What can we do about the New Atheists?

These guys are literally cancer. However, most do have some leftist tendencies in domestic affairs. Do you think they can be saved or are they too far gone?

Introduce them to philosophy.

you can always just kill meme harris
He'll understand, just tell him your good intentions in murdering him

they need to be thrown into a thunderdome, where they all have to disprove the existence of god or they can't eat. And then they starve to death and we never listen to them talk ever again

Get them to read Murray Bookchin. He was an atheist and militantly pro-reason. I actually have thought before that if a lot of New Atheists read him, they would probably find a lot of value in his ideas.


I guess in the sense that "neocons were originally on the american left" this is technically true. Otherwise, fucking lol


new atheists are leftist as in they're slightly more left than the new democrats on welfare spending.
The problem with new atheists is that their concept of rationality is the liberal status quo. Question the free market and most nu atheists will act like a young earth creationist who just discovered paleontology.

Nothing made me cringe harder than watching Harris literally use "Clinton and Bush meant well with their military operations because our culture is good, and they wouldn't lie to us" as an argument. Not to mention Christopher "wtf I love the Iraq war now" Hitchens. How does anyone listen to them unironically?

I think its because Hitchens and Harris play the part of "intellectuals" pretty well. To someone who is new to politics, they sound intelligent so people believe what they say. Also their reverence of atheism and "science" gives people a sense of moral and intellectual superiority to hold on to.

meme harris is actually intelligent

being intelligent doesnt mean you have any fundamental understanding in how people or societies interact

Yeah but completely dismissing any objective, neutral scholarly study of religion (when in any society on earth it's pretty integral to understanding at least an aspect of local culture) is just being stubborn for no reason. It's like they all just want to virtue signal how hard they don't believe in god and that's it. I just don't see the intellect in that. I guess it's our fault for not having enough well-spoken, interesting speakers. They all either come off boring or are hard to relate to.

He certainly owns a thesaurus and is a capable enough speaker, but his credentials are vastly overblown.

an intelligent move when trying to get morons to buy your book

No one actually working in the fields he talks about has respect for him. He hasn't even done any actual neuroscience since doing his PhD thesis, and regarding that load of pseudo-scientific trash that was his thesis, he didn't even perform the fucking experiments himself, another researcher (1 of the 5 involved) did. he basically just wrote the discussion/abstract/results sections, which, if you read them, contain almost nothing substantive about the science of the actual experiments (which he didn't perform) as if it were one of his books (namely the moral landscape, which similarly purported to be in some way scientific, but contained mostly uncritical speculation about subjects other than neuroscience). It's entirely possible that the man has never even done a single experiment as a scientist, seeing as he went from earning a PhD to writing books criticizing the low-hanging fruit possible, religion(and still he finds a way to suck at it). And to top it all off, his moral framework is completely unoriginal and full of problems (while also being a worse version of 100yr old moral frameworks). There is a reason, indeed there are many reasons, that neither professional philosophers nor professional scientists take him to be a credible expert (if they give any thought to him at all). He's just a pseudo-intellectual, eloquent shitpig.

Don't deny that at all, but given the background to his work and book I'm hesitant to give him the credit on that. Dude bought his way to a PhD largely on the work of other, more capable people, using funds set up for him by other people based purely on his connections.

IDK what your gripe is with calling him intelligent, because those dumb little papers with letters on them dont actually mean anything, regardless of how much work you put in getting them

What? My gripe is that his "networking" largely consists of sliding out of the vagina of a wealthy TV producer. After that he got coached and herded every step of the way.

Assassinate them.


Mill never asked for this

Aren't marxists new atheists too?

They criticize them for "bombing for democracy", while they want a world conquest that would inevitably bring bombs to those countries too, ridding themselves of the muslim power structures more brutally than the new atheists ever dreamed of.

There's a pretty clear difference between "we support these people emancipating themselves, violently if need be" and the neocon "bomb them into the modern age" apologism.

There is literally nothing wrong with calling out the contemporary left out on their disgusting apologeticism towards patriachic iron age doomsday cult. Absolutely nothing.

