So after all the patches what are the pros and cons of FFXV? After watching this combat video I’m interested. Is the pc version worth acquiring?


No because the game is still shit

There are no pros of playing a shit game where you can win if you hold down the attack button. All of that extra flair means fuck all.

Yes it is. You can't win by holding the attack button, only morons claim that. I mean, you can if you outlevel the mobs comfortably. If you want to use all aspects of the combat system, it's not really easy.

I fucking dare you to go do a hunt and while you're fighting the mobs 2 groups of imperial soldiers spawn, try to win by holding the attack button.

Don't get it on PC, I checked the steam forums and there's a shitload of people having problems with crashes, slowdowns and whatever the fuck not. Rigs don't matter, fags with 1080tis encounter it, let alone guys on worse computers. Wait until Squeenix makes a patch, if they ever do.

The game is over 150 GB of size on PC, that's just fucking ridiculous.

Just wait until Skyrim 2 releases and takes up 200GB while being smaller than every Elder Scrolls game before it.

100 GB
150GB with the 4K textures
I'm really getting fucking sick of writing this for you fucking cuckchan newfags

Automata still has performance issues from day god damn 1. They won't do shit.

How the fuck am I a cuckchanner for not knowing that?

I have a 4gb 1050ti, ryzen 1400 and 8gb of single channel ram and I get an average of 40 fps with most things on high. 0 crashes, no stuttering, playing with vsync on.

Enjoy your goyworks enhancements

They're all off, fuck that shit.

Okay, you might be one of the lucky ones, but there's even fags with 1080tis having crashes. Some people get them after a few minutes, some every hour or two, but they happen and they do exist. One just needs to write "crash" in search of either technical or regular forums to confirm,
Also literally everyone drops frames when using summons. The port is shit, face it, but it might yet be salvaged. It being Square Enix who's responsible I doubt it.

Do not give Square Enix money, in any shape or form. They need to die.

I will not end my FFXI subscription I've had it since US release.

It's fine I guess. I finished it in a day because it's pretty much how these games play in my opinion. You can't beat it by holding down the attack button alone, you must also push the block button when it tells you to. It's a joke as far as combat is concerned. The story is a bit of a mess but it's ok. If you like FF then go for it. If you aren't already into FF you might want to make sure you try it before you buy. Also Square just admitted to putting profit above making good games, so maybe the other user I replied to isn't so wrong after all.

The faggots at SE that are doing some of these localizations need to get their heads out of their asses, no one finds these funny. They do these sarcastic descriptions in DDD as well and it is just as bad.




There are no pros worth of playing the game for.
And buying it is only for idiots that fall for marketing ploys.
Download the soundtrack. That is all.


Nick @ nite gif .. yeah that's about how old it is….

I played XV with JP audio and EN subs, and it was annoying the shit out of me how often important dialogue is changed and there is no reason for it. I wouldn't be surprised if boob physics are also in JP localization along with no black characters.

I am having loads of fun with it. I guess i won't give you any advises, but here's what i like and dislike about it:



This game is 50/50 between good and shit. There are stuff that good, but this golden nugget of content is covered with some open world boredom. Its good for relaxive casual play, with short 2-4 hours play sessions until you get bored when doing simple questing, but do not expect RPG from it.

How the fuck you never block, parry or warp? That's quickest way to die. That's aside partner commands, king's arsenal summon and magic explosions. Do you play on "easy"?

Yo those graphics suck ass. That on low?

Its 900p on original PS4 with FXAA, that's something to consider.
PC version has textures extremely detailed to the point it made faces look weird.


does the story not make sense after watching glaivemaster or w/e and the 4 part anime? i've considered buying but i heard those were pre-req

Obviously the face texture is fucked and the cells are way too large and obvious, but it's not that far out there that a skin texture would resemble the texture of tanned skin. Not to defend how the actual texture looks, it's awful, but I'm just saying the comparison is a bit weak.

Why the hell would you buy a Square-Enix game?
Wait for piracy.



anyone have a proper torrent link. Piratebay has been down for several days and skidrow's link isn't working.



It's not fine it's a pile of shit. Quit making excuses

I'm curious, can you argue against vid related?

There should be a condensed version of this.
That being said host guy's reaction when he sees Omen trailer for the first time in his life live is priceless.


Skip to 1:22:35
Dude just fucking dies inside in real time.

Played the demo. While the combat isn't something I'd necessarily call great, it's definitely not as simplistic as some made it out to be. In fact its biggest problem is lack of readability, In fact it feels like pic related. It's pretty enough, though with a huge depth of field problem. Being developed for PS4 will do that to you I guess. Open world elements definitely feel above ubisoft shlock and the camping is a really neat idea. Overall, it sure as shit feels like an improvement over XIII.
The biggest problem, though, is clearly the cast. The boys band idea is trash and its execution is too. The only one that can stay is Ignis, everybody else needs to be purged and replaced by cute girls or actually fun characters. I'd go for the full version only if I had the guarantee to get an actual good player character cast, and obviously it's not going to happen.

Improving over XIII is not a good point.
A bigger is still a turd

Ignis is the worst one, though. Kill them all and make the party Aranea and the dudes from the movie.

What caused this to happen?? Why was there the story change?? I agree with him about what is 15.

Too edgy. First they wanted it to be mature-rated game, but then (shareholders) changed their minds.
Too much SJW bullshit going on at the time. So they cut Luna's story almost entirely.
Constant directors switching.
A lot of shit we don't even know about.
It's worse than MGS5.

First, it was originally meant to be a 13 spin off, but that became clear it wouldn't sell, so they tried to make it stand alone, but then got duke nukem forever'd and couldn't stick to a single game style, thus remade the game two or three times before settling on what we got.

Dunkview was alright. Good judgement too.

Omen trailer shown a "demon inside" kind of cliche, this edgy shit isn't good. FFXV ended up being bright and completely not edgy opposite to its original trailers. Or you really wanted a naruto with Sasuke becoming a demon?

Yes? Except that shit in anime always ends up being nice and fluffy and everyone is good friends in the end because that's how DBZ set it up decades ago.

What it could have been is a demon redemption story where game starts with protag killing luna and the going in road trip to remember and atone for his sins ultimately sacrificing himself to undo what his family been fucking up for generations.
Now THAT would be good.

You know deep down the true reason for story change was open world. You cannot make open world game with huge changes in characters personality without sacrificing it with linear progression here and there. Same goes about that city fight, it would had been huge linear part of the beginning of the game, where you only could run towards goals and see cutscenes. Reminder that the game was also supposed to be connected to XIII.
Everything NEEDS to end nice and fluffy so you can continue exploring the world post game.
Also has anyone noticed its a trend? MGSV, FFXV, motherfucking Dynasty Warriors 9, all those games are shit one way or another, and all of those have open world as the main "new" mechanic. I call it "JOpenWorld", new trend that will never end now. Expect Persona 6 in open world, Dragon Quest in open world and Yakuza 7 with drivable cars.

