post rare zizeks
*schniff* Dildo. *cough*
Why is he so cute, bros?
he looks /fa/ here. nice style daddy zizek
looks kinda metrosexual and gay
leftists should start dressing edgy again, as Zizek himself suggested
zizek weston chandler
but I don't like the look of 21st century anarchists either, with piercings and dyed hair and other faggotry
asuka has such a nice round ass
superior aryan genes
Do you guys realize that he tried to became main commander of Slovenian army?
How about dressed in nothing but gym shorts, powerful chested, wielding machetes and assault rifles, muscles bulging, proud, ready to annihilate fascists?
he's also ran for president of Slovenia and got like 34% of the vote
there's something wrong, user, there's something wrong.
I didn't know the 80's were part of the 21st century tbqh
he looks like chris chan
this is hilarious, it's almost trumpian
you ever been to a narcho meeting? its exactly the stereotype that Holla Forums and tankies make of them
[spoiler]I'm ancom but I despise 90% of anarkiddies[/spoilers]
That's not how you do it newfriend
poore ideologee, mein man
btw he's the opposite of blake's newton
all materialists are Blake's Newton, literally all materialist thinking is Newtonian and falls victim to the separation of body and spirit and Blake abhorred.
you are though, none of you have any solutions that don't involve death camps, mass executions, deportations, ethnic cleansings (unintentional or not) and state violence. Your ideology hides behind highly refined theory but expresses itself as absolutely mechanized state violence on a scale that would put even the worst Chinese Imperial regimes to shame
in what sense?
You mean Cartesian?
gulags aren't death camps, and they're not necessary anymore anyway.
class war means killing the ruling class. this is perfectly moral and justified.
first you complain about mass executions, then you complain about mercy.
didn't happen. ethnic cleansing means deliberate targeting of an ethnicity, period.
ooooh noooo, anything but violence.
I just slipped up, I'm not a newfag
yes they are, they're intended to work people to death and liquidate unwanted populations. stop lying. You couldn't just kill all the reactionaries, you would end up gulaging most of them.
no its evil and psychotic to kill the ruling classes. They're not worthy of death, they should be dispossessed and left to wallow in the absence of their faux power
deportations under pain of death are not merciful, you're a psychopath if you think that
it did happen, in Ukraine. You can deny it but you will create unimaginably bad karma for doing so. I hope you understand the price of disrespecting 4 million lost souls. My heathen friend
you're violent because you're a coward, you don't have the will to take what's yours or to stand firm against your enemies. You need an army, the masses and a movement to unleash your primal urges to murder your fellow man. You're a spiritual peasant, a criminal, a liar and a fool.
Descartes was considered the ideological beginnings of materialism, as the mind was gradually left to psychoanalysis and then neuro-biologists while the body and matter became the main focus of philosophy and science. Blake despised all materialism and Cartesian thinking. He was an organic spiritualist, someone who viewed the flesh as living spirit and spirit as invisible flesh. A holistic and organic thinker, not a dualistic and mechanized thinker (like his Newton).
good worker, you can be 15 minutes late tomorrow morning.
You clearly didn't read Zizek.
You clearly don't know about his attitude toward Hegel's idealism, and his understanding of marxism in its relation to Hegel.
He's bitterly opposed to the modern vulgar materialism and conventional atheism and believes that today revolutionary materialism in its purest form - materialism which leads to meaningful action - is accessible only through the most radical idealism, since the post-modern "ultra-realism" is an elaborate hoax which must be and shall be overcome. He's the most staunch apologist of the Germanic idealism (Blake being one of its most important figures).
murder is murder is murder, if done in any context other than immediate self defense against immediate impending death or violence you have committed an act of murder. You have dehumanized another living being and debased yourself as a human.
Hegel's idealism isn't Blake or Schelling's idealism. Fuck off, commie idealism is completely fucking different
It's not some game of "ism-"s, idiot.
what did google mean by this?
