anarchists should move to >>>/anarcho/
Anarchists should leave this board
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No, anarchists must take over this board and purge authoritarians. Everyone knows authoritarians have no interest in communism, even they know this. They all have this delusion that in their state capitalist dystopia they will be the pol pot or kim
Why not both?
Good idea. Purge all authoritarians on this board and also make /anarcho/ popular.
But I like anarchists
especially Syndicat
sounds fucking great
No, n1x runs /anarcho/ and he is just as shit as Ismail is with /marx/
Okay this is a pretty good point.
Anarcho has been ruined by liberals aka n1x.
yes…. the purge begins
nvm. everyone go here
N1x should be shot.
howdy FBI
n1x pls kys
well, anarchists should no doubt purge authoritarians, but it needs to be done without splitting. Anarchists should build up a base seperate from leftypol while still posting on leftypol and focus on suffocating all authoritarian ideologies that try to pop up on leftypol
they're already infighting retard. it's not gonna end
exactly. im chill with this
can i get some insight on the whole N1x thing?
if you actually support such a meme position as left unity out of being paranoid about cointelpro then that means that it worked on you
I don't mind this
t-not even an anarchist
You know that makes no damn sense
they are an IRC poster that is a liberal and has put themselves in positions of power on the anarchist aspect of Holla Forums/irc leftism. They are no unlike the other group of feds known as bunkerchan that have taken over the Holla Forums/irc authoritarian leftist aspect.
Yes, it's obvious that being divided will only make us stronger.
I admit that there are some downsides to this, but the far-left will easily bear their effects, because everyone knows that how strong is it today, especially in the west.
lmfao he's smoking some spicy 385D chess
The original annil who is a cancerous faggot and probably a tranny. He owns /anarcho/ and 0chan which are dead because no bants allowed and wrote a shitty manifesto that was pretty much Mr. Robot with more edge and filler.
Once again proving the left and their allies will eat each other alive.
Stay cucked faggots.
liberal as in buzzword or liberal as in actual liberal?
unlike you guys who have been making so much headway
Actual liberal. They identify as a progressive anti-leftist. If thats not a fancy way of saying liberal idk what is.
There is no such thing as a united "Left". Marxism and Anarchism are mutually exclusive and cannot be allies in the long term.
yes the FBI is afraid of uniting the left, but that's only because it's a threat to capitalism from the sheer numbers of people cooperating, not because having both ideologies is ideal. afterwards we're still going to end up cutting each other's throats because of different ideologies, which would probably allow capitalists to take over again.
i agree that the left should be united, but not under conflicting ideologies that will ruin us in the long run. i think resistance to capitalism should be consistent, and the only reasonable way of doing this is by moving beyond ideology all together. if the goal of the left is human liberation from hierarchy, then why are we obeying ideologies that end up forgetting that original goal in favor of ideals?
You think people would know about the Spanish Civil war and how the commies fucked over the anarchists.
Why on earth would anarchists would even associate with totalitarian commies is beyond me.
I'm guessing the enemy of my enemy is my friend rhetoric. Explains also why must commies are sympathetic to barbaric muslim extremists.
so basically: all anarchists should unite against capitalists including ones that think they are communists? I dig this idea.
Because that goal is extremely vague and the methods proposed to accomplish it are often contradictory. Like the narcho obsession with shilling for coops which will just reproduce the oppression of capitalism by committee instead of by decree, as if private company held by a small group of workers for their sole profit and the purpose of commodity production is essentially different from private capitalist property. Those people deserve to be shot just like any bourgie because they are working against the goals of the Left no matter how much they delude themselves into believing otherwise.
really makes me think
seriously though, without anarchists (at least a third of the userbase and around 40% of quality posters this board will be overrun by Holla Forums.
well the ideologies should be rejected, not the people per se
well there's nothing wrong with coops, just if a work ethic were to be associated with it. i get what you're saying tho
this is literally the only valid concern for leftist to not trust other leftist sects. everything else is people having piss contests on Holla Forums.
I love you too tankiefriend. You wanna purge the twitter tankies and reddit anarchists sometime?