Do you think kikes and their braindead cronies have already killed vidya? What do you think they will go after next if that was the case. Hopefully themselves.
Are vidyas finally dead?
Am I dead?
MMORPG's are dead.
I think it's a stupid forced meme by (((you))) to trick stupid goy kids into spending money on AAA microtransaction + lootbox + dlc shovelware. Prove me wrong.
It's just (You) and me here, user.
Don't die on me please
It's all jew tricks.
It's all casualized open world crap, moba shit, mobile AAA games or Walking simulators, so all those genres you mentioned are dead. Except for the rare moments when a double A or indie studio comes out with something nice.
Do you remember how we died?
Gondola is dead.
In AAA? Yes. They've leached and milked them dry long and hard enough that they keep seeing diminishing returns on all but the biggest eye-catching titles or ruined them beyond acceptance of even normalfags. AAA vidya isn't dead, but it's certainly stumbling towards death's door.
AA is and smaller publishers are doing fine though, A bunch of different anticipated medieval themed games are close to release or are already successfully released, THQ Nordic is picking up scraps left and right and I'd like to see what they plan on doing with some of the noteworthy ones, Sega keeps talking about porting a bunch of good games to PC and Indies are still shitting out the occasional decent game among the chaff.
I do think things are going to slow down for people who completely abandoned AAA and big publishers, but I don't think things are hopeless, in fact things may be looking up if you've got the patience to wait.
MMOs are for certain a walking husk. Nothing fun is to be found there and I'm glad the Chinese are moving to mobile platforms. The sooner their bootleg asses leave the PC market, the better.
Yes, they are dead but i think gamers are to blame rather than publishers. Kikes follow the money and if gamers didn't buy garbage, kikes would have left very fast.
"genre thread" isn't the thing being discussed here. It's the fact that they all say "genre is dead" simultaneously.
The world has anasognosia dystopianism.
Few good games out there should I ever be free of my violent harassment by a schizophrenic rougue non government entity that I really wanna play, like doom 4 and some blunts. Good times
Please refrain from calling normalfags who fawn over those nu-vidyas funded by kikes and SJW "gamers". But I agree. Normalfags are like cultural-locusts, they fucking scourged and barren everything they touch.
You should only be concerned about calling them "gamers" if you identify as one yourself. I certainly don't. I think many people here abandoned the term around 2008. If someone tells me they're a fucking gamer, I know to avoid them. It's not hard to just have a normal goddamn conversation about games you like without attaching labels to yourself.
No, Ghost Trick rules.
I'm living in a loop of Dorf, Hotline Miami and CS 1.6
(trip dub dubs)
I do not think I ever hear anyone say they are "gamers" in real life unless they are one of those fuckwits (dyed hair, problem glasses, hipster haircut and moustache). They certainly are not those old grognards, geeks, nerds, dorks in the basements playing Doom or when it was freshly out. I still remember when the word "gamer" can only be heard in those circle of those silly outcasts and how stupidly proud they were when media hits them about Doom murders and other shit and then giggle.
Are template threads finally dead? see for yourself in this tertiary thread
wow you sure proved me wrong!
Yes, but I keep coming here because I don't know anything else.
AAA is on the way to it's grave.Hopefully what's left will be profitable enough that AA, A and what few decent indies exist can survive.
I wish I didn't understand that feel, but I do
Not yet, but they're close considering the Kikes at ESA are about to influence the patsy in the White House and that the hobby has been completely floodes by the wrong kind of people where before your only issue were children and not manchildren outside Nintendo.
Main problem is that Capcom drones have just turned into Arc Systems drones which is why ArcSys tried pulling the 20 character DLC with Blazblue Cross Battle. Meanwhile other good fighters are still ignored.
First pic fresh OC?
I know this place is delusional but damn
The question was not whether the vidya is making money.
Dead = no activity, has nothing to do with quality
Nah, shit's old
Hollywood is dead shlomo
I'm sure the Jews are trying to undermine western society by killing your time-wasting vidya, you stupid faggot. Play games if you like them, if not, admit you grew out of them.
No. AAA may churn out the same corridor shooter over and over with reskins, but there is still a niche market for good video games.
Take comfort in knowing that all kikes will eventually die. There is no escape.
