Can we seize her back from Holla Forums and the alt-right, by any chance? We kind of started to succeed in seizing Pepe from them, since their usage of Pepe has significantly decreased just as our usage of leftist Pepes has notably increased.
Please don't tell me it's too late to save Sarah's Scribbes from the Holla Forumstards. Her work means so much to me, and especially to my GF, who identifies with Sarah's comics on a personal level.
Just like they stole the redpill meme too, I imagine? Figures… Typical scummy thievery from Holla Forumstards.
That's honestly a great idea, user. How's about we have that the new purpose of this thread?
Matthew Myers
i don't really know if we should attempt this with sarah's scribbles, but anyways you should totally find out more about detournment. it's real fun and it's basically memes before the internet. Pic related, a very famous detourned comic.
Matthew James
How is that an alt right meme in any way?
Justin Ortiz
They started to take her comics and add retarded Holla Forums memes to them for some reason.
Tyler Reed
whats the point of her comics? i don't get it? "lol i am so dorky, being a grown up is hard XD" she deserves to be defamed by the alt-righter tbh
Benjamin Anderson
Honestly, why bother doing it? Trolling internet artists is a time-honored tradition, and trying to "save" them smells of white-knighting. It would be better to just go and troll someone they like.
Liam Sullivan
This. Just deface Redpanels comics.
Ryder Hughes
Holla Forums keeps editing her comics to turn the punchline into some sort of Nazi propaganda. still better than the original "lol i'm so awkward xd" trash
Kevin Cruz
He would be a prime candidate, but alas, he just retired days ago.
Juan Richardson
Some edits are good tho.
Christopher Richardson
Landon Jackson
It is obvious that whoever made those has never held a conversation with a black man, or been to Sweden.
Julian Cooper
More of this
Andrew Parker
Anti-PC comics are kinda boring and over done.
Kayden King
Luis Barnes
That's just Rule 34, bruh. It's inescapable.
Carson Brown
This is the first time I heard of it.
I hope he's just pretending to get attention, editing Nazi-klurfs as fun!
Benjamin Cox
How many fucking "life is hard and exhausting amirite" comics is there on Tumblr?