Holla Forums see Japan as a bastion of race purity, filled with red pilled individuals
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Why do rightists want to ban anime so much?
Was it Japan or South Korea that has the highest suicide rates per capita, and the most depressed population?
South Korea (if we don't count Greenland as a country)
Down with the Danish imperialist oppressors! Revolution now! Colonialism must end at last!
Which animators? If we make a list and trigger Holla Forums with it, maybe we can get them to stop shitting up anime with MAGA hat shoops.
Let me guess, the most popular method is doubletapping oneself in the back of the head with one's offhand
What you mean like actual names? No real way to get that
I wouldn't take those lists seriously if I were you guys.
For instance most of suicide deaths in my country doesn't get accounted as "suicide" for whatever reason.
Japan is exactly how things will turn out if Holla Forums gets their way, a world where people work so long "work death" is a common thing and shit is so alienated men have to purchase every aspect of a relationship instead of getting a gf.
This is also why the Communist Party is so popular in Japan. They need it.
The JCP is a very small fringe party, you fucking retarded commies. It's smaller than Japan's already small social liberal party.
That's what libertarians want; not fascists. Read William Dudley Pelley's "No More Hunger."
They're one of the most popular parties usually coming in third or fourth place in votes.
Also your family get a really large fine if you commit suicide by train or if you kill yourself in a rented apartment. It's possibly one of the reasons why Japanese folks go to the countryside/forests to kill themselves.
14/242 seats
21/475 seats
You commies are so retarded.
Come on man, you know Japan is one of those Potemkin democracies. If anything the JCP's exitence helps keep that illusion.
Requesting more info.
What the fuck? And I thought chinks sending the cost of the execution bullet to the family was bad.
Asians are just reaching peak Capitalism
They perform better in the popular vote and they're still one of the most popular parties in the country.
Did this really happen?
Saying that the JCP is popular is akin to saying the Libertarian Party is popular in America. It's misleading and a mischaracterization of the political climate in Japan, which is very right-wing. It's not unlike commies to represent complete lies as truth, but this is getting tiring. Furthermore, the OP claimed the JCP was the second most popular party, which is completely false. Globally, it is undeniable that Communism is the most unpopular political ideology. Keep losing, commies.
AFAIK they don't literally send a paper bill or anything to the family, but they have to pay the "fee" in order to get the body back.
One rumour I've read is that this was instituted right at the start of the Great Leap Forward, back when Mao developed his fetish for inappropriate metals.
Fuck yourself.
It takes only a few people to start a political party. Riddle me this: how many first world countries are under explicit Communist rule? None. Hell, even the third world shitholes that call themselves Communist are not even accepted as legitimately Communist by most of you. Face it: you are losers.
The JCP is a lot more popular in Japan than Libertarians in the US. Really shitty comparison. Most countries don't have 2 party dictatorships like you burgerstanis.
tbh I thought many of us on here agreed that we are always in a constant state of losing. To quote another user: there is a reason why the Communist Manifesto begins with "There is a spectre haunting Europe"
They need the Danes because of their overreliance on whaling
Did you read OP's post? He said JCP is the second LARGEST party. Which of course, refers to how many members does the party have.
Also it would be interesting you would show me any far-right party in Japan with popularity coming close to JCP's support. Viewing fascism on worldwide scale, it's even more dead than communism.
I thought the global jewish cultural marxist conspiracy overtaking da wurld was proving that we were winning, and now suddenly, we're losing? Make up your fucking mind you faggot.