Capitalist killings

We need a REALLY GOOD infographic on capitalist mass-murder, famine, and preventable deaths. Capitalism has easily killed over a billion people if you use the same (or stricter) standards that are used against the USSR. Pic related just isn't convincing, because it's slapped-together and lacks detail. We need an infographic (or even several) that:
We are letting porky get away with his crimes if we don't hammer this point home. Capitalism has killed far more people than socialism ever has or ever will, and it kills people solely for profit.

Other urls found in this thread:

tangentially related, but this is a good video of based chomsky listing off the war crimes of every postwar US president


Also, how should we count combatants in a war of aggression? Like all the Viet Cong that were killed by America. I think they should count as victims, but are they different from civilians? How do we explain it?

we need more links in sources to show the evil of cappies

Great concept, but it would be better if it wasn't just stills with the music, but that there was some syncing. Also wouldn't hurt to make the use of edgy Drowning Pool music actually slightly ironic by using edgy commie pictures (ironically).


That should be "NOT spent". The way it is now is rather silly.

nazis cappie cucks

That's bullshit. Also, blaming the Soviet famine on capitalism is really contentious and creates a very weak link in your argument for people to hammer whilst ignoring the rest.

here's some quick propaganda

Pretty good, I've adapted it for posting on Holla Forums

good work comrade

Infographics are good, but remember, we need to build up on quick bait, appeals to emotions and other fallacies. That won't win debates, but it will change minds.


It should briefly explain how it is related to capitalism. Since I usually see people reject these lists for that reason.

The list was made by Unroo.


that explains the music

So, we gonna spread lies like Holla Forums and meme it down?


no point in lying, the truth is bad enough

keep up the good work guys


Anyone have a guide on how to make infographics? I would love to help the cause.

I put this together real quick. Feel free to add anything, suggest removals, etc. Note: I decided to add the American Civil War because I figured it would trigger people. So without further ado, I present to you:

Capitalism Has Never Been Tried: Presidential Edition

George Washington
-Cherokee–American War (Several Hundred Killed)
-Northwest Indian War (1,000+ Killed)
*Slaveowner (317 Slaves)

John Adams
-Quasi–War (Unknown)
-Alien and Sedition Acts (Unknown)

Thomas Jefferson
-First Barbary War (800 Killed)
*Slaveowner (200 Slaves)

James Madison
-War of 1812 (4,481 Killed)
-1811 German Coast Uprising (95 Killed)
-Tecumseh's War (65 Killed)
-Creek War (1,597 Killed)
-Second Barbary War (53 Killed)
*Slaveowner (100+ Slaves)

James Monroe
-First Seminole War (320 Killed)
-Arikara War (10+ Killed)
*Slaveowner(75 Slaves)

John Quincy Adams
-Aegean War (96 Killed)
-Winnebago War (7 Killed)

Andrew Jackson
-Indian Removal Act Minus the Trail of Tears (21,000)
-First Sumatran Expedition (450 Killed)
-Black Hawk War (600 Killed)
*Slaveowner (~200 Slaves)

Martin Van Buren
-Trail of Tears (6,000 Killed)
-Second Seminole War (3,000 Killed)
-Second Sumatran expedition (Unknown)

William Henry Harrison
-Inauguration Speech (1 Killed by Disease)

John Tyler
-Annexation of Texas (1,000 Killed)
*Slaveowner (70 Slaves)

James K. Polk
-Mexican–American War (25,000 Killed)
*Slaveowner (25 Slaves)

Zachary Taylor
-Cayuse War (200+ Killed)
*Slaveowner (~150 Slaves)

Millard Fillmore
-Chiricahua Wars (Unknown)

Franklin Pierce
-Puget Sound War (Unknown)
-First Fiji Expedition (Unknown)
-Rogue River Wars (Unknown)
-Third Seminole War (Unknown)
-Yakima War (Unknown)
-Bleeding Kansas (180 Killed)

James Buchanan
-Battle of Taku Forts (32 Killed or Wounded)
-Utah War (126+ Killed)
-Navajo Wars (Unknown)
-Second Fiji Expedition (14+ Killed)
-Cortina Wars (216 Killed)
-Paiute War (Unknown)

Abraham Lincoln
-War of Northern Aggression (290,000+ Killed)
-Yavapai Wars (Unknown)
-Dakota War (200 Killed)
-Colorado War (200+ Killed)
-Snake War (1,762 Killed)

Andrew Johnson
-Powder River Expedition (~100 Killed)
-Red Cloud's War (~100 Killed)

Ulysses S. Grant
-Comanche campaign (3,500 Killed)
-Korean Expedition (243 Killed)
-Modoc War (14 Killed)
-Red River War (Unknown)
-Great Sioux War (280 Killed)
-Buffalo Hunters' War (35 Killed)

