Been a while since I played some vidya's, Recommend me some good ones, Holla Forums.
Some good games to play with friends on PC (Preferably Steam)
Doom 2 multiplayer
Quake 3
Fightan games
you really don't need anything else unless you're a huge casual.
Lost Planet 2
Tower unite is good if it weren't so expensive for what it is. There honestly aren't that many fun multiplayer games. Civ I guess? Play 5.
You redirect like this
Shameful display. Now check my dubs
party games are fun, namely smash
I agree fellow redditor, Tencent deserves our money
What a poor quality thread.
Specify exactly what you're looking for and games you're already playing/played that fills the quota.
Also give specs so people can give you either unoptimized last gen AAA games or good old toaster compatible emulators.
Are you looking for games to play together on a single PC, LAN games, MMO-esque multiplayer games?
Anyway to play this without emulators?
If not, what's the best version to emulate?
100 orange Jews
Braindead 2
If you actually have a group of 10-15 friends to organize with, play SCP secret lab. shits free.
Otherwise theres nothing on the market in the last few years that seems fun to play with any amount of people let alone yourself.
vermintide 2 and deep rock galactic, both are fun when you play it with friends
Shadow Warrior 2. I mean, I've only played the single player mode, but it was pretty enjoyable, and I know it has co-op, so I'll just assume the co-op is also fun.
Battleblock Theater.
I hope you realize you don't actually get to own the shit you pay for with Steam and that Steam reserves the right to change their ToS on you to fuck your legal rights up the ass and your only choices will be to hit accept or lose your entire steam library. See:
Steam a shit and you're a nigger for whoring it.
Any game shitty or not is good with friends.
Lies, everytime I have to play games with friends feels like a job
They're in constant social interaction so I have to speak and speak and shit. I don't want to speak, less paying attention to their bullshit. I just want to play games
And the EULA of every console also says they can brick your console whenever the fuck they want. It's never happened so it's a fucking invalid argument. Also:
If something in a ToS or EULA violates the law. They cannot act upon it or else they'll face legal action, dumbass. They can't fuck your legal rights.
Sure, they'll change ToS just like that taking away games of every single person using their services without even one repercussion.
(1) and done gj op, you could at least thank some anons for suggestions
ITT: Ignorance
Now read the replies to that post.
Oh of course they could do that, it's not like there will be backlash or anything right? Bitch please there's no chance of this happening and if you have any fucking idea about how business works, even theoretical knowledge you could fucking figure they wouldn't just take away people's games. Guess the public relations term is unknown to you, volvo is perfectly fine making cash off steam. There's not a single thing they need to change and it will keep bringing them cash.
Nobody and i fucking mean nobody is stupid enough to fuck up money printing machine like steam
Steam already changes their ToS fairly often. You just get a pop-up asking you to accept the new ToS. If you go out of your way to inform Steam that you are rejecting their new ToS, they will delete your account. If you skip out on accepting the new ToS but dont go out of your way to tell steam you reject it, then in 30 days of time you will be considered to have automatically accepted the new ToS. It's all in the ToS. Basically Valve reserves the right to come up with new legal terms and limitations for the use of their service and your only choices will be to swallow it or get fucked. The clause pushing the class action lawsuit waiver was dropped on consumers in a ToS change too.
Valve doesn't take away people's games. They change the terms of service and tell you have to either accept this new legally binding ToS or lose your steam library. You have to try to refuse the new ToS and get your Steam library cancelled, but your only choices will be to accept the fact that Valve can keep changing their ToS on you in legally binding fashion or get your whole library voided.
Bitch please it already happened. They pushed in the bullshit anti-class action lawsuit clause in a ToS update and that's all legally binding now. Your only choices were to hit "accept", do nothing (ie. automatically accept in 30 days), or go out of your way to inform Steam you refuse (lose your account). The backlash over this godawful shit was minimal.
There was a lot of shit about Steam being cancer when it was first released but these days game journalism is a sack of shit that doesn't give a damn about the consumer's rights or even what makes a good game. It's all shit-tier zero effort low quality bullshit. And the major forums are shilled with marketing plants performing damage control or otherwise hyping up steam so idiots keep buying it and sticking with it.
Last ToS update was August 2017, btw. What are the odds your account was older than that?
But all of this boils down to
Kinda like all other services in the world? What could they possibly change in their ToS that wouldn't bring community uproar and lessened my ability to play games I've paid for?
I'd like to hear a suggestion since as i stated such situations seems impossible to do, maybe you know of some methods i dont know.
Also i've checked just because you asked, i've made my steam acc on 14th march 2009
"Forfeiting your privilege to use the service" is an indirect way of saying "You lose your steam account and everything in it." (They also point out you won't get any refunds or steam wallet disbursement.) When you get steamshit, you don't own the shit you buy (because you buy "subscriptions" allowing you to play the game and not the actual games themselves, this is how they legally weasel into fucking over your property rights, by framing it so it was never your property to begin with - they go out of their way in their ToS to point out you get no ownership of the products you pay for) and they reserve the rights to change the terms of service on you. Also if Steam ever kicks it you're going to lose all your games (If you ask valve, they'll assure you they have contingencies for that, but never mention what those contingencies are, but I'll just tell you right now that Valve's distribution agreements never allowed them to release the shit DRM-free, so it'll most likely die when the DRM platform dies, like what happened to other DRM download services when they died).
Basically they can keep fucking over your rights or if they want to be complete dicks insert new fees and requirements down the road. That's because every time the ToS updates you have to accept the new ToS or forfeit your library. As I said, they already fucked over your right to a class action lawsuit. Nothing is stopping them from making more anti-consumer clauses in new ToS.
You mean the valve dicksucking morons, the extensive marketing shills, and the spineless videogaming press? Valve should be raked over the motherfucking coals for the way their ToS operates and the way their anti-class action lawsuit clause, but you barely hear shit about it. Gamergate needs to rev up some more imo and start targeting bullshit publishers and companies instead of just the godawful spineless press.
Anyway, what all this shit boils down to is pretty simple:
Don't buy fucking Steam.
Also read the goddamn Terms of Service before you sign up for shit And buy your shit from a DRM-free platform if you can.
Fuck off already
If valve did something that was jewish enough to warrant enough backlash they wouldn't do it in the first place.
Try that sentence again in english
if valve did something that was stupid and pissed off a majority of their userbase, most people would go "haha wow this is fucking gay what the fuck stop" then valve would lose money.
That sentence was perfectly understandable too what the fuck
It's like asking a business to hinder themselves even though they're doing well.
No they wouldn't. Valve already does things that are fucking retarded and people still put up with it.