From your article on Makhno,
Hahaha, what? There is no such thing as "petty bourgeois peasantry" according to Marx, and I'm not even a Marxist!
Makhno was well-documented as murdering the actually-kulak Mennonites. This is a statement which reflects a laughable amount of historical illiteracy, not that I would expect better from Trots.
The article's ending on what anarchism is is laughably wrong in every single respect. Every. Single. One. You can read The Conquest Of Bread for yourself, or even a single article from Anarchist Writers or another similar source. Anarchists were against capitalism before Marxism even existed. Proudhon invented the word "capitalism".
Rather than the state appointing a manager to run an enterprise, as was done in the USSR, the workers formed their own factory committees. These, in turn, confederated via organs of the CNT to plan production from the bottom up.
Does it matter? No, it doesn't. The point still remains, the USSR was industrially inefficient and anarchist Catalonia wasn't.
All of their achievements happened after they gave up that ideology. It means absolutely nothing that they once were.
There's no scientific basis for racism. There is no "white race", there is no "black race". It was developed to justify slavery. Maybe ethnicity exists, but even then, whether it ever has a meaningful correlation to intelligence or anything else is debatable. Humans, compared to other animals, are genetically very similar to one another.
Gender roles arose because of historical necessity. Maybe there are biological bases for some, but most are simply the already-dying remnants of medieval society. Focusing on eliminating them, in any case, will change nothing.
If you made $20 a day from your own work and someone came and forced you to give $15, you would call that theft, right? Well, what if you make those $20 a day, but they all go to that guy because of some contract you needed to sign to not starve and you only get $5 back because it's the bare minimum to survive? That's theft with extra steps, isn't it? That's what we mean by exploitation. If you're submissive to being stolen from, then I don't know what else to tell you but that you don't have the right to call others "cucks".
This sentence doesn't even make any sense. If you mean that I somehow adhere to a "vulgar" materialism because I don't believe that history operates on a basis of dialectical class conflict, well congratulations, you found the main reason for my rejection of Marxism after being one: I don't see any fundamental trigger for the entire working class to unite as a whole out of sheer exploitation and revolt against the bourgeoisie as one. It can be done, but only when localized institutions of class consciousness such as a syndicalist One Big Union have gained a large foothold.
It's not an "eternal distinction" in my worldview. I simply use it to describe to how capitalism is something which exists regardless of what various people decide to believe in. If I went straight into talking about more advanced topics, it would be easily dismissed as meaningless technobabble, no different from "radfems" or "race realists". You need to show confused liberals how they already see the various symptoms of capitalism in their daily lives.