What do you mean by can they be saved?

It was the contemporary left that rejected the resurgence of anti-theism.

wtf I love the iraq war now

What does this mean then, how many people would need to on board for the communists to say that they need to be helped with bombs?

The clear differences I see is that new atheists do no want to conquer the entire world in a new-atheist world revolution, and that they want any and all those that conflict with their ideology to be destroyed.

Yeah, they just want to maintain the neolib order. Thanks for your input, #ImWithHer now

You should be, as we all know, communism comes after capitalism, so bringing countries into capitalism brings us closer to communism.

t. Hitchens. Iraq is now closer than ever to communism because of all that capitalist freedom we brought them. Marx would be proud

So Marx was wrong and it is preferable that places of tribal-religious backwardness should stay that way because people believe they will burn in hell forever and ever if they rebel against it, and therefor won't.

I like this admission, communism is for white people only, it is only them that are susceptible to it and it should therefor be them alone who have the revolution brought to their bourgeois.

The problem with new atheist idiots like Harris and Dawkins is not that they rightfully criticize the left for being too sensitive about Islam, we should be absolutely ruthless with it. But what they do is present themselves as centrists, presenting us their dream of a Western society that stands for an enlightened culture in which free speech reigns supreme, which is a lie they tell us and themselves.

If they were truly ruthless, they would not make it their vendetta to attack Islam and so on, they would exercise self-criticism about Western culture as well, they would criticize liberalism, atheism and for example when it comes to Harris also Buddhism, which he almost idolizes.

Look at Charlie Hebdo, the terrorist attacks in Paris, where the public narrative was that Muslims are backwards and such because you cannot even ridicule Mohammed there, while our society is open. This is not true – try making a joke about the Holocaust for example and you will be met with social rejection, because every society has known and unknown taboos and to a certain extent this is a good thing. In the same way these new atheists try to present themselves as open and impartial, when they have their own biases they ignore in order to attack that which is foreign to them.

Lol no you dipshit. Imperialist invasion is not the same thing as "bringing capitalism" to the people being exploited, and the fact that you think it is means you're a troll or a retard. Probably both.

That's not how commas work, liberal newfriend.

What's wrong with them exactly? Anything that destroys religion is fine by me

lol good luck with that
it's like they're perpetually 15

You're a dumbass.
Iran, Pakistan, etc all were Muslim and much more progression decades ago. Women were able to go out with their hair loose, etc. That changed with Iran's Cultural Revolution.

The US supported Islamic fundamentalism as proxys to do their bidding and look at where the Middle East is know with Saudi arabia exporting an extreme view of Islam to keep the other countries down.

I repeat, decades ago many of the countries there already had progressivist characteristics and movements. This shit changed with the West's neo-imperialism.

You have a very simple understanding,reddit fag


Oh god these were my heros in highschool…
Why are they so anti-philosophy? D:

Most adults understand that "ends justify the means" is a retarded position to hold on social change. Especially when they're proven to not be effective at their goals. If your goal is actually the abolition of religion, these counterproductive dipshits are your enemies anyway.

"muh rational logicks"

i completely forgot about this tweet holy shit

'Analytic philosophy' is imperialism in disguise.
Prove me wrong.



This is pasta btw.

I don't get this butthurt
They're literally the most likely group to become leftists.

Would bang tbh

I don't think you know what an atheist is.


Liberals need to go back to reddit


American imperialism is a fucking meme

People telling you you have to go back to reddit is a meme, it doesn't mean it's not true.

What's your issue with new atheism?

sounds liberal

the real meme is believe that social-democrats can become real socalists "because some of their ideias are leftists, kinda"


Harris and thunderf00t are the best at triggering unironic trumpcucks.
How is that not enjoyable?

Hitler and Mussolini are the best at triggering unironic liberals.
How is that not enjoyable?


it is true tho

end your miserable existence already, clown

really probes the frontal lobe

We can sacrifice them to the gods of volcanoes and the abyss, we'll throw them in pacific volcano and the Marianas trench to appease the Lovecraftian nature gods that are being angered by our transgressions against nature.

Atheism+ go and stay go