Dystopian Nightmare

This is what Holla Forums imagines to be the ideal capitol of the world.

It personally frightens me to imagine this being accomplished in any reality. How about you guys?

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Albert Speer was the grand architect for the Nazis. He didn't give a fuck about the party.

I hate Nazi Germany, but I like the work of Speer.

Watch "Albert Speer: The Nazi who said Sorry"


Nazism is an evil ideology. Speer was a victim of circumstance

That intersection would have constant accidents
And wtf are those road-bridge things going through buildings

Crying about aesthetics is both pathetic and retarded. Try criticizing something with actual substance.

Holla Forums literally wants Riyadh but with Christianity instead

socialist cityscapes are max comfy tbh

Also I don't want this thread to be a Nazi circlejerk, so mods keep a close eye.

I just don't think the work of Speer should be trashed like the shit tier Nazi ideology.


I have personally always found that picture fucking funny.
None of that could ever have been built in Berlin because the ground is a fucking marsh.
The Nazis did some experiments with heavy cylinder structures to simulate such buildings and they all promptly sank into the marshy ground.
Also to the right is a spire that was built in 1969 by the fucking GDR.
The person that made that concept art was clearly very lazy.

Yeah, communists would prefer the entire world look like Lagos or Port au Prince. "Vibrant"

Dunno man, apart from the repetitiveness (and nazis make fun of commieblocks?) i do really like (retro)futurism like that.

It looks nice as in lego house looks nice.

Too many cars and street, but we can't blame them, it was the 40's.
Apart from that, it kind of reminds me of "Socialist" new cities.

Buildings should be designed according to their functionality and not by their bombastic looks.
OK you got yourself whatever the fuck that is in the middle.
What's in there? And why is it so fucking large?

OK, I am in that place right now.
Now where can I get myself some coffee?
Or maybe I could go for some fries.
Where can I get that?

It was going to be the volkshalle, a monument to spookiness


Degenerate and henceforth forbidden by the all-powerful dear Leader.

Hitler's planned big, dumb, empty dome.

This is now a cool cityscapes and architecture thread.

It should be both, but not how its done right now. Designing only for bombastic looks gets you shit like OP and functionality gets you commieblocks. Designing to impress also gives you the ugly glass towers that litter our cities today.

We should design both for the scene of the entire city and the functionality of the building. Theres whole studies on why some cities are pretty to people and why some are not. We want organised chaos, variety within bounds. Today we have no bounds, private developers just build as impressive as possible breaking the composition of the city. We have two extremes in modern cities, mass produced cappieblocks with no variety and no flow, and a chaotic free for all.

I mean fuck, we train masses of cunts to be interior designers, they spend 4 years of their life learning about this kind of shit. Lets put them to good use, shan't we?

Transcend your petty-bourg nature, consumerist.


Our cities should pretty much try to disappear in the wilderness, with vegetation covering most of it.
We need way more trees, we need to remove cars from the inner city, and only let delivery trucks and emergency vehicles in. And even then, we should try to rely less on road vehicles for these things.

Dude, I travelled 550km all the way from Frankfurt.
I'm tired and hungry. Gimme something to eat and drink!

I definately agree. We should only allow delivery trucks and bikes in the cities, lots of western europe already does this, especially the netherlands, and its great for the history centres. They are much more enjoyable without cars.

Those unconnected bridges are so fucking retarded. Its just designed to cause frustration.

Im trying to find cool, pretty, non-dystopian futuristic architecture but most imaginary cityscapes are cyberpunk or dystopian.

"What is importance is the relation of the ideology of ecology in relation to the present order, and in relation more specifically to the emergence of Silicon-Capitalism. The ideology of ecology is the ideology of Silicon-capitalism (silicon feudalism, that is). The same ideology of ecology de-sensitizes and buttresses their pretense to the overcoming of natural limitations - such as mortality. Any rudimentary acquaintance with, for example, shit-peddling about AI leaves one with a clear understanding of its relationship with reactionary ecologism. Namely, the reduction of man to empirical processes as animals are (and thus speculation about replicating those same empirical processes), etc."


do britbongs have a boner for rainclouds or something? they even put rainclouds in their utopia fantasies.

You cant stop the rain.

Unless youre stalin, of course.

Problem is, this only works for the first time.
Maybe a little bit less for the next 20 times, but by 21st time you commute past it, it's lost it's novelty and it's just ugly.

