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"What's with all the shitty normalfag gamejams?" Edition


>Beginner's guide: >>>/agdg/29080


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First. :^)

Unreal Engine 1 (and as far as I know, 2) uses object inheritance. Everything involved in the game extends from object, including but not limited to the actor class. A big problem that has been pointed out to me is that any class that extends from actor also carries code that is responsible for lighting, collision, drawing, and a whole host of other properties whether the actor needs the additional functionality or not. A more proper practice would be making lighting, collision, drawing, etc their own extensions of Object so that instead of Actor being responsible for these things AND spawning other actors AND having collision check functions AND etc. then you'd want to limit how many additional things a single actor has to do, then just instantiate these other objects in different ways. That being said, someone else pointed this out to me and Godot seems to follow this principle.

That doesn't seem like a big problem unless it's stopping you from accomplishing something.

There was another picture similar to this floating around but I couldn't find it so I made my own.

Hey anons I’d like your view on something.
So I’ve been using ECS design pattern in unity, due to it being build around this, and have found that I’ve been mostly implementing the EC part of the design pattern.
So I was thinking on how to implement my own system, and what that exactly entails (I know, preoptimization meme, but I have a good use case, I think).
My current conception of a system in the ECS pattern is that it contains global members/properties, methods, functions, and something to update all components (like, either subscribe to the system, or using a global update function; I was thinking a DoD type of layout of data/components).
Now, in Unity everything that’s active in the scene has to have a monobehavior (which is derived of component), and essentially defines anything I can have active as a “component”; unless I do something like a static global class… but that’s too limited and better suits a helper/utility class than a system.
So I was wondering if I’m missing something here, or I’m just over thinking it and should just use a monobehavior derived “system manager” to contain all my system scripts active in the game world.

I think you mean this one

Don't go against the "Unity-way" of doing things when using Unity. I've been there and it's a huge pain. What you need to understand is that the amount of effort required to maintain a custom solution may not be immediately obvious. You shouldn't work against the engine and try to make it do things in ways it wasn't designed to (unless absolutely unavoidable). Intended up wasting a lot of time working around the issued that I created myself, because I insisted on doing things my way.
That doesn't mean that there isn't plenty of room to optimize your MonoBehaviour derived scripts to build an efficient system. But the exact techniques depend on the system in question. Any specifics you're willing to share?
To be clear, I'm not telling you that your shouldn't care about optimize. What I'm telling you is that that's one hell of a rabbit hole you're thinking about going down right now.

Are there sources of lectures and talks about gamedev aside from GDC? I found Digital Dragons but a lot of their videoes are hard to watch due to speakers having poor English skills.

Some developers release papers/presentations. Here are Valve's, which helped me in the past.
When I implemented a climbing system, I used a similar approach to the one they used in Left 4 Dead.

Eh, the whole problem is I can barely get help with UEngine 1. I have to wait like a month for help, not because no one WANTS to help but because they either don't understand what I need help with or because no one knows how to help in the way I need it. But when someone can help me, the help comes in a month and it makes my project drag on forever. That's if anyone is even around to help. A lot of people are leaving, either having left OldUnreal and UnrealSP or leaving UT99. That and I have to constantly find different ways to work around quirks of the engine that it just becomes not worth it so I'm just moving to Godot.

For instance, I was wanting to use the menu system to let the player select different player 'heroes' and assign abilities and items to different hotkeys. But then the issue was the menu system was super clunky and over engineered to the point where things that shouldn't be necessary were necessary and can cause crashes, so to make a new menu system I'd have to set up my own custom HUD. And why go through all the effort? Who all even PLAYS Unreal anymore? A handful of people. In a couple of years, it might not even run on new hardware anymore. Why not make my own game and get help from an active community? I already have the concept well down, I just have to take what I have and transition it however I can into a modern engine. The whole thing was a nice coding exercise and honestly it was a step toward what I'm doing now.


Nice, papers are good too. I almost forgot there are formats other than video

If anyone wasn't convinced that the Switch is now the dumping ground for indies, Undertale just got announced for Switch.


bad example. this should surprise no one because undertale is absurdly popular in Japan

yes, but not because undertale.

Unity AND Unreal 4, True enough.
>Godot port never ever because Godot is open source and Nintendo wouldn't like that

UE4 is open source. Godot is open source and free software.

you will probably have to pay for it, but there seems to be support for consoles with godot:

Here's a challenge - rewrite my friction code so it's not retarded. Holy fuck this friction sucks so bad, but I don't any better. This at the moment does not include any sort of budging velocity so I slide down hills and shit. Some user suggested implementing "if not wanting to move and less than budging velocity, set velocity to zero" but it seems that this just makes the pawn fucky as all hell.

void PlayerCharacter::DoFriction(){ float friction = l_defaultfriction; float speed = GetVelocity().Size(); if (speed != 0) { float drop = speed * friction * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds(); if (speed > l_max_walkspeed) drop += (speed - l_max_walkspeed) * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds(); FVector newVelocity = UKismetMathLibrary::Max(speed - drop, 0) / speed * GetVelocity(); DroppedSpeed = (GetVelocity() - newVelocity).Size(); float newSpeed = UKismetMathLibrary::Max(speed - drop, 0) / speed; newSpeed = FMath::Clamp(newSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f); PlayerCollisionCapsule->SetPhysicsLinearVelocity(newSpeed * GetVelocity()); }}

Alright, lemme rephrase this a little - I'm not challenging you, I'm just tired of my brain being retarded and I want a functioning human being to unfuck this function. Please. I hope the formatting worked.


I just have a bunch of them because I find them to be genuinely fucking hilarious and a natural progression from wojak

Checking in some progress since I've not been posting much lately. I did a branch where I dropped the constriction of mimicking fake camera pitch so I could try some other ideas. Only have some naive culling and relying a lot on depth tests until I get around to figuring out 3D frustum stuff. Also did some other mundane things like resolutions and full-screen.

You can port Godot to the Nintendo Switch yourself as long as you don't release the source publicly. You wouldn't even have to port to a new graphic APIs because the Switch supports OpenGL ES 3 and also Vulkan for whenever Godot's Vulkan support arrives.

Why are you making your games, devs? As far as I can see it, there are four valid motivations (or a mixture of them):
Making money isn't a valid motivation because 1. you won't make money, and 2. if you make design choices based on "what will sell," it will fuck up your artistic vision.

Personally, my main motivation is to make new game mechanics. I also want a unique story and nice graffix, but I have zero art talent, so I will need to make a very fun, mostly-complete game with programmer art and then get artists onboard.

now that's a good OP

Interesting point. I bet Unity avoids that level of coupling with its ECS, right?


Not necessarily. If you're skilled enough at advertising, you will make it so that your game is what people want and change the market to suit you, to a degree.

Considering that a big part of these threads is asking other anons for help, having 50 brainlet images in every thread gets tiring, even forgetting that it's a cuckchan joke.

I found a lack of games that I like, and I enjoy the process of game development. It's like a really long puzzle and logic game.

That's the one, yes. Thank you.

I'd like to be really good at something, and spent a lot of time fucking with gamemaker as a kid, and later XNA, so programming is a decent fit. I don't want to do it as a job, because I'd have to deal with non-whites (particularly Indians), degenerates, or otherwise decent people who will never say a word because they're afraid of getting blacklisted from the industry. So solo development is the only option.

Game development is inherently more interesting than other software. I get to improve, and I have too much self-respect to release unfinished or glitchy garbage like most people are doing for the sake of money. I'd actually like to complete this project, and I'm not a particularly good programmer yet, so I spend a lot of time planning the best way to implement something to make it easier on myself.

I make games because I just love them to death. Since I was a kid it was something that made my brain melt. I couldn't understand how this magic world was possible, and I certainly didn't understand how supposedly math made it work. I'll refrain from blogposting, but long story short my life wasn't good as a kid and games were there to pick me up. This probably reinforced my love for them, too. Once I got older and learned how they work for real, my love for them did not diminish, strangely enough. Sometime later I had an existential crisis and kinda had to pick reasons to live to actually move on past that point, and so one of the reasons I picked was making games, because frankly, it is the thing I have the most burning passion for. I dropped many hobbies but videogame development is something I've not let up on. I have this drive that keeps me coming back because I just fucking love games way too much and I have to make the game I have in mind into reality, simply because it deserves to be made. I'm fairly certain I'll keep making games until I die, or even if I won't be, for whatever reason, my career will be intimately tied with them.

TL;DR: I love videogames as a craft almost to the point of obsession and to me it is one of the primary reasons to get up in the morning.

That too. That's why I have so much contempt for the mobile garbage, or the million variations of skinner boxes out there that are designed to extract as many ad-views or purchases from people as possible. None of them actually enjoy what they're producing, or care about their work. You lose the mindset of putting in hard work because you'll get something unique or fun out of it, and can only think in terms of how little work you can possibly do to get more money.

the worst part is that normalfags actually support this garbage women are always the worst offenders of social degradation and shouldn't vote

I just see it as a symptom of mindless people who lack agency. There's too many people out there who do not understand that they have choice, and who believe what everyone else believes because that's what's "correct". It's like they're asleep forever. I by no means am trying to give you a "sheeple" spiel, but in general what I'm saying is that people don't quite understand that they indeed do have a choice in what their lives are. So you get amalgamations of these people, shoveling garbage for these same kinds of people to eat up, and all for pennies. It's not worth getting angry over. Their own lives are their punishment.

Zombie men who live and die having achieved nothing are just as bad as their female counterparts. You're seeing the worst of their sex, just like some of them see the worst of our sex. In reality you see the common denominator, which not impressive in the least. You gotta be able to look past that and love the occasional exceptions. Being cynical is a trap.

Are you using multiple math libraries for a good reason?

Made one to reflect my own experience

I should probably stick to a single one, but this is all workings of a very tired me. I'll probably end up fixing it when I don't feel like doing anything substantial but still want to do some work. So no, no good reason.

What's wrong with the friction you get from that? Does it work? You could run it through some sort of easing function if you want a specific sort of falloff or whatever

H-haha, videogames

This. One makes videogames because that's the dream.

