Last thread is on its way out, continue extermination discussion here
Vermintide 2: Electric Boogaloo
Here’s the only question that matters, is it worth 26 bucks?
Did they fix the horrid loot system from the first game.
Its the banter better?
After dealing with this shit for 2 hours I can finally try it.
How many maps are there? I've played too many games that have nice gameplay but it gets extremely boring playing the same maps over and over again.
Is it fun at all ? Seems as shallow as left4dead.
How would you exterminate a ratboi?
By outbreeding him with ratgirls
game ain't out yet and the beta only has act 3 which is 4 missions. if the steam achievements are anything to go by then there will be 3 acts + 1 prolouge mission.
13 maps. i was expecting 16 but eh.
Why you do dis?
threadly reminder skaven mothers look like pic related.
Oh fuck yea
Smells a lot like heresy in here
I actually thought they were supposed to be bigger.
burn it with fire
We saw two other maps in the alpha too.
I played as Victor Saltzpyre in the first one and now i don't know wich skill tree i should pick for him
is there a meta ?
How can you be so clueless?
you have to play normal victor before you get mercenary and then grind some more for the last one, you'll have plenty of time to decide what you like.
Personally I dont like victor at all but im not very good at playing him so eh.
How the fuck does any force deal with something that hard to kill
What the fuck is this from, is this a single joke panel or is there more to this?
Why do you ask ?
Do the devs have any plans to fix the AA and SSAO issue by release?
There is much more my friend.
Introduce him to a gang of capy-baras.
I need more
Look up deception by masterploxy I don't want to shit up the thread.
All of salty's abilities are pretty fun, zealot for melee focus, bounty hunter for special killer and witch hunter for jack of all trades and crits
i've been regularly dominating on recruit and veteran as the spear + standard longbow elf.
b e g o n e e l f
Just got done playing, I'd say so, and yes, very much so. You're still going to be grinding a bit but you can get items from the level and multiple chests with three items that will be for whatever character you are actually using.
Victor feels a tad weaker this time around though… but perhaps I'm just not playing him right.
Okay so anons tell me, I have several questions I hope you niggers can answer them I would appreciate it.
How is the balance on Vermintide 2?
Are all classes worth playing or is one class for each character totally superior? If so which ones do you think?
Which characters are strong and which ones are weak? Why?
How is the difficulty? How is the difficulty AFTER getting the gear you want?
How many areas does Vermintide 2 has?
naw, really?
You're like baby child.
So just got done downloading the game. Anything good to know before I start the game up? besides clearing the tutorial.
Bright wizard is truly the greatest. Playing unchained is hilarious when you're balancing overcharge meter for max damage then you get hit in the back by a stormvermin patrol and nuke the entire map
balancing sucks dick. Some weapons are beyond useless depending on the difficulty. Sienna is also kinda bad at melee with most of her weapons. When it comes to the hardest difficulty, you are limited to having some specific ranged weapons, since most will either do not enough damage, hurt your team through friendly fire, since some of sieannas ranged weapon attacks are pretty big or hit rapidly. So with her melee lacking and her supportive staffs barely dealing damage like the combustion staff, you would just end up wanting to pick someone else.
Kruber is also not so great with his weapons, but he has auras and boss killing potential that just help the other better characters.
Also the game likes to randomly spawn shit on you constantly that can just slap you across the face and end your run. via summoning a swarm in the middle of a boss fight. or 3 special mobs on that hardest difficulty, or a storm vermin army appears and then you get a swarm with it.
Or get 10 berserkers Keep in mind 1 berserker, if he sneaks up behind you and lands his attacks, you are dead or greatly damaged and depending on your weapon choice you can't stop their attacks and have to guard their hits, meanwhile doing this other enemies could be trying to flank you and you can't defend yourself since turning away will just get the berserker to beat you down.
theres A lot of bullshit like that, it feels like RNG to me if the game decides not to fuck your ass with bullshit like that at time.
Unchained is fun, I just wish it was actually good compared to her other classes.
It's still there but it's largely fixed, it's still a bit random but you aren't farming like a retard for half decent gear, orange kit is fairly obtainable even with just bots to jump start to veteran.
Red is still fucking rare and the small bit of RNG is still infuriating when you get 2 loot dice from a loot-rat, all grims, all tomes and you still don't go past rank 4 -out of 6) because Dices and Ragnar are still random and it rolled 0 or 1 but it's still rare (happened once in 20h of beta).
If it was full price I'd definitely say no, but Vermintide was already pretty nice and they just made the same thing but better. It sort of has a storyline (the previous one did too but it fell far less immersive, somehow). It has lots of new enemies (all the chaos guys but also quite a few new rats), the Revamped combat system not dumbed down at all, if anything it's way deeper both in strict gameplay (parry/dodge/push/attack movements) but also in gamedesign with 3 classes for each 5 chars but with weapons varieties within the classes which makes up for the left4bored syndrome, after 20h I only played Dworf and I feel I barely scratched the surface of proper Dworf-warfare because Slayer and Iron Breaker play completely differently, as it should since one is a flying ball of axes, murder and rage and the other is more armor than an Abrams with a fucking flamethrower.
I will throw in a caveat.
In progress.
There have been nerfs and balance test all week. Currently highest difficulty is borderline unplayable (as in you get mobbed by 6 specials in the middle of a horde + boss) and a lot of shit is questionable, but medium difficulty is roughly ok (or was 3 hours ago).
There are quite a few things that are probably going to be nerfed.
There are also quite a few bugs including the amazing split personality bug (hold X to fix it REMEMBER THIS).
So yeah my take on it is: Yes it is worth that price… but maybe wait a bit because the meta is really unstable (or buy knowing that).
Maps? For sure 13 (+ prologue + base).
The maps are on average bigger than the ones in Vermintide (which were already fairly big) I think, it's the same construction wise as the (good) left4dead maps with one access a big space with lots of things to explore ->one exit (sometimes two, but going the same place), etc…
So are all the levels currently in the beta or will there be more when it releases tomorrow?
just 4 act 3 maps.
How's the sound design in this one?
In the original you could hear rats sneaking up on you from behind and notice SV patrols from a mile away just from the sound they made (as long as the map wasn't bugged because they could literally spawn right on top of you).
This meant that as long as you paid attention you'd never be flanked, since you'd hear them easily outside of battle and you'll be spinning and shoving constantly in battle anyway.
I haven't had a proper game yet but the first proper mission I did with bots was fucking infuriating. They're dumb as fucking bricks. It's definitely a game to be played with friends.
What's the AA/SSAO issue you're talking about?
SSAO and AA make the game a disgusting blurry mess. You can switch from TAA to FXAA and disable SSAO, but then you're left with jaggies. Any kind of sharpen filter helps, but then you have grainy issues.
The only thing I'm finding fucking INFURIATING is when you're near the end of a level and the hosts drops, making the game not migrating host but RESTARTING THE WHOLE FUCKING SHIT and not giving you JACK SHIT.
And I'm sure it's mostly because of backend errors on the host side.
They either have to implement either an in-game host migration, checkpoints or having dedicated servers ASAP after launch.
Give the elf something less ratlike so I don't swing at the bitch by accident and waste an attack frame, leaving myself open for the hordes and hordes of fucking enemies that apparently spawn out of everyone's ass.
Through faith, steel and gunpowder, you doubtful heretic.
