless we're talking Denuvo (and even that gets cracked within the week nowadays), there's usually a crack out the same day the game's released.
It took five months to crack spyro 3, a psone game.
All the while pirates had to deal with no gems, no eggs, or game overwriting your savefile at the very end while buyfags just played the game.
Wait, how can a PS1 game "think" it is being pirated?
DRM doesn't stop piracy it encourages it.
>oy vey you fucking consumers why can't you just accept that we need to shackle you to DRM you're LITERALLY KILLING US GOYIM YOU KNOW THAT
Does it mean nobody buys your game and in the end Russian Hackers still end up pirating your game?
It had an anti piracy system built in the game that even attempting to do anything with hacking tools would trigger it, causing the game to do all sorts of random, game breaking stuff.
Took me a while, but it's the Magica Madoka OP.
While I'm posting off-topic, does anyone know the sauce on this webm?
I've been searching forever.
I recall some games detecting mod chips but never anything that basically gave false positives on a legit console.
Nowadays PS4 is the real DRM.
First game comes out on big consoles, from which PS4 is the only one worth something. Then the game proceeds to sell for 1-2 years on it, until it gets enough money.
Only then it is given to PC pirates to get money from those unfortunate souls that would still buy it on steam.
Most importantly - it works. Company gets safe amount of return first, then sells on PC for additional money second time.
Madoka Magica's Op.
Long term it's pretty useless, but it's not meant for a long term solution because usually that ends up being DRM that causes more problems than it solves (Denuvo, Starforce). The basic goal is to prevent anyone from playing the game for free for the first two weeks its officially released since that's when the most sales are. Although with paid beta testing Early Access and things like that, I have to wonder if there's even a point to that going forward. Seems destined for the same trash heap that gold disks and major-bug free titles on release were dumped.
Devs totally do. They have to put up with it to do their job actually.
Publishers push it for a variety of reasons, among which arguing with investors, something like "see, we care about your shekels, we even bought this totally awesome revolutionary anti-piracy technology which works perfectly by the way".
It's also a way to ensure games have following : even shit games nobody cares about have achievements, community support, forums, messaging, and cash shops. Kids grow up with it, and vidya, or any media really, without it will be deserted by them long term. This is what they mean when they claim drm is "added value".
powerful philosophy…..wow…
kill yourself you dumb faggot
you remind me of my years of being young and idiot
Even they admit drm is shit so, good I guess
You're so mature and adult you must be right
I dimly recall there being something rancid about the team behind Game Dev Tycoon, but since I never intended to play it, I just saved it as a mental bookmark. I normally only do that for groups that are far left, pedophiles, or other cancers of society.
wow its like you've been here for less than a year, look at that
they ripped off Game Dev Story wholesale
really makes you think
maybe if I get a super fast connection I can torrent games so many times that each company goes out of business
It tries to read to unavailable space on the disc.
Incidentally this could fuck up and scratched discs could think they're pirated.
Also Spyro 3 was copied in less than 4 weeks you just had to order the right capacity CDs
Thanks for beta testing, pirates.
Also does this version include the malware that attempts to get your private information because the developers are retarded and forgot doxxing is illegal?
Reminds me of Valyrie Profile, its file system made it unplayable with the smallest scratch.
Good, fuck the pirates!
This was supposedly their way of making some kind of commentary about the games industry. In reality, it's just frustrating to play and becomes boring after less than an hour. They wanted to make a game that you could do well in by going about things in the most tedious way possible, but they also loaded the game up with bullshit restrictions and events that force you to constantly burn money, because this little band of faggot indie developers apparently believes that they have a deep and fully nuanced understanding of the whole industry and that their perspective on matters is correct because they read some blogs about game dev horror stories.
Game dev tycoon is basically just a rip off of this, but with more soapboxing.
How more people aren't aware of this astounds me. I had the original game on my phone for years before this new game came out and somehow became more popular.
I think people just assumed it was shovelware and ignored it, the publisher was shitting out TONS of those story games by the time Indie bitching tycoon came out.
The mechanics also undermine its point with piracy since as long as your studio isn't full of retards and the games you make are liked the supposed loss from piracy is negligible and barely matters probably the only realistic thing in the game tbh.