Everyone fucking dies in Nier Tomato, but you're free to go back and finish any unfinished business because gameplay>story.
Yeah same with zombie shooters, survival games and now battle royale. It's called trying to cash in on the fad. It's always too late.

I think this vid probably explains at least part of the reason the story is so fucked, even if the source has severe brain damage.

He's kinda hot.

They get better.

Pros: Go on road trips with your bros and camp at night. Combat can be fun, especially when you unlock the unlimited air dodge perk, but that takes a fuck ton of points. Story might draw you in.
Cons: Game becomes extremely linear after the first area. Ending makes the game feel rushed and the story unfinished. Just a general underwhelming feeling once you beat it. Also stupid sidequests like finding fucking frogs
tl;dr it's nothing that special, wait for fitgirl repack

Not really, it's still devoid of meaning. The writers should read some existentialism philosophy books and make a game that has something to say instead of this masturbation you posted. There are some things that are terribly hard to say, and the human brain function at a higher efficiency when concepts are put into stories, video games with an emphasis on story should always take the opportunity to convey concepts that would otherwise be too opaque to understand, like what Nier did in both 1 and 2.

I don't have enough fedora memes for this post.


There is absolutely nothing too opaque too understand about a man who fucks up a humanity failsafe system because the two women who are supposed to safeguard it were the stupidest bitches in existence and helped him fuck things up instead of stopping him or even explaining the situation.

You know, i was just playing FFXV and seen stuff from Omen trailer in Noctis nightmare. Funny to say it was cut exactly where the whole plot line of killing Luna begins, with white doggie dying and noctis falling through the ground.

Attached: Ardyn Izunia.png (1848x1036, 1.55M)

Which is somehow better than You have to follow MUH DESTINY even if it means killing you, your friends, your kingdom, and the main badguy who wants to die but at the end it's somehow a victory because MUH DESTINY?
Unlike the backstreet boy dressed characters that get sad over characters dying that the audience has no reason to care about them
I wanted the original vision Nomura had
I wanted a full story
I didn't want a hacked up game with cross media, DLC ridden, MMO implemented horseshit

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Sorry user. But that's a shit taste right here. Maybe original vision of Nomura was so shit, Square executives stopped him like Konami executives stopped Kojima.

Also you know what's the most amazing thing? We never had this talk when FFXV came out on PS4. Everyone on this board is a pirate.

Why do i have a feeling that FF16 will come out for the PS5?

It will be announced this E3 with 900p mode being available only on PS4 Pro, and PS4 original being 480p.
You hear from me first.

What makes you so sure that Nomura's vision is shit? We've seen him do good shit with kingdom hearts combat and there is proof with the video that SE heads fucked up FFXV. What proof do you have on your end to the contrary?

Because you're wrong and they will be peddling out the FFVII remake episodes by that time

Because its Nomura. After XIII i no longer respect his decisions.
Lets review Hajime Tabata, handsome guy, likes big titties, likes when character succeeds instead of "becoming a demon", like spending time with friends before hoes. On top of that made Prompto propose to Cidny.

Attached: Hajime Tabata 2.jpg (590x927 92.96 KB, 342.76K)

I am in no condition to doubt that "definitive edition" of FFVII remake will arrive on PS5. That will contain all episodes together. Like FFXV has Royal Edition that has all additional DLC episodes.

I dismiss SE president's claim as there is clear evidence that he changed nomura's original vision. Dismissal of Nomura doesn't mean you have any evidence.
Brings some actual proof next time bitch

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I don't understand you. First you protect Nomura, now you claim dismissal on Nomura didn't change Nomura's original vision.
I don't give a shit about Nomura. That's my answer.

I said YOU are dismissing Nomura with no evidence that he fucked up FFXV while I dismiss Wada and Tabata's claims with actual evidence behind it.
Context nigger. both of you pic related

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All I see people talk about is Cindy but she's garbage compared to all the other female characters. She dresses like a slut because that's all there is to her.

user, i wish i had ability to show you how slutty FFXV female NPC dress. They have fucking ass cracks. Its just i don't have flash USB card right now to transport PS4 screenshots.

Oh, then it'll be really easy for you to source an event when she acts like a slut in game.

Actually you know what, here it is, got it.

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20180309222630.jpg (1920x1080 350.01 KB, 323.08K)

I'l post a few more shots till i get bored.

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I guess they didn't got that delicious cup noodle recipe.

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The "Omen" related stuff happens around the "Dark Coulds" achievement.

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This game even has its own Char that dies as a first boss in red mech.

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Okay, that's enough, you got the idea.

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I enjoyed it tbh. It's far better then people give it credit and a step in the right direction, the real core issue was its file size and the lack of meaningful depth in the combat.

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Is that multiplayer mode any good? I gotta wonder why they did it, but I'm guessing it's similar to Monster Hunter.

I don't play muliplayer games and don't own any of the DLC. I imagine it is like Monster Hunter if Monster Hunter painfully easy only had two buttions and everything was automated.

are you for fucking real

Depends what you mean by this, limit break spells in this game make "godlike" summons look like a joke.

Attached: limit break.webm (640x360, 2.13M)

Yeah I've seen this it's fucking degenerate. Maybe I have watched too much pastor Anderson but ass cleavage is disgusting. At least the food looks delicious. Shiva (oracle form forget the name) Aranea and Luna look great without being degenerate too. Not that I mind say Shiva but there is a time and place for looking like that. Not in fucking public.

Do people actually care about file size? Seriously? Who gives a shit as long as it's content. Storage is cheaper than ever.

Wew. Pseudo piety showoffs nowadays get angry at virtual panties? Grow up. Real life degeneracy is far worse than that.

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What Credit do we need to give it when It has the funding and talent of one of the biggest companies in the business and every aspect of the game has been done in other games?
What steps did it need to take? Why did it only "step" in the right direction after 10 fucking years?
How am I supposed to read "lack of meaningful depth in combat" and think they're going in any right direction?

Attached: canttakeit.PNG (539x232, 42.07K)

What makes you so sure that Nomura's vision was shit?

I ignored all of the arguments here and pirated the cracked 3DM version.

With an 8GB RX580 and a Ryzen 1600X I have all settings on high or highest at 1080p and get a stable 60fps.

The game is not a pain in the ass grindfest so far, and I have fun when I am playing it.

There's no grinding because main quest is underleveled compared to levels you gain from completing side quests.
The game is designing about rushing the story in about 20 hours maximum.

Attached: snapshotting.jpg (1920x1080, 357.29K)

It runs like shit for me.

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The power of the GT 730.

Still waiting for the crypto currency bubble to pop.

You sure that isn't a PS1 horror game?

It will never pop. Good riddance nobody mines on video games consoles in 2018. Yet.

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You can win any JRPG by holding x if you outlevel the mobs.