Yes it is, they aren't the same thing. I fucking hate Hegel and find his theories of history and social organization to be repulsive and idiotic. I also hate Zizek and Leftist """"""idealism"""" it shares nothing with Blake or Schelling's idealism or Berkeley or any other great thinkers. Fuck off.
I can't wait for you guys to get liquidated by anarchists who don't want you raping their wives and stealing their food. Its going to be delicious watching all the stirner posters getting hunted down like rabid dogs
They have almost nothing to do with the left, commuism and revolutions, unlike Hegel and Blake. You should find a nice conservative board and get the hell out of here so you will not embarrass anyone.
Come on, cry some more, idiot.
Do you know what Anarchism is, though?
I abhor communism and the revolution is a vulgarity spoken of only by cowards who don't have the resolve to confront the source of their oppression. None of you save for a few stirnerposters and disparate anarchists have uttered a single word I could stand behind.
grouping a beautiful, divinely inspired soul, a paragon of this species like Blake with a murderous, pedophilic, authoritarian crypto-fascist like Hegel is embarrassing. Why don't you go read Blake a little more closely, he was opposed to the State and especially the state that Hegel advocated for. Ironic that the left doesn't see Hegel as a prelude to Fascism like a I do.
Anarchism form the Greek An-Arkhos or "without chiefs/rulers". It denotes a form of social organization that lacks direct hierarchy, rulers or a state.
They objectively weren't. Most of the people who went to gulags came back out alive. People only really started dying unnaturally during WWII due to shortages.
It's evil and psychotic to let them live. Unless you want capitalism to come back over and over again, prolonging everyone's suffering.
All the Batista assholes in Florida seem to be doing fine.
ayy lmao, this one specific famine that happened in Ukraine while there was famine everywhere was an ethnic cleansing, even though it didn't even get rid of the Ukrainians.
*tips fedora*
What are you doing here then, faggot, satisfying your masochistic urges? Come on, suffer some more faglord.
Fuggen ideology DDD:
what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
uhhh what
you would not be able to garner support from your supporters who are not unhinged bloodthirsty sociopaths like most of the vanguard will be. They will ask you to show mercy, you will end up having to gulag most of the reactionaries, liberals and troublesome right wing religious folk. Since the gulags are what killed most of Stalin's victims, not actual death squads, its probable that these gulags would be used to slowly but surely liquidate these unfixable populations. A mix of psychiatric/MKULTRA style mind control "reeducation" torture, hard labor and terror will salvage some of them; but, many will be unsalvagable, in fact millions will be unsalvagable and will end up dying from exhaustion or exposure or disease within the gulags. Effectively rendering them death camps, which is what they are. They shoot you if you leave, they execute/torture you if you refuse to work, if you resist reeducation you are punished or executed. Its a death camp, the most successful mass extermination of humans in world history. While the Nazis were more efficient at killing racial/class/national enemies with their SS methed out death squads, they never touched the scale of mass murder seen in Russia or China. Only leftists are capable of mass murder on a scale of hundreds of millions. Therefore gulags are death camps, death camps are devices of mass murder, all state socialists and marxists tend to advocate death camps; therefore death camps are an integral part of marxist social organization. Rendering marxism a death cult, or at least a terror cult. Which is why its so hilarious that people on here think they have the moral highground compared to fascists. When you all would murder someone for not wanting to let go of their ancestral farm land or not wanting to let their kids be seized for dorm/communist education, or not wanting their wife to shared with the vanguard troops or not wanting to give up some lumpen activity that triggers tankies (which there will be millions of examples of). You all know this, implicitly you are aware of the hundreds of millions who will resist your hegemony, violently if necessary. And you all know that your revolution would require mass murder to achieve. Which is fine, be honest about it. i like the Nazbols and some of our tankies because they are blatant and open about their desire to liquidate a large portion of the population. I despise fascists and communists who deny this key aspect of their ideologies, the death cult aspect. There's a whole subsection of the alt-right, frog twitter in particular, that is totally honest that they want to genocide a huge portion of the human population. I've met leftists that think Stalin should have killed more people. I personally don't oppose full on death-cult communism, it would be fascinating to watch it flourish. Though as I've said to another poster on here, if any of you come after me I will leave a trail of dead commies for you to come find me with. If you leave me alone when you guys have your glorious cH1mp0ut then I won't bother you.
highly debatable, considering 20-30 million people were murdered and most of them died in those camps I would say 2/3 people survived them.