You're leaving out the part where the only one of those threads where the consensus was 'Yes' was the zombies thread. Popular media overplayed zombie media between 2007-2013. It'll be 2027 before you'll be able to make anything with zombies without receiving a groan from people.
Games have changed, user. Profit comes before making a good game.
It's just foolz posting.
multiple triple AAA zombie games are coming out this year
VIDEO GAMES = the reason you don't have a girlfriend, the reason you're a wimp, the reason you're a bitch, the reason you're a faggot, the reason you're a coward, the reason nobody likes you, the reason your parents gave up on you a long long time ago.
How's life treating you so far?
Video Game Faggot
oh noo
AAA is not having all the success they used to have. Look at games like Battlefront 2, Watch Dogs, etc. There are a lot of AAA games that, while popular, didn't come close to sales expectations. Even the last CoD didn't sell as well as they hoped and the next game had to "return to the roots of the series"
An AAA game has to do more than be popular and sell well, it has to reach a specific break even point of popularity and sales.
Going back to Battlefront 2, they supposedly sold around 1 million copies. For an AA, indie, etc, that's huge and great. But for AAA, it's not, EA spent a lot more money than an AA or indie studio would have to make that game. And they needed to sell a lot more to break even, let alone make a profit. I think you are making a mistake of comparing AAA sales directly to AA and indie, while ignoring the fact that AA and indie cost a lot less money to make, and thus have to sell a lot less before they reach a profitable point.
deep inside, aren't we all dead?
oh shit who let the polygon writer out of his cage?
I seriously don't understand what you're trying to say
who the fuck pretends to be mario,if i wanted to be a plumber i'd go clean my shitter.
"I'm butthurt because the big mean honest guy correctly pointed out the fact that I can't get any pussy because I'm a video game sissy!!"
VIDEO GAMES = the exact reason you're a social, sexual, emotional & financial failure
What a fucking awful thread
is Holla Forums dead?
is my mom finally dead?
if so, can I finally lose my virginity?
actualy zombies are undead
Unironically, I have never met even one video game playing male who has a girlfriend.
Actually, it's STILL spelled 'actually', but as soon as they change it, I'll be sure to notify you
Long story short, no. The games industry is still a multibillion dollar market, it's just a question of where that money's going. Genres die off, and others take their place. Companies go under, while others take their place. Rhythm games were all the rage a decade ago, but are virtually dead now. MMORPGs were as popular as ever a decade ago, and are now a niche genre, barring a handful of titles. Inversely, "quirky" RPGs were a niche genre a decade ago, but are flooding the market now. ASSFAGGOTS were a relatively new thing a decade ago, but are only just starting to show signs of decline, in the face of a resurgence of character-based shooters and Battle Royale-esque games. While AAA games are doling out multiple high-profile flops in recent years, smaller devs have been able to make bank by appealing to smaller demographics. That said, AAA has been bursting at the seams, and will likely continue to do so, barring maybe "family-friendly" titles.
Actually the crowbar snaps in two
Just kidding
You really want some (you)s don't you a10720?
AGAIN: video games = no girlfriend
b r i l l i a n t
have you ever thought, said or done anything in your life that WASN'T associated with an effeminate, childish, sissy-assed cartoon or video game?
my god i think you're right he's positively oozing,what a total slut
No, fuck this entire gay thread.
Trump came this close to finally forcing the industry crash and saving us all.
Hey faggot who's ban evading, you're on a website filled with people who are perfectly aware they are miserable failures in life. Pointing out the incredibly obvious isn't causing intense butthurt, it's just showing a complete lack of self-awareness on your part. Especially given that the extent to which you are shitposting just makes you seem particularly pathetic on a website already comprised of pathetic people.
And they won't be the ones topping the sales chart, I can tell you that much.
ANIME: the other reason why you've never actually seen a vagina in real life(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Somehow this got me thinking, are there people actually more attracted to tranny axewounds than to real pussy or benis?
only if you're a nigger.
if you are not subhuman, you would know we are all 9 foot tall Aryan Super Men that gets comfy and plays vidya in our hyperborian greek temples filled with snacks and anime girl as cock sleeves
Hey effeminate adult male who's only purpose for existing is to reproduce, but who never will at this rate because you're a video game playing bitch…
fuck yourself
This world needs help.
