Is Pope Francis /ourguy/?
God was a Leftist.
Is Pope Francis /ourguy/?
God was a Leftist.
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Religious figures will say anything to appease people, it's cool that both the Dalai Lama and the Pope have expressed pro-Communist opinions but I wouldn't put much weight in their political beliefs tbh.
They piss off right wing cucks so, its a good thing.
Reminder that God kills kulaks.
The pope maybe communist but the church isn't, the averange priest is still gulag worthy than it was before pope Fran
Hell is pretty much a fiery gulag anyway.
wtf i love the pope now
You mean Jesus.
Maybe they were Kulaks?
he was angry as fuck absolute monarch who didn't care about his people and did anything that pleased him
The Apostles as well. And the early Church Fathers were woke as fuck.
t. Basil of Caesarea
t. the Didache
t. John Chrysostom
Holla Forums needs to understand that hating abrahamic religions is counter-productive. any ideology can be used to subvert people. including leftism. it bothers me when i see leftists look down on religious folk. there are plenty of capitalistic hedonistic atheists who will never accept egalitarianism.
the pope is right
Che Guevara
Pope Francis
We send the best leftist to influence the world, you are welcome you fucking useless fucks
Are you that argie trap?
Y'all dum.
Is dalai lama marxist?
dumb polyp
You're a retard.
trap? No, just an argie
I bet I missed a weird thread or something
same thing
pic related, a democrat.
We spooky commies now. Skydaddy marx will save us, we just have to join the holy war.
NK keeps saying it's democratic too
The Catholic Church has always been an enemy of socialism
Fuck it, and fuck every religion. They all have to go.
funny way to say north korea
Also poofs about the dalai lama supporting a feudal system
Everyone ITT is spooked af, but Holla Forums hates pedos, so maybe you can convince them that way. Frank has done jack shit about them like all the other popes. (what a twist!)
Theocracy ruler creating a shithole? Whoddathunk!
Kim is a Nat.
Yes, and he belongs in the Nat House.
It's THE NATshack
You know the further to the left I have got, the more Christianity seems appealing again.
If I didn't think god was almost definitively impossible. I might agree with Popey. I've always thought Christianity had one thing right in the negative as well, people are just rotten from the get go. Irredeemable sin seems pretty rational in the world we live in if you divorce it from it's fairy tale justification. There is hardly a thing humanity touches that isn't tainted in some way. I'm also big on neurotic self hate and guilt, so self improvement religions from the east always seemed too foreign and falsely hopeful in that sense.
as a non-religious social democrat/communist i'm naturally sceptical towards an apparatus like the catholic church but francis seems to be a good guy indeed. his statements so far should've put reactionary catholic zealots in quite an intellectual dilemma actually. don't have a problem with religious people like him.
bretty sure he's not a believer either
what strange sect are you talking about? christians are the ones always talking about being forgiven. there's been plenty of mobsters who were fervent catholics, telling their sins to the priests and being absolved.
Well yeah you can be redeemed through Christ but I meant more the general attitude about humanity aside from that. I was taking out their nonsense without indicating so, my mistake.
Really makes u think doesn't it? And people here celebrate the death of Christendom
In "Feminism in Nationalism in the Third World", where Jayawardena details many of the feminist and nationalist movements in the middle east and asia, a reoccurring phenomenon is liberals stressing that the values of secularism were actually a more true interpretation of islam, that polygamy was un-islamic and that the current backwards practices were a corrupted interpretation. Because I know many posters on leftypol are ML or generally believe in national liberation, I'd like to know what you think of using this tactic, I.E. using christianity, islam, buddhism etc to spread socialism.
Because churches often double as community hubs, I think there's a lot of potential in this. If leftists took over a church, they would not only be able to influence a lot of people through religion, and use the church as an organizing tool, but would also be depriving reactionaries in the same way.
Are you taking the piss? Get in the fucking sack.
Liberation theology was a godsend.
