The Division 2 announced by Ubikike

Developed by NuMassive

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Why? all I ever heard about the first game was that it was disappointing and boring. I heard about some revival later on but I never paid attention to it.

I'm honestly surprised that Ubisoft thought people cared enough about The Division to make a sequel to it.

Normalfags ate it up because muh graphics and tacticool.

Hopefully it goes the way of Destiny 2.

I hope the player numbers on the division 1 are bad (as they should be) and that the division 2 tanks them in money.

I miss RTS games
And I can tell you why
People die alone
I can tell you I'm

Have they seen Destiny 2? but this is fucking Jewbisoft, they got several studios and a lot of assets lying around to make a shit sequel to a game that went fucking nowhere.

But why? The first was shit and a failure already.

As they said in the announcement:
Unlike Bungo, Massive is actually listening to their community. I've been following a youtuber who was very critical of the game and Massive actually offered him a job but he refused it.
I doubt they'll make the same mistake as Bungo by making The Division 2 a reskin of the vanilla Division 1.

I hate any game that has bullet sponge for human npcs. Dumping >30 rounds into them point blank is tedious.

China liked it though.

Actually the Diversion was more profitable than Destiny 2.

I actually hope they get it right this time but it's Ubisoft we are talking about.

I played a free weekend once
shotgun to a niggers head,he doesnt go down
baseball to my knee,i go do immediately

Question is, where will it go? the last game went nowhere, you're still fighting bullet sponge bullshit, pvp is worthless because it's either the no fun battalion of overgeared players working together to fuck anyone coming to their neighborhood or the fucking rule system that's pretty much shit.


I wish they would get rid of the bullet-sponge thing so it would feel like a proper Tom Clancy game but it would fuck up the looter-shooter system.

Maybe they'll set the next game in another city, like what Ubi did with Watch_Dogs 2.
The Dark Zone was a good idea on paper but it's just unplayable in real life. The single guy who just want to explore the zone to find better loot will always get raped by a full team of OP no-fun-allowed.
I wish the game was built around the factions. Each faction would have its own campaign. You would pick one that would be linked to a character (if you want another faction then create another character, etc.), like the Last Man Batallion or the Cleaners. Each faction has its own set of loadouts or abilities (flame-thrower as a Cleaner, automatic turret as a LMB, a powerful baseball bat for the rioters, etc.). The PvP multiplayer would be a mix of tower defense, team deathmatch and demolition. At the end of each season the winning faction would earn something, a bit like what they're doing on For Honor).

I gave them clicks so that you didn't have to

I dunno, there was that hype they did with making the game feel like there was only player-made chaos progressing through the entire game world, but no, they are pretty much in a rock and a hard place making this game something unique like what players expect like DayZ, and for god's sake, they better not put anymore loot bullshit with bullet sponge, leveling and gearing up was pretty shit with that user who was in the beta, and fuck Jewbisoft with their chat filters.

DSOG is alright though
Most clickbaity it can get is assuming games won't have Denuvo for retarded reasons and they don't censor user comments

Though you're right, I should have shared an archive.

TBH I'd be fine if The Division adopted the Ghost Recon gameplay and customization. The only issue is that it would ruin the looter-shooter system. It also raises the question of the necessity of a progression system. That's something that is expected to be in every game these days.
Can't we just do the missions, earn in-game credits to buy better stuff? Would that keep the player in the game for at least a year?

Have a requisition system to acquire new weapons/armour upgrades and shit maybe.
Do missions to get more supplies and build up a stable government presence again like in 1.
But the more you build it up the more resources the government will send in to assist since it's becoming safer to operate non combat personnel in the area?

Sorry if i sounded passive aggressive, I'm just naturally distrustful of gaming journalists.
But now that i know that I'll give this website a try.
I like this tread i hope it doesn't get shitposted to death.
I would post a positive reaction picture but i lost them with my hard drive

No need to be sorry, your distrust of journos is absolutely justified.

Oh god the normal fags. Got a bother-in-law you used to play CD but now says he loves survival game and building games. So I suggest Dragon Quest Builders. The answer I get is:
Normalfags are weird.

Have you told him to try snorting anthrax

You think that's bad?

It's "Shadow(s) on the Sun" you fucking retards. A "Shadow of the Sun" would be any fucking shadow cast by it. Jesus Christ, retards the lot of you.

Normalfags love presentation
If you give him to him in a golden plate and a fancy straw he'll surely snort it.

I dunno man, the game already felt like Ghost Recond Winterland in New York, it just doesn't feel like it has an identity other than a pretty grahpics engine that got downgraded or in truth Ubisoft just lied, like what always do with trailers.

The latest latest one?
Or Need For Speed (tm)
Because I played the latter, fuck me that was offensively bad.

Yeah, the 2015 reeboot or whatever it is with no subtitle.

I think you need to kill this guy.
Anyone that defends that piece of shit is beyond saving.

He's already killing himself
He's more isolated and friendless nowadays than I am and he's a huge fucking normalfag.
This is the same guy that defends Call of Duty Ghosts lad, on the PS4.
I know faggots who own Xbones and they at least stick to Siege
There's no saving this man

It is from Ubishit.
Never buy their games.