From what I have seen on the Forums those issues, I had them too, have been adressed by the devs. Optimization may not be perfect but they have done good work on it.
I’m having fun
how long ago was this? cause i tried the game yesterday and still had issues. i dont have any problems with fps, the game just looks like shit
Your best bet would be to check the Forrum. The devs post answers and tips in there for various problems as much as they can. There are still people with issues like crashes and visual bugs and those have been mostly attributed to DX12.
All I can tell you that my mates and I have had only half a dozen crashes between the three of us and only few minor glitches.
I suppose you are referencing the elfs furry little coat.
Well in this game she looks like an edgy teenage hobo with treebark wrapped around her arms/legs and a green cape.
The most important skill you will need to learn immediatly is block-revive. Despite being invaluable in the game the tutorial ommits it completely.
Also barrels of oil or blackpowder will do damage when they explode close to you on any difficulty. Friendly fire starts at Champion level though.
13 is the Horned Rats sacred number though 🤔
I won't be mistaking her for a rat this time.
The uses the base structure of L4D but expands on it in literally every way. The melee combat is the most satisfying thing I have experienced in terms of visceral feedback and brutality.
It might look shallow but the community has several people with 1000+ hours in it and many many more on their way to those numbers.
Apart from that just check out the material on jewtube, what you see is what you will get.
The game would be just as "good" if not better if the elf were not a playable character. Not only because you wouldn't have to hear that fucking knife-eared cunt speak, but also because the trash that the elf attracts wouldn't be playing the game.
Prove me wrong, atheists.
I hope someone makes a mod that silences all of her dialogue excepting special call outs
holy fuck I hate that elf
Elric should be a playable character.
Thank Sigmar, the woodcunt has already been toned down after several forum threads on the topic.
While I wouldn't miss her if she was removed I am not going to bother with her anymore, one way or another.
If I play with my one friend interested in this game, the fucking elf will be a bot.
If I play with randoms, there will always be an elf.
I despise her. The developers really should let me pick who the bots are, at least.
If Total War Warhammer is anything to go by, you beat that army with cheese. Tons of cheese.
I like the accent
Then again, I liked Nia's accent in XB2 too…
so far it's been the opposite of the first game's beta, there's five maps two of them taken out of rotation, the maps I've played are pretty boring compared to the first game, it's alot slower paced and generally easier outside of the big monster spawns but loot is much less frustrating to get even if it comes in the form of loot crates and the crafting is much better if you want something specific you can get it no problem well bonuses aside. the "hub world" is alot bigger and changes while you level up but it's alot less comfy then the first. the class stuff is kinda pointless over all and the abilities seem kinda neat but what it amounts to is the elf still being massively op because it's still EZ modo with an ability which one shoots specials
How so ? The videos I see is the elf skewering things with a spear all the time. Same animation over and over again. And same left4dead weightless enemies.
That "trash" is just the average online gamer these days.
Every weapon has a light and heavy attack chain. The attack animations are simple and to the point, this is not Sould Calibur in first person. Apart from that I can only tell you that the feedback from the game and feeling of carving yourself through hordes of (((skaven))) is just amazing.
I'm currently playing Bardin Iron Breaker with Hammer&Shield + Drakenfire. It's a ton of fun, specially when you get to burn whole hordes with the flamethrower.
I'd like to try something else (I want to unlock all the rooms in the keep), but I'd like it to also be fun. Any other character / weapon set that's a blast to play?
The Slayer is fun as hell even for completely opposite reasons.
I mostly enjoy playing Foot Knight Kruber. His charge is just great for mowing down hordes and stunning bosses. Don't ever bother with 1h weapons.
Drake fire pistols+one axe. The most mobile you're going to get as an irondrake. If you're looking for crazy fun time try Slayer, just know that you can easily get yourself killed if you leap in poorly and it really does benefit from the higher level talents.
What are you doing.
they are streaming, release soon goys. Also some twitch game that lets us spawn 50 rat ogres in their game.
Sienna now has "wacky aunty" quotes.
I'd use high yield explosives.
Does not seem very varied.
I dont get it, she was shaved and those little balls are nipple or what?
And what the hell is that weird hole?
Still, not daemonculaba level.
Doesn’t bash heads in or do that hard hitting wide sweep.
I just have yet to get a good one.
The fun comes from dealing with the enemies they throw at you and the way they are mixed together, like and old school FPS.
Are you perhaps a dorf?
Lunging powerattack, and that attack speed with multiple target hits makes up for all of that.
My GPU barely meets minimum standard for this game. From the beta into release they increased the graphics requirements so there's a significant change in fps if you're in my boat. Lowest is no longer lowest as was in beta.
Oh hell, hope my shitty little 960m will hack it.
Was there any class that WASN'T nerfed in 1.0? At least my Zealot only lost two seconds on his ultimate with the level 25 ability from what I've seen.
I have a GTX 670m. In beta everything was fine enough, but now I'm really feeling the fps drops. In lowest setting volumetric fog is still on by default so turn that off if you need to.
Shitty internet won't let me download it fast enough. Are there still infinite potion trinkets and do they still eat from temporary health first?
strangely I got a good boost, so now I can flip shit up to high from medium without much loss.
25% chance of potion not being consumed.
no that's a different trinket, unless they like, combined the two. One was 25% chance to not consume, but no health used to take the potion. The other was health taken to use the potion, but potion is never consumed.
maybe i am just crazy but I think the game runs a bit better than the beta. certainly loads a lot faster than before.
Ooga booga where the rat titties at?
8 hours until this game is updated. 15GB to go.
Steam's slow download speeds are infuriating.
Tell me about it.
that trinket is gone. 25% is the only one left
Goddamnit. I was afraid of that.
What in the holy fuck?
That actually sounds rad as fuck.
I'd do it myself but I don't have the time or money to spare to a warhammer army.
I'd also try to do an army of feminist orks. Purple Mohawks and all.
It's a cool concept, and one I think you could've had a lot of fun with, but Warhammer is dead as fuck unless GW eventually decides to "Coke Classic" it. They blew up the setting around the time the original Vermintide came out and replaced it with a much shittier "New Coke" Stargate knockoff.
Because naturally, the best time to scrap your three-decades long setting is right before releasing several well-received games that take place in it and widen the appeal.
Why fuck are they still rats?
Warhammer don't have more enemies?
The armies of Chaos are in the game as well.
Speaking of the warhammer universe, Is Total Warhammer II worth a torrent? Has the dunevo been cracked on that game.
Total warhamer II is actually good (if you like TW games). They improved mechanics since rome 2 and magic is fun. Each army feels different too. Overall 7/10
Maybe they final build had better optimization. The changes that are killing my gpu are the effects. After staring at the ass end of the drakefire cannon for so long I can tell the flames look much better. The tutorial had the fullbright and fog fixed for my crap 2012 gpu and it ran better. Sigmars temple is still completely fullbright though. I'm using DX11 if it makes a difference.
I've got some credit on the Humble Store and want to pick this up. Can someone be super cool and share their Monthly 10% discount link?
Anyone noticed the push is wayyy more efficient than it was in the beta? I'm not sure but my theory is that your push range is that of your weapon, it seems like it.
How much is it on the humble store?
lol probably most useless character in Champ+
Sound design is about the same level, but some things are better than before. Overall it's done well.