I did my own vector math when working with SFML too, maybe one day I'll use Sony's fast vector lib

Mostly I'm just borrowing code from FNA's interpretation of XNA, and adjusting it to suit my needs.

I even made my own Vector2 class that overlapped SFML's and made it have an implicit conversion.

Sliding down ramps when standing still. Gotta implement some budging velocity that does not interfere with movement itself, and doesn't feel like shit.

Come up with a concept you feel passionate about. Pick an existing engine that fits you well. Focus on getting that done. You'll learn things along the way.

For my motivation, i just want to make a fun game that people can play with one another online or offline(split screen or LAN). I miss the days of coming home from school to play a game like mario party or kirby air ride with friends and family. the sad thing is that i don't have the talent, i use to make maps in source but never got any out because source would break with every update. So if anything i'm ok with design, but i want to work in directing, and writing, with that i'm trying to write up a GDD for what i am working on, a nice cozy multiplayer game that you can play with friends. no esports, no lootboxes(or atleast lootboxes that have items you can buy in the store with in-game currency, so no item is under a gacha system), and no DLC bullshit, just simple fun where everyone can with, just some win more then others.

right now i'm stuck on one thing and that is the art style, i'm doing cel shading but i lack photoshop (all i have is GIMP), and i never bother to learn much about it. On the other hand i have a map (half) ready so their's that. anyway any advice to improve writing skills, as well as where to learn anything about directing, i just want to know so i don't go in blind.

Oh I remember you posting that, it's a good idea

Im looking for a site that has a lot of reference Photos. They have gallerys of models from several angles. I think i found the site in a sticky on /loomis/ or on cuckchan /ic/ or maybe/3/ but i cant find it anymore.

I'm not looking at the worst. I'm looking at the aggregate. The average is why, regardless of how decayed society is, women will always be ahead of the curve. I don't think I'm being cynical, either. Women are naturally more empathetic and caring. That's perfect when it comes to raising a family, and part of the reason I love my _wife, but they have absolutely no place leading a nation. We need to crush less civilized cultures while we're stronger, not nurse them until they completely overrun us. It's hard enough to explain the circumstances where you have to let children die, or even make decisions that you know will lead to a certain amount of deaths. It's almost impossible to explain to a woman. They're more prone to make decisions based on emotion, and more easily mislead. And only God knows how many (((people))) are willing to take advantage of that.

hopefully I explained my point without sounding like a raving lunatic

Finally finished modeling the room I was working on, now started texturing it. It's bloody tedious. 1074 tris. More than I originally expected, but I didn't want to compromise on certain things.
Still figuring out a style for the texture work. Quite like how the consoles turned out, not sure about the game boxes, though.

That GBA,looking good.

What tools are you using?

I will make some shit games and sell them until i am rich enough so i can shitpost and dev all day without going to work ever again, you'll see!

Ironically the approach you just described is the primary way of thinking in those less civilized cultures you're talking about. Look at how that turned out for them.

Blender and Gimp.

Thank you kindly.

There's more to that room, isn't there? Those screenshots don't show 1k tris. You know about linked duplicates, don't you? They really speed up the work by a lot.

Conquest is natural, and has only recently been beat out of us through constant propaganda. It's only way to secure the security and growth of a nation. I'm sure you've seen what kind of degeneracy takes place when you pack more and more people into a city. It's just not possible for a society to survive like that.
pretty well, actually, savage races we're competing with massively outnumber us and yet we still try to feed them or, even worse, invite them in and give them full citizenship. Sure, they live in shit, but it's not because of the natural desire to secure an existence for their people. They just don't have the intelligence to advance passed that.

Yup, user, that's just one shelf. It's 128, mostly because the Famicom ended up being pretty detailed. I delete any tris that are definitely invisible but ones that can be seen, even if it's hard, I always leave in.

And yeah, I know. I just made the mistake of modeling everything first and texturing after, so I ended up having to do more texture work than I would have otherwise.
It's a learning process, certainly. Only been using Blender for two weeks, on and off due to personal life being a bitch.
Pics related are the rest of the room, untextured for now.

What're you going to do with this, user?

I see no reason to assume there was any propaganda. Hard times create hard men, who create good times, and good times create soft men. Soft men create hard times.


They live perpetually submerged in shit because they have no infrastructure that would allow them not to be. It is widely speculated by science that harsher regions also forced the white man to invent more elaborate ways to survive, and just like that one factor, there's many other factors at play. Assuming they're just genetically inferior when there are many cases of third-fourth generation immigrants leading productive, civilized lives is kinda silly.

Looks nice. Tomorrow I'm going to post my Blender plugin here. It's for making unwrapping faster, since in need to unwrap lots of architecture.

So far, it was a test. This is the second thing I made after that acorn I posted a while back. Most likely it will be the inside of the treehouse of the main character. It'll take adjustments, but I have to model the hub world for that, and I want to actually get 3D models to display on screen before that, so it'll be a while.

Sounds useful. Thanks, user.

Okay so since C#/.NET exposes Math.Sin as a double and I'm tired of casting it to float, I wrote my own implementation of Sin() using a Taylor series, instead of just wrapping the cast.

Obviously it's probably going to be slower, but I'm taking bets on how many orders of magnitude slower

I mainly try to recreate existent ones first.
I can't write good stories/make graphics at all
Yes, just a little C++.
I still can't get GUIs though.
It's my main reason.

Then you're blind. Propaganda for "diversity" is everywhere.

And genetics play a factor in all of this. Everything is a function of genetics.

They don't even have the intelligence to maintain infrastructure, let alone create it. What do you think happened when Haitians massacred nearly all of the French and claimed sovereignty? The existing infrastructure crumbled. They can't even patch up bridges. Even if they're worse off because they're living in shit, they're only living in shit because of their intelligence.

And the whites that couldn't come up with elaborate ways to survive died. Almost as if they were naturally selected for.

They can function acceptably in a society as long as it remains majority white, and they're trained from birth to act as if they were white. They aren't white, though, and that becomes incredibly clear the minute they secure any sort of power. Whites recently became a minority in California and I'm looking forward to it crumbling.

Where's my Beelzebox bro at?

What would be better to work with, Cube 2 or Darkplaces?

Okay what the fuck my implementation (that is only accurate for floating-point accuracy, not double accuracy) is like twice the speed of the .Net implementation, so I optimized a math function. That doesn't seem like something

Guy I just got into college for a computer science career. I'm pretty excited, I start class on the 19th. I'm planning on posting here my progress to share the knowledge and help other anons, if you're open to the idea. I'm 28 btw

I went off to college for a 2-year diploma in 2008, and graduated 4 years later (mostly issues with money and co-op placement). Did absolutely nothing with my degree, and learned the most stuff within the last 3 years.

Not to throw water on your college ambitions. Just sayin', take it with a grain of salt and what you get out of it depends on the effort you put into it.

Sounds to me like you're assuming the worst in all cases and it's just easier for you to explain things away as "genetics" when in reality most things in countries of the world can be traced to their historical roots as opposed to an easy blanket explanation.

Gee it sure sounds like they were not educated enough due to being oh I don't know fucking slaves?

let him have his hope, user, it's all downhill from here

lol This looks like it is past UEngine 1 so I couldn't help you. UEngine 1 didn't even account for friction outside of collision, and they wont let you see the source code for collision, just header references and script code.

Alright - I'll just keep fucking with it until it works, I guess.

I want another Xenogears but I want the map control to be better, and I don't have enough stealth games. The combat was great but level navigation was crap, the camera angles were bad and some parts were awful to navigate.

Couldn't say, I've never used Unity. I'd ask around on their forums/disagreement. Meme responsibly if you do.

Why do you think that the abbos in Australia were unable to accomplish anything in however many tens of thousands of years they've been squatting there? You could have given them another fifty thousand years and I doubt they'd have ever come up with anything resembling a civilization. I don't have to explain anything away. You're arguing that natural selection and genetics have a negligible effect on the one thing that sets mankind apart from all the other animals. I'm arguing that it does. That's why it seems like a convenient explanation, I'm explaining the truth and you're doing your best to explain it away.

The vast majority of them weren't slaves. Even if they were, you might have a point here if they didn't have 200 years to fail to figure out bridges. They simply are unable to advance. Intelligence is a bottleneck for any real civilization, one that most Africans are just not equipped to handle. Any European race, in that situation, would have been able to gather people to figure out how to at least maintain the civilization they took. Africans? They go back to wallowing in shit. They're trying their best to mimic western civilization and just cannot cut it. Haiti has a "president", which citizens ostensibly vote into power. Instead, they just switch out tyrants occasionally, and it's extremely notable when they actually have a shift in power without mass deaths.

Do you know what happened to the only civilization in Africa? The white leadership was heavily pressured into letting the negros vote. Unsurprisingly, they immediately voted in another negro, and now it's a complete shithole. Most of Zimbobwae's white farmers have been driven out or killed, and once again, they're too stupid to maintain the civilization they took. The black farms don't produce anything. You can blame their education, but it takes a special kind of human to kill the only people who know how to produce your food. It takes a negro. You're one of those zealots who believes that evolution stops above the neck, and need a thousand excuses for what's just staring you in the fact. You're willingly ignorant.

It's not really on topic to /agdg/ though.
Also, to play double's advocate, now is a fantastic time to short South African money

Honestly should have just been a math major, or double major with math and compsci or something. That's not to say it's a bad major; I just feel like it's worth a lot more when used together with other fields. The last thing you want to do is get a cs degree and then get stuck as a codemonkey using meme/agile design patterns to pump out shitty software you don't give a damn about for the next big "app". CS really opens your eyes when it comes to solving problems fast and efficiently, and it can really make you marketable in other fields that require heavy computational problem solving.

More or less this is why I didn't pursue a career. I would have had to move to Toronto and work with pajeets making java-powered apps or websites. No thank you.

I work in motion graphics/VFX/video production. I'm studying to work as a dev for myself.

