These dumb cunt's idea of rehabilition is to give shiity minimum wage jobs to people and make them work full time. They have contact with parole officers so they can funnel teenagers to work in thier hellhole and the supervisor is always in cahoots with them. I am basically TRAPPED working in this shithole

also they have retards here who work in back they get paid LESS than minimum wage but its legal somehow. They get all thier inventory free which means there is no fucking way they make so little to justify paying us minimum wage. Where does all that extra money go? I FUCKING WONDER. DON'T SUPPORT ANY CHARITY THEY ARE ALL SCAMS

Goodwill isn't a charity though, is it?

Its a nonforprofit

bump. maybe we can organize a boycott of these assholes

goodwill is a thrift store, right?
all thrift stores are shit
the workers (at least here in the Netherlands) don't get a wage, but have to do shitty jobs to get their "unemployment benefits" from the state

also, all the valuable objects that people bring go to the manager

I still buy pretty much everything at thrift stores though, because I'm poor af

In name only. Not OP but I'm a cripple and did some work evaluation thing at Goodwill, they just exploit the disabled for cheap labor. They make quite a bit of money off of the secondhand junk they sell.

Their facilities are also fucking revolting because people treat them like free garbage disposal.

there's no ethical consumption under capitalism.

that said, that is shitty. do they publish their financials somewhere? maybe we could find out why they pay so little.

If they get paid too much, they lose their Disability payments.

they employ retards who are too dumb to realise they are doing real work for no pay, on top of that, the place also gets care payments for those that they employ.

workfare is heinous and bad also why don't more leftoids try to fight against workfare? it seems like it'd be a totally sensical thing to do but weh.

many of the workfare programs are organised by the care industry, which is entangled with leftist political parties

oh you mean like the NPIC / non-profit industrial complex aka the cucks who run nonprofits who take lots of moneyz from cities to provide stuff like "homeless services" but don't provide real housing and just pathologise/control people?

Is Savers alright?

I'm poor, so I only buy from thrift stores. Savers is cheaper than Goodwill anyway.

stuff like that, but the personal experience i based my post on is a mental institution that gives people diagnoses far more severe than what they actually have so they can declare more money, dooming people with labels and medical history

Dude I'm 23 years old and a university graduate and I volunteer in a charity shop just to have something to do during the day and I don't get paid shit, you should consider yourself lucky.


At least I'm not an internship cuck.

All I'm saying is minimum wage would be great right now.

Goodwill is shit! And this is coming from someone whose parent works as a fairly high management position.

Lmao? How do you get money then?

Really? Do you know anything about its inner workings?


More like

wow you really showed them

Oh god, have I made the wildcat flag into a shitposting flag by arguing with tankies?

ma nigga
I've never heard of Savers before. But I always had to shop at thrift stores, mainly Goodwill. Ever since I was little it was the Salvation Army or Goodwill. Even once I started working full time, at a "good" office job making 8/hr I still had to. I used to steal from Goodwill, even.

What state is Savers in?

I remember learning that there were mentally disabled working there, as said, they weren't paid too much or they'd lose their disability. Just like Wal-Mart, they bill these places as "helping the disabled" by giving them "gainful employment. I always thought it was fucked up though, because they kept them in the back & you rarely ever saw them. That's got to breed some bad working conditions. Are there any oversight committees or something that keep tabs of their working conditions? We should share the contact numbers or something, to report local Goodwills for inspections or something.

I also heard, which makes sense I guess, that they don't even wash the clothes before racking them. So keep that in mind. Wash it before you wear it. I was always really thankful though, for those rich/middle class people who donated actually nice clothes to Goodwill. Never just throw your old clothes away, someone can make good use of it.

Should've switched flag with
Looks like he forgot, too.

I'm pretty sure op is a teenager and a delinquent. Why hasn't anyone called him out on it?


There are plenty of "normal" people who have to work shit jobs, user.

Not sure I follow. Can you elaborate? Law enforcement is forcing you to work there instead of elsewhere? For how long? What are your options, and what would happen if you tried to apply for a different job?
Our little board doesn't have the resources to take on the jackbooted thugs of Big Charity, but we might be able to help with your situation.


where should I buy cheap clothes from?

There's an easy solution to deal with "non-profits". Defund them all. In America, there is this notion that non-profit somehow means "non-cash generating organization." This is absoluetlt not true. They are tax shelters and havens for 1%ers to "donate" large sums of money, write that donation off as tax deductible and then join the org or board of directors and pay themselves back with a legitimate salary from the funds they donated.

Do charities do good work? Sure, most do. But think of how much money could go to an actual standardized income for the average cotizen rather than turning them into wagecucks and slaves.

Goodwill, probably.

There is no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism.

thrift stores in Australia are mostly run by volunteers (old ladies and people who are/have received help from them) both church based (vinnies) and non-church based (lifeline).

Just steal them