Going to try posting my link here, one sec:
It’s a shame it’s 64 bucks. If it was a reasonable price I’d buy it.
Like asked, has it been cracked yet?
her and sienna are the most important characters to have in legend
I'd say sienna and Saltz are superior
Skaven are creatures of Chaos, much like blacks or Arabs irl. Even the best breeding won't get rid of their taint.
Yes. How hard is it to go to cis rin ru and look for yourself?
Don't forget Kruber with 20% AOE Damage Reduction
It wouldn't be a vermintide if it didn't have rats now would it?
I would have preferred to play as the rats or something else this time around rather then the retcon we got
Kruber is a given
I wonder why they didn't add any new characters? left4dead 2 did it and this game is already left4skaven.
Think we will ever get a brettonian hero? I wanna be a paladin.
they mention bretton in flavor dialog
yeah and apparently its fucked beyond belief. It also implies that there is more vampire lords in brettonia than just the red prince. might make for a pretty cool backstory though, a brettonian lord goes to the empire to seek help only to have several skaven ambush him. He later finds our heroes/lohner/olesya/whoever and agrees to help the empire with their skaven problem if they promise to help with the undead problem later.
no idea what the other 2 careers besides paladin would be though.
questing knight or demigryph knight
it's not a game
Did those madmen actually lower Kerillian's voice line frequency? She used to speak every fucking 3 seconds, but now it's like 10.
she needs to not speak what so ever
fatshark pls
I wonder if you could just replace her voice files with files that are just filled with silence.
i just bought this today and i can't for the fuck of it get it to work. Every time i launch it and get to the "adjust gamma" screen my mouse and then confirm button glitch out and i cant progress into the game from there. Anyone has any idea how the fuck to fix this? google doesnt seem to….
Watching game play it looks shallow and repetitive with a WoW like grind/loot system. Also, playing this game with randoms sounds like torture.
As much as I like Bretonnia, I highly doubt they'll introduce a Bretonnian hero. First, keep in mind that Bretonnians don't use ranged weapons: they are seen as unnoble and only peasants use them. There's also the issue that it would end up being just another Kruber. You could have a more tanky class and a more DPS one, but they both would need a decent variety of weapons: shields, swords, maces, 2 handed weapons… it's just too similar to what's already there. If Fatshark can find a way to make a Bretonnian work, it'll be awesome, but it may be difficult to fit him into the game.
Something that could be cool is an Imperial or Tilean engineer, focussed on ranged and some support stuff, and with lots of wacky gatgets.It may also be fun to have something from another Warhammer race, like a Saurian lizardmen the Slaan send because of some vision or profecy, someone from Arabia, a Tortossa pirate, somethign that has a distinct aesthetic.
They've said there's plans for a brettonian in an interview
do not trust fatshark what so ever
why not
They lied about adding new chars and weapons to vermintide 1 so I think they won't do it here either
Maybe if you had a peasant? there are peasants in brettonia who became knights (although all of them got stabbed in the back) and then you could have basic peasant all about pitchforks with a yeoman career and a paladin career. I know im stretching it here but I think it could work. I also think if they go with a knight they could have lance and shields or maybe spears and shields.
If we cant have a brettonian then I could go with a lizardman. those guys are pretty cool.
lied about alot more then that, like at one point they said they were going to add playing at chaos at some point
well shit, guess ill never be a paladin.
Frankly, I don't really feel like I need more characters (though I'd certainly like it). I rather have new quality maps. I hope that they don't make them too long. The last DLC maps for Vermin1 felt like they never ended. I want short, challenging maps. Maps that when I die leave me feeling like "one more try, last time we almost got it!" and not like "there go 25 minutes wasted".
The last two DLCs should have had three or four 10-15 min maps instead of only 2, but painfully long.
You could also have a class where the knight gets depressed because of all the chaos and death going around him and he says "fuck this all", ditches the traditional code of honor and goes roge. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Thought a Saurian would definetly be cooler, IMO
the biggest problem of the first name was the maps were short
There aren't a lot of Saurians running around the old world. It doesn't really make sense from an in-universe perspective.
A Tilean could definitely work. I'd imagine a duelist would be the base career, with a primary focus on quick but weaker weapons… Rapiers, sword and dagger, dual pistols, that sort of thing. Engineer would also be a workable second career. What would the third be, though?
I think it would have to be a peasant if they added a Brettonian. There just isn't a lot of variety for playstyles among the nobility.
You guys are fucking low energy.
Give me a squatting, drinking, angry Kislevite who swears in a Russian accent and wears a mail balaclava.
I think a warrior priest might be the best choice for new character. Default career could be Sigmar for hammers and damage mitigation, and ranged career could be Taal and Rhya. Third career could be Ulfric or Myrmidia for a different spin on melee combat, or maybe even a non-warrior priest of Shallya for buffs.
you could have an entirely new cast in the new world doing the same thing.
I cant think of a fifth one.
The priesthood does not rotate what god they serve.
A warrior priest could still work, but career choice would probably break down more along the lines of support caster, offensive caster, melee fighter augmented by spells.
The only thing that would make the hypothetical situation better would be if a new, extremely inexpensive 3D-printer came onto the market.
The other careers aren't something the characters switch around either. They're different ways their lives might have turned out. I think the choice of patron god fits this concept well.
If you were forced to choose between a knife ear or a skaven for a warhammer wife, which would you choose? Which would be worse?
Anyone who unironically dislikes the Aryan race of superhumans occasionally referred to as elfs or elves is a fucking idiot and probably a furfag as well.
The answer is rat and lizard
I'll take a jezail qt for innasewer operations.
Today I will remind them.
Yeah don't care. Not going to ruin my heretical fantasies.
Stop shitting the thread
The talent system is really uninspired. They ripped it straight out of fucking WoW but forgot to actually design the talents in a similar manner. 5% attack speed sure is interesting.
why do maces cleave better than axes but deal less damage to armored targets than axes do?have I shifted realities again?
For a wife, I take the Skaven (male)
Without jokes, Skaven are plague-carrying chaotic beastmen you can't trust. Even if you do marry that Skaven girl, she's going to try to kill you, steal your shit and her words of love will be meaningless. Meanwhile Elves are typically perfection in an arrogant package and you can most likely get offspring with one. Assuming MAGIC, Skaven girl could become tempting if she has no typical Skaven character traits and can still bear children with you. Having your own group of half-rat kids would be fucking awesome, especially if they were to inherit your longevity rather than inferior Skaven one. Unless the Skaven wife also has human-tier length of life, you might have to fuck your potential rat Skaven daughter to continue the plan of an army. One of your sons will inevitably fuck your daughter anyway.
I've been wondering that myself. Why is Salty's best weapon for cleaving a flail when he has a fucking greatsword? Swings for giant axes and swords just feels like you're trying to chop down a tree with them.
non-clanrat/slave skaven can have proper long lives.
Because it can be "balanced" by only hitting one enemy in a swing.
Tempted to buy this, but I think I should really wait for a torrent first to try it out solo and see how it plays.
Without jokes, Skaven females are 300lb blobs of flesh and orifices used exclusively for reproduction. They aren't capable of killing you and stealing your shit because they're barely capable of moving.
Okay I just got the game.
Tutorial was easy enough and understandable.
Leave after party wipe because fuck niggers.
What actual fuck is going on here. Why the fuck cannot I not change weapons. Why is being a wizard so shit. Why the fuck is everything so weak when it comes to killing anything thats not a slave rat.
