Post your worst idpol greentexts, articles and theories.
Idpol hate thread
I'm convinced it's one guy making this thread everytime with the same picture.
There already is one.
mods delete.
that's more just liberals in general
/r/socialism, everyone. I honestly think they're there's some force in the background trying to promote this shit, it seems worse lately than usual.
Also, is the new meme? What even is it? Is it worth reading?
Tankie is right sage
It's worth reading. That said, they're just using it as a religious prop to justify their group-thought tier moralism on the grounds that no other method of highlighting the contradictions of racial and economic inequality is at all possible, aside from the extremity of censorship based on group seniority - i.e. /r/socialism.
A high quality post. Your contribution has been noted.
As much as I dont like idpol, this image ironically reeks of idpol. It is clearly made by some mens activist to show who yhe REAL persecuted are
"This Whole Thing Smacks Of Idpol," i holler as i overturn my uncle's barbeque grill and turn the 4th of July into the 4th of Shit
now, it's just showing how stupid "muh oppression point" sjws are.
Settlers is Third-worldist garbage, I've read other things by the author that were good but Settlers is trash. It also stylizes stuff like Amerikan Kulture, and childish shit like that. As if racism in america started and ended with the KKK.
What job will you have after the revolution guys? A humble worker perhaps?
(i'm sure there was a counter signal meme made about this lol)
i want her to rehabilitate me
I just wanna be some sort of linguist/historian/anthropologist, but even if I couldn't do that I'd be down for carpentry/furniture-making. Outside of that I'd also be down to be part of some sort of militia
We need wood choppers comrade, get your head out of the clouds.
i'm a technical-minded autist (with a for-realsies engineering education) who can easily be persuaded to take care of boring/critical infrastructure like: tap water treatment, sewer treatment, electricity generation/delivery.
From each autist according to their special interests, to each autist according to their special needs ~
Why do they think in such black and white terms?
How about being firm with them and educating them on how their worldview is fueled by a bunch of spooks. Occasionally they'll wake up and realize it.
Works better than refusing to interact with working class people at all i.e. what Hillary did.
However if people still continue to be racist you just assume they're Holla Forums and shitpost at them.
Forget politics, how do these people function in everyday life?
fucking nazis lmao
Hi Holla Forums
Please stop trying to false-flag us
leave NazBol alone, ironic class conciousness has shown to lead to the real thing.
You know, Nazbol originated as a Pirate Party-esque ironic edgy counterculture to Yeltsin and Putin's kleptocratic regimes, right?
fuck this piece of shit tbh
Research chemist, same as under capitalism. But we'd have younger principal investigators in general. The median age has surged in the last few decades, in no small part due to "STEM" propaganda meant to increase labor supply and push down wages in industry.
I think this is the answer that applies to most people, "same as now, except better hours, conditions, and compensation, plus a workplace that isn't at constant risk of being driven into the ground by the whims of bloodsucking tyrants".
I think I'm going to become active on Twitter and such, just so not every leftist looks like a fucking nu male. Embarrassing.
Always remember that Right Wing Idpol is fucking Cancer
It's cancer.
Point is to abolish classes not to romanticize the working class.
I sincerely can see myself somewhere in the state bureaucracy(hopefully in tax admin. since I have some experience in that field) before automation replaces me.
I wouldn't be looking over some fully automated farm fucking my fully automated robo-waifus.
White people should be shot ngl
Early Nazbol Party was actually fun, then everyone left because they were sick of Limonov shit and it degenerated into marginalism.
this shit.
Why do all of those people think they'd be the ones in charge of the gulags?
Programmer but not working on shitty shit.