Attacking our opponents

Is it ok to attack old people now?

Over the course of these few mouths it has become increasing clear that the only way to fight fascists is by attacking women ,children and frail old people. Forward comrades the great leap forward must prevail!!.

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw^tfw

guy was literally trying to pick a fight, cant be blamed if someone obliges

back to Holla Forums classcuck

I agree. Talk shit get hit.


It's like you don't even want revolution, user.

Age isn't a shield.
If you try to start shit, don't be be surprised when someone does something about it.

Stupid class cucks are gonna complain about beating up fashie children nest. Talk shit get hit. Next time I see an elementary school kid wearing a maga hat Ima do my duty to fight fascism by caving his skull in. I fucking hate fascist class cucks.

Bunch of class traitor kapos.

check out this tough guy

If society hasn't heard our warning by now then they deserve to be attacked and beaten for standing in the way of progress.

Cry more faggot.


elaborate roleplaying going on there Holla Forums

webms pls.

nice try pol

nah it's just more shitty smashie praxis.

t. pol


stop using this word

Yes. Why wouldn't it be?