> double's advocate
> double's
> not devil's

Someone else used the same concept, which is a really good concept, and created a massive pile of utter garbage and wasted potential. It kept stringing me along with promises of cleverness before slamming me back down with atrocious but effortlessly fixed if you're not a complete fucking retard design.

I was fucking furious at it. I got so fucking mad at this time-wasting piece of shit that I learned a shitload of stuff so I could start editing it to not suck. I eventually realized that it would be much easier to just make my own thing than keep fixing the dumpster fire.

So I started making my own thing powered purely by rage and spite. It remains my primary motivator. I want to physically hurt the people responsible for this, but since I can't, I'm going to emotionally hurt them by doing it better.

Didn't even get dubs.

tell us a bit more about it, user

Friends are a diamond dozen in this doggy dog world, user

I make games because no studio currently out there has plans to. Which I guess ties into making new game mechanics.

If your game can't sell itself. It's not very good. Probably explains why so much mediocre AAA garbage has hundreds of millions in marketing spending

I understand that feel. There's something magical about doing even something as simple as make a character controller and walking them around that keeps pulling me back in. Whenever I make something that works, I tend to spend 20 minutes just playing with it. It brings me the same joy that playing with toys did when I was a kid.

I feel this way about a lot of games and do have plans to make games like that. So many games where "You fucks could have made the best game if you ignored the gimmicky bullshit of X and focused on Y"

*No studio currently out there has plans to make the games I want to see
I'm over-worked and exhausted. Plz no bully


so how does one get into articulating plates for armor? best guess i have (if i want to reuse the same rig so no bones for specific plates) is to evenly weight paint on each "Plate" but then the plates that lay in the middle start to shrink when the top is rotated.(but not noticeably until you go past 50-60 degrees)

Kiss the Shinobu.

I don't post in these threads at all, yet alone read them, so maybe you do it often enough but you really shouldn't be sharing nudity of your waifu.

But I'm posting progress of my set of animations.

then fuck off.

No there fucking isn't, it's not a Nintendo property nor is this anything beyond just another console port of a popular indie game.

that's tough if you don't want to add extra bones. you could try doing your method and adding corrective blendshapes to minimize the shrinking, but that's still going to be a mess and that's also not really how you're supposed to use those.

Help. I don't want to make a 2D game, and flat monitors are all trash except maybe that $40,000 one that Dolby made.

Just use a DVI-VGA adapter, that is how I used my CRT before it broke

your animations are shit and you should leave

There are five different DVI port types. The only ones used on newer cards are DVI-D Single Link and Dual Link, which are incompatible with DVI-VGA adapters.

All Nvidia cards up to the 900 series have a DVI-I out port. All you need is pic related. ATI has been digital-only since forever.

what model? a Diamondtron, I hope.

Fucking crypto miners. Oh well, I can get it with my next paycheck. Thanks for the tip.

Oh right, the monitor's just a Hewlett Packard with unusually good color that I'm very careful not to damage.

Jesus fuck. I paid 150 for mine, new, three years back.


fifteen vagánias

The models in Bad Fur Day are pretty high poly compared to some other N64 games. No wonder it ran like shit.

Anyone have some new music recommendations? I've been listening to the Neotokyo OST too much lately.

The Freeze Dong OST is bloody phenomenal. Windmill Hills, Seashore War, Amyss Abyss are all really bloody good.

And the most underrated DKC soundtrack - DKC3 for GBA
Waterfall, Enchanted River, Stilt Village, Rockface Rumble and Water World are fucking great. Shame that it was crunched to hell to play on the GBA.

God damn, stick to the anime look you had going on before.

That's just how it looks in the viewport you tard.

Once you get a Development kit you can port whatever the fuck you want to the Switch, and Nintendo isn't going to look at your engine and say that it's inadequate, that's not a thing that happens.

If i am looking for reference for female anatomy am i best of just using porn?
Everything i find is behind a paywall, but i can easily find hight res images of porn stars in various poses.

Actually, with the Wii U I believe, in order to indie publish a game, you had to have it authored by Nintendo to put it on their app store. During this process they would unit test it to see if it crashes. If it does, they reject it. This process costs like $4,000 or something each go

Don't do that then.

All I know about the Switch is that you have to personally email them with a pitch for the game you're making and beg for a devkit, which costs $500. Never heard much about the process past that.

Here's some of what I usually listen to

Burial - Untrue
Skream - Skream!
Lemon Jelly - Lost Horizons
Tycho - Dive
Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2
Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1
Pretty much anything from Debussy
Herbie Hancock - Headhunters
Herbie Hancock - Man Child
Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue

Almost forget
Tangerine Dream - Hyperborea


digimon world 2 - 3 always have this hackery sound that makes it easier for programing

go to smutty dot com and search for #3dmodellingreference

Actually, Nintendo has (or had?) a division looking for promising indie games to put on the Switch to grow their store. If they come to you to ask you if you want to support their platform, it's not unreasonable to think they would sponsor your SDK and maybe even one or two certification attempts. Here's a dev of a switch game mentioning it at ESA a few weeks ago

Thanks, will check these out. Need reading focus music for now, not programming anything for at least another week. Realtime fluid dynamics is not exactly a topic you just jump in and program right away, need to refresh on physics first.

What is the best gamedev brainfuel? for creativity

Healthy food, lots of fiber and protein. Eat your greens, take vitamins. Drink lots of water. Caffeine helps stay focused.


have those little v8 energy drinks that come in packs of 4 or 6 instead of something absolutely reprehensible for every part of you.

for fuk sake, the oldfags here need to shame and bully them into their places

energy drinks are not coffee, learning to fucking make some coffee

what the fuck is even that?

/fit/ approved

I wonder how interested they'd be in sponsoring or at least hosting a platformer inspired by Conker's bad fur day? They seemed supportive of the original. It's years down the line, though, Switch might be dead by then but it'd be pleasant nevertheless.

Personally, if I don't have meat for more than a couple days, my body becomes physically weak. I like chicken because even big bits of it cook quickly, but pork tastes better.


Are you Dominican?

are you a pussy? why the fuck would coffee make you go to the bathroom more?




energy drinks to me are guilty pleasure. I don't know why but they taste amazing to me, and they do seem to kick in much faster than coffee.

I can't stomach the taste of energy drinks, they taste absolutely foul to me.

Definitely not carbs, especially in the morning. I have done some testing recently and on days I ate food rich in carbs I got tired quicker. Pic rel, is breakfast that'll give you energy.

I love the taste too. Are there any drinks that taste like energy drinks but don't contain stimulants?

As much as I dislike pedoshit, I have to admit his animations are pretty good.

Tea doesn't give nearly as much kick as coffee, and tea is more of a bitch to prepare.

Coffee is a diuretic. I know what he's talking about - I do tend to go to the bathroom more when drinking a lot of coffee.

That's so strange to me. What kind of drinks have you tried? I don't like Monster because it's too sweet, but I love most other ones. They taste so tart, stimulating and exciting to me. Absolutely adore the flavor and the taste. Granted, I don't often drink them because they are very bad for you in large quantities.

I thought yours was more funny than neck beards.

I'll share a magic trick with you, user. It's a secret of the ancients, taught to me by a magical fairy. Lag rotation keyframes behind location keyframes to have fluid, passive, relaxed motion. Lag location keyframes behind rotation to have active, deliberate motion. Rotation keyframes perfectly synced with location make for robotic, stiff movement and that's what you often see in pajeet-tier CG cartoons In all seriousness I feel like most people discover this by themselves after they've been animating for a while but this is a trick that seems to really, really make things much more alive when applied. The magical fairy was a professional animator that dropped some tips when I asked him.

Can you tell us/me why the price went up? I don't understand. please don't bully me

Caffeine is okay I guess

I drink whatever based on how much oomph i need

soda is cancer in liquid form, switch to coffee.

People mine cryptocurrency with it. The price of crypto is pretty much defined by the amount of calculation that was needed to acquire it, and every transaction is secured by the same thing. It just so happens that graphics cards are perfectly suited to mine crypto, thats why everyone is buying them up and the price is skyrocketing as a result.

Stop that right fucking now. You're hurting your body every time you drink a soda, user. It's liquid death. Drink water and get caffeine from coffee.

Red Bull, Monster, 4Loko, Mountain Dew and some off-brand corner store shit. Sage for off-topic.

Weird. I guess everyone has their taste.

of course they do, its all that sugary rush, good luck with your diabetus

are you 10? get outta here, this is a place for manly men who drink their morning vodka with a touch of coffee

while that is true, its hardly a problem, I take good coffee as my morning fuel and sip all the days as a side beverage
and apart from that I take huge amounts of water as well, gotta stay hydrated bro!

very convincing,

I pretty much drink water exclusively these days. I don't drink anything with caffeine in it so I can't speak to the effect it has on alertness, but as far as exhaustion, coffee dehydrates you so quickly, it makes your more tired after your initial high in the morning and is also why your have to shit so badly afterwards. Dehydration is the main reason people are so tired in the morning, and so the best think to drink in the morning is cold water.

Soda is not something the human body tolerates well and people who drink soda become huge, get diabetes and their teeth rot out. That is just the tip of the iceberg. You will absolutely regret a soda habit as you age and you feel body turning to shit. I quit it right after University and my only regret is ever drinking it. Soda could well be worse for the average person than smoking.


never preview animations b4 you port them into whatever engine you are using. just go with your gut.

Attention Blender users

I've made a plugin to make unwrapping (architecture in particular) more comfortable. You can find it here:
1.0 Release:
Since I still don't have access to my devrig, I have some more time to spend on this. Are there any operations you'd like to see? Is there anything that's simple to do, but wastes a lot of time? (Busywork, essentially)

1. Because there are games I want to play that no studio seems to make
2. Because I love video games
3. Because I'm not going to sit back and watch as my favorite hobby gets devoured by blue haired communists
4. Because there's nothing I'd rather do in future and I have the skill it takes to make a good one. The question is whether I have the discipline and endurance to push through to the very end.
Also, good luck with finding an artist.