Rutherford B. Hayes
-Nez Perce War (133 Killed)
-Bannock War (15 Killed)
-Cheyenne War (30 Killed)
-Sheepeater Indian War (Unknown)
-White River War (37 Killed)

James A. Garfield
-Victorio's War (Unknown)

Chester A. Arthur
-Geronimo's War (44+ Killed)

Grover Cleveland
-Crow War (8 Killed)
-Yaqui Uprising (~3 Killed)

Benjamin Harrison
-Wounded Knee Massacre (300 Killed)
-Homestead Massacre (9 Killed)
-Garza War (Unknown)

William McKinley
-Intervention in the Second Samoan Civil War (127 Killed)
-Spanish–American War (1,000 Killed)
-Suppression of the Boxer Rebellion (7,000+ Killed)

Theodore Roosevelt
-Philippine–American War (270,000 Killed)
-Moro Crater massacre (994 Killed)
-Suppression of the Moro Rebellion (2,420 Killed)
-March Across Samar (Unknown)

William Howard Taft
-Suppression of the Negro Rebellion (6,000 Killed)
-Occupation of Nicaragua (1,115+ Killed)

Woodrow Wilson
-Occupation of Haiti (15,000 Killed)
-Occupation of the Dominican Republic (300 Killed)
-Intervention in the Russian Civil War (2,000 Killed)
-Ludlow Massacre (26 Killed)
-Sugar Intervention (Unknown)

Warren G. Harding
-Battle of Blair Mountain (100 Killed)
-Posey War (Unknown)

Calvin Coolidge
-Hanapepe Massacre (16 Killed)
-Columbine Mine Massacre (6 Killed)

Herbert Hoover
-Great Depression (3,000,000 Killed)
-Harlan County War (Unknown)

Franklin D. Roosevelt
-Internment of Japanese Americans (Unknown)

Harry S. Truman
-Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (246,000+ Killed)
-Korean War (2,500,000 Killed)
-No Gun Ri massacre (400 Killed)

Dwight D. Eisenhower
-Operation Blue Bat (2,000 Killed)
-Iranian Coup (300 Killed)

John F. Kennedy
-Bay of Pigs Invasion (4,000 Killed)

Lyndon B. Johnson
-Vietnam War (3,595,000 Killed)
-Intervention in the Dominican Civil War (2,825 Killed)
-Suppression of the Simba Rebellion (1,000 Killed)
-My Lai Massacre (504 Killed)
-Korean DMZ Conflict (397 Killed)
-Suppression of the Thai Insurgency (365+ Killed)

Richard Nixon
-Chilean Coup (162 Killed)

Gerald Ford
-Funding of Indonesian Invasion of East Timor (300,000 Killed)

Jimmy Carter
-Shaba II (250 Killed)

Ronald Reagan
-Funding of Extremists in Afghanistan (2,084,468)
-Funding of Extremists in Yugoslavia (140,000)
-Contra War (43,000 Killed)
-Invasion of Grenada (128 Killed)

George H.W. Bush
-Gulf War (3,664 killed)
-Invasion of Panama (3,000+ Killed)

Bill Clinton
-Bombing of Yugoslavia (6,900 Killed)

George W. Bush
-Iraq War (601,027 Killed)
-Pakistan War (65,000+ Killed)
-Afghanistan War (26,270 Killed)

Barack Obama
-Funding of Extremists in Syria (470,000 Killed)
-Intervention in Libya (9,400 Killed)
-Honduran Coup and Subsequent Immigration Crisis (Unknown)

Total: 13,463,169 killed, and this is mostly just military actions against civilians by one country, not to mention all the unknown casualties.

The problem with those statistics is not preventing a death isn't the same as murdering someone; a rightist will likely say it's not capitalism's fault that those people died. A better infograph would explain clearly how Capitalism creates the circumstances that leads to them dying, not just because of inaction which probably won't convince most people.

Imperialism probably isn't a great example either, since people will blame it on imperialism, not capitalism. Again, it'd be better if these examples were clearly shown how they're connected to capitalism.

imo, if you add a lot of explanations on infographics, it become less clear.
The connections and sources should be put on the post following the inforgraph.
For each infographic, there should be a part 1 basic infographic with a message (visual impact/emotional appeal) and part 2 (logos/sources/ explanations) dealing with critics.

American imperialism and capitalism are interconnected, though. The whole reason for American imperialism is to safeguard the profits of the bourgeoisie as well as the capitalist system.

Fuck off m8. The Civil War was extremely good.

Read the first line.

fuck u


Imperialism is intrinsically linked with capitalism, this is basic.

Only a commie would think that, you can only come to that conclusion if you have an irrational hatred of the free market.

Very few of those deaths are whites and Holla Forumsacks tend to not care about non-whites. If you want to win over Holla Forumsacks, focus on things like prostitution and the importation of foreigners for cheaper labour.

Do you realise where you are?

but you are Not a socialist.