A lot was to do with the mod tools not being made available until well after release. From what I remember, the full tool kit wasn't released until after L4D2 was released. The forums were also quite active and it had a lot of people making suggestions to make the game less shitty (the stamina bar for melee right clicking, Charger, Spitter, Jockey and shit loads of stuff actually came from the forums as suggestions).
So instead of updating the game, they took all the refinements and additions and put most of it in L4D2 with L4D getting some updates later on down the line. Since the majority of "servers" only had the base 4 campaigns for the longest time, people were pissed that Valve (who weren't fully outed as being full Jew at the time, aside from monetizing mod projects and Steam) was charging for its first "yearly" franchise.
I mean, this was Valve releasing a sequel in a year. That shit's practically unheard of.
Is that sum bailey jay I see?
If pro-DRM fags were doctors, they'd cure the common cold by infecting people with HIV.
That might have worked in the early 2000s, but these days cracking is so popular I suspect it'd take a week at most.
L4D2 was probably the moment valve realized it's better to just do nothing while pretending shit is happening behind the scenes, and just let people burn out than to try and get rid of the valve time stigma. Then again, it's more likely that all the talent left after portal 2, and the retards working there now only care about DOTA 2 and CS:GO.
Only TPB plebs got that version anyways.
i own like ten kairosoft games and enjoyed them all
The fact that "sequels" are a thing you need to unlock first was fucking retarded. The concept of a sequel doesn't need research, it's existed since the dawn of entertainment mediums.
There's a fuckton of other shit in this game that pissed me off but that's the one that stood out most.
So, the game is impossible to finish now?
Because piracy always wins.
Actually, pirating it more or less solved the problem if you think about it, mod chip, and then make a backup of the original in a good CD, your original doesn't get worn out.
i liked mad game tycoon better
it already had this feature too for adding copy protection
They should add that feature too. Losing points for being a lazy rip-off.
Get Mad Games Tycoon instead. Much more fun and no review bullshit where it punishes you for making a good game.
No DRM either, easy pirate.
Mad Games Tycoon is slow as fuck and too much furniture micromanagement.
Wish there was a Game Tycoon game that had personality traits for employees.
This is so lazy, like a movie about making movies, but the pseudo-intellectuals love their >muh 4th wall breakage, so clever!!
Nobody said that 15+ years ago either when games had a shorter development lifecycle for a quality product. People were just happy to get games faster.
They call it "postmodernism," although even their obsession with it is usually just a watered-down version.
It's good to see content is still being put out for old games but fucking game dev tycoon of all things? It was trash to begin with and barely a game.
Besides if you're a (greedy) developer, why would you ever get upset about pirates?
To be honest, I'd rather Nu-tendo revived Made in Wario DIY
Because jews.
Honestly it's been a running joke now as it has been shown that games that can be pirated day 1 tend to sell more than games with DRM bullshit as a mayority of buyers would rather like to try out the actual product or a Demo of it before shelling out $$$ for what is ultimately entretainment media.
Heck, "piracy hurts sales" is the same bullshit on why games don't do sharewares or free Demos for their games, it's the assumption that just because more people download and try the free version than those who buy it, it also means you're losing sales. If anything, all those people who tried the game for free told all their friends about how good the game was in the first place and told them to buy it or at least try out the demo, further spreading the game's popularity and its sales further enhanced by WoM effect.
Well either that, or because AAA only trows multimillion shovelware trash with a 60$ label now along with microtransactions out of the ass, to milk cashcows over Brandnames and useful idiots who fell for the buyer's remorse meme after preordering the piece of shit.
Happened to me with Just Cause 3.
Devs have nothing to do with that decision.
I know I have a WebM somewhere in my stash with a gal singing the song (presumably the original). Gonna have a tough time finding it though.
That picture makes me erect
Didn't that protection fuck with legitimate copies of the game if they were even slightly scratched?
The wording on that should gone:
With those trips I'll just give you sauce.
can't consider anything other than the loli in your pic, user
I love you.
Post games.
Serious Sam is a game only liked by pc 'masterrace' cucks.
I'll wait until they patch in a Denuvo option that massively increases sales before I call them real kikes.