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Stalin died today
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Fuck stalin
He couldn't purge Death in time.
I'd piss on his corpse
He beat you to it.
Cuck Germany Again Stalin Baby~
well get him out before he starts to stink the place up
What did he mean by this???
uck him
Die Partei hat immer recht!
He was a good, honest guy
Great leader
There was never a more enigmatic person in history, he did more bad than almost anyone in history, but he did more good than almost anyone in history.
He was a man of the highest highs and the lowest lows, he won World War II and stopped the greatest villain in modern history, but he also forced his country into situations that led to famines and purged an excessive amount of political opponents.
Too many Marxists, Liberals and virtually anyone else with an opinion rarely sees the intense nuance of Joseph Stalin.
muh gorillians
I think he dies a while back though
Stalin tried his hardest to lose WW2, but just couldn't quite do it with how heavily the odds were stacked in the Allies' favor.
Not the gorillians, just the fact that he did so many things in a crude way that ended up causing more problems than would have been had they kept a NEP style economy for a bit longer.
This is why we can't do anything. Between these little bitch dramas and the fact that we will all circle jerk about how certain people are our obvious enemies (typically the people who own and know how to operate firearms) you wonder if somehow in those 65 someodd years since they started attacking commies in full force actually did affect the trajectory and mindset of political radicals.
I'm pretty sure any other possible Soviet leader in Stalin's boots would have done the same, it's not something I see unique to Stalin
RIP to a great comrade and a true friend of the proletariat
I can't tell who is shitposting and who is sincere.
History will absolve him.
Fuck off, shill faggot. No true liberal is for marxist communist trash. That's what they brainwashed you to think liberal are. And you think you're on the right side of history? LMAO. Just look at all the evidence. All the trash that claims to be "liberal" or even "leftist" are FAKE. It's the same bullshit propaganda that they claim "-ist conservatives (right) are". Kill yourself, please.
This is an Infoware. Alex isn't on your side. Alex has exposed himself since he supported Trump. It can't get anymore obvious than that.
mad respect
dumb polyp
If there is any tragedy then it is the one of Gregor Asser
(They should've joined the KPD tbh)