Redpill me on this man

redpill me on this man.

why was he so based?

Other urls found in this thread:

He killed porky's goons and the right still cry about it to this day

Why does the right hate him though
Is it cause he was homies with Castro?

they unironically go: hurr he executed people

It's obvious all of the right-wing has always been the loyal lapdogs of capital.

really? no one can give any real answers?

Bordiga was better.

real answers mate. elaborate or gtfo


OP here, I'm actually from 4chan/pol/ (also cripple/pol sometimes) but I'm beginning to hate those cucks. I think I might move here instead.

good. welcome home comrade. bring more Holla Forums people here. oh and watch this video

Welcome, it's about time for you to see how righties cucked themselves.

Lurk more. You stand out like a lighthouse.

dont bully

Where the fuck do you think you are? This isn't some tumblr safe space.
That wasn't even offensive, it was a statement of fact.
Grow up.

he wasn't, he was a monkey faced, degenerate Chad who got off on murder and was high on perpetual revolution


This post has deeply triggered me. Please take it down to secure my safe space.
t. Not a redditor

calm down /r9k/

I fail to see the problem with this. Perpetual revolution is the means to achieve world socialism.

thanks, will check it out.

ok 8pol


Can someone explain to me why he wasn't this sociopathic monster the right paints him to be? Whenever I bring him up people are always like "hur durr its so funny leftists idolize a MASS MURDERER" n stuff. Is there any reading debunking this, i'm sure there is but I'd like to know where to start.

Because he hated fags and blacks and fleeced his own people for millions then died, effectively deifing him in the eyes of the completely retarded.


Hello where are the proofs :DD::DDDDDDDD
That was when he was a young and edgy twenty three year old

Lol this nigga was Mike Pence before Mike Pence was Mike Pence. Read a book tumblr.

And Castro decriminalized homosexuality before the United States ever did.
Also Che Guevara did nothing wrong.

And that was Castro, not Guevara you revisionist scum.
And Castro only jailed gay people when some them became involved in counter revolutuonary activities through the CIA. It's tragic but Castro also criticized the machismo culture later in life.

I read it somewhere that the CIA actually funded gay dissidents (pretty reputable, not StalinSociety), the repression didn't come from nowhere.
Batista's Cuba was home for western bohemians so a lot of Emma Goldman "free love" types who supported the revolution initially eventually engaged in sabotage after the economic planning got their petit-bourgeois service sectors eliminated.

Lmao you faggots just got memed on. Hows that bait taste yo.

he wasn't

people (mainly young women) only like him because he was somewhat good looking

Have one last (you), you attention hungry autist