Daily News Thread 3/6

Leashes Come Off Wall Street, Gun Sellers, Polluters and More

The emerging effort — dozens more rules could be eliminated in the coming weeks — is one of the most significant shifts in regulatory policy in recent decades.

North Korea fires four ballistic missiles into sea, angering Japan and South

Some of the missiles landed in waters as close as 300 km (190 miles) from Japan's northwest coast, Japan's Defence Minister Tomomi Inada said in Tokyo.

Japan Moves to Highest Alert Level After North Korea Fires Missiles

Japan moved to the highest possible alert level after North Korea fired four ballistic missiles simultaneously into nearby waters, the latest provocation from Kim Jong Un’s regime.

Conway: New immigration order will take effect March 16

President Trump's aide Kellyanne Conway on Monday said the new immigration executive order will take effect March 16 and no longer include Iraq.

Russian Hackers Said to Seek Hush Money From Liberal Groups

Russian hackers are targeting U.S. progressive groups in a new wave of attacks, scouring the organizations’ emails for embarrassing details and attempting to extract hush money, according to two people familiar with probes being conducted by the FBI and private security firms.

Republicans expected to unveil healthcare bill this week: report

Republican lawmakers are expected to unveil legislation this week to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

A right to repair: why Nebraska farmers are taking on John Deere and Apple

Farmers like fixing their own equipment, but rules imposed by big corporations are making it impossible. Now this small showdown could have a big impact.

Breitbart was a unique driver of hyper-partisan, trumpist news that shifted the 2016 election

A team of esteemed scholars including Yochai "Wealth of Networks" Benkler and Ethan Zuckerman (co-founder of Global Voices) analyzed 1.25 million media stories published between April 1, 2015 and election day, finding "a right-wing media network anchored around Breitbart developed as a distinct and insulated media system, using social media as a backbone to transmit a hyper-partisan perspective to the world."

China unseats eurozone as world’s largest banking system

New analysis by the Financial Times shows China's banking system has overtaken the eurozone to become the world’s biggest by assets.

Juppe says no to French presidential bid but slams candidate Fillon

Former prime minister Alain Juppe said on Monday he had decided "once and for all" not to stand in France's presidential election, dashing the hopes of many in his conservative party whose scandal-hit candidate faces defeat.

European Populists Tap Trump’s Rhetoric of Trade Carnage

After decades of dismantling barriers, Europe is finding free trade comes with political tariffs.

As Netanyahu faces police questioning, rivals look 'post-Bibi'

Police are expected to question Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a fourth time on Monday in a corruption investigation that has prompted political rivals to start looking to a "post-Bibi" Israel.

8 Radical Actions across the UK and Ireland for International Women’s Day

This year, there are many events being organised in the spirit of 1917, calling for mass action from below to change conditions for women living in poverty or without access to basic rights and services.

Other urls found in this thread:


Dutch go old school against Russian hacking

A small, tech-savvy nation gives up on computers in this month’s parliamentary election.

Environmental risks kill 1.7 mn kids under 5 a year: WHO

More than one in four deaths in children under five are linked to polluted environments, according to two new World Health Organization reports published Monday.


Democrats Now Demonize the Same Russia Policies that Obama Long Championed

One of the most bizarre aspects of the all-consuming Russia frenzy is the Democrats’ fixation on changes to the RNC platform concerning U.S. arming of Ukraine.

The Myth of the Fiscal Conservative

Austerity measures don’t actually save money. But they do disempower workers. Which is why governments pursue them in the first place.

Jean-Luc Nancy: Gratuitousness and Recognition

The function of equivalence that allows commerce, interest-bearing loans, investments, and so forth is but the expansion and the desymbolization of a practice that, in principle, sublates recognition and confidence.

Disturbing New Facts About American Capitalism

New research by economists Gustavo Grullon of Rice University, Yelena Larkin of York University and Roni Michaely of Cornell University argues that U.S. companies are moving toward a winner-take-all system in which giants get stronger, not weaker, as they grow.

The murders of trans people are a crisis we can’t ignore

The rate of murders of trans people in 2017 are keeping disturbing pace with last year’s, which reached a high: twenty-three trans people were killed, by the NCAVP’s count, many of them trans women of color.

For Antifa, Not All Speech Should Be Free

Those who subscribe to liberal values are supposed to “defend to the death” the rights of their enemies to speak their minds. But anti-fascist activists, or “antifa,” believe history demonstrates the perils of giving a platform to hate – and they'll go to great lengths to suppress such views.

This anarchist and 'anti-fascist' activist is using facts to go after the far-right fringe

Jenkins believes in shaming with information. Joining the alt-right today could mean getting turned down for a job tomorrow if an employer punches someone’s name into Google and finds it on Jenkins’ website. His slogan: “Hate has consequences.”