I loved the absolute fuck out of vermintide 1. Why the fuck is this so fucking hard.
I'm pretty sure they hit 3 but the damage gets around halfed on each additional target.
So if you hit 700 with the old values on the first one then second one gets hit with 350 and the one after that for 175 etc.
get gud
Nigga learn to dodge? You can pretty much easily solo both, chaos spawn being slightly harder since if you fuck up your dodge when it tries to grab you're pretty fucked.
Also take beam staff and wreck shit, I do about 60-70% of my teams damage on boss with it.
Oh that's changed since the alpha then.
I'm not giving up user and I plan on getting gud.
I am at level 1. I cannot access any weapons or gear. Or any class slots. Dodging does nothing when 30 chaos niggers are spawning continuously as well all around.
Its always been that way in my opinnion, the damage reduction after the first usually just results you in killing one, damaging 2 and knocking the rest back.
Well if it spawns a horde during a boss fight and you dont have enough aoe to deal with them / choke point then tough shit, if you started a boss fight during a horde then you got what you deserved.
It really shouldnt be that hard, been running champion runs and I feel like the game is much easier after launch.
I mean, I checked it with the dummies in the alpha and it would only ever hit one. Like, not 0s on the second, just no hits at all.
Early levels suck shit.
Keep your distance and corral them around.
Move through levels quick. Don't kill shit you don't have to. The longer you stay put the more shit the game is going to throw at you.
I just finished playing the first few levels all the banter seems to be much more mean spirited.
It seems very edgy to me
But that's just my first impression.
Kruber and Goreksson have top-tier banter. Salty is pretty good at times too, but usually just his typical screaming about heresy. Fuegonasus is mostly boring. The knife-eared slut just makes you want to throw a brick at her.
Depends. Kruber and Bardin are pretty much teddy bears as expected while Sienna got crazier and seems to dislike Saltzpyre less. I don't like her much, she is not endearing, cool nor pleasant to listen to. Saltzpyre really mellowed out. He is way more polite to others and appears to pretty much like Kruber and Bardin. He even tries to encourage Sienna at times, though he's inconsistent in different missions. The Elf is just a bitch.
She's a fucking granny you weird pervert.
I thought her's was kinda funny. She's like a murderous soccermom on a power high at points.
This game is broken as shit now, I cant play without the game thinking i'm "dead" but still able to run around and do shit. Sometimes i can attack the mobs but other times I'm a ghost running around resurrecting people.
Why does your health cap go down as the level progresses? By the end it feels like you can only take two hits at full health.
user who was bitching earlier about difficulty. This game is hard as fuck if you don't have any gear for your character. On my first level complete I got that flamethrower staff of the wizard. This is heaven.
Everything just melts at this difficulty.
It is a lot easier. Everything, with the exception of bosses, goes down much quicker in Champion compared with beta; seems like you also take less damage too. The only thing Legend has going for it is an increase in the number of shit that spawns. 15 rothelms coming after you all at once. how horrifying
who at fatshark thought this was a good idea? Probably the same cuck who thought a pve game needed nerfs to it player characters
Best part is halfway through the fight he just stood there and we were able to just kill him without putting up a fight
Did they put a Great Unclean One in the game yet?
especially the Druchii
Your mom has not yet made an appearance.
So why did they cut off half of the lobby keep?
Fuck that was pretty good.
more of it unlocks as you play
I see i am not the only one who got the bright bug. some areas just look fucking ugly and others burn my eyes.
Looking for a Dwarf ranged weapon that out performs the shotgun, and I can't find one. Everything but the shotgun sucks I'm sure.
pistol dwarf isn't a joke
I had that same "fullbright" bug in the lobby the other day (before the recent patch), it was really weird. It's a shame though because the lighting in this game is pretty good.
I don't like the reload time.
If you've got only one fag friend like I do to play this with, you can change the career of your bots by swapping heroes, selecting your career, entering the keep and then changing back to whatever you actually want to play. They use the weapons you have equipped for their career as well but their hero power is based on your current character. I don't know if the talents you pick actually function for bots.
thank fucking christ the elf doesn't talk as much now
I want to strangle kerillian and every player picking her.
When will there be mod replacing her with literally anything.
It's on par with a few choice lines. My favorite is Salzpyre saying "The dwarf is suffering ghastly wounds and YOOOUU have yet to throw yourself at the enemy! Do I smell bloody treason?!"
Kerillian is actually incredible if the player on her isn't shit. Problem is she objectively still seems to be most powerful with a longbow and too many shitters who can't dodge try to play handmaiden.
I forgot to clarify, mod replacing her voicelines.
Oh. I guess it doesn't bother me but I have played the first game for dozens of hours. Now I just see her as tsundere.
I actually had a similar experience when I first played the game and I played a lot of 1 as well. You just need to learn the boss attack patterns. Also I think you can jump over the tongue lash attack that the chais spawn uses to grab you, which is pretty funny as the dwarf. If you are having trouble, play with bots because they are frequently better than retarded wandering players.
The flamethrower.
Drakefire pistols can actually deal with hordes surprisingly well. Their charged fire can kill up to 10 rats in one shot if they're bunched up enough.
I'm actually getting worse performance since the full release.
Thank goodness they got the kick function working so we can boot every elf that joins.
Its really great stunlocking bosses every few seconds and taking giant chunks of health off them like you are born and bred to do it.
“Maybe we should have hung back and waited for the rest of our squad.”
Welp. Looks like the oh so Iron-Spirited Dwarves can’t take banter. I suppose when you are the size of a child and a big hammer or flamethrower isnt enough compensation, other means will have to do.
If anyone wants to post more anti-elf music I would be most pleased.
The range is pathetic I can't free teammates who wander too far with it.
I'll have you know us Dwarves have bigger spirits than you are, manling. Are you sure you weren't with a little, mishapen wutelgi?
That's fair enough. You can't really carry a shit team with the flamer.
I thought that up to the point in which his elegant tongue of the humble karak slum dwellers exposed him as one of those mighty four and a quarter foot high bearded wenches
I liked to play as Kerillian in V1, especially once I looted the Cavaroc hagbane
Sounds like one of your little manling children pretending to be one of us mighty Dawri. My cousin Okri once saw a Raki trying to dress up as a one of your manling women!
Coming in from long time Verm 1 and having the playerbase be small and decent at the game, it is a fucking NIGHTMARE playing with pubbies in this.
Do we have a group or something to avoid the baddies?
I have no idea what that bottom left text is supposed to say.
"Good thing their reactions are as slow as yours."
Translated as:
"Please hatefuck the hole you cut in my throat."
Oh, are you sure? You know a Slayer and a patchy Rat look quite similar to each other at times. No bother, those reclusive sadists are into all sorts of weird things. Which brings me to thought of whether or not the Dwarf is lacking significantly in the appendage department, or if they can even function properly being so compact and prepubescent save for the outgrown facial pubic hair
Still no crack.
Ha, your manling wife sure didn't complain when I showed her me lil' mallet, azumgi! Are you sure you ain't overcompensatin' with that big sword of yours?
