Why are anti-imperialist tankie twitter (mostly westerners and latin americans) have much greater disdain/hatred...

Why are anti-imperialist tankie twitter (mostly westerners and latin americans) have much greater disdain/hatred towards YPG than pro-SAA twitter?

Most pro-SAA accts like Hassan Ridha, Leith or Yusha are mildly supportive of SDF as long as SDF doesn't fight with the gov. What gives?

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Tankies are mentally insane autists that should be institutionalized

kneejerk anti-Americanism

basically in their minds, the West is automatically evil, so anything that goes against the west is good

Because they are more familiar with how imperialism works?

Half of "SAA" twitter were celebrating Trump's victory thinking he would single handedly end the conflict.

fuck, can someone tell me what "tankies" is about?

Lol sounds patronising as fuck.

Nah, they were celebrating because Clinton is calling for an NFZ for rebels and not because they view Trump as some sort of peacemaker

This is basically what I think. Surely they must have perceived the cognitive dissonance. I also see the same shit where 4pol /sg/ is more anti-YPG since at least the last battle of Hasakah when YPG and SAA fought over the city

I will gladly help you out, newfriend.

Sadly these are just a few examples.

If you need any more help, I suggest you lurk more

Holla Forums supports Assad. YPG start fucking with the SAA then they are enemy. Though handing over Manjib was pretty based.

Another thing that mystifies me about twitter tankies. They hate YPG for collaborating with US but Assad has collaborated with Greek Fascists (Black Lily) and with SSNP (which is fascistic to some degree.

I would think that view collaboration with fascists is worse

fucking this

how do tankies rationalise the fact that fascists support Assad?


Draw a line around western yuropoor and burgerland. If you cross that line, fascism becomes anti-imperialism.

Black Lily are Asserites though and the SSNP are to the left of Holla Forums, they are closer to Nat Synds/Nazbols.

Holla Forums supports Assad cause, get this. He is the legitimate leader of Syria. It really is that simple. Holla Forums doesn't want another Libya. For all your sit here about how people should support the Kurds, this is short-sighted as fuck. What would become of the rest of Syria?

I understand why Holla Forums support Assad, what I'm still confused about is tankie support for Assad

wew, didn't know it's an actual word and not a pol invented meme

Donde en chingada madre?


Nice trips
Literally who

Anti-imperialist tankie twitter is really maoist third worldist twitter, which is the most retarded ideology on the left and they definitely are not Marxist.

no one.

muh anti-imperialism.
muh really existing socialism

muh ISIS is good because it is anti-west

Well, it's east of the Jerusalem Meridian, and it's not the USA, so it's good.

everyone knows this isn't true


wtf I love IS now!
imperialists BTFO

most third worldists supports assad

find 1 (one) example other than this autistic italian website.
protip, you can't.

Really makes my cerebellum treble

again, evidence that this view is held by more than a single person would be nice.

anti-imperialists BTFO'd again, how will they ver recover?

I guess in the same way Trump supporters are more familiar with how cuckoldry works, doesn't mean I take their opinion more seriously

this post is nonsensical. why bother?

What? You've literally described a view that can basically be condensed to "idk lol but I guess the guy there right now should stay there".

Wow, all that long term thinking.

Which part doesn't make sense to you, friend?


they literally call isis reactionary in the first line. this is an article in opposition to foreign intervention, a position so uncontroversial that it was debated in parliament.
try harder.

Far-right support of Assad is far less influential compared to leftist support of Rojava (that includes actual M-L tankies who didn't spend their lives in basements).

yeah but what about leftist support of Assad?

lmao are your politics really this infantile.
they like assad because he is opposed to isis, who they perceive as some sort of grassroots muslim movement that is on the verge of destroying muh west.

hello CIA

leftists support the partially socialised syrian state against imperialist efforts to destroy it. efforts that include arming and funding the ypg

Just as infantile as tankies supporting Assad because he is supposedly anti-US (ignoring Assad's collaboration in renditions of suspects) and not because of any ideological reasons

the YPG are fighting ISIS better than Assad

oh yeah, I forgot a dictatorship where a tiny family of the Alawite minority rules is so socialist

Lol did your retarded tankie ass forget that Assad Jr. liberalised the Syrian economy when he came to power?

wew, you're really not doing a good job of refuting the whole infantile thing

sounds like this was written by a twelve year old. "they are doing the better gun fings dan yoo!!"

you don't know what socialism or "socialized" mean. you neither

I bet if Hitler didn't backstab Stalin, tankie dregs like you will support him because at least "he's anti-imperialist"

Wow…I didn't know Pinochet, Yeltsin and IMF are our anti-imperialist comrades

Pretty sure the PCF did defend Hitler in 1939 on the basis that he was allied with Stalin and that he dindu nuffin

apparently you've no idea what "imperialist" means
what a laughable strawman that is.
were you planning on contributing anything?

Do you understand meaning of word "partly"
It means, "to some extent; not completely."
Hope that clears up any confusion.

Forgot half the people on here are anarchobabbies with no materialist conception of the world lol. All their arguments are "assad done bad fighting but muh kurds is good shooters" and "tankies are dumb lol they would probably do something stupid in this imagined circumstance because they are dumb".