This game actually has some spooks, they are just placed very cheaply in dungeons.
Did they redesign goblins mid game? I see strange pictures of blue goblins i never seen.

Attached: goblin.png (544x644, 233.2K)

To be honest I might be playing silent hill, cars and leather edition.

What was so (((problematic))) about Luna's original story?

That was apparently the point of the Versus XIII story even before it became XV. The recent Mognet Central leaks (which may or may not be real) followed this idea when Noctis tries to use Umbra's time traveling powers to alter the past to fix all the fucked up shit that happens and fails. It was supposed to be some moral about how you should just go along with destiny. Never mind all the other fucking times the past was changed in Square Enix products, or how many other times they had a moral about defying fate. They did the same thing with failing to alter the past in FF8, but they shouldn't have repeated that because FF8 was shit.


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I heard you can't kill women in theatrical actings anymore. Even classics get re-imagined, like some piece my parents told me about got rewritten that instead of a cheating woman a cheating man gets killed out of revenge, when in original woman got killed.
So maybe you're right.

Can't kill a woman in a video game. Especially woman that wasn't necessary "evil".

Attached: FINAL FANTASY XV_20180308012358.jpg (1920x1080, 174.62K)

You don't need to be a fascist to fucking despise homos user. Stalin confirms this.

are you?

I mean that the combat is challanging enought to warent whatever complexity it has. If a game has a sophisticated system somewhere but all you need to do is hold Circle to win ever encounger then it really is not "meaningful" in any sense of the word.

Yes. Are you from another planet? The tech bubble died in the 2000 and is now a Zombie living off planned obsolescence. This shit is just another way to push unnecessary hardware. The entiere PS1 liberary is less files size then this single game and All 721 SNES games is under one GB. Why the fuck does a developer demand that much resource requirements when the game isn't even fun enought to warent the investment.

Do you know what a figure of speech is? Do you realize that generalizations do not apply to the particular and that when I make one, it does not mean (you) in particualr? That possibley I am talking about the general negativilty and bad faith rhetoric labeled against the game which I ironically enjoyed dispite it being largly flawed?

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So you didn't mean anything you said in your last post but you go right back to doing the same thing and defending it even though it is shit
There is no protection for you for liking shit. You have shit taste and you deserve all the mocking and ire you get. You're on a video game forum on a fucking chan, explain your reasoning and prepare to get shit on when you're wrong. Also learn how to fucking spell.

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Do you actually have a salient point are are you just trying to refine your big net deep ocean fishing? Because in both cases (you) fail buckaroo.

Attached: Grahams Hierarchy of Disagreement.png (1000x857, 202.64K)

How about the people who like FFXV just like it without explaining why it is such a good game and all the video evidence and cross media marketing showing how SE turned it into a gutless skinner box is largely ignored.
My questions to you are already listed in the statement you replied with. But apparently you like stuff cause confetti flies out of your ass like most FFXV fans and you defend it because…just cause.
I'm trying to see what is so great about it, but FFXV is a shit game for shit people as far as I can see

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the annoying faggot who sings the FF victory music is the same guy who voiced spiderman in the 64 game i think

I'm not angry and yes it is worse IRL, it's just disgusting.. It's like the difference between a tasteful eroge where you play a male and another where you play a female. The latter is always fucking disgusting and whorish.

Pretty sure most real fascists would not just go on a killing rampage either. I always thought in reality they would probably take the position of George Lincoln Rockwell.

So I'm guessing you're just choosing to ignore the list of pros posted in this very thread.

People on Holla Forums who like playing the game to form an opinion for themselves instead of watching a video to conform to the opinion of another? God fucking forbid.


Its not a good game. I naver suggested it was a good game. I said I enjoyed it and saw potental but its broken and not worth playing. That has always been my position on the matter in ever thread on the topic. Also you really stink of summer or at least you are flesh of the cuchchan boat because you are trying way too hard to fit in.

Rockwell was a faggot who had no ideological conviction. He was not a True Believer.

You are mistaking Rockwell for Richard Spencer and Mike Enoch

I naver suggested it was a good game. I said I enjoyed it and saw potental but its broken and not worth playing. That has always been my position on the matter in ever thread on the topic

You're getting too autistic for a final fantasy game. Since FFX it was a series with questionable decisions, but it always worked in market's favor, especially now.
Reminder that video games are nothing but a way to waste your life, and the only thing that different about that wasted time from game to game is your level of enjoyment.

And yes, this time around main quest was shit. People who play FFXV divide into two types. The ones who rushed towards MQ, and the ones who didn't. One type completed game in 20 hours, the other in 120 hours.

Attached: Initial D.jpg (606x729, 60.14K)

No, I'm not. If his stance was anything less than criminalization with severe punishment(labour camp, exile, execution if nothing else works), he's a faggot sympathizer.

With the final fantasy audience I would kinda disagree but I do see your point on how I consume this thread. Also we're on a chan as well, these suckers are fair game
Maybe we should question the decisions SE makes because they are making shit games like this. Maybe the people who are arguing against me would like to defend SE questionable decisions. Maybe I play video games for my favor and not the markets. If that is the reason you play your games then you might be a fanboy.
So is posting on a chan and trying to deal with a supposed autistic guy.
So they should be able to explain their enjoyment without just getting buttblasted someone is saying they have shit taste. If you're going to spend your time playing videogames you should at least be able to extrapolate why you like them. And if you're on a fucking videogame forum at least be able to have a discussion on aspects of the game without having one guy who thinks otherwise crash the discussion by asking "how come this isn't shit?"

Also a lotta (1)'s defending this game. Have you noticed that too?

Attached: here.PNG (1200x650, 689.35K)

ignis is a better character than the mc imo
infact, all of them are
noctis is a real brooding bitch
its a good broventure game i think, but im simple to please with pretty open worlds and travelling and just hanging with the bros


do you no understand how the english language works? Don't you realize how that statment impies generalities. As in its "far better then what people generally suggest but it has flaws". Its like you conviently ingored the part where I say:
>the real core issue was its file size and the lack of meaningful depth in the combat
So are you applying black and white thinking in order to win some karma on an tiwanies basket weaving forum or are you just pretending?

source please, or are you just schizophrenic kike?

You talk like redditor.

Noctis is probably Lucifer.

im only on chapter 12 so im probably going to get spoiled if i stay in this thread too long but i was more upset over iggy losing his eyesight than luna dying
also the downside is this seems all the twists are just super predictable

If he didn't want the gays worked to death, shipwrecked, or outright executed, then yes, he was a faggot sympathizer. Ask the user who brought him up. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah.

How about people have generally suggested that this game was a shit pile and you have stated nothing that would give it more credit than just "a pile of shit".
Once again. FFXV is a shit game for shit people

and you post like a bitch

so how does it run after the patches? still like shit? is it still a blurry mess with pop up everywhere and what seems like shit tier AA?