In Defense of Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism embraces the working class of our time, and as such it provides the locus of the only potential resistance.

America’s Brutal, Forgotten History of Illegal Deportations

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the country carried out a wave of illegal raids and deportations that affected as many as 1.8 million people. Are we on the verge of making the same mistakes again?

The February Revolution and Kerensky’s Missed Opportunity

The February Revolution is one of history’s great “What if” moments. If this revolution had succeeded in producing a constitutional democracy in place of the czarist empire as its leaders hoped, the world would be a very different place.

International Working Women's Day


Reminder that animu pics make anything 100% less relevant.

I definitely think fiscal conservatism is pure faggotry, but Jacobin makes some bad arguments.

conservatives would just reply thats why we cut welfare aswell

I just lost my job because my office went through a merger - now we own 24% of the market!



Sorry to hear that man.

I'm not american, how is the political climate there? Is there actual outrage about these economic changes or is it just idpol garbage as usual?

Dems are entirely focused on a mythical Russian bear. They are letting the economic stuff slip under the radar.

No, generally nightly news won't talk much about this. There's not enough spectacle involved so most Americans, especially the voting ones will remain ignorant until it personally effects them

Capitalism is running its way, profits are still "unnaturally high" but once these go down(but what if not?) we will have a major crisis of capitalism on our hands. Capitalism learned its lessons after the twenties but it seems like they didnt learn anything from 2007/8.

There will probably be a massive economic crisis before 2020
The world economy never really recovered from 07/08, remaining stagnant at best for the majority of people, which is a major problem since you need consumers
It's already started a feedback, personal debt has skyrocketed and retail stores are starting to feel the pain as well, there's a major wave of shutdowns, layoffs, and bankruptcies ongoing right now

The crisis of capitalism began decades ago (when the dotcom bubble burst), we are now witnessing the final stage where the global MCM cycle is interrupted by local porkies to try and protect their own profits through tariffs. Since this interruption is happening in America, the brain of the global financial network, said network will experience a major stroke and be unable to recover.

Make no mistake, Trump WILL pass a tariff. It's the one thing he needs to get reelected, and the big players like GE and Dow will be able to cut their competition out of the US market completely, which will give them monopolies causing them to make much more profit compared to a perfectly competitive global market. The rest of the world will try to preserve, but without American consumers their industries will start to fail and protectionism will spread.

This is not an end to the MCM cycle, but it makes it much easier for individual people to fight as the bourgeoisie will be isolated and against each other.

MCM cycle?

I really hope we wont have a major crash till 2025 or even later, just slow agonising with capital piling on ever fewer profitable sectors, hopefully renewable energy. With the abillity to localise energy production(leading to a disruption of the world wide energy trade), automatisation of the transport sector, automatisation of low level intellectual middle class jobs, a few more years of leftists organising, increasing pressure from climate change, more scientific advancement avaible to fewer people we might actually have a chance.


Nope, it's probably happening within the next four years. Also climate change will cease to be a major problem as global trade causes the low-end factories in the third world to close down, causing mass poverty (leading to less automobile and electricity use, thereby causing more poverty). Renewables will continue to be too expensive until countries start taxing fuel (coal and gas) imports (which is inevitable, as gas companies start turning on each other due to declining revenues).

Just admit it. It's over. We are fucked. The one thing left for us to do is hope humanity's extinction doesn't take longer 2100

iirc factory slowdowns across asia led to a 10% decrease in emissions in 2015

Time is ight but porky is not going to gie up that easly.
We ned to forsee whatever they try to do to avoid their downfall

Good Luck Kim

Renewables will remain too expensive until entirely new tech is invented.

A power plant is already cheaper with RE, has been for years. Grid integration is expensive though, and the more RE you have the more expensive it becomes (pushing 50$/MWh in Germany as of 2015 which has the largest buildout, their 2016 throws a damned divide-by-0 error because their buildout didn't actually result in more power). Either actually affordable grid storage that doesn't just suck up hydro power capacity or genuine off grid tech (no the fucking powerwall doesn't count, day-storage isn't sufficient for getting through the winter) is needed.

Porky doesn't have to give up, in fact we want him to work as hard as plausible because all his energy will be devoted towards destroying other porkies. First it's trade protectionism, then it turns into naked fascism as monopolies form and countries become imperialist again. The end result is a workers' revolution, like it was in 1917 in Russia.

Renewables are really cheap allready, problem is electricity networks(hampered mostly by NIMBYism, so it wont be an issue with enough political will) and storage which is still exspensive but there are allready quite a lot of very promising methods. Even electricity to hydrocarbon transformation is advancing fast. More and more nations will understand the massive geopolitical advantages that energy independece means and will be willing to invest the needed amount of money into it. Turning it into one of the few fast growing, high yield sectors encouraged by the state motivating a lot of investment in a low profit enviroment.