After 6 million years I bothered making a ICBM protector sprite for my OpenRA mene mod. I just need to scale down the sprite a bit and then add a actual function to it. I already made the A10/Mig bomber power interceptable by AA units.
tfw I can use procedural texture and it won't matter much, fuck UV mapping tbh

good derail, but now back to gamedev

I'm in a pickle, I'm using regular expressions to dissect a image filename into tags (for layering)(its stolen from another game)
tags are in the form of 'SknA' 'BstB' 'Item02', and stuff like that in example:
however there are some tags that are blended together like so 'BstABC', which means it can be used by either BstA BstB or BstC

I'm exporting this meta into a json file with the tags, so my task here is to find these cases, and then dissect them again into multiple entries, any suggestions on how to do it?

Juice in moderation is superior anyways.

Did you delete your code?

lack of version control can set you back weeks. Use version control, kids

So what's your endgame, user?
Are you going to blow your brains out after finishing your dream world?

You are trash.

I'm discouraging faggots who shit on Shinobudev's work without contributing anything. This includes you and your insinuations

I'd be willing to tango with a bunch of slavs.

Juice is just sugar, too. Albeit less unhealthy. The better choice is to drink whatever you want to drink, but in moderation. As a treat, as a dessert. I mainly drink water but I treat myself with a soda sometimes. The difference is that I know it's a sugar bomb and I treat it just like a chocolate bar.

I just really love video games, wanted to make them since I was a kid. Your 4 motivations are definitely part of it but i just really really like vidya.

I want to preserve the past, almost the opposite of your first motivation. I want to keep old mechanics around (ditto for graphics, game-feel, sound, and music). So, entertain myself and learn I guess.


The "anti-anti-" crowd pisses me off. "Sheeple" is perfectly acceptable because it fucking fits. Too many "people" are NPC sheeple. Can we make a game that teaches young men agency instead of being an alpha male fantasy simulator for escapism?

Currently here.

Love this, cheers.

Fuck yeah.

Animation itself looks good mate, but those collar bones need a little refinement.

Fuck off with your negativity. Wasted dubs.

See you on The Day of the Rope, user!

Same for me with carbs. I find greek yogurt to be a perfectly balanced way to break my fast, and it has probiotics.

That's impressive, user.

Fuck off with your negativity. Check yer digits, mate. Yer a boob.

thats some cool stuff user

Don't do this.

Sliders! Now to find out how to edit the armature in Unity to follow the body…
Or maybe i will just texture it today

They do need work but that looks particularly bad because the head and body mesh is divided into separate objects You can see the separation line.

Wow that's an old progress video. Also that was in UE4 with an old model. Totally outdated. I recorded in Blender viewport.

Im just gonna keep working and adding on it. I see no end in sight yet.

I do do that actually for all other animations but that animation I wanted to have little stutters as she is distressed.

Not to tell you what to do, but I'd suggest fixing that adult torso size.

Props on the level of customization you're going for, though.

Impressive. Can those be imported into a game engine for the player to use?

You gonna detail dem tiddys? or they just gonna remain blank.

Unity can use these Shape Keys, im not sure about other engines, just remember these are just for the topology, the Armature does not follow it, so you have to edit it manually on the engine later
Good thing i took note of the exact proportions i amplified/shrunk the bodyhead

It indeed looked weird to me too, but i can`t tell exactly what is wrong with it, can you give me a tip?

I gonna make the nipples, but you will have to make nude mods for them to show up in game
I want the game to be family friendly, but i will make sure lewd mods are possible

Good on you for knowing your audience.

What about the sugar free ones?

General threads should be banned on Holla Forums

She looks like she's missing her rib cage. Round it out a bit, reduce that hip to shoulder ratio, very slightly.

You're several years late

I said it once already, the torso is too small for an adult.

Hips should be wider than the shoulders. it must be something else

Try adding a ribcage shape to it I think it looks mighty tubular. Look at reference images of the bottom end of the ribcage as it transitions to the tummy. The chest without tits actually points almost 30 ish degrees upwards.

does modding count? I make my first thief mapperino

hum, i will give it a try

yeah mods are fin-

Ribcage at the boob level is too narrow. Waist is too narrow. Head is too big for the height. Here's a more normal proportion. Notice the shoulders (topside) are still in the same place, just the lower (armpit) is wider. My waist may be a big too wide, you can sexualize that a bit, but not to the extent of a ribless monster.

Also I made the torso taller and gave her more of a neck.

I was using the legs as the frame of reference.

Dude, thanks for feedback and all but, Anime style, you are comparing apples to oranges

Here's a sexier version with a tighter waist. We've had this discussion already, you said it didn't apply to your loli style. But if you're gonna have an adult possibility it has to look human enough.

I dunno man those characters look true to the artstyle of pokemon.

Our opinions differs

These are pokemon characters, i used them to make references

oh. Are you making a pokemon game?

no, the characters will be in a similar style
Here some old webm of the protag, he is missing the jacket and new shaders here

I was talking about the adult version…

Y-you're grassdev?

Adult shape is similar

He is my brother, he is making the terrain system, im making the characters

Please listen to this user, he's spot on.

Oh so you're not making a pedofiliac-friendly sex game? Happy to know that.

Why are you so autistic about realism in a stylized game?

Adjusting armature in Unity seems like a hard thing. Maybe changing proportions of the model through scaling some dedicated bones could do the trick? In the webm I done I quick test, it looks wacky but this rig is not suited for something like this.I think if you designed a rig specifically for scaling certain parts, it could work and not be as hard as adjusting armature separately from mesh.

He asked for help, I offered it.

Wait, if this is a harvest moon thing (as I understand grassdev's game) why are you modeling nipples?

because i can, it will be easier to mod lewd stuff in, but the vanilla game will have no lewds

I am. Problem?

Now I don't know what's going on.

Just noticed I will have to remake all shape keys as i just noticed i forgot to mirror the hand modifications i did on the left hand to the right one, and you cannot apply the mirror mod if you have shape keys
Kill me

Whats so confusing about it?


this guy is not my brother, why are you assuming he is?

No, I am Spartacus.

I'm done. There's must be some pill I'm not taking. See you all tomorrow.

have you tried the brownpill yet matey

Grassdev is brorther of lolisimulatordev and fairy breedingdev but they are not brothers to each other. Grassdev and fairydev are cooperating, while lolidev is working alone. It's not fucking rocket science.

how new are you man? do you even know what IDs are?

We should implement some kind of naming system, maybe with a way to vote up or down posts?

Im fairycookingdev, grassdev is my brother
we have nothing to do with lolidev, unless you mean the shinobu guy, he helps me a bit with tips and references

I like this suggestion and I like your post number even more.
t. Fred

Like,biological brothers?

yes, we live in the same house, that is why we have the same ID sometimes

What other kind of brother would he talk about, gay buttbrothers?

Adopted you dong blaster

Never thought I'd see autism this bad on Holla Forums on a topic as silly as if two anons are related.

Finally stopped fucking around and achieved an orbiting camera. All it took was remembering basic trig.
func orbit_left(): cx = cos(deg2rad(theta)) * (camx - px) - sin(deg2rad(theta)) * (camz - pz) + px cz = sin(deg2rad(theta)) * (camx - px) + cos(deg2rad(theta)) * (camz - pz) + pz cam_transform = Transform(get_transform().basis, Vector3(cx,cam_height,cz)) set_global_transform(cam_transform) look_at(Vector3(player.get_transform().origin), Vector3(0,1,0))

Blood brothers, obviously.

jut duplicate the hands retard

Made a vid because I finally found a screencapture program on linux that doesn't suck.

that's pretty impressive


You don`t understand
The shape keys save the entire body, if you modify them in the base shape the modification will not happen in the shape keys because they have the old hand shape saved, so every time the left leg bends and i have to use the shape key to make it smoother the right hand would mutate into the old model

So I'm working on the Godot documentation here:
And this code is not working:
if velocity.x != 0: $AnimatedSprite.animation = "right" $AnimatedSprite.flip_v = false $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = velocity.x < 0elif velocity.y != 0: $AnimatedSprite.animation = "up" $AnimatedSprite.flip_v = velocity.y > 0
When I run the game it loads ok, has my sprite, but when I go to try and move it, the sprite disappears. If I comment out this code, the game runs fine and I get my up and right animations ok, but obviously not the flips. I've got a couple questions:
1. How did I fuck this up? I thought maybe a typo, but I triple checked and even copy/pasted right from the documentation.
2. In Godot, how would I go about debugging this? The debugger doesn't seem to give me much info. I don't see a sprite count or object count or anything. I have no idea if my sprite is still there, but on some kind of other layer (or fucking 5th dimension?) or if it was tossed into the trash.
3. This line:
Should return "true" if there is a velocity above zero, correct? So that if there IS any velocity above zero, then flip is true, that's how this is supposed to work, right?

I'd test it out myself and see if I get the same behavior, but I can't run Godot3. Can you post an image of the scene you are working in? Also turn on collision boxes and add a print statement in the player script that prints out the sprites current location. Small things like that can really help debugging.

I wish I could rip all the assets out of the Yakuza games and take a look at them. There's so many cool little textures on signs and billboards, it'd be neat to be able to look at them.

Sure thing.
Godot01.PNG is the working screen and code, no flipping attempted.
Godot02.PNG is WITH the attempted flipping, but before movement (so initial conditions on load)
Godot03.PNG is right after the first keystroke (doesn't matter, up, down, left, or right)
Will try this.

comment out the AnimatedSprite.animation parts, i have a feeling that it gets stuck on an empty frame

That worked, thank you user. Hoping this won't come back to bite me in the ass later down the tutorial where some reference to the animation sheet directions are used.

select your animated sprite and then the sprite resources, then remove the empty frame or whatever, also open the animation tab and make your animations loop

AH HA, I'm a fucking idiot and didn't follow the tutorial closely enough. I had fucked up my sprite frames import. Thanks again, user, going to go back and see if I can get the whole enchilada frying now.

good stuff user, but why do you have and adult and child slider when both of them seem to make the same thing
and btw, I understand that you want to keep the style, but it would be a good idea to tie other things to the child factor, for example features that would it more childish or not

its not even that, how often have you ended up nearly rewriting a whole part of your code, because your mind changed along the way

Reference for this.