I'd wager most faggots are influenced by environmental factors such as soy products coupled with a heavy push by the kikes to place them on a pedestal as something to be looked up to. Not saying you are wrong, but if society fixed the problem you wouldn't have anywhere near the amount of fags to deal with, and that goes far beyond putting a bunch of fags back in hiding.

Its as if LARPing as a National Socialist is mearly an affectation 4u.

Why do you think you are entiled for an explanation? Do you really think acting like a petulant contrarian is all it takes to fit in? Didn't you just say
this is you last (you) savor it kiddo

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Actually yes. I would expect an FFXV player, in an FFXV thread, on a videogame board to explain why he likes a game so much when piles of evidence shows how they just played a pile of shit.
I hope all the smug anime girls eases the pain of realizing that you invested 100 hours on a shit game

Attached: hahahahahahhh.PNG (474x346, 171.31K)

I'm not a nazi, or a christian, I just fucking despise faggots.

At least Noctis isn't the FF version of The Man Who Was Cucked To Death

Attached: cloud cucked again.jpg (781x692 674.08 KB, 464.84K)

The gameplay is so bland and unrewarding. I either feel like I'm getting cheaply killed or like I'm steamrolling everything. I also don't like how I don't have a waifu on my team. The skill system is so slow to advance and it feels like I should have started out with half the shit on there. The night-time bullshit and the car has me sitting there for minutes at a time doing absolutely nothing, bored out of my mind. I'm done with all FF games. This is the last straw.

Also, if you're getting killed considering how much you can abuse potions, you're a retard.

That's what I mean, though. Whenever I get killed it's because I was breezing along so easily I forgot potions existed. The game is making me turn my brain off.

Why do you require playable females?
Good. It doesn't need waifu cucks like you.
You're trash tier. You shouldn't even be on this board.

It depends. Go do that catoblepas hunt or the necromancer hunt, I assure you your brain won't get turned off. Hunts in general aren't easy unless you outlevel them severely. Also, this is nothing new for JRPGs, they've always had boring combat so I consider this an improvement. My biggest problem is party AI; the 3 dudes just love to stand in front of enemies and get raped by aoe damage. But all in all, I don't mind the combat at all.

Kill yourself faggot

The combat isn't rewarding enough for me to care. I saw someone say the fishing minigame was pretty fun, and that's true, but I never feel like I'm playing a videogame. I just feel like I'm holding fast-forward in some CGI movie.

Maybe it's just nostalgia but I seem to remember some of them were fun. Even if they were menu simulators, you'd sit there for a good minute or two trying to plan out your exact attack.

Yeah, I forgot about that.

I recently played a bit of Star Ocean the first departure and believe me that's the definition of braindead combat. The thing is, you're not planning your attack in random battles, you do that maybe for bossfights, talking about jrpgs in general. And most people just have the beastiary and know the weaknesses of their enemies so it's braindead again. Have you done any hunts? I'm telling you, you can't just hold down the attack and expect to win.

Fair enough, I think the one I played most recently was FFX, and a lot of the bosses are fun as fuck if you're not overleveled. They all have a particular gimmick you have to get around and a lot of the fights feel like little puzzles. Persona 5 had that feel to it, as well.

I did some hunts but I don't remember them very well, I put the game down ages ago. I was just hoping someone itt would give me a reason to pick it up again. I might see if I can get back into it.

So, the main question remains unanswered, are PC users enjoying their new versions?

Attached: NOCTIS IS A NIGGER.jpg (2048x1152 827.17 KB, 929.96K)

What are you on about? Are you implying anyone would play this shit on PS2 / XBOX 1, and then buy it on PC too?

fuck off shill

Can't say I'm surprised, the devs made a mistake of porting a console open world game using Direct3D 11. There's a reason why open world games often run better on consoles considering their not-so-great hardware.
Basically, GPUs nowadays are so powerful that they're more limited by how fast the CPU feeds them commands and information than anything else. Graphics APIs before Mantle were designed around the idea that you would have one thread sending drawcalls to the GPU and each drawcall would change the GPU's state, a legacy choice that doesn't fit modern hardware at all. This means the fastest way to feed a computer's discrete GPU is the complete opposite from a console: on the PC you try and pack as much shit into each drawcall as you can, while on consoles drawcalls are fucking cheap and your CPU and GPU sit on the same chip, so you spam the GPU with shittons of drawcalls with little overhead or unneeded state changes. Both of these approaches have implications for engine design and approaches that make a lot of sense on consoles are fucking retarded on the PC and vice versa.
Open world games are infamous for requiring shittons of drawcalls and on Direct3D 11 and OpenGL the extra overhead from all these drawcalls puts more CPU strain on already CPU-bound games. Vulkan and D3D12 make drawcalls way cheaper, close to console-level efficiency (in fact, it does reach console-tier efficiency on integrated GPUs and it's part of the reason why integrated GPUs outperform dedicated GPUs in several emulated PS3 games) so console ports would need less redesigning and get a reasonable boost in performance.
Of course, none of this matters to Squeenix. They probably just wanted Nvidia's GoyWorks at the expense of everything else and figured D3D11 was good enough after Nier Automata did so well.

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Are the leatherface screenshots using the default textures or the really high resolution ones you get through some 50GB free DLC? Digital Foundry released a video on the game today and they shat on the high resolution texture pack for making the characters and objects look weird.

That last image looks like has on the organization 13 jacket.

You know the game has 2 nude character models with textured nipples in it right?
Pic related

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Wouldn't that be Vincent? Wasn't Vincent emo as well?

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Kill yourself my man

Motomu Toriyama directed XIII, Nomura just designed the characters.

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Why don’t they do what they did in games like Tactics where main characters join your team, but you can make your own and unlock hidden jobs throughout the game? They could even throw in a character creator this time around with various outfits to be unlocked and found in the game. Of course, the combat needs to be solid (for a jrpg) before any of this takes place. If players are going to grind their brains out for hours on end, the combat has to be enjoyable.

You know I thought she had jiggle physics in a CS too. Now I'm sure she did. WTF and why this character out of all of them? To make Merkel happy? Who was the other one?

This bitch, who knows, leftover assets from when FFXV was going to be an edgy dark game? Maybe she was going to transform into something or some shit

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I suppose that is possible she might transform into something, maybe Garuda? Seriously tho this is the kind of shit I hate. Can't have any fucking nudity because we need to appeal to the western audience, but make sure you put retarded clothing that is slutty for no reason on the random npcs.

You do realize that the japanese ratings system is harsher and that having nipples exposed in a game in Japan means it won't get shelf space in stores, right? Even games that have tits here like the Wiotcher games are censored in Japan.

you are by defintion a faggot

holly shit

Who knows, they put this in 13 for what its worth

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At least they were nice enough to put out a demo but man is it every bit as bad as I thought it was going to be. Shame we’ll never get the Versus XIII we were supposed to. Oh well, time to shut out my sorrows in some HD Fran textures.