This big sword chops the heads of chaos clean from their shoulders, something that takes you and your two cousins standing on top of each other with a step ladder to do. I must say though, being so short has its advantages. You might get a peek at elf knickers assuming you’re quick enough to trail behind like the short legged baffoon you are
I'll play with you, anonymous.
is there a decent pub community? i played a bit of the first and liked it, but hated how it almost immediately died
Is it just me or are elves absolutely allergic to carrying tomes?
I swear I've lost track of the amount of times I will point out the location of tomes wait a moment for the elven faggot to turn around and pick it up and instead she'll saunter off mumbling something about mayflies.
Then as I gather myself from my surprise that the elf hates getting better equipment I blast away the 2 packrats and gutter runner attempting to take me out whilst isolated and catch up to the stupid sow who's busy getting dicked by stormvermin chugging healing brews whilst Sienna watches on wistfully with her sliver of health.
I agree
Nope. Literally every group will have a shitter playing that useless fucking elf that will take and use ALL of the healing items they find, and then die when the wind changes direction and then blame everyone else for it.
It seems like the final quest has a bug where my passive skills don't work and the bots don't follow you through the skittergate, and now everyone talks as if they're in slow motion.
They're so fucking smug about it too. Just because the elf is so fucking overpowered that any old retard can get top statistics with it and they think that makes them good. Meanwhile they're killing off their team and refusing to support them while they're off pretending to be rambo or fishing for last-hits to inflate their green circle epeen.
This game has taken my hatred of the point-eared poofters to a whole new level. It's almost exclusively the worst people on the planet play that character.
This game brings me back to my hold Enemy Within campaign days. I like playing Kruger.
Plz post more lewd rats
Are we talking wood elf, high elf, or dark elf here?
The distinction is important, because wood elf is a tree-fucking piece of shit, the dark elf is basically skaven but without the over-the-top charm the skaven have, and high elf would actually not be terrible since they aren't as retarded as 40k's eldar.
With the new careers all of em. But she is originally a Woodcunt.
Sigmar himself will purge you from existence
Keep going
Nigger, there's already tons of boards and sites for this shit.
The first game is a giant reference to The Enemy Within, down to the names of the levels.(The Enemy Below, etc)
Final level is also bugged in that my passive skill disappears and Grimoires don't drain my max health when I pass through the skittergate.
Feels like the final level is unplayable tbh.
I feel like a pleb for asking but what is "the enemy within"? google tells me its the new telltale batman game and there is a movie from 1994 with the name. its also the name of XCOMs first expansion.
I am somewhat confused.
It's one of the best table-top RPG campaigns in history, belonging to Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
I highly recommend it with friends (if you have any). You'll get to experience Ubersreik first hand, it was an awesome campaign. Haven't played the 3rd edition remake though.
I have and it's just as good if you don't mind it being 3E.
3E is fine. I'll look for it, I get the urge to play WFRP again.
For what purpose?
Thread was great without you.
It was a funny joke dubsman.
I'm tired of running into dumbshit pubbies who can't talk and who play like they are literally playing the first PC game they have ever touched, anyone in this thread that actually wants to group up?
ur lvl and power?
7. I'm leveling up my Bardin.
funny you say that because I've never seen the pistols charged shot do a goddamn thing. I use it and things don't even flinch. Doesn't even seem to make a cool flaming ground effect like in V1, but that might be my settings.
Also feels like they generate a fuckton more overcharge than beta now too, even with the talent reducing it.
Sort of related… when the Drakegun was bugged to always be at full overcharge that shit was fun as fuck. They should split the difference in charge-up time since any incoming damage knocks you out of charge or attacking with it anyway. Right now it's underwhelming.
Is it just me or do buff potions feel useless?
the concentration potion is pretty good since you can F then drink and then F again. The other two are complete shit though.
Is it normal doing chip damage to bosses? The Chaos spawn can be a fucking pain.
Using the trinket with 50% on duration, I am having a blast using potions.
Yeah it's normal, the bile troll on veteran and more is pretty much unkillable unless you've got all the party on it cause of his heal (unless you've got someone that can interrupt it I guess), I'm expecting a nerf.
the only thing getting nerfs is the players characters, you're not meant to have fun goyim
i thought you were joking about the playerbase but the elf players really are the fucking worst human beings i've ever seen
best part is that he dragged us down like the entire round, and after he left we kicked so much fuckin ass it wasn't even funny
I'm not familiar with the game enough to know the level names/acts yet, but it's the level with the farmland where you have to save the prisoners.
And you guessed right. The elf did die on their own making us lose the Grim.
I'm having a motherfuck of a time with randoms tonight. There's 65,000 people playing on Steam and I've already heard a few squeakers. Any of you fags want to play together?
I main Sienna but I've been leveling up Bardin.
OwO mark what's dis??
I refunded this during "pre-release" because I have no friends to play with on Champion I was concerned with the amount of non-repetitious content there'd be. I know there're going to be new maps, but what about modes or other monotony-breakers? I never played the first game, all I've heard of is a horde mode.
I only used them in beta, but get an exotic+ pair with -20% overcharge. It's much better than -20% in actuality, I went from 7 shots to 11 before I passed the first overheat threshold.
I found the charge useful when spammed since it stunlocks in a large area and kills off the chaff by the second or third blast.
Right now the primary fire gets you above the bar in like 5 shots with the 33% reduction talent. It's pretty ass. Exotic with reduction would probably help a bit.
My friends are insisting on grinding to full 100 power gear on Recruit before advancing even though we had no problem speedrunning almost anything on Nightmare in V1… meanwhile I've been wearing 100 power shit since last week and am getting bored waiting.
Also doesn't help that they nerfed Huntsman into the fucking ground so our former boss shredder is now playing Sienna.
I tried out quick play and fuck me the randoms are completely inept. You get people hosting with shit internet resulting in unplayable latency and a disconnect results in a map you've been on for 25 minutes fucking restarting.
That's another reason. I never disconnect from anything, yet either I or the host get kicked from about 20% of games. That host disconnect restarts the level with nothing and doesn't even have the decency to give you the experience of a failed run is despicable.
Count the shots with the pistols, I was 7 with the class talent and 11 with the exotic trait. I'm curious if they really did nerf it on release, I really liked having reliable anti-special and spammable decent ranged boss DPS without worrying about ammo.
Huntsman was still pretty stronk with Blunderbuss before launch, just not instakill levels of OP. Though I preferred taking Bounty Hunter since his fuckhuge F alpha is instant and doesn't care about armor like Blunderbuss does (no gear switching on map join means Huntsman with Blunderbuss can't do shit but melee on that camp map with the scripted armored chaos boss guy).
Also, I feel like the balancing got a LOT worse than it was in the beta. I have no idea how anyone could get past novice at this point considering the amount of bosses and hoards they'll throw at you at once. Still fun, but hard as balls if your whole team isn't somewhat competent.
strength is good for people with light weapons, because it makes your normal attacks break armor.
Speed is nice if you have a fast weapon already and are facing down a horde.
Both are kinda shit for heavy weapons.
You could theoretically just breed the albino rats instead of bleaching them
My friend would pop the Huntsman skill and 3-shot bosses with a strength pot and his blunderbuss, and this is after it was nerfed down to 1.5x boost instead of 5x. Without a pot it would still one-shot any non-boss enemy with a headshot.
Now it's a "why even bother" boost and he has no interest in playing the class anymore. They removed the cannon noise when attacking it had in beta so it's not even fun for that.
The drakefire primary fire is still all right for managing specials at close to medium range, but it's always seemed to do fuckall to bosses in my experience.
