Build a game you would never play

Open world exploration with a cell shaded art style and an emphasis crafting and survival. It would utilize a card based battle system. There would be player built housing with PvP that allows for the destruction of player made structures and the looting of your corpse upon your death. Randomly generated maps that featuring recurring set pieces regardless of the map seed.

and the cerise sur le dessus- A pay to win cash shop that allows you to buy things with in-game currency but the in-game currency is very hard to farm so you're effectively forced to buy things with RMP if you want to actually compete. Since you can technically buy the items with in-game currency, whenever you bring this up on the forums as being unfair people just say you're trolling and that you don't understand how the economy works.

I've never played it, but from what I heard I think you basically described Trove, just with some bullshit added.

I was actually on board until you said card battling combat system.

No deal, /agdg/. You can't have my brilliant multi-billion dollar video game ideas that are definitely as cool in practice as they are in my head.

I tried to extract the worst parts of games I would normally play except for the part that I didn't want. For instance Baiten Kratos was built by the guys who did some 16-bit era JRPG. I forget which one. Anyway, I probably would have owned that gameu for GCN if they hadn't decided to go with a card battle system.

Would the least desirable traits for game that came from a chan goer really make good normalfag fodder? If you were to ask me what I actually wanted vs what I don't want- I'd want a game that let me craft my own airships and fly them around with friends to dungeons. That's delving into some next level autism though.



Mount and Blade Warband is the most pointless autism box ever, so just something like that.

I can't tell if you're the user who legitimately thinks that, or just baiting me.

Develop it anyway, you'll make bank selling it to idiots

The reason I don't play M&B is the same reason I didn't play Wind Waker- because they look like shit.

I can't think of one game I played with a card battle system that I didn't think was objectively shit. Not counting pokemon tTCG and card games within games that don't actually have to be played (triple triad and so forth).

ptTCG had some catchy as fuck music though.


Why do that when someone else has already done it for me?

Countless times?



Horses for courses folks. Perhaps he means explicitly ching chong ding dong VN's and Neptunia/persona tier shit.

There's a lot of gaemus with anime style stuff I like as much as there's some with shit I don't like.


A game where you have to talk to the faggots who post in the 4am threads.

A racing sim where you play QWOP on a bicycle.

So you would hate stuff like Yakuza and you never played Way of the Samurai before it came on steam?

Frankly, every single one of those points that I listed is a deal-breaker, open world and multiplayer especially.
Yakuza's not exactly like what I described, but I never cared much for it, never got why anons jerk it off so hard either. I moreso had a multiplayer Kingdom Come in mind, though.

Why would a game getting a Switch port be a dealbreaker? It would probably be worse than the original, but I don't see how it affects you.

There's a reason. You didn't played the good game that's fun, and since you can't get it you speculate like the rest half of Holla Forums that its bad because you cannot get it.
Fox and grapes is a very interesting story. It brings so much attention to the fact its so easy to get a good computer, but so hard for some people to afford a console for exclusives.

But multiplayer can still be really fun if the game is built for singleplayer like DeS and DS

Console ports mean that the game's going to run like dickfuck, so either I have to waste several hours configuring mods, assuming it's popular enough to have those, or run it on shit settings where it looks like a bloody Gamecube game.

What can I say, I despise people. I play vidya to relax, not stress out even more. I play to forget about the shit interactions I've had with people that day, not have more of them.

I use a computer for a bloody lot of things, and it's taken a while to save up for it, too, since I live in a shit country with a $2 an hour minimum wage. I know that you faggots can piss $400 on a device you'll use once and not feel bad, but I have to save every shekel.

The absolute state of consoles. And then there's people like you who will go and defend it while pretending to have some high ground.

Its director and other key staff were made by some Chrono Cross guys, and it's much better than it. The card based battle system is also more fun than it sounds since you're asked to build combos and such.

I thought it was Monolith Soft.

Yes, it is, but BK was made in parallel with Xenosaga, so I figure Monolith hired various old staff from square, and while the main guy was on his pet project, the ex-Chrono Cross devs were allowed to work on their own games.

Don't make shit up.

The director and writer of baten kaitos having worked worked on CC is fact. Them working for Monolith soft later is fact. Connecting the dots isn't making shit up you fucking nonce.

So what's the issue here? Do you mean solely multiplayer games, or as an option?

All I'm seeing is the same art director and writer, I have no clue if any of the other developers are the same or not.

Thread is for a game I wouldn't play.
I don't play multiplayer games.
What's there to not understand?

Take a guess.

A lot of these sorts of travesties of game design I think would actually be really interesting to play.
So make them online only, put Denuvo in them, shut down their DRM master servers after a year, and C&D everyone who tries to make private servers for them - if you can't keep people from wanting to play them, keep people from being able to play them :^)

Why? Isn't the industry already making enough games I would never play?

A strategy game where winning is achieved through controlled self-extinction.

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Procedurally generated 2D walking simulator.

It's also bullshit. I can tell you right now from my interest for playing a console exclusive vs when they finally get a pc port that someone's desire and interest for something increases when they are denied it. I mean for fuck sake, the simple fact that what I just said sounds like common fucking sense for be an indication of how fucking retarded it is to claim that the exact opposite is true.

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If only. The sooner the industry dies the better. If there are actually AAA companies datamining posts from this thread I can only hope they take them seriously. God, please, let me see the open world survival crafting card battle game that some kike sunk over 6 million dollars to develop only to have it sell like shit.

It's a fan service game (for a series with no fans) with shit character design

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Actually, the concept of blind killing is pretty cool if it was done seriously.

Modern vidya games

western devs don't know how to do cute game design, that video left me disgusted.

Why would I build a game I would never play? There are dozens of studios pumping out those exact things right now.

a game that panders to Holla Forums and their fucked up schizophrenic minds

a video game

Stormer Doom is already a thing. Also, you should go back to the hole you came from. I'll help if you're too stupid to do it yourself. >>Holla Forums

Nevermind, then. Guess I'm too stupid to link to other boards. Ironic, eh?

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A VN marketed to women about a single dad who's a hardworking masculine dude with a heart of gold and an adorable daughter that none of his family would help take care of basically Usagi Drop but in VN form
Maybe it will actually help win the culture wars a little bit.