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If you fags actually play the game long enough and get to not Venice, that city is amazing, shame there is fuck all to do there and I was out of there in 20 minutes, but the effort that must have went into making that place, fuck me it's beautiful.

So like 13, 15 is like food poisoning, it gets better after 40 hours or so?

Yes pretty much. Even the car can fly but you have to basically complete the game to get the parts for it, and even then you can't land the thing offroad.

Can the card drive off road at all? If not then is it fair to say that the car is really just a train?

I've seen webms of people driving it off road with off road tires.

no, it's like shit but in some ways for the exact opposite reasons to 13. So imagine if you took ever critique of 13 so literally that in trying to fix them you overcompensated to the point that it fucks everything up in the opposite extreme but also still keeped the casual market as your core demographic and still front-loaded your story with supplementary lore. In some ways, it had potential to be great, the map is great the story is not half bad, and despite the costume design, the characters are likable, the villain is charismatic and the general aesthetic was nice. There were the makings of a great game somewhere in the tragedy but in butchering the combat it fails to be of any real value. Instead of a liner hallway, it's an open word and while it starts out with some glimmers of potential at the 13th chapter it turns into a hallway with a convoluted story as some sort of odd deliberate postmodern wink and nod to the 13th game. 15 chapters 15 games, its almost as if the developer meant something by this. The final act is actually not half bad.

You can drive it off road with offroad tyres but that's a brand new mechanic they just added with the Lord update or whatever it's called. Suffice to say, any upgrade to the car though you have to jump through multiple hoops sometimes the items you need to upgrade it are in areas that are locked off so you can't get them at all until you progress through certain parts of the story.

How is that fucking acceptable? Isn't the game just like one very long cutscene anyways?

Don't fucking lie to people.

Exact opposite. People complaining about the lack of story cutscenes and quick change of story pace progression in each chapter. For each chapter there's like one or two rendered 1-3 minutes long cutscenes maximum. Even the beginning throws you into gameplay as quick as possible.

Where game really drags time of your play is car riding, fishing, camping and dismounting fucking chocobo to pickup a single item on the road.

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That sounds pretty fucking boring,

not when youre with your bros it isnt

Add to it your "bros" constantly nagging you to stop, screaming they are hungry and want to rest in hotel or make a camp, or that its dangerous to travel at night.
So you can't just jump from encounter to encounter for hours without them becoming an alarm clock to camp and shit. Travel to a fucking quest, want to turn off game after it - followers start to nag you to take that other quest that's just around the corner, that turns out a 45 minutes long dungeon WITH A CAMP INSIDE OF THE FUCKING DUNGEON.
And it goes on and on and on, they never shut up.

Ah yes, did i mention 30 seconds and more loading times?

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They aren't bros, they're the prissiest bunch of faggots in any game in recent memory.

It's pretty obvious Prompto has a major gay crush on Noctis, they've gay kissed on a few camping trips before which Noctis regrets but keeps prompto around so he doesn't give away the secret brokeback mountain trip away.

Gladio is also gay for Ignis but Ignis is Chad tier. He even continues to fight when he goes 100% blind later in the game CHAD

The worst part about this game is that it attracts faggots like shit attracts flies.
Prompto sticks his dick in Cindy

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That spoiler.

That's just a cover so the other lads don't get suspicious of Prompto's love quest for Noctis.
Don't look at the spoiler if you don't want info on the story given away.
When you're on the train and Prompto gets separated it becomes painfully apparent how much Noctis loves his Prompto even going so far as to cry over him

shoot me

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In Prompto's episode he teams up with the best waifu material in the game and only whines like a bitch about what his bros think about him. He doesn't express interest in women if his friends aren't there.
I don't think your spoiler is a guaranteed thing, I got choked up for a while after my best friend died and just talking about it was physically difficult. Being a little bitch is not the same thing as being homo.

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Chapters 7-8 confused the hell out of me. Where the fuck am i going, why do i need mithril, why the fuck my enemy is my friend once again, why the fuck imperial soldier has a shop open for me at the same time when drop ship drops assassins on my head, why the fuck there's a problem at power plant, why the fuck there are demons there, who the fuck is that bitch in charge of powerplant…
But biggest question of them all - why am i doing all this and why chapters are literally one dungeon size?
Well, at least that shit unlocked 4th monster hunter rank and i have tons of monster hunting quests to grind on.

The more i play this game the more i understand it manages to fail even as your usual basic jrpg melodrama.

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You forgot the 'fujoshit bait' part of the Cons

Has anyone who claims this game has braindead combat done that Iron giant hunt and that Coeurl hunt? Holy fucking shit. I went through 10 hi elixirs against the giants and fought them all night, Had to summon Ramuh against the Coeurls, that fight is fucking impossible.
I'm on chapter 6, I'm a bit confused because each chapter so far consisted literally of 1 story mission. 95% of the content came from sidequests and hunts so far.


You abso-fucking-lutely can win everything by just holding down attack with the occasional guard, and even if you want to try other things, there isn't much more to do in the combat. Magic grenades, I guess? The summons are random so you don't get choose that.

This whole fucking game is automated. It's like it just wants to be by itself and doesn't need you, but you're the little brother and mom said to let you play, so the game lets you hit the occasional button to feel like you're involved, but in reality you aren't playing. Even the driving is all on rails and automated.

Yeah, and if you get that upgrade you'll quickly see that there isn't anything to drive to anyway. The world is an empty, generic "Go here and kill enemy X until you have 15 feathers from enemy X then bring them back to me and I'll give you 40 bucks" RPG.

Post video of yourself doing that on:
2 necromancers hunt
coeurl hunt
iron giant hunt
that huge thing by the lake hunt
any fight against those huge fucking insects that confuse and poison you
Also, mind you, holding down the attack button also implies that you don't use healing items.
You're so full of shit it's bursting out of your ears.

This is fucking retarded. I shouldn't have to do these super specific side quests just to see the combat system be something other than holding a button. The existence of a handful of such quests in a game that drags on for hours where you win by doing nothing shouldn't be enough to convince anyone that it's worth buying.

Late game? I'm on chapter 6 and I'm on level 40. What I said goes for most hunts if you don't outlevel them by 10 levels. What, you're angry because a random encounter doesn't require a Phd in nuclear physics?
Beside your combo and enemy weaknesses, you have link strikes, warping, techniques, blindside, that shit that happens when you press G, royal arms, dodging, parrying, you have a magic system which requires you to plan your resources, mind the cooldown and watch out that you don't kill your party members. And this is somehow shallow combat? Maybe it is for you who never bothered to do side content and think that level 38 hunts are high level shit.

It's like two guys recreating their favorite scene from highlander after an all night of drinking.

is it that tough or are you just under leveled?

Instant Ramen Noodles
Boi pussy

Instant Ramen Noodles
No musical world tour or battle of the boybands
No lewd uncensored CGs to placate the gay community


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Liars like you deserve to get their soul sucked.

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This whole situation regarding the cut content (which is better than the whole game) is another reason to never give money to Square-Enix ever again.