Is that orbiting without a target node? If so, pretty neat. Though you can just make a camera that points at a target spatial node and call this function on the target:
set_rotation(Vector3(y, x, 0))
The y and x axes are "flipped" because it rotates around the axes. This is probably easier and more maintainable in the long run.

Don't do that. Store the inputs in a direction vector and then implement your acceleration/physics to translate that into velocity.

I'm following a tutorial, and the velocity gets normalized.
velocity = velocity.normalized() * SPEED
And honestly, I don't super care anyway as I'm not doing an action game, there will be 0 physics in my actual (after a few tuts) project.

Huh, guess I should have looked at the documentation a bit more. Thanks for the tip.

You can rotate things in a number of different ways. I'm not sure what the best way is, but set_rotation seems like the most concise way. The only possible problem I see with it is that you could possibly get gimbal lock depending on the implementation. This is the implementation in the actual c++ codebase, maybe someone with better math than me can explain whether or not it has gimbal lock:
void Spatial::set_rotation(const Vector3 &p_euler_rad) { if (data.dirty & DIRTY_VECTORS) { data.scale = data.local_transform.basis.get_scale(); data.dirty &= ~DIRTY_VECTORS; } data.rotation = p_euler_rad; data.dirty |= DIRTY_LOCAL; _propagate_transform_changed(this); if (data.notify_local_transform) { notification(NOTIFICATION_LOCAL_TRANSFORM_CHANGED); }}

The other best way I can find for rotating stuff is Quaternions.
var rotation_transform = Transform(Quat(Vector3(0,0,1), 10) * Quat(Vector3(0,1,0), aim_x) * Quat(Vector3(1,0,0), aim_y))transform = transform.interpolate_with(rotation_transform, 1)
Quats definitely do not suffer from gimbal lock. However, they do take more computations and allocations.

As I understand it, gimbal lock is inherent to using euler angles. The only way to avoid the possibility of gimbal lock is to use another formalism such as quaternions.
That's the thing I love/hate most about coding, or algorithms in general. Anytime you come up with a solution to something you instinctively know that this solution could be achieved in a myriad of different ways and then you have to decide whether it's important enough to improve or not. I bet if I stopped giving a shit about the individual solutions for problems in my game and just slapped on whatever worked, I'd make much quicker progress.

If it's a diuretic, I haven't really noticed. I alternate between days where I drink water and days where I dip on coffee and I haven't really noticed any changes.
I tend to stay up later on the days with coffee and get more done, though, for obvious reasons. It's a HIGHLARIOUS cliché, but it really is the nectar of productivity.

Coffee really fucks my shit up, literally. I enjoy it though. I don't even think it's the caffeine that does it, because I don't react the same way to things like caffeine gum or caffeinated energy shots. I've heard that some coffee can give people headaches and digestive issues because of specific mold spores that grow on drying coffee beans as they're processed. Not sure how true that is though. And yeah, the consumer culture around coffee is the worst fucking thing. "Don't even talk to me until I've had my coffee XD"

Part of me wants to start buying and roasting my own beans and stuff. If I drink enough of the stuff it's definitely worth more effort for a better experience than giving Folgers or Goybucks my money for shit coffee.

Just skip the coffee and start downing caffeine pills

Looking at the code that actually rotates the Spatial object
It is basically just resetting the rotation. Meaning, I think, the entire issue of gimbal lock is sidestepped (in that function). So to get gimbal lock from set_rotation() I think you would have to have a problem with the parameters you pass in. First of all, gimbal lock is caused by rotation on all three axes, so if you are doing a standard FPS camera (particularly with the y axis clamped), it just doesn't matter. However, say your character gets in a jet plane or something. If you are tracking the x, y, and z axis as separate variables, I don't see how the gimbal issue can apply. Maybe someone can correct me on that. But for now I'm gonna say that set_rotation() is probably the best thing to use.

distortion fx and a new lighting model

without distortion

I said childish not babyish, and user, 14 is still a fucking child




You suggest this ironically, but your first post in this thread boils down to you upvoting and downvoting posts

Sometimes it's just magic.
Make a copy of the original code and then tweak it. Even if you never fully understand it, you at least need to get a vague idea of how things are held together in case something breaks.

You ARE using git, right, user?

I need help, advice needed
Long story short, I have been on-and-off working on a shitty 2d topdown shooter thing demo. Think counter-strike 2D.
I have extreme mental issues trauma suicidal tendencies etc. Especially concentration issues, also my sleeping pattern is autism.

Recently I started working at it again. To be specific, today. I am looking through my code and don't recognize most of it. This is a big issue because:

The pathfinding doesn't work. IT does work, but it is extremely overcomplicated spaghetti garbage pages long. And on top of that, the output sequence is wrong: randomly in reverses start with end, or worse.

I am using Unity, and am super new, no professional experience, only screwing around in javascript and some other stuff when I was young. Due to lack of formal training my skills are retarded and swiss cheese.

How do I fix my pathfinding algorithm? I am currently implementing a system where I can click to find paths, and display the path and directions.

I am afraid to post code because it is spaghetti autism chris-chan tier garbage.

sugar free sodas still have all the ability to rot out your teeth and guts, there was a lot of talk about how drinking diet coke is essentially slow deliberate suicide when trump took office.

This. Make some code that displays, logs and reports as much information on screen and into logs as possible.

post the code user, we're actually really friendly and would never, ever make it the OP of the next thread

In general, the time spent working on an in-depth logging, debugging, or informational system will pay for itself tenfold later on.

Other than that, just post the code here so we can give it a look. The worst you'll get is cruel, cruel mockery. Thoughts on this song?

I've been working on a very basic animation system. More and more of the game logic is ending up in Lua. Another few weeks and I might be able to actually start on the game itself.

better than anything i've ever done

user you can use Blend From Shape to move around and shift your shape keys. Select your hands and Blend From Shape into the better pose.

I've skimmed through about a hundred pages of this book. Game development is inherently going to be different than making software, but the chapters that cover making code more readable without changing the functionality. Skip the chapter on error handling. It's outright bad advice for game development. It's written in javashit.

this is a good introduction to game AI, but it has the same issue as most other books like this the author tries to be funny. If you're not comfortable with basic algebra and trig, look over the first chapter.

self explanatory

//input: real global cords
Vector2 closestNode(Vector2 v)
Vector2 vt = worldToTile (v);
//hints.Add (v);

for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) {
if (!collides (tileToWorld(nodes [i].pos), v)) {
//hints.Add (tileToWorld (nodes [i].pos));
return nodes [i].pos;
print ("error; position not near node!");
public List getPath(Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2)
Vector2 startnode, endnode =;
startnode = closestNode (v1);
endnode = closestNode (v2);
List oout = new List ();
actualnode find = nodes.Find (x => x.pos == startnode);
/*print ("pos:");
print (startnode);
print (endnode);
print (find.ddict [tileToWorld (endnode)] [0]); */
if (find.ddict.ContainsKey (tileToWorld(endnode))) {
oout = find.ddict [tileToWorld (endnode)];
oout.Reverse ();
//hints.Clear ();
//hints = oout;
//oout.Add (v2);
//print ("works");
return oout;

put that in code blocks, you nigger

fuck it, can't paste whole thing here

I haven't read this one, but I plan to. It's just a math book that focuses on graphics and game math, so I'm assuming it's not absolute garbage like most gamedev books are. I had to compress it to get it under 16 MB.

public void damagePlayer(float f,float p) { float ff = (plrd.armor > 0) ? (f - p) : f; if (ff

My problem was the pathfinding, it outputs the wrong order of nodes

Yo, I like that image.Got any more?

We're currently working on the remake of this. That song I posted above is for it. The art is done by an awesome German member of the group.

Exclusive screenshot of Die Totenmaske 2.0


You'd have an easier time debugging it if your names made sense, though. and all your game logic wasn't in one singleton

what could that be?

99% of game development books wouldn't exist if there wasn't a massive market in telling people a bunch of steps to make some shitty half-baked clone that can't be salvaged. It's not easy finding books that are even worth pirating, and after that I still at least skim through them this removes most of the shit

hey, this IS interesting shit




Here's a C++ book on the implementation of game physics. I can't understand the material yet, so it's probably not pajeet-tier

This is much more friendly to people who aren't formally educated in math

we total annihilation now?

Why does this "codeless" shit exist? Code is easy. Art and music is hard. Where is "drawless game making?"

Coding has a mystique associated with it that art doesn't, because anyone can scribble on paper but you need to follow the rules when coding. The fact that the difficulty curve for art is ultimately much steeper is never appreciated, because normalfags don't care enough to git gud at either discipline. Music is actually pretty easy.

We totala now. I like the idea of being able to build a mighty fortress. I would need to add/make siege units in order to counter it. I wonder if Tiberian Sun has more ballistic physic since it has a actual terrain instead of flat ones. But I would like to wait for the OpenRA devs to finish it first before I change the base I am using.


Like I said, the majority of this profit comes from people who will never even seriously attempt to make a game. It's like the Unity asset store. Imagine if assets made money off of completed games using their product? They'd never see a penny.

I'd been browsing to it for 5 minutes, had forgotten I was listening to it, but was bobbing my head along. I think that means it's good.

Woah this is so useful. Finally I'll understand what the fuck quaternions even are.

isn't it basically this?


Unity is probably not a engine to start with when you have mental issues and you might not have the patience to deal with the shit the engine gives you, also if you doing it 2d anyways Godot seems like a better choice

Get out of here Stalker

He's part of the 56% obviously.

Nice going, Unity. What in the fuck is wrong with AO and grass?

what time is it, you bunch of bi-curious faggots?

that's right, it's anime grills and tanks time!!!
so it's been a little while again, like two weeks or something, so it's time for more shilling my gaerm.