On Holla Forums?
Guys is a10720 OK?
I think he needs a nap or something.
Or maybe a hug from mommy.
switching IPs already?
At least he's entertaining and derailing this shit thread-
I'll give him that
He was probably molested by a hardcore goymer
it's not my fault you can't transform your hand into a girl's hand through Astorian magic.
because tell me,You have never felt the full force of the universe deep within your benis, have you?
I bet (((Mark))) is the autistic IP changing poster.
Maybe it's the hormones.
He had a sex change and now he wants to be known as f4cdd2.
Are you buttflustered Wojak poster that tries to fit in by saying Mark does everything even when it's obvious it's out of character for the kike?
A character who obviously barely know about?
me and my girl
Cause she's a kinky bitch like that.
This is almost as cool as watching streaming Sunday services from an Alabame negro church on Periscope
ASAP more like, I can't wait either friend, Here's to a brighter future for vidya maybe we will get a rebirth of the industry?
We can always play good games via emulation without paying anything to kikes or marxists.
Video Games will never die.
Yes user, video games no longer exist.
AAA annuals are on the downswing and AA FotMs are on the upswing is all that's changed.
7 million, don't repeat that bullshit that some moron was trying to meme for God knows what reason.
No. Most games are shitty, both AAA and indie. But there are gems that are still being produced they're just harder to find
They're not that hard to find. You just have to get the fuck off Holla Forums to find them. I used my day off work yesterday to research upcoming games, every nook and cranny. Even sifted through the pile of indie shit on twitter's #gamedev and found some stuff actually worth keeping an eye on. There is now a hefty catalog of games I'm gonna check in on later in the year.
Apply yourself, friends.
but could assume no soul
Funny how the retard saying this is posting on this thread instead of the countless threads recommending good vidya.
It's almost like shitposting depressed retards who don't come here to discuss vidya but just come here to whine and "socialize", while good threads reccomending vidya flies over their head, all come to shit tier garbage threads like this one.
Pull your head out of your ass. Saying that gaming is dead because mainstream games are shit is like saying there aren't any good movies coming out because you are only aware of hollywood popcorn flicks.
You're the only one alive
==HMMM…== now were have i heard that before?
Good job
Quality is lower across the board. Less and less stuff worth a shit. Both movies & games.
Also way too many sequels and remasters.
the last game I sincerely enjoyed was Bloodborne, projects of passion still exist and Japan and eastern Europe will keep the tradition alive, if now diminished
Games are better than 10 years ago though, sure PUBG is mediocre, but it's a small to mid sized game that became a sleeper hit, same with other games, even if less successful.
You wouldn't get that shit 10 years ago in vidya.
Same can't be said about cinema or music though.
I remember in some Holla Forums outrage thread a certain subreddit was linked that was specifically about posting tranny axewounds. I think it was manmadepussy? Artificialpussy?
Video games used to be a niche hobby. Toys that only loser kids used to enjoy. If you were making video games, it was solely a labor of love, and you had no expectation of billions of dollars in profits. This was a time when games aimed to be, first and foremost, fun and immersive experiences.
These days, games have no soul. AAA games, by and large, fall into three categories. Soulless, shameless cash grabs that are engineered by analysts and social psychologists with the explicit goal of sucking as much money out of you as possible; Social Justice™ 'art' full of WE WUZ KANGZ AN SHEEIT, stronk wymyn, and in-your-face tranny bullshit; and remakes, reboots, and sequels that nobody asked for and nobody wants to play because they fix absolutely zero glitches, refuse to expand upon the original product, and do fuck all to improve the original experience in any way. You may also note that these categories are not mutually exclusive.
Video games being popular is EXACTLY what is fucking killing them. The mainstream acceptance of video games as a popular form of entertainment media increases the overall public threshold for acceptance of bullshit, allowing all the jews, niggers, faggots, trannies, and feminists that now run the industry to run it into the goddamn ground/
And guess what? Not a single fucking normalfag gives a shit because if the industry crashed, they would shrug and just say, "Whatever, it's not like Sonic was ever any good, anyway," and walk the fuck away from the dumpster fire that they allowed to burn due to nothing more than simple apathetic complicity.
It's time to go back to Reddit, faggot.
Unfortunately no