Assuming they're not drastically different from V1, what strength pots do is make anything you do (including bombs) deal something like triple damage. They're by far best reserved for quickly dispatching bosses so you don't give the game enough time to spawn extra bullshit.
alright anons, Fatshark released a Roadmap
Where the fuck is my doom wheel boss battle?
Drakefire pistols in the beta were dealing more per hit than my strongest melee weapon strikes, and faster, too. Especially important considering how hard it is to stay in melee range with most bosses (when you even want to be in melee range, which is rare).
Yeah, that nerf sounds ridiculous. He should try BH, assuming its F didn't get nerfed.
So is it me or is the two hander for Saltzpyre complete shit?
The DLC jewing begins. At least I hope they let others play on those maps as long as the host bought the DLC.
How are you anons finding the game? I was thinking of buying it since it's relatively cheap, the devs seem decent enough and I like Warhammer. Pubbies aren't a problem since I can probably get a couple of friends to buy it as well. Worst case scenario I can join up with one of you fags and then run before the gay erp starts
Same for Krubers though. Even if it was fast enough to be viable, FS was too lazy to bother giving the 2h another attack animation.
There is nothing more boring than swinging your sword left-right-left-right like a fucking autist.
I have been part since the closed beta and even thought various things have made me ragequit over again, the game is without a doubt addicting as hell.
I have been raging at this game, the difficulty spikes, the retarded elf-palyers and some crashes but no matter what there hasn't been a day I didn't play it, both alone and with friends.
Your best bet, user, is too look at the various jewtoob videos and getting an idea for it yourself, since at the end of the day, what you see is what you get.
I got what I wanted, which is killing (((skaven))) so I am more than happy to recommend it further.
Loving the elf spear. That thing feels overpowered as fuck, it cleaves through everything without penalty, has long reach, super fast attacks, high damage, and easy-ish headshots. Longbow also does pretty obscene damage per shot and pierces shields, so that makes the combination great for pretty much everything. Combined with regen and other forms of self healing I'm dealing and taking twice as much damage as anybody else in most groups, but maybe that's less because the class is good and more because everyone else sucks.
until level 20 he's a bit of a high skill character. You can play him a little more fast and loose once you can kill your way to temporary health
elf is made for killing, which might feel overpowered in recruit or even veteran, but when you get on higher difficulties and actually killing gets harder you'll find yourself relying on your teammate for knocking down enemies or thinning out waves. And they'll be relying on you to finish the job.
unlearn that habit, try to take as little damage as possible because that'll be the way the harder difficulties get. Also dont be a dick and share that regen. people taking hits for you can use all the help they can get and thats one usefull perk.
You keep telling yourself that knife ear.
How are Sienna and Victor in this? The bright mage was probably my favorite in the first one, except that some of those staffs had really disgusting projectile travel time with not enough damage to make up for it.
The class/character balance is pretty good; maybe Victor little bit underpowered after nerf. A good Sienna is absolute needed for Champion and Legend run. Fucking rapid flame staff melts rat hordes like a minigun.
Given just how much ass the Lizardmen kicked during the endtimes, I'd love to have one as a playable character. Also I just kind of want one to get the fun racist as fuck banter with the other champs.
knife-ears and furfags plz go
Tell your soiboi friends that you get more exp on Veteran and move the fuck up. It's barely harder, and if you can do NM on VT1 you can do Veteran with ease.
THIS. If you use a strength pot for something that isn't killing a boss, you're a god damn idiot. This goes double if you have an active ability that can do a lot of damage like Waywatcher, Bounty Hunter, etc.. Wait for the boss to target someone else, then chug the potion, use your ability (if relevant), throw your bomb, and start swinging/shooting.
If you want 2H-style gameplay with Saltz, use the flail… but rapier is still best weapon.
That's what they did with the first game. Fatshark seems to know how bad it is to divide your community, I hope they didn't forget that.
Straight improvement on the original, if you ever played that. If not, it's a melee-focused Left 4 Dead style co-op game. It's challenging and fun and you will need to git gud. There is an expectation that you will at least attempt to learn how to block, dodge, and develop your situational awareness: casualfags need not apply. Otherwise it's some good shit.
Victor's needs some small buffs but is still viable. Sienna is quite powerful and her staves are generally easier to use and better than VT1. You do need to be more careful about managing her overcharge though.
Thinking of getting the game; but unlike most of the plebs here I veer toward more tanky roles in games over phat DPS children and supportcucks. How is it in general in VT2 (variety, fun, skill etc) sell it to me boy
Tanky classes are great.
The Ironbreaker (dorf) has an ability that will make his block unbreakable meaning he can get hit by 88 clanrats and a boss without giving a fuck. His passive will also completely absorb any hit (even from bosses) and has a 20 sec cooldown.
Take a shield and axe and you become a biting mountain.
A good tank can easyly be the difference between life and death. Some classes even have agro abilities. Shields are, IMO extremely fun to play. Go watch some gameplay of Bardin or Kruber (dwarf and imperial soldier) using shields, and see if you'd like it.
Whith a decent amount of skill, an Ironbreaker Badin can take on any callenge.
Shield and hammer are the way to go, not shield and axe. Topple it with a flamethrower and never worry about hordes again.
Sounds dece. Are there any other tank hybred specs to go into or is it purely just being an angry little man.
Also, thinking back to dorf, is there any type of taunt/force agro or would I have to manually run in front of my team to absorb DMG?
Side note, whats the standard team comp setup. Guessing its Tank/2DPS/Support or is it a bit more unorthadox/mission dependant?
Taunt is the actual active part of his ability I forgot with high level talent giving you the option to taunt the boss too.
Then there is Footknight Kruber he is tanky but can take any weapon and do good damage if you feel like it.
Elf + whatever other 3 fucbois having to carry her ass through it.
Depends on the difficulty, and to some extent, on the mission. You also don't have to be hiper specialiced: maybe your ranged attack is good against special enemies, and your primary weapon is good against bosses. Or maybe your standar mele attack is a slash to the head that destroys specials and your charged attack is a big blow that's pretty useful to keep hordes at bay (this is the case with some 2handed weapons).
If you are playing with friends on the highest dificulty, it's a good idea to plan ahead, but normally there's no need for a specific team comp. You just have to work with what you have. I'd say that most of the time, as long as there is someone who can melt bosses, everything should be fine.
And tanking consists mostly of bullying people around with your shield so they can't hurt your friends. You are the wall that keeps enemies at bay, but if you are actually taking the blows, you are doing it wrong. Any rat that gets too close gets a shield to the face.
Sounds good, thanks buddos I'll get it tonight. final question, I don't actually need friends to set up lobbies do I; surely there is a kinda matchmaking/ place you are supposed to go to build a group. Such is the life of a lonely faggot
Shield/hammer seems inferior to shield/axe. Shield/axe has the same shield bash but also has armor pen.
There isn't a standard comp really, and there aren't any real support classes. Ironbreaker and Foot Knight are pretty desirable characters on a team though, and if you're good you'll have no trouble making friends.
I lol'd
Built-in matchmaking makes it simple to find teams. Can't guarantee they won't be retards though.
Thats just online in general though. As long as reddit is in the playerpool there will always be spoigs. actual final question this time Do we have a general in-game guildthing so we can keep to ourselves?