Also put together a website for this shit, it's got some more pictures and whatnot there.
Is there anything that the accomplished weaboo type of people i know you all are would like to see in my amazing wolfgirl tank-humping simulator? (its actually a strategy game, believe it or not)
i'm actually open to suggestions, but only the weebiest ideas will be considered.

forgot website

for some reason that name made me giggle like a retard

Bayonets folded a gorrilian times

And there goes my plan. Meh I guess later if I am not too lazy I guess I could do a hack job by "borrowing" other lua scripts :—-DDD
My plan for the Eesti missions is that there is a small group that formed a militia which are wishing for a independent Nation, since they don't like how "heavy handed" GDI involvement was of lately. The first few mission will involve finding out a abandoned Nod base in order to loot equipment from, once strong enough a push back against the GDI will be planned. I don't know the role for Nod right now. I couldn't really care much if the plot line is crap, I… I just need to fill the mission description somehow

New C&C missions? You got a fan already.

Agreed with your sentiment, and I found that Unity doesn’t “really” provide the functionality to create true systems; as they use more of an Entity-component architecture than ECS.
I decided to totally ditch “unity’s way” by switching over to an open source ECS framework as I need system functionality to make my codebase function in the way I know I need to design it (but Unity doesn’t provide), and to gain the ability to make mechanics easier to add/extend/customize with my established mechanic systems.

I’m pretty excited for sandboxes parallel code, but that’s off topic to what I was attempting to discuss.

I like your style

Well, taking some cues from DarliFra might be tampting. Making the waifus sit in awkward yet lewd positions inside the tank, being able to peek inside
damage visible on characters you know what I mean

Fixed the damn occlusion

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1176x849 4.02 MB, 1.73M)

You already have what i was going to suggest
What about cooking delicious bucket sized puddings for them to reward MVPs or improve morale?

Attached: c081da74a6a1393f8f41fa0fb9930b301517717370_full.png (590x333, 198.55K)

Guys i forgot an
detail, i need to add support for stockings, but i don't know exactly how high they go, should it be at A,B or C?

Attached: abc.png (700x1200 225.8 KB, 180.68K)

Depends on the type of stocking, and the length of the skirt.
A might only work without a skirt, like pantsu or a bikini. B is nice for normal/short skirts, C for a longer skirt like a not super slutty maid outfit.

I guess im going for B

That shit looks great, will you make any dungeons in that style? Grass, forest, or jungle dungeons are some of my favorite

tfw no betlebuff

Terrain looks amazing, but while I know the character design is your style from way back; it heavily clashes with the aesthetics of the terrain.
Which gives off a feeling of inconsistent style, and is a big no no design wise.

What "clash" are you referring to?

One aspect can be described as a highly detailed realistic rendition to RL details, and the other is a characture of a vaguely humanoid being.
It’s pretty obvious as to where the clash is, and why; consistency is key in terms of art design games (and so obviously it’s generally not explicitly explained).

user even stroked your ego a bit before offering good advice, don't be a whore

I always thought the grey bell characters were a placeholder.

I too often make the mistake of not checking IDs. I know what he's referring to and I have received this criticism many times now. But 0ad163 elaborating on that for 737e9a's sake was very kind of him.

And I thank you all for your praise, it's very humbling.

Anyway, I promised this user I'd implement his model but haven't done that yet. I hope Beelzebuff will adress the "dissonance" concern. Stay tuned.

currently it's a "vista", a part of the starting town. We don't have the tech for randomized forests/fields. But I really hope people will spend some time exploring the village and its outskirts before venturing down the dungeon. That's what I did when playing D1. I fucking lov Tristram.

We'll keep the overall shape/strle of the char but add fidelity, at least I hope this will be the final result

I did hear arguments that my buildings are too blocky and that this actually complements the blobbyness of my chunky dudes

Th-thanks, I just need to figure out now why OpenRA all of suddenly decides not to load my mod when I want to load the map as a mission type.

Look at the IDs

It's clashing because pillman is too white and he has too geometrical shape. With more lighter shadow and some orange on him he wouldn't look so bad.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1864x1057, 4.02M)

At the risk of sounding like an asshole, Beelzebox is starting to look so good that pillman is sticking out like a sore thumb. He reminds me of the characters in the Madness series and I just think that switching the player model would be a good step. Again, not trying to be a dick.

Attached: Madness_Sheriff.jpg (199x298, 18.04K)

I am pretty sure it's being worked on, by the guy who made that fanart a few threads back

Attached: pieta.png (1242x692, 303.07K)

I agree, that he's sticking out but I think it's due to him being a placeholder art and not his design which we have yet to actually see in the game. We're only speculating until we see the proper model in the game.

No, the original blobby boys were supposed to be the actual model, the new model is only a thing as of a few threads back.

To me the new models look closer to how blobby boys were supposed to look based on the comic, with flat bottoms and more organic look, with the difference being more mass at the top.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (191x181, 9.93K)

Wow that website is not noscript friendly.
I'll keep that in mind.

let's be honest, user, this isn't coming in 2019

am no-maths tard, scrolled through, looks great saved it

daily reminder a remake a lready exists
Literally TA but actually 3d, and on some custom engine open source thingy, I tried it like 6 years ago it was pretty awesome

any website with wix or any other drag-and-dropshit in it automatically I leave

engine is not the problem, its literally my shitty concentration/programming skills, ive worked like almost 100 hours cant even get basic A* algo working

RTS's are very hard to make, although I think pathfinding might be the hardest along with optimizing the calculations for many units. If you nail that it'll be smooth sailing afterwards.

And daily reminder that the nu-Spring devs are a doing a shit job when it comes to pathfinding, that's why I dropped it. Boy I sure do love clumps!

Attached: Bumpercars simulator.png (1530x861, 2.37M)

All of your code is in one singleton. So on top of having to deal with debugging your pathfinding code, you're also working with a language object, the player data, sounds, all of the player functions, sprites, setting up/rendering graphics, loading the map from an image, drawing the map, GUI code, and drawing gizmos. It's an atrocity. Separate them all into separate classes (preferably not singletons) and then try to debug your pathfinding. Most of us aren't geniuses, user, and we have to organize our code as cleanly as possible so we can fit it all into our head. You aren't doing yourself any favors.

On top of this, most of your names make absolutely no sense. You have a gameobject called "plr" and a player data named "plrd". And then you have shit like this.
public playerData(float a, float b, float c) { health = a; energy = b; armor = c; }
instead of a much clearer
public playerData(float health, energy, armor) { = health; = energy; this.armor = armor; }
yes, fixing this will actually help you fix your pathfinding

so, I'd start by using some factoring tools to fix the names, then moving out all of the code that has nothing to do with the actual pathfinding logic.
once you do all this, there's no need for your update function, because your pathfinder won't be handling the graphics anyway.

Has anyone had experience with any Quake sourceports like Darkplaces or Cube 2 derivtives? I'm looking to make a campaign FPS similar to Halo/Half-Life Should I just stick with Godot?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-05_12-27-05.png (477x387, 246.87K)

Godot only has frustum culling right now so until they implement occlusion culling it's a poor choice for an FPS. As for the id Tech family and the unrelated Cube engines + Tesseract, it depends on what features and level design you're aiming for and how much of the engine you're willing to modify.
If you're willing to tell us what you're aiming for in more detail than "a campaign FPS", that will help a lot.

I am trying to make my BSP compiler properly compile a cube, just about the simplest thing you can do.

My current bug is that it can't properly eliminate back children yet, the size of the back lists generated should be 5-4-3-2-1-0, but instead it's 5-5-4-3-3-2, so something is wrong with that. It is creating leaves yet without eliminating polygons which is probably where the bug is coming from, since each leaf creation should eliminate at least one polygon from the pool.

Attached: poide64_2018-03-10_19-22-56.png (1185x699, 52.58K)

yep, I wanted to stick to my guns but Beelzebuff is just too good to reject

figured it out, I typed a plus instead of a minus. Now the map is compiling, it right now looks like it is correct for collision detection however the leaves are not being populated with any polygons, so that needs to be fixed. Then I can start testing more complicated maps that actually perform polygon splitting.

Attached: poide64_2018-03-10_19-34-07.png (537x73, 4.11K)

a shitpost before I go to sleep

>pillman is too white


You better fix your life boy

that's coming in 3.1. people should just start their godot projects now, the API won't break.

What version of OpenGL are you using sigmanon?

my map editor only needs OpenGL 1.1, the game also only has a requirement of 1.1, however it does take advantage of extensions that are only in mainline OpenGL by 1.5, like ARB_vertex_buffer_object. I also use extensions to get anisotropic filtering. However, no extensions are mandatory and it actually can and will fall back to immediate mode glBegin() and glEnd() if that is all the drivers support. So, i'm really making this with high compatibility in mind.

Also, the game can use Vulkan 1.0, Vulkan 1.1 was released a few days ago however it doesn't have any features that I would actually use any way.

Right now I'm working on a new version of my map format that contains the BSP tree, iv'e got simple box map that compiles fine, so I want to load it into the engine and get some collision detection going before I continue.

Attached: Sigma Editor 2_2018-03-10_21-59-15.png (640x480, 129.53K)

But what if I want to play your game on my ZX Spectrum?

is this retarded?

Attached: ArmorDemo3.webm (758x598, 4.6M)

I'm only going for ~20 years backwards compatibility, not 40.

Well it sure is another way to execute rigging.

You need to recalculate your normals.
As far as the animation goes, you have some clipping problems with the chest piece intersecting with the vertical polygons on the topmost abdomen plate on the left hand side. You can see it until about 10 seconds in when you switch to the other side.
But other than that I don't really think doing it this way is a problem.

In that case I'll be leaving some nasty comments about your game on the Usenet video games newsgroups.

Are there any good resources on 1.1 OpenGL with C besides the red book?

If only there were people shitposting about my engine on the newsgroups

I used which has some nice tutorials but I think that the best resource is going to be the actual spec, it's very readable and explains a lot.

If you're making this on windows you might want some more background knowledge on win32 than nehe gives you, so I would also check out

The spec can be found here:

Kronos hosts all of the specs but 1.1 is in .ps format and I don't know how to open it, but you should be able to ensure that your programs are written against the correct version of the API by ensuring that you aren't using the features added into OpenGL as detailed here:

Also if you're on some unix-y operating system just use this:

To get a context up, and then the actual OpenGL code is all cross platform.

