is this, dare I say it, Our anime?
Is this, dare I say it, Our anime?
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which one is it
All anime is our anime, be specific you vague loony.
You can't go wrong with glasses anime girls.
I don't think GATE is our anime.
Talk about it on >>>/leftyweebpol/
Please don't bring shitty template threads to that board.
Not with that attitude.
All anime is leftist fool…
I stopped watching GATE after I read a bit of the manga and they litterally denied japanese warcrimes during WW2, while citing the holocaust as something horrible that happened and was done by another country.
Virtually all anime is reactionary tbh.
Pretty typical nip-thing to do. Notice how all Kojima's conspiracy theory plotlines are all about countries besides Japan.
Shanghai 1931 was one of the few animes that I've seen that deals with Japanese war crimes at all and its still extremely tepid.
Rightists have been trying to get Barefoot Gen banned from Jap schools cause of the criticism of Japan's Wartime behavior and its anti-war message:
To be far that japs only killed nationalist chinese troops that were under control of the cuck chiang kai shek.
Also loved how Russia didn't give a fuck about the "mug millions" while china and america were like "how dare you japan"
Even tho they both did the same shit.
Based Russia.
fuck off tankie
But really, that were just right wing scum vs right wing scum.
Then the USSR came in to clean up the mess.
what did she mean by this
All moe trash is not my anime
First of all, what anime is it? All modern shit looks the same.
Second, wasn't there some Welcome to NHK that talked about alienation?
That's Umaru.
Still leftist
Wrong. They murdered many civilians, sometimes in gratuitously cruel ways.
Okay I agree, but it was chiang kai shek's fault too.
google image search is your friend, onii-chan~