Which is as good thing.
Never pay.
Always pirate.

Did Cindy made you love girls with tanlines?

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You can't stop me, i've already bought a ll the FF15 dlc separately. I'm going to keep buying their games, i even gift them to friends so we can play the multi together.

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I gotta congratulate Final Fantasy for staying committed to its simple 'Roman numeral' naming system. Especially for getting all the way up to its 15th (XV) installment.
A lot of uncommitted developers start off well (Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider III), but soon abandon using Roman numerals in favor of subtitles. Fucking quitters.

>Get a comfy road trip adventure with a group of bros anyone who thinks this is how faggots behave his literally never had any real friends
Explain to me why I should not pirate this full game?

This is a gay board.

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I bought it Tuesday, and I've been having fun with it. It's the first FF game I've enjoyed in a long time. (I think X onward has been irredeemable garbage.)

Feels like Monster Hunter but with cars. I'm still fairly early in (8 hours in currently). I actually rather like the open world format, and I've been enjoying being truly immersed in a FF world.

I'd kinda like to see the old FF games redone in this format, just to feel more connected to their worlds. I know it'll never happen, but I'd greatly enjoy going through FFIV or FFVI again in this way. Preferaby without a fucked development like XV has suffered, but I'm enjoying it so far.

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How can someone look at all the pics and gameplay footages and not think that the game is ass.

No knowing FF in the first place. Squenix were slowly choking the series to dead since fucking FF X-II. The only OK thing FF is XIV. All the other shit since XII is bogged by questionable decisions or shit writing. XIII was the first nail in the coffin.

The addition of your buddies as playable characters is unbalanced as hell. Gladiolous can tank just about anything and Prompto is capable of putting out an insane amount of damage with just his base SMG and missile launcher.
First person mode was added as well and it's probably the laziest addition I've ever seen, literally just sticks the camera on Noctis' head locked at 60 FOV with invisible arms and weapons.

XIV sucks from an online rpg perspective. Storyline is good, tho.

Everyone is british robots.

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If you don't suffer through the movie and the anime you'll be completely lost during most of the game's story since the characters will constantly reference backstory/major plot points that occurred during those.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

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I was very pleasantly surprised by the post dlc "Final Trial" against Cor as well. The FFXV devs actually came up with a decent fight with this combat system.

You guys really should check out Comrades mutliplayer expansion. Its much better than post game.
PS: You don't need to play with people, but still have to be connected to server.

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I played it. It's boring as hell.

But can I dress the female characters up in skimpy outfits

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[Citation Needed]

The (((localization))) for this game is also shit.
Everything is feminist cancer.
Every object is called a "her".
Every monster without a clear male name is called a "she".
Almost all dialogue is made of shitty jokes and comments that pretty much are created and not translated from what the superior japanese voice acting says.
There are whole plot points that go missing on the english subs, while being explained in the japanese voices.
(((Localizers))) must be killed.

There's such a thing as grammatical gender, you know that?



Did they ever patch in good gameplay, good characters, a good plot, and a good final boss?

I'm pretty sure that's just the usual shit FF writing.

That's some nice looking food. Would it be safe to say they just photogrammetried a bunch of different dishes?

No, it is not.
The true voice actors (the japanese ones) clearly call said objects and monsters by their language's male subjects.
The english subs changed everything that wasn't visually a Man, to female subjects.
(((Localizers))) must be killed on their homes.

Still mad because we are getting your feminist (((localizers))) from your circlejerk unemployed, as well as enacting their deaths soon?

It is a bad videogame. I understand a lot of mustards seem to be looking to be convinced because 'muh benchmark' but it. is. a. bad. videogame.

They have spent a year and a season pass of paid dlc trying to fix a game which has maybe 3 hours of story and 100 hours of mmo style fetch quest gameplay with sub kingdom hearts complexity combat.

They made summons exist only as a pity mechanic to end fights taking to long. That alone should tell you what kind of game it is.

You absolutely can. You are bad at the game. Do not believe this casual and/or liar.

The result of a 10 years development hell and having a hack as a producer.

So, i completed the game in 30 hours including 3 episodic DLCs, and alternative Episode Ignis happy ending.
What the fuck am i supposed to feel? This game's last chapter treats me like i just walked a god damn 100 hours journey through hell, not a 30 hours speedrun. Everything in the very end filled with tons of bosses, loads of good music sections and bunch of revelations and shit happening, none of that is present in the rest of the game aside of chapter 9 with boring ass leviathan fight consisting of pressing one button.

Also if you by "Homecoming" acquired 99+ elixirs like me, you will never die from fucking anything, even at the most toughest fights, especially if you won that shitty Justice Monster Prize and sold it for 500k, having no need in money.

Fuck, i was playing this at leisure pace and i still feel like i speedrunned something. The story not just feels cut off, its fucking trash at certain parts, and your usual action shit at the very end. Its like those chapters are supposed to be longer and have more story progression, but it was just cut the fuck away.
Its like i was playing God of War mixed with Uncharted, like the one that's soon will come out. No, maybe even the better i would describe how i feel about this game - its like No More Heroes mixed with Sonic Adventure 2, not a jrpg, and not a final fantasy game.
Now i only have post game and Comrades, and that's it. Also despite people praising Ignise's alternative ending it was rather cheaply made. But at least DLC episodes as whole were much better than most game's own chapters.

TL;DR - Short game, money thrown away, no desire to replay.ever, some parts are good, but its all wasted potential that bleaks in front of all the obvious cut content places.

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Japanese does not have gender distinction the way Germanic (your English is here) or Slavic languages do, you donger.
There are words that can clearly state gender like 彼 and 彼女, but beyond them there are none. At best, you can hint at someone's sex with honorifics.
Besides, it's such a bloody irrelevant detail, you're getting up in arms over nothing instead of looking for actual inconsistencies.

Also, English is not my native language, but I'm almost sure things like diseases and some animals are "female."
I know most of them do a shoddy job of translating or throwing in stupid shit no one wants, but maybe this time they wanted to be consistent and in line with actual grammar?

None of this matters anyway.

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gift me this game

This edgy fedora lard is the worst antagonist i've seen in video games. Nothing about his looks, style or manners hold up together. Its like a mashup of bunch of different villans together, an immortal king, a madness spouting faggot from Far Cry 3 and a crazed mage. Maybe Cicero somewhere in him too.
I've never seen an effort to make the least likable villain such as this guy yet. Its like they tried too hard to make him interesting to the point they've overdone it and broke into opposite direction.
And his fucking coloration, look at his fucking purple hair and overdesigned hispterish clothes. In english translation Noctis insults him as a jester for a good reason.

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That and trying to recoup catastrophic losses on the fabula nova crystlis project by trying to -in their words- 'exploit the ip for another 7 style cross brand synergy exercise'.

it is literally the manufactured boyband of videogames.

You dont like 'not-jeremy-irons' whos entire motivatoion is being buttmad?