There is imo a reasonable chance that human civilisation might survive and that the catastrophe might actually bring the seeds of socialism. Like said , capitalist crisis might "save" the planet. China is waking up too.

Porky will justify its existence with security and stabillity, so we have to fight surveilance and censorship infrastructure so they cant surpress socialist movements effectivly in the name of stability.

We have to spread the idea and narrative that people are very capable to organise themselves outside of porky nations and defeat nationalist class collaboration. Governments realising that imigration is caused by climate change can be used to undermine nationalist rethoric and redirect anger at the porkies instead of brown people.

Another huge issue is the danger of liberal ecology activism placing the moral burden and responsibillity on the individual while preaching abstinence in the face of growing inequality.

This just leads to resentment towards people tying to protect this planet. What we need is a clear message blaming capitalists, not the worker and encouraging collective positive ecology.

NIMBYism doesn't hurt renewables, it helps them. California has high rates of solar usage because NIMBYs demanded a tax credit for it. San Francisco went a step further and now requires all new housing to come with solar. In effect, this helps homeowners eliminate their own power costs while raising the cost of entry into the housing market. The net result is more profit from rents.

Which is why renewables have made it this far, at all. Americans aren't installing them because they care about some vague climate science that may or may not have been proven, they're doing it to make money. But due to how the system is structured, it's not economical for general utility companies (who supply most of the proletariat and most industries) just yet.

note: by "how the system is structured" I mean the MCM global trade networks that allow utilities to simply import fuel from other countries like australia or saudi arabia

That Boing Boing link stands out like a sore thumb. Please don't do that.

In Germany all the major energy providers are seeing the signs and have split up their dirty powerplants into seperate companies so they dont have to pay for cleanup costs and can let them die controlled without hampering the future proof renewable energy section. Due to the geograpy of Germany(wind in the north, solar in the south) power lines are extremely important but NIMBYism is slowing that down a lot. There are pretty amazing stories about how powerlines create autism n shit.

While the way the energy transition was structured in germany was basically a tax on the prole consumer directly given to porkies it managed to create a market and dropped prices(German solar market was like 1/3 of the global market for a decade and was a giant stimulation for the industry). They are shifting to a concession based system now that drops subsidies somewhat. Still profitabillity is high in the market and I am hopeful that Europe can get its collective shit together regarding energy, fucking over Russia on the way to.

Complete and utter garbage.


Not but quick googling seems to generally support that assumption. Also China closing the dirtiest of their factories to reduce air pollution seems to have an impact too.

Pic from and older study from 2009: cccep.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/PPBowenetc-economic-slowdown-emissions.pdf

I will have a quick look for more recent papers.

thanks m8

god, I hope not.

Why dont you go ahead and kill yourselve. I really fucking hate you retarded people that dare to call themselves leftists when they are just emo whiners incapable of seing the beauty of human civilisation and its potential. Your just a drag that is even worse than fascists, tankies, lolbertarians, and even Posadists, you deny your own humanity and declare billions to be worthless out of sheer selfcenteredness. Your parents failed you, you failed yourselve and you dont even manage to feel bad about it but rather publically whine and blame everyone else. Every edgy punk smashie deserves more respect than you.

this tbh

My outlook on the human condition has nothing to do with my political label. I call myself a leftist because I support and agree with leftist causes, which brought about my disgust and cynicism about humanity as a whole. "Beauty" is a spook. I see no beauty in a mass of petty, egocentric and ignorant zealots. And no, I do not differentiate myself from the whole, as you seem to assume. The only difference is that I admit the pointlessness of it all.

90% sure its the op posting this in every thread

oy vey!

Maybe you just project your own retardedness onto the outside. You cant agree with leftist causes if you want human civilisation to end. Cynicism taken seriously is the ideology of the idiot, its giving in to capitalism.

Also read please actually read and understand Stirner so you dont sully his memes with your antihuman bullshit.

Don't know where that article went.

This is the press release from WHO who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2017/pollution-child-death/en/

Searching for the headline there's a ton of sites carrying it, some sort of purchased content. Probably they forgot to pay their bill and got an angry takedown notice.

A copy, though the WHO press release is probably a better source anyway.


Of course I can. I want them to come to fruition, but the chance of it happening are so negligible that I much rather humanity to go extinct rather than the alternative.


Just for the record, when it says 'Trump is rolling back rules that protect drinking water'

A) He isn't

B) These rules aren't actually about drinking water

C) The EPA is going to kill thousands if not tens of thousands of people with these rules because they force alternate technologies that increase air pollution.

Do you have actual counterpoints?

