Are you ready to grow up yet Holla Forums? When will you realise your authoritarian pipe dreams are only that but dreams?
The love of liberty, life, freedom and democracy is the only path to enlightenment.
Are you ready to grow up yet Holla Forums? When will you realise your authoritarian pipe dreams are only that but dreams?
The love of liberty, life, freedom and democracy is the only path to enlightenment.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fig. 1: socialism explained by capitalists
Fig. 2: capitalism explained by socialists
Holy shit I want to bash that guys head in.
au contraire, my classcucked friend
capitalism explained by socialists: in-depth analysis (see capital)
socialism explained by capitalists: muh proper tea, muh freedumbs, muh iphones, 1000 trillion million personally strangled by stalin
America got to its position as a world superpower by being good people, not by clinging to contemporary meme values, ironed and credited out by men that have never worked a day in their lives who have only wanted supreme power. The regular American, the proletariat, the American aristocrats all fought against the British to preserve the natural rights of men. They valued freedom and democracy above all else, and they fought against the tyrants of other nations to give prosperity to other peoples of the world. They accomplished what all forms of Socialism has been trying to emulate for the past 100+ years. Not a dissolution of the classes, but an absolution of them all. The American worker backed by the American aristocrat, backed by the American worker.
And in the 250 years that America has existed, has it faltered? Has it been taken over by any enemy, foreign or domestic? No, it has stayed true to the values of the constitution and the republic and that is all that has ever been needed.
Forgot to sage
i kek'd
For you.
Stopped reading there.
interesting looking game. thanks for the link
Why did most "attractive" women in old paintings have weak chins?
why does he wear the mask?
I am dealing with children who won't see to reason. Nevermind. America has toppled countless regimes of the dastardly and damned before and they should continue doing so less the world fall into the savage abyss we have not seen since the Roman Empire fell unto itself. If Communism, and the various forms of Socialism are better than the various forms of Capitalism, why is it that the Soviet Union no longer exists but America, as it always has been, still does? Why is it that the Capitalist state which exists, apparently only to treat the ordinary man as a slave, is more prosperous and free than that of North Korea's Juche reformist despotic regime?
Because broad jaws are masculine and back then they actually celebrated women's femininity. Instead of today where strong independent women of color are beautiful only when they do manly things, like have hairy pits and lift weights.
It's the difference between
Liking women that act like women = fragile and beautiful
Liking women that act like men = stronk and handsome.
I love Capitalism alright, I just love Socialism more.
Your petty Liberal values will descend into fascism if we don't intervene anyway.
Kek'd again. Thanks mate, you've just made my day
Are you ready to grow up yet /liberty/? When will you realise your shitty bait threads are only shit?
I'm not sure it's /liberty/ ( )
Spooky shit
It's pics related not muh weebshit kpop plastic surgery almond face, which is what I'm sure you were thinking of.
I thought market socialism was seen as more of a run off of capitalism. I guess its socialism when it suits you, capitalism when it doesn't. But I ask, where are all of those movements now? The Zapatistas are all but irrelevant, lost to their ways of an indigenous and localised movement of Socialism with the resignation of Subcomandante Marcos. YPG are nothing but terrorists, who have constantly accepted aid from America and her allies, but have returned the favor by talking ill behind our backs and fighting to preserve an (albeit secular) tribal tyranny. Even given independence in 1970 (in the form of an autonomous region) under the tyrant Saddam Hussein, where they would keep their culture and language - something which did not exist in places like Syria, Turkey or Iran. They repaid this by committing acts of insurgency and terrorism against the Saddam regime. In 1979 following the overthrow of the Shah, they reverted back to a form of religious extremism and committed more border raids and acts of terrorism against Iraq and during the war, even after being given autonomy, they fought for Iran against Iraq.
Simply put, Salih, Barzani and others simply use the promises of freedom and independence as a lure on a fishing hook, rallying Kurdish tribes to commit acts of atrocities against Assyrians, Armenians or Shiite Kurds that know better than to put their trust in fools. Kurds, for the most part, are petty, presumptuous and juvenile people and the YPG/KRG reflects this.
Holla Forums tier
Turkroach detected.
Subcomandante Marcos never resigned. He only changed his name you enormous faggot. Btw EZLN is going run a candidate in the next Mexican elections
About the YPG being a terrorist group, what the fuck are you smoking?
The picture that
posted didn't have a girl with an ugly jawline like your pics, but I would still call it a weak jaw.
You can go to any extreme and make it look ugly, but that doesn't change the fact that large jawlines are associated with masculinity and weak jawlines are associated with femininity.
No, that's what a weak jaw is, a receded lower mandible, not a "small chin", which is what you seem to think it is.
I'll admit, she doesn't have a case as bad as the pics I posted, but her jaw does seem to be somewhat receded into her neckline, giving the impression of a mild weak chin.
At this point you're just arguing semantics. Whether you call it a weak jaw, small chin, tiny lower face bit, or a minuscule mandible doesn't change the fact that I answered your question.
The reason painters used to paint miniature mentums on women is because it's considered feminine.
Years later and we still don't have sources for these claims.
So people governing themselves through local councils is tyranny now?
Syrian Kurds =/= Iraqi Kurds. Learn your history.
There's as much difference between the two as there's a difference between French people and the Quebecois.
The YPG wasn't even around during the Saddam era.
FYI Barzani isn't in control of northern Syria
This includes RECESSED jaws, as well as small chins. The smaller that area of the face is the more feminine the face appears.
Are you being this thick on purpose?
A weak chin is a receded jaw, into the neck. That is different from a narrow jawline, which is what you're talking about.
The first refers to how far the jaw portrudes from the neck. The second refers to its general shape and how it frames the face.
Cenk, is that you?
I am aware of this. All I'm saying is that receded jaws are more feminine, just like narrow jawlines are more feminine. They are two different things that have the same or similar effects.
Let me break this down for you.
You proceeded to tell me that there is a difference between the two while posting ugly pictures of VERY recessed jaws.
I, still talking about recessed jaws, said that recessed jaws don't have to be ugly to be considered recessed jaws.
You assumed I didn't know the difference AGAIN and proceeded to tell me the difference AGAIN.
I said that both small chins and recessed jaws have the same effect no matter what you call them.
You for the THIRD TIME assumed I didn't know the difference and proceed to tell me AGAIN.
I even drew a fucking picture for you.
holy fuck lmao i hate this country
adam smith:
so autistic he forgot to wear pants sometimes
muh invisible hand lmfao