I did not understand a word of that.

found the pleb

Exactly. It should be perpetually pleasing, not rely on a wow factor like size.

no wonder brits are so scared of dark skinned people, they couldn't even see them during "day"time

If you can't understand a passage one tier below Marx's prose, what the fuck are you doing here?

Needs more Steampunk



u wot


not hi, but I also don't understand. Specifically the quotes relation to the picture, what does that nice reactionary painting have to do with silicon valley, artificial intelligence and overcoming mortality?

There, fixed it for you. Happy?

Oh sorry I didn't know I was supposed to respond to insults where one would normally expect an elaboration on a statement and how it is relevant.


Holla Forumsyp detected.

kek, what the fuck are you on about?

I am a marxist. I dont see how this picture is reactionairy or how it is relevant to ecological silicon valley feudalism or something.

It's time to stop posting.

So Paris then.

dinotopia had the best cities

Basically what that paragraph is saying is that there's an underlying belief in ecologist ideology that man is different from nature, that he doesn't operate on an instinctual level but, (supposedly) differently from every other animal he operates on rational basis, and that's why he has the moral obligation to guard the environment even at the expense of his self interest.

No idea what the painting has to do with that. Poster was probably sperging.

the leftist fears the sublime


it refers to architecture, not location

Oh you mean like these?

Netherlands, inventor of capitalism

You don't know anything about civil engineering do you?

The fascist fucking hated art and history Mussolini would have bulldozed the colloseum and replace it with a gaudy faux Roman shit if he could've.

The Nazi's tried to destroy actual culture to create psuedo-art to trap the community in an ersatz culture dedicated to the fascist state.

Pic related is the modern day form of this shit

Speer was a shit who designed a dome so big it would have precipitation in it. He had as much talent as Gehry and his melted glass monstrosities. If he didn't design big faux-imperial shit that appealed to the philistine Hitler nobody would have given a fuck about him.

My entire country is a fucking swamp, yet we have skyscrapers.

the netherlands was quite sovietish during the time those were build, social democracy as in society as a machine

Holla Forumsyp philistine detected

not even once

Pic related, Hong Kong, AKA no rules capitalism with no communism or social democracy ever being there

Not the guy you were responding to but Hong kong is capitalism with chinese characteristics.


Why do Holla Forumsyps still believe they aren't duped?


Hong kong never has been socialism, it is an autonomous region which was under British rule until like the 1990's and then immediately transformed into a capitalist zone when given to the PRC

Wordfilter test

socialism with chinese characteristics

would you say "but that building isn't in rome!" when i post a pic of a german romanesque church?


you'll like this

the nazi's destroyed jewish mockeries of culture to replace with them true culture, honest, un-ironic, without apologies, their art and buildings didn't say sorry, leftist art is one big apology towards existence

i'm not moving the goal post, i'm referring to a similarity of ideology that was at the base of the dull flat blocks

there is a big difference between those and the high rises of hong kong, those in hong kong are cramped together, build with the same need as all the high rises of crowded cities, the soviet and sovietish projects were different, they feature wide spaces in between, neatly ordered by central planners, while similar in appearance, they couldn't be more different in terms of cityscape


Daily reminder to report Holla Forumsyp classcucks.


To be fair,
doesn't make sense and is probably a typo.

Whoever said that is an idiot.

speak of the devil

city depicted is a thousand times uglier than the nazi fantasy, you have garbage taste

youtu.be/fqdh5r-6bfo (you)

so what I'm getting from this thread is that Holla Forums and Holla Forums both agree that brutalist architecture is trash, but are bickering over who to blame. cool, thats progress at least.

step 2: meme everyone into reading christopher alexander

commie blocks are not brutalism



not the nazi but I still hate brutalism

I unironically like Stalin's Ampir

christopher alexander is a retard and his buildings look like shit

kill yourself fag

Soviet Architect was kewl..

you first, big girl


Did he appoint his pastry chef as chief architect?

say what you will about stalinism but it had some fucking sweet architecture

Let me elaborate why:

Conrete ages poorly. By its very design it is unpainted, unprotected. It stains and mellows until its an angry moldy colour. It is invitive of graffiti due to its large, flat, colourless planes. It projects an aura of impersonality, of machine like efficiency. Due to its design, you cannot clean it very well. Vandalism cannot be painted over and covered up, damage cannot be repaired without leaving a visible glaring stain of differently coloured concrete. Concrete weathers poorly in many climates.