Regardless, thanks a lot m80s
You can almost guarantee they will be retards.
Siesta is weak as shit, has no cc-weapons and her only good staff is fireball, IF your teammates aren't retarded and run into the fireballs all the time.
I wonder if the game can handle more than 4 players.
5v5 war with bot grunts would sound cool
Probably going to be like the first one, higher levels weed out the worst of the shit heap.
In 1, all the really bad players were mostly gone by level 65. Remember to bully everyone who deserves it.
somebody carry me
Hey, look.
A faggot.
Sienna has a dagger that helps with CC like saltpyres rapier.
But her strength is mostly her ranged.
Also beamstaff is also good, it lacks damage but can be incredible as stun locking waves ahead of you and the right click has a strong push and good damage for melee ranged combat.
The downside to beamstaff is that it builds up a lot of heat, but it also builds up a lot of meter for your F skill. If you shake left to right quickly you can strike A LOT faster with your beamstaff, but it wont hit harder, doing this against a wave will not only make you hit so much and build up so much heat, you can build up so much meter that you can keep throwing your skills out, which is great if you're level 25 that lets you remove all heat from using your F skill.
Fireball staff is still better though.
sick and tired of faggots who buy items so they can vet at level one and it's usually a dwarf fucker too
it's joke
look man I'm just trying to speak to the types of people who go on Holla Forums and it's a well known fact that most of you have the biggest possible gay
What the fuck.
Skills are as follows
Talents on Level 5
50% increase to block and push angles
increase health by 20%
Grants 1 Stamina shield
Talents on Level 10
after reviving an ally it gives them 50% damage reduction for 10 seconds
Fire Weapon Overheat generation is reduced by 30%
After dealing a heavy attack you recover stamina faster
Level 15 Talents
if you didn't get hit yet, you recover stamina really fast
Recovers 10 health when you get hit
Reduces the cooldown of Gromril armor by 13 seconds
Talents level 20
Crits grant temp health
per kill grants temp health
recover health when boss dies
Level 25 Talents
Impenetrable lasts for 15 seconds instead of 10
increase taunt radius to 15 range
Forces bosses to attack dawi
quit being a fuck boi tbh
State your point and get on with your life
My personal opinions on best weapons for each character
sounds like you're just trash with her lad, pic related my last 2 champion runs with my sienna. Last game I didnt get a cap of a legendary run but ended with 10000 damage from pretty much soloan two bosses. Pyromancer is still ridiculously powerful with the right build
I like traps, you like traps, we like traps, let's play Vermintide 2 together while trapping
I recomend you pick "Shield of Vayala" or "Indefatigable" over "Stoutfellow". Being better at blovking and not getting hit is better than being able to get hit a few more times.
At level 10, Irondrake is the most fun one, but miner's rhythim is awesome when you are blocking, bashing and dealing charged attacks. Miners Rhythim is the superior choice, but if I'm farming I go with Irondrale to burn more rats. It's just too fun.
For the third one, Rune-Forged is in my opinion the inferior one. As I said, it's better to not get hit in the first place, and 10 health is not too much. Tunnel Fighter is really good, cause if you got hit, it's probably cause you are in the middle of a hard mele, and you are likely to get hit again soon; and incredibly solid talent. Ironbreaker's Resolve is pretty gut to avoid running out of stamina BUT once you're hit, you loose it for 20 seconds, and those 20 seconds are probably gonna be the time when you need it the most. I'd say Tunnel Fighter is the best one in this tier.
Grudge-Borne, without question. Kills happen more often than crits, and you'll get lot's of kill when you are surrounded by enemies, which also happens to be the time you'll need that termporaly health the most. Helath when boss dies… yeah, there's one boss per level, two sometimes. No point in picking a perk you're gonna use twice at most.
I'd say "Oi! Wazzok!" is the best one. Distract the boss, while being able to block it's attacks, abd buy your wizzard or huntsman a bit more time. If your mates are decent, it can make bosses a lot less tought.
Thanks for your opinion user.
Fuck off with your sodomite propaganda astroturfing
People hate gays not because they're closeted fags and like all fags hate themselves, but because you're disease ridden filth that needs to be eradicated.
I usually pick the health increasers though, this isnt vermintide 1 anymore and getting hit is an definite every game. Whether its one of the new specials, a packrat sneaking up on you or just a bug.
The digits confirm, faggots are getting gassed too.
you're friends with wolfspider. You're probably a cock hungry slut, that doesn't sound like a refined person to be around with.
We can pretend that all the enemies in VT2 are gay. Will you play with me then?
I've been playing this with a friend but holy hell is it a pain fighting the troll or chaos spawn at low levels with shit gear score. I understand that it gets easier when you have better weapons and such but at low levels can you be playing with such shitters that you can't push through their regen.
Thankfully we're getting 100 gear score soon so we can do the next difficulty.
my advice to fighting a troll, bring something that can burn it. it will make his regen less of a hassle.
The hit detection with the troll is a little off also, if you can get right into him his attacks wont hit you besides the pukes. But it's tricky.
To commemorate my experiences with my group (And our retarded friend who keeps getting killed)
Strange how stereotypes are factual, eh?
bombs can mini-stun it out of attacks
I insta leave when I join someones keep and see that only character above lvl 10 is the elf.
Yeah I was already doing that. However, there's a level 20 talent that grants temporary health on kill (or on crit if you prefer). Temporary health is only good if you take damage before it decays. I'm sticking to vet until I get close to the gear level cap but I kind of suspected that might be a problem later.
STD ridden gays, furries/jews(?) and (((peaceful))) refugees.
even if someone anons want a skavenfu
Stop playing on easy mode and don't let your team carry you then.
Is it not enough to do that shit in the SS13 and Monster Hunter threads that you have to do it here too? Fuck off.
You can make saltz into a special killer extraordinaire with the BH class and a volley crossbow.
I usually play as the cute elf but I was forced to play as Kruber earlier, god I hate the blunderbuss.
What next? Are you going to tell us that you're the trap from the gamenights?
Dubs of truth.
the blunderbuss is trash, just trash. it should destroy everything infront of it rather then be a guessing game on how much you'd want the repeater
That nice bug that stops you from using a health kit on yourself and.or your teammates.
It feels like it's worse than in the first game.
alot of weapons are, for example the repeater used to have three fire options the third one being if you fired the moment you spun your barrel and not held it, it didn't empty your ammo
Does anyone know if decaying temp health counts as damage taken? It SHOULDN'T, but it seems like it does. That or I'm taking a LOT of temp health damage from hordes.
Blunderbuss is actually the best boss killer. Even after the nerf.
bosses aren't much of the game, sure killing it quick is nice but honestly it's not hard to quickly kill them if your team knows what it's doing tbh
Well it can also kill an army of stormvermin, its also good for clearing out some swarm enemies in a chokehold. Depending how fast you can shoot.
But the blunderbuss is great for what it does, which is kill tough enemies. If you want to kill swarms you'd want to pick another weapon or just get a good melee for it like halbred.
been using the warhammer as a general tool for most situations. Its great at clearing waves with charge attacks, great at killing elites with overhead smashes, breaks shields and is easy to headshot with. The blunderbuss should really never be used on anything thats either a boss or a special thats just a little to far away.
thats not a boss or a special*
Well being a ranger I have a skill that reduces weapon spread and getting a headshot is no ammo wasted. and against a weak swarm it's pretty great to clear a few while running towards them.
