What's your favorite short quote Holla Forums?Mine is.
"How come it is easier for us to imagine the end of all life on earth, an asteroid hitting the planet, than a modest change in our economic order?" -Zizek
What's your favorite short quote Holla Forums?Mine is.
"How come it is easier for us to imagine the end of all life on earth, an asteroid hitting the planet, than a modest change in our economic order?" -Zizek
"β¦at the tops of all these pyramids you don't even find tyrants; just social constructs."
"we want to abolish domination all together; not to manage it's details more judicially." - The Guardian, 'to change everything'
Not Holla Forums, but
The best history lesson, is that no one learned their history lessons. β A. Hitler
"War is God's way of teaching Americans geography."
- Ambrose Bierce
"Both of them are the worst one!" β Uncle Joe
First as tragedy, then as farce.
"We feel free because we lack the very language to articulate our unfreedom
t. Balkan fistfucker, in Welcome to the Desert of the Real: Five Essays on September 11 and Related Dates
told uou about the state dog = bakunin
"Your enemy never sleeps" - my grandfather
"To look at people in capitalist society and conclude that human nature is egoism, is like looking at people in a factory where pollution is destroying their lungs and saying that it is human nature to cough."
β Andrew Collier
PS: i'm sure boards on this site is so slow 100% because of captcha. So rude.
there is a face in the garment on the ground to the left of the plastic bin below the blue jeans part
you mean this?
top fuckking kek fam
can't unsee.
"We have been nothing/let us be all"
Not because it's pithy and brilliant, but because it suddenly makes clear everything said before it in the book:
"We must cease once and for all to describe the effects of power in negative terms: it 'excludes', it 'represses', it 'censors', it 'abstracts', it 'masks', it 'conceals'. In fact, power produces; it produces reality; it produces domains of objects and rituals of truth. The individual and the knowledge that may be gained of him belong to this production."
To all the people who tell us to read books
"I farted."
-Rosa Luxemburg
foucault is bae.
It's a tossup between
Bob Page : I will burn like the brightest star!
JC : Oh, you're gonna burn, alright.
"A good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode." - Astronautics Magazine, 1937
The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds.
Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking.
Both Keynes.