Your mind on tankie drugs

you are a fucking idiot who can only think in terms of black and white. you think every liberal who opposed the vietnam war was a card carrying communist?


look at pic related dumbfuck

aka let's support someone who liberalised the economy compared to his dad and who collaborated with CIA renditions of suspects because of our myopic "anti-imperialist" view of history

lol I see more Assad dickriding from western anti-imperialists than from Syrian gov supporters

fucking hell the implications of your argument are baffling. this is your brain on liberalism i suppose.

is that your level of political analysis? "other people who share your views have done x"
what am i supposed to do with that information?
not my fault if there are some idiots who think he is jesus, just like it isn't my fault that there are fools like you who think that the entire syrian state is somehow embodied within him

Where did I say this? FYI I support Syrian gov, I just find your ilk's "anti-imperialist" dickriding retarded and distasteful

that was your implication. the economy has been partially liberalised, therefore it should not be defended against wahabbis and the US government.

There's a reason you know about the leaders of every nation opposed to the US in intimate detail - while you probably couldn't name the leaders of Pakistan or Colombia without a google search.

It's because when the MSM wants you to despise a country and long for its overthrow, its much easier to portray the leader as evil, rather than the people. If the media actually showcased the people of Syria who support their government and state, many liberals would think twice before wholeheartedly endorsing war. So the picture is limited to a single person, who it is much easier to portray as "the bad guy".

That's why its always "Assad vs the Kurds" or "Assad vs the rebels". Do you even know the names of a single leader of those opposition factions, without looking them up? I couldn't name a mainstream news force that doesn't call the SAA "assad's forces" or one that even acknowledges the existence of the leadership of the """rebels""" or the YPG. This is how propaganda works, and it completely infects all levels of discourse, even "leftist" channels such as this.

it's literal fact you bootlicking fuck. look at the progress the SDF is making over the last few months while Assad begs Putin for help

there is nothing remotely socialist about Assad

calling yourself socialist doesn't mean you are a socialist

go back to your weird twitter clique and jerk off over North Korea

100% correct

i don't care whether it's "literal fact" or not (it's not)
the point is that it's totally irrelevant

reading comprehension needs work.
as does your understanding of how a state works

the west is evil, retard. the west can't wait to fuck over the ypg.

You'd consider ancapistan anti-imperialist if it was run by non-whites and pissed off the US.

my mistake, thought they had been fighting US/IMF proxies for the last 6 years, carry on.

Fuck off, I've already explained why this line of thinking is anti-materialist

It would be anti-imperialist in that case though.

Assad is an economic liberal and his Syria is at best a mildly socdem state. Your support is determined by geographic location and (temporary) US opposition, and you wouldn't be supporting Syria from your twitter account if it was located on the other side of the fascist/anti-imperialist geographic line. Stay classcucked faggot.

And why is that inherently a good thing? There is no reason to support capitalist states just because they aren't liked by burgerland.

I would actually, as would any normal fucking communist.
Guess what, it's still imperialism even if the victim isn't some sort of perfect socialist utopia.

Apparently a person like you wouldn't have any sort of solidarity with the colonised peoples of India and Africa because their system "was backwards anyway" or some such other nonsense.

Because any enemy of the US is a friend of socialism.

Fully Automated Democratic Confederalism.

Because tankies are autists without principles.

Assad is a fash tbh

The tankies on this site are so much more reasonable then the ones on the rest of the internet. I think most american twitter tankies are just extremely spooked and pretty much just extending their SJW white=bad mindset into how they understand global geopolitics.

Wow good post. This unironically really made me think. (I still support the YPG tho)

This could also apply to leftists in general.

these people are fucking lost

Liberals are going to take over Holla Forums, aren't they?

you tankies are liberals though

liberalism at the barrel of a gun

Everything I don't like is liberalism
Learn your defintions you imbecile.

holy shit

oh the irony


If you seriously think - no matter if you're supporting ML or not - that public ownership through the state is liberalism, you need to take your meds.

Sometimes it's just sad to see that this board is indeed just over 50% kids who don't read but heard some buzzwords now and then.

Who said anything about public ownership?


It would be one thing of Syria was socialist, but Syria isn't socialist at all though. You're an attack dog for reactionary states because you're spooked about burgerland. Good job classcuck.

No, I wouldn't support theocrats, fascists, or other flavors of reactionary just because they were opposed to the US or aren't white. That's not nonsense, that's leftism.

Mein gott…

oh to be a leftcom…

I don't think the most powerful military power on earth which is decidedly anti-socialist and hardcore imperialist is a spook

why is colonialism bad?

lol, this is the natural endpoint when you debate the "solidarity is bad" crowd

Go back to twitter classcuck.

Burgerland isn't a spook, but the idea anyone who opposes burgerland should be suppported is spooky.




Go back to twitter classcuck.

wew wew wew

There is some worker ownership, but private property still exists. Obviously it's not perfect because of the conditions they're in. Do you think fucking Assad and Putin are socialist, you brave anti-imperialist?

Learn to read faggot, I was shitting on an antimp and used a smug qt.

get in gulag

why would you post a tweet that shits on you? it basically describes exactly what you are doing

Shouldn't you be larping as a commisar from your twitter account classcuck?

hope you're trolling tbh.

No, just laughing at a retard who thinks supporting a capitalist is good. Go back to twitter now faggot.


You don't bong here.