This is the only other link that I have , it has some useful articles that will come in handy but they are all rather situational, however you should have it as a refrence because what is in here is pretty good.

Mein negro

Attached: 0db8463f756ad0e640ef276704da8f69a08344a8cf0202c76605f6759ad4c910.jpg (431x330, 23.89K)

That site has had the very specific answer to some very specific problems that I've had, and every time I have to look up his site I forget about the exact name and spend a little bit looking through "that tux racer OpenGL guy" on google for his site

Well I'm about ready to give up on trying to fix minecraft's code. I just get more frustrated the more I look at it, was trying to figure out how to lump things using the same base class into a single ID with different metadata, tried learning from an existing class that does this logs/planks and couldn't piece together how to do it.
Maybe I just don't understand the language well enough, even when there's very little code to try grasping it may as well be in chinese. Just makes me mad at myself. If I can figure out the small stuff I don't know how I would ever go about moving hardcoded shit into configs.

Attached: 1365311421109.jpg (669x584, 104.19K)

Is holding all of my data in individual thematic structs going to bite me in the ass later? I like grouping variables into structs, since in my character class I have a lot of variables, booleans etc. all related to various aspects of the character, and when I use name suggestion it pops up the struct name and from there I can select the variable I need as though the struct itself is a category. Basically it lets me keep everything organized. I fucking love doing this and it makes me feel all fuzzy, ordered and in control.

However… This reeks of stupidity to me. I have no idea why it would be, it seems to me that it's not a problem at all, but I just wanna make sure that I get this out of the way so I don't fuck myself into a corner later. So - am I doing anything wrong?

Attached: maUrQHe.jpg (613x569, 47.3K)

OOP is a mess and making non-trival changes to an object structure is really hairy, it's probably better to rewrite minecraft using procedural code and DOD when possible if the goal is to make such a wide sweeping architectural change to it

Instead of having a struct of booleans, just store an int and use bitwise operators to manipulate bits on the int instead of storing them as booleans. This will be much faster and also will lower the code complexity.

Oh, it's not just booleans, it's all sorts of variables.

how many variables could the player even have? I would consolidate the booleans into an int or two if you have more than 32, other than that maybe you shouldn't have so many variables?

Well I mean there's the movement stuff, then there's the metabolism, and then there's the metric fuckton of parameters I keep for tweaking the feel of the game, including wildly specific things like the speed at which my viewmodel lerps towards desired aimsway vector etc. There's a lot.

That's actually a problem. 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 both neglect a known bug for a really stupid reason.

The bug literally makes the property completely redundant and they won't fix it so they can preserve a standard that's a month and a half old. I actually really like Godot, and this attitude towards development just pisses me off.

Completely normal for software to not fix such bugs between subminor releases. The same is true for any other software project.
Do you even know what an ABI is? It's not a typo, which you seem to think since you're responding to a post about API.

how much of this stuff could just be constants? If something never changes, just don't even make it a variable. Just #define it to whatever

They're constants but having them as variables allows me to tweak things from inside the editors on individual instances of the object.

I know that ABI is different from API, I just think it should be fixed sooner rather than later because it triggers the autistic parts of my brain. I feel the same way about frame interpolation on TVs.

This week I mostly worked on collision detection. Entities can have complex bounds that belong to multiple collision groups, and listen to collision events with other collision groups or particles.

Attached: output_compressed.mp4 (800x600, 1.76M)

why though? data needs to be stored somewhere, and would rather have it loose anywhere in the code, globals and that shit?
its crucial to good programming design to couple pertaining data + behavior, and that's essentially what object classes are (OOP)

I for one, am designing my game to use soft data stored in json files, so they need to be read and stored into objects of their own
even when sometimes it seems like a tiny stupid amount of data, if there is some pertaining behavior that only that data needs, than its a class

and other user isn't wrong either, for storing booleans its preferred to have a int and checking it bitwise, and that requires predefined constants and works wonders within a class
for that reason as well I'm reconsidering it for my game general trigger checking, having predefined constants as opposed to having a generic name booleans

As long as you don't mind the textures flowing in and out, if it works it works.

short answer is, all of them, the average one B, would fit most cases
but the height depends the rest of the costume
those mini hot shorts go better with higher socks, leaving a small gap between them
formal skirts go high socks as well, covering everything like a stocking
frill lingerie and loose skirts may go better with lower socks
your first pic serves as a pretty good reference to be honest

Thanks, that's good to know. I just wasn't sure if this was bad practice.

Oh yeah it'll sure be less complex to have to memorize or make a load of comments explaining which bit represents what variable.

if they're class variables they are actually still contiguous even if they're not grouped in structs. the struct thing user is doing has this advantage if he's coding plain C though.



You just define the same variable name you'd have used for a boolean as a power of 2, then use (bitfield & boolname) as your variable. No need for a single memorization or comment.
#define somebool 1
#define bool4bitsleftofsomebool 16
You probably were just being witty and not asking for an explanation, but whatever.

feel free to make me a replacement website friendo, i make videogame shit, not website shit.

yea, i tried squarespace before, but that was just as terrible, and it wouldnt even allow me to make an image-as-a-link.

i actually really like that idea, get mission rated in puddings instead of stars or something hahah

good, that was the point. the logo will probably have striped panties hanging off the edge of a letter or something xD

why wouldn't it?
i was actually hoping for a release candidate around the end of 2018, but that's a bit optimistic, not entirely unrealistic though. still timing matters for launching a game, so we'll see…

Attached: VXzaQyU - Imgur.gif (700x404, 3.61M)

Are the trees swaying after being hit? Or are they always swaying? the effect is really subtle and I can't tell.

Yeah I was, but whatever.

Dem okami gusts.

Whatever you find more readable will be more maintainable so quite the contrary.
And if you want to pass only some part of the struct as an function argument the splitting would already be done.

You only need #defines when you need to use the int as a whole. For large amounts of boolean values you should use the underappreciated (because almost no one seems to know about it) built-in bit field feature that is compatible with the oldest C and C++ standarts. You can trust the compiler to use the most efficient bit-fiddling with that.
#include #include struct player { struct { int someval; } category; struct category2 { int someval; } category2; unsigned bool_1 :1; //one bit unsigned bool_2 :1; unsigned more :3; //3bits};void i_only_need_category2(struct category2 *c2){ c2->someval = 10;}int main(){ struct player player = { 0 }; printf("bool_1 : %u\n", player.bool_1); player.bool_1 = true; printf("bool_1 : %u\n", player.bool_1); player.more = 4; printf("more : %u\n", player.more); i_only_need_category2(&player.category2); return 0;}

ah i see you are a connoisseur

Attached: zttD3xG - Imgur.gif (720x640, 1.17M)

Attached: 974c8f69e5829127c4bbfa4c489c6fc5f569df788628b3c59be13bdbf175da2c.gif (550x374, 1.75M)


listen faggot, i gotta keep the weeb level at maximum.

Yeah i choose B, those who use short skirts elves will have the wonderful gap based on his height
But most of them will use longer skirts because they are fine virtuous ladies

Attached: stocking support.png (919x780, 265.82K)

The point of making things into #define's is to take them out of the struct because constants like that should not even be represented in the struct. The bit fields would certainly work however this prevents you from using the more expressive syntax you have for bitwise operators more freely. For example I can't just test for bool_2 and not bool_1 with something like (player.flags & BOOL_2), I have to do (player.bool_2 && !player.bool_1) instead.

Is there a way to have lua directly access an array on the C side of the code, or does it require you to use getters or copy every single fucking thing.

It's not worth doing unless flags are a language features that let you keep type safety not that this is the first time we've discussed this

Depends on the library you're using, obviously, the one I'm using for C# lets me grab an array and modify it directly.

I'm doing it from scratch with whatever Lua's defaults are. Although, I haven't seen anything about being able to directly access it. Perhaps your library fakes it and uses a getter.

Thanks for emailing me about this, Of course I would like to participate

Attached: antifa-game-jam.png (651x188, 23K)


you're probably right. I don't know how deep into it you're going, but it can't be easy to do safely.

You know, sometimes I step back from the anger and I feel undescribable amounts of sorrow for these broken people.

Oh boy!
Is there a disagreement I can join?!

If you're the guy who I argued with last time, I already explained how bitwise operators are superior.

Also I don't know at all what you're talking about by "type safety". They're just integers.

Or maybe it's just blood pressure getting fucked up you dummy

nodev amateur here. Am I right in thinking this bitwise ops approach encodes many variables into a single pointer?

Into a value, not a pointer although people have had to encode values in pointers

That's the problem, which should be apparent.

Sorry, wrong terminology. Is there any benefit other than insignificant memory savings?

As in, the variable name? Why would anyone be forced to do that, and how would you even check the value?

Points and values are different in practice, and they're completely different from the variable name itself

bitwise syntax is better than normal boolean synax. It takes less work to express non trival relationships because there are more operators and they have a lot of uses.

I wasn't talking to you with that post. Any way having everything as integers is not a problem, you don't need the compiler to hold your hand on the level it does with C# or whatever.

What are you guys working on?

Attached: he keeps doing it.png (677x413, 527.06K)

Game engine

Attached: Sigma Editor 2_2018-03-01_11-17-56.png (646x505 97.52 KB, 413.25K)

Making a game is already hard
You are really going for the Lunatic mode
Good luck Sigmanon!

Learning how to properly use unit tests because I don't want to be an eternal pajeet

Text adventure. Right now I'm working on the NLP back-end, trying to generate a dependency tree from a parse tree.

Coding basics

Thanks!, and nice doubles. I have a week off from school this week. I think this week I will make a lot of progress on collision detection, and probably start working on occlusion culling, since I can just work all day now. my motivation is to have occlusion culling in my engine before godot does

It looks like you're also doing very well with your stuff, too !