I'm kek'ing so hard internally i might give myself a seizure, you're using THE EXACT SAME EXCUSE THE NAZIS USE FOR THEIR HOLOCAUST DENIAL. I'm beyond horseshoe theory here, this is some metaphysically stupid shit right here
I only care about the species and the biosphere, I don't care about normies or whether normies suffer less under communism. If their liberation requires murdering people who've committed no crime against me, I am opposed to it. I won't allow the mass slaughter of my genetic relatives just to placate sociopaths. You won't get away with it either. The public will turn on you
The ones that Castro didn't kill. And Castro was far more lenient than Stalin and Mao were, far far more lenient. He is my least reprehensible example of commie strong men, I personally like Mao the most. Simply because he had the will to destroy so many for the sake of his vision. Which is admirable, though evil.
The Nazis didn't kill all the Jews, that doesn't mean that their version of statism didn't involved ethnic cleansing and genocide. The Ukrainians were targeted by Jewish, Polish and other minority officials for extermination and repression. They were victims of a terrible evil and to deny this is to disgrace yourself. You should be ashamed of trying to downplay the crimes that the Left has committed against the species. Just as all holocaust deniers should be ashamed of themselves. Its unbecoming
I stand by what I said, you're a weakling that's why you cling to insect revolts against monstrous demonic capitalists. Instead of freeing yourself, caring only about your own safety and freedom, you pretend to want to liberate an abstract class from another abstraction. Its the thinking of an empty vessel, a hollow bug man
Reading links that other anarchists post, discussing news with anarchists and enjoying funny anti-capitalist OC. That's it, I cringe every time I read anything relating to theory or socialism. You have no idea how pathetic socialism is. Truly no idea how weak you are for wanting to become the pets of some perfectly engineered 'A Brave New World'esque machine construct.
We are all social democrats regardless of how many radical meetings we attend to nor how much of leftist literature we consume.
Even I don't think that the Soviets starved Ukraine to get rid of resistance. Sometimes I think that liberals only screech about the USSR's crimes because they're afraid that, if they were to calm down for 5 seconds and think about things, they wouldn't have real, non-hypocritical grounds upon which to criticize it.
{{citation needed}}
Everywhere around you in your daily practices
Truly liberals are pathetic
You call others cowards yet you yourself cower behind "the public" at the mere thought of revolution. You pretend to care about your "genetic relatives" yet the thought of claiming what is rightfully theirs disgusts you. You talk of "karma" and "horseshoe theory" yet you accuse others of using baseless abstractions. I don't know if you think you're some kind of noble aristocrat of the soul or some shit, bucko, but what you definitely are is a hypocrite and a dumbass.
It's already happening with a revolution or not.
Look around you fucking primmie.
Capitalism is a better system. Just admit it goys.
So how did Zizek end up as a commie philosopher after running for President as a liberal?
i don't cower behind anything i don't want to help you people build hell on Earth. The system is unstable and will collapse of its own accord. Socialism is a Trojan Horse. I hold most people's ideas and behavior in contempt, i view everyone as capable of changing. I don't think anyone whose given up on others would say that.
no suggesting it can't get worse or that we already live in the worst possible dystopia is a tactic that utopians use to justify their even worse version of hell. This was discussed on alt-left twitter multiple times. It can and will get a lot worse, what you all are proposing is 100x worse than our current situation