Berkley was fucking spicy.
I hope you all realise this is the first.
Berkley was fucking spicy.
I hope you all realise this is the first.
Other urls found in this thread:
Whats happening there?
ok that free speech pic is pretty embarrassing, wtf
Antifa getting fucking smashed mate.
Picture 2 is MLK holding a free speech banner on one of his famous protests and berkley antifa burning a free speech sign made to look identical that one of the pro trump protesters was holding.
3rd is another antifa getting smashed.
After this happened Antifa routed across the green away from the wall.
Nice meme.
Learn 2 rhyme next time.
Is he this brainwashed that he can't understand how a single photo can be used to frame any event however he wants or is he just disingenuous.
Either way.
Nice meme.
Say mad baby boy
I don't understand the point of all of this.
Antifa should beat up real fascist, whats the point of beating up these larpers with the american flag shields?
Are Americans really this bored with their lives, they want to play American gladiators irl?
I think its good that Holla Forumstards are engaging so happily with a bunch of activists. Antifa is doing this for fun and Trumpists think they are doing something effectful and spend their energy on bullshit. So congrats that you smashed them! Now go and plan your next rally, maybe you should train a bit more as antifa will surely prepare!
Antifa don't differentiate between real nazis and people who take an opposing political stance. If you fall slightly right of centre on an issue you are a nazi.
This is why they waste their time fighting and radicalising the 'alt' right.
The more they hit them the further right they are pushed. I'm just surprised Antifa don't realise this as it's a very VERY basic concept.
ok that free speech pic is pretty embarrassing, wtf
Antifa are mostly bored middle class students more concerned with virtue signalling than doing anything to help the left
Its fun and allows some young people to do some "real" fighting.
What a wonderful display of the society of today though.
I'm glad.
stop posting this meme
Some trumpcuck literally pissed him self at this thing, we got more memes from this than you lot.
but we've already 10000 threads so take your sperging back to Holla Forums
Antifa is feels >>> reals.
Yanks took a Yuropoor phenomena and made it retarded
Usual story
eastern european antifa fights legit nazis
unfortunately your you this is the truth.
kek. That's a good one.
Lol i've seen this picture. The one where he's wet from his tshirt down because they've been pouring water in his eyes (cause they're retarded) to get rid of the pepper spray?
Fucking this! I support that type of Antifa. The americans doing it are just little bitches.
well, there's also the fact that eastern europe is literally crawling with actual nazis unlike murrica with their disgruntled elderly people.
And nothing of value was lost
Things like this are the first step on the "spiral staircase" of retributive violence. Right now, Antifa and Alt-Right are operating in the same way that 50's street gangs did. Ever read "The Outsiders"? These groups largely keep to themselves, but meet up every once in a while to "Rumble" over largely bragging rights. But what happened when people started getting seriously injured in these "Rumbles"? The stakes got higher. Chains and bats came out. Then, unsurprisingly, somebody would take it too far. They'd kill a member of the opposing side. Tit-for-Tat violence would start, and things would spiral out of control.
At some point, these little rumbles are going to get more extreme. Somebody beloved by one community or the other, probably a woman or a child, is going to end up being killed. When that happens, these rumbles are going to stop, and we're going to be on here discussing drive-by shootings, door-kick stickups, and car bombings.
Is all that muh 2nd amendment, muh guns just an american meme?
The first what?
The first larping contest?
We're having a laugh m8.
Why do fashies always zoom in on individual accomplishments and try to make them disingenuously representative of a conflict that they are losing hard? They've been doing this for like 70 years now and it makes no damn sense.
Wow it would sure be difficult for pigs or Trumpies to dress up in black, make an identical sign and burn it. It would also go against their usual tactic of playing the victim.
My uncle who works at Nintendo was there too, he says you look like a fag
"Fugging gommies made me piss myself"
"white pride !!!1!"
Ok lad. No hard feelings. I hope you have a good day.
Hopefully I do look like a fag. I am one.
How come leftist in ukraine and kurdistand dont fuck around with Fash scum.
actually it's the other way around
putinscum >>>die
There are real fascist like groups in North America and smashies really do fight them (
Pepper spays should never be used aggressively though. That shit is dangerous, only women should be able to buy them.
can't help but agree
this is Holla Forums's autist hero lol
Piss pride world wide
goody, street violence between right and left factions, no way this ends badly
preemptively changing my flag, to protect my own
I couldn't help making this
KEK make one where he fight orcs
This tbh. The idea of families and children being inevitable collateral damage is one of the few reasons I'm ultimately not supportive of the shit AntiFa does, other than just being plain fucking stupid and lacking any kind of true Leftist guidance (keep in mind I'm only referring to the Burger branch, but from the sounds of it the Yuropoor branches are little better)
Burger here. It really does feel like a meme outside of the ExMil right-wingers. If I had to make a guess, the reason is a mutual fear in both sides that believe that the other side will cry wolf and will either cause people on their side to be incarcerated (i.e. AntiFa fearing that the rightists would just immediately turn to the police saying that AntiFa is threatening to open fire at them, or the rightists fearing vice versa (despite the fact that they tend to be more favorable to the police)) or turn into an actual skirmish
Don't trip on your dick too much. Whether you are willing to admit it or not, we do the same, especially when threads get hijacked by Holla Forumstards and devolve into dissing matches where we post pictures of dead Fascists