I wanted empire kikes as villains, and i didn't even got to fight them. Ardyn stolen the whole show for himself. To the point whole final chapter became a story of Ardyn.
And in the beginning you don't even expect him to steal this much attention to himself.

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You answered your own question.
Square can't create anything new anymore, and they don't have their old talents anymore.
The result is that they copy anything that became a fad at any given time.
"Open world", "fighting giant monsters with QTE", "cinematic battles", "fetch quests". Anything that was memed by marketing teams and made normalfags spend money as the idiots that they are, Square put in this piece of shit.

It is never nothing user.
They do it once, and the snowball becomes bigger, until we have mandatory sheboons and faggots in games. Always fight against those minor changes. They are the ones that pave the way to worse shit later.
Also, this is alteration of the original product.
And as for the japanese language, i give the example of what they did to Leviathan, taking Ramuh and Shiva for a basis: Ramuh is called the "raijin" (thunder god/deity/being), and Leviathan is called "suijin" (water god/deity/being) in the japanese voices.
When they talk about the gods as a whole, they use the term "kamigami" ("group of gods"), but when talking about one of the specific gods, they use their gender pronouns. The thing is, they use "kami-sama" (male god) for the distinctively male ones AND Leviathan, while "megami" and "megami-sama" (goddess) for Shiva.
In the english dubs and text, Leviathan, clearly called a male god in the japanese voices, is changed to a female.
That is just only one of many other situations in the game, were something with no distinctive sex (Leviathan being a giant serpent) is given a feminine pronoun every single time in the english dubs and text.

I thought that his clothes were designed to represent the Mimic class from older Final Fantasy games. Seeing as the kings in XV are a variation of the Mimic class, being able to get powers from others, and seeing as how they redesigned the Dragoon class for Aranea, i think that Ardyn's looks was to resemble a Mimic. The Mimic class in the classic games wore that kind of clothes, as well as resembling a jester.

Maybe a throwback to Kefka.
XV was a pretty much an (shitty) "homage" to all previous Final Fantasy games.
When i saw the Empire with Magiteks, i instantly thought FF VI. Then came Ardyn, a man that works in a high position in the empire, but has his own agenda and becomes the main antagonist. I instantly saw Kefka in this. Not Kefka's personality, but his role in the plot of VI.

It is sad how much Final Fantasy XIII still ruins the franchise, even indirectly.
The bad decisions since the 2006 trailer are still reverberating in the current games, given how much money was invested and how utterly failed the project turned out.
XIII, and the minds behind it, truly destroyed the franchise.
Also, about the boyband, yeah. The idol culture in Japan is a cancer that is ruining most of their productions. Not only in games. They try to force idol culture in their overseas project, fail, and keep insisting. They are actively working to destroy their products with it.

Can I dissect your brain for a little bit?
How did you not know what you were getting into before you buy it?
Why did you think Square was going to learn it's lesson after FFXIII-3?
How did you avoid all the news and gameplay saying how it was dumbed down?
How did you not think something was terribly wrong when they're doing advertisements for cup noodles, cars, clothing lines, movies, instead of actually completing the game first and selling merchandize off of merit?
Do you always spend $60 (or $90) on games so frivilously like this?
Did you watch the Conan O' Brian review? That was the best review for the game. and none of that came across as "there's problems with this game that I shouldn't buy it"?
Did friends convince you to buy this game?
Did you play final fantasies beforehand?

Hey dickhead, I completed the game months ago, how does it feel to be not special at all, not to mention late to the party by at least a year if not two.
Well done you brainlet.
Pic related, it's you.

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What's your steam name?

What do you think about the whole tale between Shiva and Ifrit? Because one if hindu god, second is obvious islamic demon.

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Why couldn't they let Cindy ride along with Noctis as another pc?

The better question is why isn't there thirty pages of Cidny porn now that they have a PC version to easily rip the model from.

Because Noctis is a parody of Jesus in some ways, "king of kings" and they needed last camp supper with male "apostles".
I tried to lower my view on this many times before the game's end, but no, the whole "sacrifice" at the end, how old kings stab him before he descents to blue hell to eliminate Ardyn, how in some illustration they use similar looks people used to paint jesus, the whole idea of surrounding gods was more like helping angels and so on. Even his relationship with his father is significant in context.
One thing though, king of kings is only english translation thing. Erabeshi ō is really a "Chosen King". But it doesn't hide the fact they tried to paint messiah as main protagonist anyway.

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Forgot to mention Ardyn acts both like the devil and an antichrist. In one way he was paving a way for Ifrit, the higher demon that was agreeable with his human hating causes, since his ways lead to apocalypse, and was his guardian, in other cases he was trying to tempt Noctis in style of the devil when Noctis was tempted in the dessert of endless corridors in chapter 13.

And yes, this whole thing is blasphemous as fuck.

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Any company that pushes marketing for parallel products instead of the main product is ALWAYS trying to hide the low quality of the main product.
See Mighty No. 9, and all it's nonsense about having an anime, live action movie, manga and toy line BEFORE the game was even released.
Final Fantasy XV was so shit that Square advertised it with pretty much any kind of product instead of the game itself.
As always, hype is proven to be a mental illness.
Always kill the hype.

Another point to take into consideration when deciding to never give Square money ever.
Not only they pandered to feminists and fujoshi on the last minute (including LYING ABOUT THE PLOT IN THE TRAILERS), they also pandered to marxists and their boner for blasphemy.
You can say that Square will adore satan if it gives them profit.
Therefore, they shall never receive any.

No, but I'm saying you're acting like this is all new. Even though the game has been out two years already and millions know the story already. Including a good portion of us here.

You're what I'd call a middle infant playing third fiddle to an adult here young lad.

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so does that mean Cindy was a prostitute?

Cindy is my prostitute, she loves to give guys a service at the trucker yard,

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I dunno, I'm enjoying it.

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Driving around at night, fighting big demons is top fun

You sound like every other 1 and done in the thread who think it's the best thing ever. Can you give a reason why this game has any merit to It besides "I like it". So far it sounds like idiot who just eat shit up play this game.

its fun

What's it like being this generation's Lightningfag?

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That's fanfiction. Nowhere in the New Testament does it say that. She was likely a degenerate though, of the college clubbing variety, to put a parallel to it.

A drone through and through. The more shit changes the more shit stays the same

I would think you and the rest of the idiots in the thread defending this game would have anything of note to shut me up. Apparently you just dismiss everything that people have a problem with and just chalk up as the work of shitposters.

ok but why is prompto a magical alien cyborg man twist reveal? it just seemed so out of left field to push the plot forward

Because the game is shit

They had that attitude that every character must have a backstory. Especially with Episode Prompto being a parody on MGS happening in almost a copy of literal shadow moses. He just had to be a cloned son of a bad guy who you never fight, and you fight his giant drill instead in turret section of dlc like its a fucking Shagohod level.
And since Empire's top bad guys didn't mattered, neither his story did.