Also halbred has to be his fastest cleaving weapon, if you slash once, guard, you can reset the animation and keep on cleaving constantly, its lacking in damage but by far the best at kiting and clearing swarms due to its extended range.
Finally got them to (begrudgingly) do a round of Veteran last night. We opted not to grab grims until we're more comfortable with the things. There were drastically reduced pickups, with most typical locations having nothing at all. Don't know how you could reduce it further without removing pickups entirely. Nightmare in V1 still had a lot of pickups so this seems weird to me.
Spawn conditions were interesting. There were roughly three times as many elites around the map, occasionally multiple simultaneous rothelms, pretty frequent specials, and considerably more shielded enemies about to fuck with pack cleaving. Enemy health was noticeably higher. Sienna's flamethrower staff was MVP for crowd thinning.
We got two chaos spawns over the course of the map; one from the guaranteed boss spawn from the barn door, and one randomly spawning on the long road before hopping the fence with a ladder. The guys need to learn the damn attack pattern… they got grabbed multiple times so killing the spawns took forever. At least it wasn't those fucking flamethrower ogres.
I think they both died once during the map, but aside from that we did fine. Actually being challenged instead of ending every map with 3 tomes, 2 grims, and never needing any of the abundant health pickups felt good for a change.
Now if only I could convince the fucking knife-ear to stop burning all their ammo on trash and wasting their trueflight on slave rats. We're spoiling them by playing ammo-less classes.
unless I go huntsmen, nah there's alot of times where you need the range more then anything
oh boy reminds me of my current huntsman build, its not much but as long as I have some aim I can be 100% ranged.
Pickups are pretty random. I get some games where I'm swimming in health even on vet. In fact I just did one map where I swear there were 3 health kits around every corner, but not a single ammo pickup (let alone a box) anywhere on the map.
Kruber has terrible ranged weapons, his other choices are outdone by the other characters, the blunderbuss stands out as something that can be a gamechanger. His other ranged weapons are merely stuff that pick off enemies, if you arent a ranger his ranged weapons are just irrelevant. Besides the blunderbuss which can still oneshot a powerful enemy like a stormvermin.
I love that kinda build, I have something similar to saltspyre, with his multifiring crossbow, since it can shoot 3 arrows at once and with a passive to crit every 8 seconds, you can just fill your ammo up instantly through one shot, since the arrows pierce, its ridiculous.
How are you having difficulty with them? They are literally the easiest boss enemies in the game, even ratogres are more dangerous. They do almost no damage with their flamethrower, aim slowly and barely move most of the time, so you can pretty much stand still and spam headshots or back-baby shots.
I don't know to be honest. Out of all the boss varieties, those are the only ones that give me any real trouble. Could be that we just always get them in narrow corridors when I don't have a long range weapon (range being the only downside to the drakegun) and can't get behind them because everywhere is on fire. They also subjectively seem to be less common than the other varieties so I'm least practiced with their patterns.
well yeah, if you're not playing kruber with stamina and speed you're doing it wrong, his "sniper musket" can one shot if you head shot
Sienna is a ton of fun, just unlocked Unchained and the model is fucking amazing. I also love the passive and active overcharge interaction, seems cool as fuck. Is Unchained any good, and what melee weapons are best? I like most of them, dagger, sword and fire sword. It's just mace that feels a bit too slow.
Pyromancer is also really fun, looking forward to that Exhaust talent at 25.
I think you replied to the wrong person nigger
Just hit level 25 elf, time to start leveling somthing else, going for mage next I think
What determines the power level of equipment in boxes? I thought it was your character level, but I just started working on a second character and the levelup box was still generating at power 160+
I just started playing her managed to get her to lvl6 once I get her to 7 I'll probably start playing Dwarf.
I think it might be your highest character on your profile.
It seems to be a cumulative total level.
Leveling salty to 30 I was only getting around 170ish power on items. After leveling a bit of Bardin and Sienna, I'm getting shit in the 200s now.
The higher your power from the loot you have, the loot you obtain will go up also.
You should save your commendation chests for when you are above 200 power, you will get stuff to help you on higher difficulties.
Definitely this. I've got about 40 of them saved up for this exact purpose. If you're one of those people that thought the game was difficult starting out, or that the gap from recruit to veteran was fairly significant, the gap from veteran to champ is 10 times worse. Commendation chests are un-capped, so they're basically like getting free champ-level chests; don't squander them.
I never considered that, I was just opening them so I can stockpile on crafting components.
I've been completing 1 out of every 6 games.
Elf seems op as fuck and mine is lvl 4 only, while everyone else is 8-9. Why so much hate for it, outside of the shitty dialog i mean. That I understand; sounds like a total cunt all the time.
Elf is easy mode, so elf players don't git gud, and, and I guess it attracts shitters to begin with
Yeah but that's just scrubs that will get bored of the game in 1 weeks and hopefully gtfo. Since elf has such good skills and weapons in the hands of a good player it should be great, or am I missing the point?
The Elf is strong and can be useful to the team if the player isn't an idiot.
However, the lion's share of people playing her are idiots. Expect your elf to:
○ burn arrows on trash that dies from a single light melee attack
○ burn their career cooldown at every time except when it would be useful
○ run ahead, grabbing then wasting all of your party's supplies
○ run around 200 yards from everyone else doing god knows what
○ pick up grimoires when the party is fighting a known guaranteed boss spawn
○ dying with said grimoires, since they're too far away to be helped by anyone
○ unable to time dodges whatsoever and allergic to blocking
Personally I save most of my arrows for armored enemies and specials, though I will throw a few at trash if I'm close to full ammo. I use my cooldown the instant I see a special enemy or in the general direction of where I think a special is, because it autotargets around corners. I might also use it against armored enemies or when a horde appears, as well as during bosses as often as possible.
But really, I picked elf because I saw the spear gameplay and wanted that. I assume most people picked elf because archer or because girl.
Then it sounds like you're doing fine. Waywatcher's career skill is excellent for taking out specials nobody else can safely or easily reach. It's excellent when things are around corners, on rooftops, or fired straight up if you have no idea where they are (fucking blightstormers). Quickly taking out a special called-out during a boss fight is probably more useful than using it on the boss itself.
You generally want to reserve your ammo for sniping specials, elites, or at least armored targets so your group doesn't get sweeping-attack cucked when they show up in a horde. If you're near an ammo box then whatever, fire away.
Is there really any point to the other two elf careers? Handmaiden seems completely useless, the supposed dodge range increase is impossible to even see. Stalker might be OK but I don't really see it.
Is the hagbane bow useful or nerfed to shit?
Certainly feels worthless to me. The damage of the arrows is barely 10% of a longbow, it has next to no ammo, and I really didn't see the poison doing very much of use
In V1 the Hagbane's poison DoT effect hit a small area and could be stacked, making it an effective weapon for weakening hordes and dropping boss/elite health. Not sure if it works quite the same way in V2.
Waywatcher is generally regarded as the best of the three specs and is certainly the most accessible. The other specs are quirky.
new thread
Well it does have AOE when using aimed/charged shots. I still don't see it doing enough damage to be worth not just instantly killing everything in a line like the longbow can. Maybe at high difficulty
4 days and still no crack
It might be an always online type. There is "single player" with bots, but there's no clear distinction between that and multiplayer