Literally just arguing over fanfic
I think the fanfic that supports my values is better though.
first article says Mao liberated Tibet from feudalism, and the Dali Lama now supports democracy.
the second article is just liberal blabber in my opinion.
They present five points to smear the reputation of our most esteemed NEET, the Dali Lama.
good, who is?
Sounds reasonable to me.
..who gives a fuck?
Pretending 200 000 exiled Tibetans could make democratic decisions on behalf of the 3 million people living in Tibet is retarded to be honest.
I'm not saying the Dali Lama is all cheesburgers and rootbeer, but that's pretty shitty evidence that he wants to reinstate feudalism.
Reminder that this guy used to own slaves, works with the CIA and violentry represses the Dorje Shugden movement within Tibetan Buddhism.
k enjoy your marxist theocrat that western capitalists somehow love everything in order here hope he teams up with francis and the revolution comes
he stopped?
Obviously he doesn't rule Tibet anymore.
Video by papa Parenti, might be interesting
Not by parenti, by autism penn and teller, but parenti is in it
O, poor Dorje Shugden, such a good gyalpo. Why the Dali Lama has to be such a bully? Thankfully the Chinese government helps old Dorje with his struggling finances.
Soooo… Egoist?
"twat" seems adequate
Well thats it, murdering the upper clergy is back on the list boys.
Chill user, I'm going to vatican city tomorrow, francis is redeemed and will use his capital christianity bux to finance the revolution together with the dalai lama and the Church of the Subgenius guys.
People are seriously swayed by the rhetoric of this rat catcher? You realize now that the church lacks the tools of repression that they have to resort to this? How about the pope starts showing his appreciation for egalitarianism and starts with his own organization?
By that standard a lot of history becomes fanfic, yet I rarely see people going on about the non-existence of Alexander the Great…
google original sin
Alexander the great was real though..
google crucifixion
i dunno. I'm starting to think true equality between men and women is, and always was, a meme.
how do people actually believe in god
How could you disbelieve him when you receive his revelation anew every moment?
stop pretending to be retarded
stop being a fedora fag
I don't know, it's actually kinda weird.
Are people retarded or what?
kek. just become a neopagan like the others pls
trips of truth
Rejecting existence of God is pretty much pure ideology. Our universe was created out of nothing by breaking rules of physics as we know them.
Of course there
Every single time.
If you live in a very religious area/have very religious relatives, you should post jpegs propaganda about how Capitalism is literally all capital sins together.
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read.
Reminder that atheism is the only reasonable position to hold on religion in light of our advances in science, history, and anthropology.
Reminder that it is impossible to divorce the history, belief systems, and political structure of an religion from one another.
Reminder that calling someone a fedora is not an argument, and that an idea's merits do not rest on the identity of the person making it, nor on the groups associated with it, nor on their reputation.
Fuck off, I'm coming for that toothbrush Elon.
I don't look down on religious people, I just think they're wrong. It's possible to disagree with someone without having contempt for them. That said, I do have contempt for the belief systems and the structures of all religions; the French were perfectly justified in expropriating the Church's lands and disempowering the priests; the fact that they did so even while most of them were still Christians should tell you something important about the true nature of religion. Society should not be governed by religious rules, nor should religion be foisted on anyone–and violence is perfectly justified in resisting both.
To be fair, he literally said that feudalism was backwards and a dark age in Tibet. He just didn't likes the Chinese exerting totalitarian control over the territory
I've heard much better arguments for god than that and I'm still not convinced. Something unlikely happening doesn't equal something else unlikely happening.
Fine. but the feudal lords are the buddhists. didn't it happen while he was dalai lama and lived in tibet? did he do something to stop it or is it just like francis who talks about being poor while in a gold paved building? and I've been in there, it's fucking lavish.
He was a 15 year whelp in 1950. A system that puts kids in the highest position should probably tell you how much power that position carries. It's probably the same situation as UK - there's a "king", but the parliament is the one that runs things.