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Attached: No.JPG (500x375, 60.34K)

For a company that's only real positive point on their games is "it looks nice" that sure does look like shit.

Didn't Oblivion get changed from a T to an M rating for shit like this?

Attached: ass creed.png (139x141, 27.77K)

That was because of mauled corpses IIRC, not nudity

All women are prostitutes user.

All of this:

Plus, he was always the shittiest character and nobody cared about him even when the first trailers showed the main group. Square, being lazy incompetents, just slapped another cliche on him to try to make people care about him.

Square in a nutshell.
They have all the "le epic" designs, but can't code well, so you end up with visuals that are only pretty from certain angles, and overall shitty when in motion.
Look at the Leviathan battle on hooktube. The giant beast just goes through the water AND buildings as if they were the same material.

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Acid Rain died for this.

Ha, imagine being that fucking gay.

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See for yourself. MMO lite first person combat and the Glauca armor which makes you invincible
FF combat at its finest

Attached: ffxv_s 2018-03-15 18-06-06-94.webm (1280x720, 15.57M)

They went too far with active time battles and their simplification.
Is there any turn-based RPG game but also extensively moddable?

Attached: no_title.jpg (565x388, 33.25K)

I'm tempted to download it out of curiosity just to see the technical aspects of it and to laugh at the absurdity of the characters and story, but it's a large file even when repacked and my kike ISP has data caps so I dunno. Probably not worth it now, so maybe I'll download next month when my kike ISP resets the data cap.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-17 at 14.11.44-fullpage.png (3024x1877, 731.82K)

Who is the true queen of FFXV?

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How does it feel to know that you have limits where I have none, unlimited internet, not only that but it's less than equivalent $10 a month for 200mbs download speed. You yanks are cucked for internet.

Feels like you are outside of america

Because you have uncapped internet


Highwind is best girl. By far. I was hoping she'd join the party at some point like Best Girl from FFIX AKA Beatrix, but it never happened.
If some other leaks were true, it's possible she would have been the chosen one of one of the other crystals, which would have been great.

Attached: 100_percent_jew.png (1200x1200, 52.31K)

I don't get it, Soyjak isn't allowed but this is?

Iris a qt

Attached: Iris.jpg (1280x720, 333.09K)

Just filter, and report user.

Yep, no one else in this game even comes close. Not that there is much competition.


Attached: FF9 best.jpg (600x374, 42.41K)

Mark so mad he deleted my posts top fucking kek


She joins your party though, it's just not permanent and it's random.

With that filesize, not even worth pirating.

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The combat in this one is legit awful. Somehow they managed to make a system worse than tab targetting MMO shit.

Dolphin porn?

what's weird is I think the layout of the buttons really fucking hurt it. Why is my dodge button so far from the attack, and while holding the target button switching between the two feels real uncomfortable. Then you get random groups of enemies that just dont feel satisfying to fight or attack. They should have really stuck to either making it an action game, or gone back to XII's mmo feel if they wanted to make it so open.

Not to mention that switching points on a target is a pain in the ass (literally spamming the shift button until it locks onto your desired point) which is especially shit when you have to break an appendage or target a weak point

It is worth pirating to record some plays and show the shitty game that it is, so normalfags won't buy it.

no need to because that has been done already

Attached: ONE_BUTTON.webm (300x200, 9.59M)

The whole one button thing could have been forgiven if there was a more tactical based systems latter that required menuing to swap gear, to cast spells or issue commands to your party.

I say this in light of the fact that in a classic FF game if you just attacked or set the game to auto-battle all you really needed to do was hold down or repeatedly hit A. That would work fine on low-level enemies for grinding, but it would not work on higher level foes or on bosses. Therefore, holding One button to auto-attack, another to auto-block could have been fine if there were more complex systems layered on top. Especially if they still had the under the hood dice rolls like in a traditional FF.

This sorta comes into play later on in the game when you need to start dealing with tactical allocation and phoenix downs and using Libra to know weaknesses and prioritize the battle. But even then its never that complex. Rather it just gives the impression that it could have been much more if the developers had a bit more confidence in the player to actually challenge them.

No, he is not at all like Jesus. The theme of a King's duty is one of sacrifice to the people is not a new idea. Monarchism is inseparable from theology and the ideal "king" in many ways has always been a Christ-like figure.

So why was Cor cut as party member?

Attached: Final-Fantasy-XV-Main-Cast-CG.jpg (1000x1413, 152.29K)

For the same reason the ability to switch characters was cut from the original release
The entirety of FF15 is a trainwreck, it isn't worth playing.

The only thing left to do is to spread it to all places.

Thus, he is like Jesus.

Square-Enix is run by literal retards. They are only capable of making games for retarded that can't play.
Having "too many" options is viewed as a bad thing by those same retarded. And, of course, they don't buy the games either. But Square is made up of the same retarded, thus they still pander to them, instead of normal people.

I hope they dont get to work on FF16 until FF7 is done. They need to take a break from the mainline games after what 13 and 15 turned out to be. It sure didn't make me want to buy coleman camping gear, so if that's what they were going for, they failed.

More like Jesus is an inverted archetype of the messianic king.

It is fun. Helps me with loneliness.
Combat controls are kinda shit imo but whatever. Also it is a huge time sink, so if you are a NEET you will play this for a while (especially if you do the side stuff and not quick travel because the world is a beauty)

No but Jesus is the ideal King

Yes in a sense but no in actuality. I would say more then King Arthur. You see Jesus was God in incarnate. Where as the King trope is in service to God (gods) and willing to sacrifice i'm self for this higher purpose to defend the people that are in his care. While its a paternalistic role, the distinction is in where the King is in the Hierarchy as the good King being always subordinate to a higher Power. Where as in contrast the evil emperor trope tends to be gnostic or satanic Nietzschean Man believing themselves above or equal to god and driven by will to power.

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No, he's actually not, because he doesn't actually rule. Enough of your moral inversion.

you mean Noctis doesn't rule? If so then yes. If you are saying Jesus doesn't Rule then you are literally retarded because Jesus is GOD incarnate.
pleas explain?

You're simply wrong on a psychological level, and no amount of rote theology spam will make you right. Christ does not fit the archetype of a king. If he did, why has every single Christian culture created an actual king figure to fill the actual archetype? Christ simply does not fulfill the function of the archetype. Christ is deus otiosus. Different archetype.

yes because Christ is God.
because the mortal King dominion is granted by being in service to God. Thus Christ is the King of (mortal) kings. Kings in service to god are beholden to tend to the flock dominion over. The keeping the Kings peace for example is born from respect for the Christian ideal of human dignity.

FF7 will have the same awful combat system as this one

It is not a matter of taking a break.
The whole company is compromised, filled up with incompetent hacks.


He rules us all.

Maybe even worse.

he is "Cor the Immortal". one would think having an op team member the whole game would be broken