Brutalism is the style of short sighted, anti-social dickwads, who do not see beauty in humanity but in machines.

the Holla Forums of architecture

What does Holla Forums think of the AT&T long lines building in NYC?

whats wrong with graffiti, comrade?

surely you arent one of the people whoms't think that graffiti and stuff counts as "blight" that needs to be removed, right?

looks like something from half life 2

that looks like something out of 1984. pretty sure there are people being tortured in there.

i love big tall dense buildings honestly

To them, humanity does not mean quaintness, those who talk of the "human scale" imagine humanity as peasants, little people who need little buildings, less they feel intimated by the sublime.

It does when it is not applied with care. Just like how capitalist cities today are littered with the personal shit-buildings from retarded rich people who dont know how to design, a grafity free for all is an incoherent, messy, ugly thing with tags and low effort drawings.

Also whats the point of a building style of large, angular flat coloured planes if youre going to allow every 15 year old to spraypaint on it and ruin the composition?

kek, I dunno
people say houses builded in Stalin's time were fucking massive
like, to change the lightbulb you need a fucking ladder

Stalin imagined the soviet union as a disneyland, with him being the red queen.

lmao, broken-windows socialists.

i didn't know socialism with NYPD characteristics was even a thing until i went to leftypol. this is wild.

I wonder how our societies would be like if our architecture would follow this theme of viewing buildings and civilization as being incorporated in and an extension of nature, and not as being at odds with it.

Let me illustrate to you how conrete buildings with graffiti end up after some years.

excellent ruin value

i would so much rather live in a world of concrete buildings covered in graffiti than a world where people who do graffiti end up in concrete cages


I did not know of this concept of ruin value.

But concrete has poor ruin value due to it not being made of solid rock, thus being prone to crumbling rather than wear.

I would rather live in a world where there are no ugly surfaces that call to our desire to break their monotony.

I should really start going to drawing class again, its been years since ive been so pumped up about art.

haha holy shit I thought that building looked familiar to the NSA hub in NY, so I just went and looked it up and its actually the same building.


it's an abomination tbh

i guess they picked the one building that can take a bomb or plane like a champ

thats actually brilliant
also leave graffiti alone


top kek
Hitler actually fucking planned to have his civilization collapse.

I read that hitler was butthurt that he designed his buildings that way but "saw the logic in it"

it looks pretty cool tbh but building it in berlin would mean that you have to destroy alot of nice historical and cultural buildings and that would be kind of bad

forgot to turn off my shitposting flag

Next it'll be this


You still have one.

i get attack on pol all the time for this stuff so I decided to come to you guys. I would love to live in this place.

attacked*. How do you guys feel about the Venus project. It is essentially technocratic communism. Research and technology to improve the standard of living of all the worlds people. We share everything and I don't think there is private property. It is mechanistic as all hell. Resource based economies are interesting.

Netherlands? Our skyscrapes aren't that impressive.

a commie invented the shopping mall in a flyover state full of natural lakes

live with that tragic irony

This is an absurd gripe for marxists to have as several left-wing organizations campaign to and do remove old European heritage sites and buildings. There is a constant drone from marxist and progressives to destroy all of the old churches and clear away the ruins from older times in the West. In Scandinavia (pick any of them) leftist write about demolishing old farms, chuches, rune stones etc. It's not a popular opinion, but it's one exclusively held by leftists.

what did he mean by this

The water, trees and nature is nice, but the houses look stupid. On the first picture, is this concept art for a sci-fi with feudalism?

It's dishonest framework developed marxist.

Why do you pussy out of owning these ideas? Many of you come from lit, those fuckers still drol over Foucalt.

I'm always a bit crept out by these model cities which are planned down into the smallest detail. This need for control that goes beyond planning for efficiency gives me the impression one is dealing with a culture that is deeply insecure. Coincidentally you could find it in both of the great authoritarian states of the 20th century, Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say but while critical theory was influenced by Marx, many of its theorists were pretty outspoken liberals and enemies of (20th century) communism.