What are you looking for here?

References, elaboration, etc.?

You can read what Trump is actually ordering on whitehouse.gov. Something the press seems incapable of. He told the EPA to examine the rules. Which will will keep them from doing anything else since I had to go through a 400 page document just for one tiny part of the clean water ruleset.

Said one tiny part of the ruleset was rules for keeping once through cooling towers (which is mainly a saltwater thing, and thus has fuck-all to do with drinking water) in operation. Since the rules basically require lowish (by OTC standards) flow in order to get approval its going to shut down coastal nuclear plants, but leaving up (and triggering new build) of coal and gas plants. See the above links about 500,000 kids a year dying to air pollution for why that's a bad thing.

That's an incredibly narrow interpretation of what the "waters of the united states" rule has purview over, which is what the EO aims to revoke.

Though hopefully this time there aren't super powers to try to subvert the movement.

We are literally going to be dead or red fam.

A major crisis looks better and better all the time TBH. Maybe automation will actually save humanity rather than doom it after all?

Not for a while. There will a really long period of decay. All I'm asking for is that it happens quickly

No, its a counterexample to the NYTs narrow interpretation.

I only click on animuu pics

That's a crock of shit. I need a proper reference for C.

Yeah, a counterexample that requires the EO to be fundamentally different from what it actually is.

We're getting a crash at the beginning of next decade, so things should get interesting. Hell, there getting interesting now.

Have you actually read the EO, or have you read what the corporate press claims the EO is?

I garunfuckingtee you haven't read any of the actual rules, or the EPAs own analysis of the effects.

Be careful what you ask for. Posting my docs one at a time cause the EPA is so cumbersome trying to post them all at once breaks posting functionality.


Have more but they're over filesize limits apparently lol.

What a pretentious claim.

Hardly, it'd take some next level autism to read this shit without a paycheck being involved.

I understand you're not actually trying to be contentious but there's actually a link to EO text in the article in question itself so the assertion (that people didn't read any of the rules) is basically that the person in question didn't even read the article.

My core claim is that the article is itself false (likely incompetent not malicious, but false). So reading the article doesn't do much.

Ok, but I'm saying it DOES link to the relevant text. I'm not debating the merits of their analysis of it, but it's not difficult to read the article and stumble on the relevant sections.

I never said it was impossible to have read the EO. I said it was impossible to know whats in the EPA rules.

I actually have read some of the rules and I don't know the whole story. Like would these rules have prevented the Flint fuckup? That'd be a legit reason to worry (if trumpw as actually cancelling any rules) but I have no idea. Roads aren't my domain, I don't know if the EPA mandated less corrosive road salts be used or not, and can't figure it out given the level of effort I'm willing to put into that.

The short answer is no, and I warn you against getting too into the weeds with the literal text of the EPA rules/regulations considering that the alignment between text and enforcement is much more loosely associated than most people are comfortable admitting in most cases of national law.

the establishment is rolling over for trump b/c he's making the rich richer.
leftists continue to have no real power, and are too scared to start a civil war.
the poor apparently love trump b/c he's a loud-mouthed bigot or something, i don't really get it.
i have a "hang trump" bumper sticker & i get death threats and my car keyed almost daily. i live in the south.

Trump has pretty much neutralized the democrats russia narrative, by negating it with the wiretap narrative.
Now every time russia is brought up, the wiretap will too.
I think a lot of liberals haven't found it in themselves to realize that trump is the president 4 realzees and has access to classified info, and isnt just some guy who shitposts on twitter

FBI said there was no wiretap, and called him out. What is he going to do now?

keep saying it anyways?

Who cares? Who made the headlines?

…and that's a winning strategy to stop the russian narrative how? The implication from is that it "neutralized" the narrative by fighting back with a real impropriety from the other side.

thats cute

everytime they bring up russia, trump people bring up wiretap

Wow, internal investigations teams BTFO. How will they ever recover.

Imagine the modal Southerner or Appalachian as a leech who views everyone else as leeches while viewing himself and his family as noble, upstsanding, hardworking Real Americans. Nothing makes him happier than seeing other leeches, especially those who are brown or female, get fucked by authority. It has been this way since before America was even a country. Why would it change now?

he literally got it from a couple brietbart articles

The wonderful thing about a secret court with secret warrants is that its impossible for the FBI to provide evidence that's innocent of using said courts.

liberals are exactly like that too.

The mentality is different, they view themselves as moral crusaders who need to right the moral errors of others, by force if necessary. See: Puritanism all the way through modern idpol.

it's a secret court, not illegal court. it doesn't make them guilty of anything.

They didn't learn their lesson in the '20s either, they were forced to change.

It's not

Nice try, OP, but now you've fallen for my trap and revealed you are also a board volunteer.