I don't even pirate their games user
They're so boring and uninteresting I never even bat an eye.
The only thing that's gotten me even interested was the newest Trackmania which turned out to be garbage and I didn't even pirate it and the FarCry 5 DLC and Level editor.

Speaking of which the Siege and For Honor kikes should be fucking purged of this board.
Everything has gone to shit since the Overcuck threads.

That's not saying much.

That is actually very hard for me to fathom. Like, I just replaced some of my old camping gear at the backend of last year, new tent, new grill, table chair and airmat, all came to less than £750, less than that guy wasted on what?
For that money, what does he get? What does he have to show for it? New expansive sections of game? Street football modes? Or something more like Socks of +1 dribbling, not even a cheatcode's worth of an advantage? Fuckin Whales, man. It's insanity.

Funny how a few three months ago they were cheering at how 1.8 made the Division "playable"

That thing was a aborting and Division had a year in advantage.

"Muh rpg" excuse is the most used sadly, dont forget to add armor into the mix.

A combination of the fast food effect, digital currency and a complete lack spiritual or even personal belonging to the world does weird shit to people mind and soul.

Cards give him better players to put on his personal team so he can beat other players online that may or may not have better players.

Think baseball cards but it's digital only and you can actually use he player cards to play a vidya.
It's called Ultimate Team

Games like these are barely playable.
They're scaled down rollercoaster MMOs for consolefags with better combat, MMOs themselves are already shit, this is even worst.

Digital trading cards except you use the cards to build a team that you play online against other whales that spent $1k+ in digital trading cards. It's LITERALLY fucking nothing.

What people are spending their money on is the digital currency to buy the booster packs or buy specific cards from other players with an auction style format. Think MMO trading posts only everyone in the world wants to buy the same 5 items (because there can only be so many greatest FIFA players) so they spend thousands of real money on it.

So literally Star Citizen but with celebrities wearing shorts.

While I heard the game was shit at launch. I've managed to get some time in playing it, and it has one thing that no other game offers. The infinite quantity of comfy that comes with roaming around a city at night while it's snowing. And it's a fun grinder too. So I'm unironically keeping an eye on this new sequel.


No wonder you love this fucking Ubikike garbage.

kys, normalfag

I lost all respect for them after they sold out in their TFA review

Same here. Never looked into the first one but I had the impression that it's basically a game stuck in alpha stage. Well, hope the second one fails too.

oh boy, it's another game where the launch is gonna be absolute garbage, but then in 2 or 3 years: OH MY GAWD GUYS THE GAME IS DEAD AND NOBODY PLAYS IT BUT IT'S FIXED NAU!!!111 i just want an fps rpg with lots of loot and weapons to shoot with

You need to glass your friend.

For a second I thought you were talking about Assassin's Creed…

The vidya industry is a money laundering scheme, which is why you will never see them die from lack of buyers. The failed studios and publishers will simply reincarnate into a bunch of different legal entities for the next round. Actually I could say the same thing about the movie and fashion industry.

It was the best standing in line sim ever.

Tom Clancy in his grave status

I want a hero shooter that's actually good. Maybe if they let you just make your own with thousands of little bits and options to choose from, which you could unlock by playing the game because there's no (((dirty tricks))) in it.

Apparently they fixed for honor also. I have a running theory that ubisoft CAN actually make games it's just that they've got (((moishe))) there in the board room who a) rushes every game out early and b) adds anti-consumer dog crap into it.

CRAPCUNTS are by definition trash

You can try to fit Chaim buy you never will.

Please don't say silly shit like that.

I have a sneaking suspicion they may go all in on the battle royale thing, it was like 3/4 of the way there already.

It wasn't already a free for all shooter? That's what it was advertised as.

Well yeah, pretty much. I wonder though if they'll throw in those other gimmicks or similar. You know, the air strike stuff and the progressively smaller "arena" thing.

Is battle royal really not just a fresh new buzzword for free for all?

Pick one and only one. Faggot. Keep hero autism to ASSFAGGOTS.

You're forgetting the "one life no respawn", "start with nothing and drop in a random location", and "retarded play area restriction" mechanics.

You can do literally all of that except maybe the last thing in just about any shooter though. Well, any shooter made before perks became mandatory at least.

At least TLJ seems to have blackpilled them on the doomed fate of Star Wars

All threads discussing current games by shitty companies should be forbidden.
Ubisoft, Microsoft, Sony, Blizzard/Activision, Electronic Arts and so on.
Keep the board clean by discussing only good games from good companies (or from when they were good), and not the current kike infested pieces of shit.

You're absolutely right
Honestly I just made this thread to vent my frustrations at Massive being pretty much gone thanks to the kikes at Ubisoft and Activision.
They were one of my favorite developers along with Monolith.

But then we'd just get a few threads and niggers everywhere going "Holla Forums doesnt discuss vidya"

Or better yet: "Holla Forums hates vidya".

Who gives a shit?
The lefties approach to failure is to double down.

Guess what, we don't discuss these dumpster fires either. People only use threads about AAA shit for shitposting or shilling.

Alright faggot give me 10 good devs and i'll show you an user who's full of shit