I like the efficiency very much. Designing a whole city is the way to go. Interesting point though

also you design your own house. or live in apartments. It is like commie block but actually nice

this is like where i live in the country but with all the closeness of the city amenities. plays,transportation and so on. while being close to nature

I get some cheap sci-fi vibe from it

back to the OP's pic
I really like the concept of massive monumental living blocks and multi-staged cities
not too fancy but fucking impressive and repressive in a good way
what modern living cages lack is space
imagine if houses were like medieval monasteries
vast spaces that remind you of something greater than yourself

Fairly certain they were just committed academics, and despised the travesty that the Socialist projects were becoming.

I have no problem with creating a general outline for a city that has efficiency in mind (such as planning districts or roads), but I believe you need to create spaces that allow organic growth. We see it with our modern cities today already, graffiti and street art are forms of protest by people who feel alienated by their environments, it's an attempt to reclaim the city they live in from an authority which is removed from them.

You need to give the citizens some form of outlet.

this is me near fresco's house

i would fucking love this. but we would need ring worlds and nanotechnology. This is very wasteful although so pretty and I understand your point. I would love to have a massive library in my house.

which video game is that

I want to first start by saying thank you guys for having a conversation whit me. I agree citizens could design if they want a race track or stuff like that. Basically voting for what project they would want. These are just efficient concepts. Pneumatic tube for garbage and shipping.

When we're talking things that will never come true, my anarcho-transhumanist fever dream is one of being a cyborg that wanders the earth without borders and nations are architecture is the result of people sporadically coming together and forming the environment around them to whatever need and with whatever artistic intent motivated them


*and architecture

also as a cyborg you would be pretty much homeless, or rather you would be your own home. No need for a bed when you can just release sleep hormones with the press of a button and so on

I also dream of being a cyborg and having my own ring world. Pirate battles would ensue

re watching ghost in the shell atm. I love it>>1446381

she can make the skin 1 sqm as sensitive as she wants. Also all the trans humanism stuff. I have been reading too much ray kurzweil lately.

cheap parody on Metropolis


My artfag friends shit talk art deco but I love it

And yet, this would be an improvement over most of the existing megacities.

Most cities that have experienced significant population growth since the second half of the last century look hideous, are unecological and are often a pain to live in.

We need a return to top-down urban planning, and keep the aesthetics in check. One of the best things would be to just go full Haussmann on on these cities. We can start off by demolishing the gaudy glass monstrosities, concrete apartment blocks, and disgusting supermalls.

Yeah. Hideous stuff like that has been tried over and over again. It's not "organic" and certainly not aesthetic in the long term.

Instead of all these clinical glass fronts, let's celebrate craftsmanship and technological advancement.

Except it isn't wasteful. The apartment complexes and boulevards Haussmann designed for Paris still stand after nearly 160 years. They're still enjoyed and used.

How long have all these modernist experiments lasted? Or all those soulless apartment complexes?
Wasteful is building and tearing down the same building every two decades instead of designing something meant to last centuries.

How is it any different from the Communist planned cities? Palace of the Soviets? Why exactly does a workers revolution need a palace?

anyone got this guy in english?



did they have some kind of community laws or rules? were there any enforcers?

Destroy the cities.

Smite the urbanite.


glassless society now

nah he was a retard

i'm in favour of technology, i just dislike big cities

Thanks crab man. Nice that someone tries to explain, rather than just assume anyone not immediately grasping the meaning is unworthy of an explanation.

I'm not sure I completely understand your interpretation of the quote. The author accuses reactionary ecologism of reducing "man to empirical processes as animals are", that seems to contradict your statement that "there's an underlying belief in ecologist ideology that man is different from nature, that.. ..differently from every other animal he operates on rational basis"
It's completely feasible that internal contradictions in the silicon-vally-reactionary-ecologist-ideology makes both statements true, but nowhere in that text can I find a reference to moral obligations or actions at the expense of self interest. To the contrary, the pretense to overcome mortality and creating artificial intelligence would suggest a lack of moral limitations and will to self-sacrifice.

*a lack of both moral limitations and will to self-sacrifice.

highrise/skyscrapers are literally bourgie as fuck and ugly as sin

prove me wrong

My nigga
Also the big cities in Final Fantasy X look comfy af


This would not be accomplished in reality. DC is in a fucking swamp zone, you can't build shit like this here.

Speer was not a 'victim of circumstance' and the fact that he managed to con people into believing so after the war is hilarious.

anything is possible with enough water pumps, excavators and poured concrete

and its disgusting

this is most aesthetic dystopia