Attached: beaming_anime_girl.gif (400x360, 1.3M)

This took me way longer than it should have, but it's a pretty big step for me. The first image is the output to the command line and the second image is the tree the visitor is traversing. In the second image each node is labeled by the part of speech, and each internal node is numbered in the order that they are read by the algoritm. The visitor reads top to bottom, left to right.

In MeTA's parse tree there are two types of nodes, an internal node, and a leaf node. The internal node is a parent to other internal nodes and leaf nodes while leaf nodes hold a word but are a parent to nothing.
What I need is for MeTA's parse tree to be turned into my special dependency tree. The problem is the algorithm takes in the head of the parse tree and traverses it from the top to the bottom, but I need it to assemble the dependency tree from the bottom to the top. This is because the dependency algorithm I'll be implementing works from the bottom to the top, and doing it this way means I only traverse the parse tree once and never use a loop.
To traverse the parse tree I use a visitor, which uses recursion to call itself on the children of each internal node. In order to work backwards when the visitor is reading forwards much of the work after the recursive operator has been called on the children. Stuff is still done before the operator is called, but it's mainly used for keeping track of where on the tree the current operator is being called.

So what's happening in the screenshot?
From the top to the line that reads "-0.1-S)" is a round about way of printing out the parse tree. You can see how the leaves are printed before the internal nodes. The "-#.#-" is showing the node numbers of the internal nodes, corresponding with the numbers on the second image. The first number is one node up on the dependency tree, and the second number is the current node. These numbers are actually assigned to and being read from the dependency tree nodes as words and play no part in the construction of the tree other than as a placeholder and debugging reference.
Underneath that, down to the line that reads "flask", is the output of another recursive function that prints out the dependency tree. While the function outputting the tree isn't a visitor, it still traverses the tree in the same order. In the future the numbers will be changed to words.

Attached: ParseTree.png (197x507 5.34 KB, 13.93K)

This is my first rendering of the new map format with the BSP tree, I forgot that, I used to have everything as triangle lists and now I technically have everything as triangle fans, so I need to change the rendering of the world to triangle fans so that it displays correctly. I am not using the BSP tree for rendering so the tree itself should not impact the look of the map, it's just for collision detection.

Attached: sigma2_2018-03-12_03-47-40.png (646x505, 397.13K)

Just basic framework for my sandboxy autism. Sounds simple but it has to be flexible as fuck to allow for the level of freedom I'd like to have in the end product.

Ok, so I've decided that my first real project is going to an top-down RPG similiar to any old NES/SNES game but with some focus on alternate paths and more complex characters and gear. The idea is establish a game universe and proof of concept for a more elaborate follow-up game.

The only caveat on my game engine is that I would like to be able to use the same graphics (sprites) with different colors but only have the 1 graphic. IE - 1 sword graphic could be whatever color it's set at, I assume like how Photoshop has overlays.

I'm also wondering if it would be possible to build maps at the pixel level where each pixel represents a title sprite and other properties based on it's color code. (Or I suppose, the data could be read from a bmp and stored into a faster format for drawing the tile map if required)

I have a couple years of programming classes, but jack-all in working in graphics so am looking for a recommendation on where to start with that an what code base would work for this.

Attached: super shit sword of elements.jpg (256x256 38.47 KB, 13.34K)

You can easily do that with a shader, you can give each polygon it's own color data, and have the shader modify the texture color based on that.

What tools are you using? You said "my game engine" so I assume you've made something from scratch rather than using an engine like Unity.

Sorry I mean, whatever I choose as a game engine, I think Unity would be a little bit overkill for what I have planned, I'm thinking about Godot. Hopefully it has some them'there shaders you spoke of, I'm downloading a 2d demo right now for it.

Why do people insist on making their own engines? Ideally use Unreal or Unity. Even if you're obsessed with not giving money to chinks or paying for Unity (if this is really a barrier for you in making a game, it sounds to me like making a game to you is not that important), you can use Godot. Making an engine is arguably more work than then making a game on your own engine. It's just an unreasonable amount of work to just retread someone else's steps.

Attached: grump.jpg (620x400, 37.73K)

The three engines that exist are shit, user.
Unreal demands money from you, Unity is unnecessarily bloated, and Godot will keep reinventing itself for the next few years, and I can't even properly use it yet since it's forces it's shitty indent-based language on you.

Godot might become useful at some point down the line, but instead of sitting on my ass and jerking off, I might as well learn a useful skill in the meanwhile. It's going to be a massive undertaking either way, might as well make it so that I'd know exactly what I'm doing once the engine is functional, instead of reading fifty pages of documentation every day and praying that the next changelog doesn't break everything.

The 10 or so demos provided by go-dot (looks like it ) would put the graphics side of the engine quite far in, as for combat, inventory, dialogue and whatever else, that would have to be coded anyways. How much of a 2d engine could I expect handed to working with U/U?

Unreal is pretty fucking sweet though, and they demand a pinch of money from you percentage-wise, and you don't even need to pay them until you make a particular amount of money. I'm not at all a fan of Unity for various reasons and I've not tried Godot but from what I see it's alright, no?

Godot is certainly up-and-coming, but notice how often you hear someone respond to a question with "it's coming in the next update". And the indent-based nature of GDScript is a personal point, as due to my bad eyesight, it's a nightmare to use. Same with Python. Other language support exists, but in a very minimalist way, and, once again, it's coming in the next update™.

I suppose I'd prefer to be fully in control of it all, instead of waiting for someone else to implement functionality for me, and hope that they don't break anything essential.

I guess, yeah, but if you wanna actually finish your game it just makes more sense to take something that already gives you all the tools you need to make a proper game. I spent quite a while learning Unreal but the amount of things it has already fully working justifies the "tax" I have to pay once I release my game. Sure, I could spend a year or two trying to cobble an engine together, but to me it seems like a fool's errand. You can customize every aspect of Unreal, too - I think they gave it a full lobotomy in Dishonored 2 and slapped their own name onto it.

They only demand money if you make more than i think 3000$ per quarter in raw revenue.
So assuming you want to make money do you think it will make you at least 5% more efficient? Because then you should choose it from a financial point of view.

you know that you can literally do that, since ue4 is open source (not foss)?

No one can force you not to enginedev if thats what you want to do.
But that will take time away from finishing your game.

comment disregarded

whats the fucking problem there? indentation is meant to make readability better
and besides, its sort of optional, you can nest groups in the same line if that's what you're into

Using Python was a pain in the ass. I'd write things perfectly, and then it wouldn't compile because muh imperfect spacing, and I could never tell where exactly the issues were. It was an insane strain on my eyes to look for the issues, and gave me a headache after a short while. Considering how much work needs to be done on a game, I can't afford to be dealing with that, it'd add a year or more to my development time.

Irrelevant, those 5% go to Tencent so even a single dollar is too much.

So not giving money to Tencent is more important than your own success?
That was also not something the user i was responding to seems to give a shit about.

Not everyone is an all-or-nothing fanatic. Tencent will make money one way or the other.

Attached: smell.png (1600x1068, 1.56M)


I have Godot working as of now, with a 3D viewport. I have a text panel with a button too, gonna have to get that into the game when I can and see what mouse input can do from a potential distance, maybe with tracing. The Node/Scene system is interesting, looking forward to what I can do with the camera. I have to learn functions, but I have to read more of the documentation. I downloaded a template and read what allowed for a 3D camera, the documentation got me up to being able to adjust the game's resolution (I might cap resolution to 1280x720 for asset size sake and allow for… Pff, 800x600? I'm gonna mess around and find out what works, not sure I can work with much higher of a resolution without just getting tiny HUD elements or shit stretched out way too far).

Also fuck my current resolution, but I can't read very well with a higher one on this screen.

Attached: Untitled.png (1280x720, 142.41K)

finished the bases, now I'm just laying out the proper UV textures for all of the bases.

mostly because I want to make the games I like or want to see happen that are possible to be done by a chump like me.

Attached: progress1.png (1127x601 112.79 KB, 54.69K)

Furry game confirmed.

Attached: fur.png (315x165, 90.05K)

you may be a real retard

Attached: ur_retarded.jpg (489x400, 117.79K)

As a primarily C++ coder, Python triggers me, too.


Attached: -_-1.jpeg (470x400, 50.39K)


Since each tag is separated by an underscore, you can easily separate them into individual strings (your language may have a solution for this already). Then loop through each char in the string and find the base keyword [Bst, Skn, Unf]. Now you know any chars following are modifiers, and each iteration of the loop should create a new entry (until we reach another underscore, when we go back to looking for base keywords).

Like says, you might not need regex at all.



Someone contacted me to put my game God is a Cube on the wiki or something like that. And he told me good things about this board so I'm here.

I'm currently working on short cutscenes (there will be 20 of them), which will all be designed like mesmerizing gifs.
The ending cutscene will have a real meaning.

It has in fact a deep meaning or something like that.
But if I'm making a big grammatical mistake, you should tell me.

Attached: 2018_03_12-cutscene-18h52m11s-King_Kadelfek-CP_Dir_sequence_tuto-v00_00_00_00.gif (480x480, 944.02K)

It's been a while, glad to see you're still alive.

Oh hey, you're back. How's progress on your game, you past the DNA part yet?

one of three reasons: autism, they're retarded, or they want to become good programmers. possibly some overlap.

There's also some rejection at the idea of using a black box you don't understand. Part of the "dream" of programming is to create things from nothing. Plus, there's anxiety in the hypothetical event that one is limited by bugs in such a box.

that's a mix of autism and retarded

It's certainly impractical.


I want to become a billionaire

thanks, I actually manage to solve it myself not too long ago, but because I hadn't check for replies yet
this indeed,
and no wonder, was actually easier than I thought:
if multagfound: multag = for c in multag[3:]: tagsfound = patsimple.findall([5:-4].replace(multag,multag[0:3]+c)) data[setname].append( (, layer.offsets[0], layer.offsets[1], depth, tagsfound)) else: tagsfound = patsimple.findall([5:-4]) data[setname].append( (, layer.offsets[0], layer.offsets[1], depth, tagsfound))

but basically it just needs a fixed length and then double checking if something went wrong