How did you become a leftist?
Inspired by this
What are your origin stories?
How did you become a leftist?
Inspired by this
What are your origin stories?
Was a massive Holla Forums-tard but there was a moment in my life where I was in conflict. I googled 'libertarian socialism' because I was curious if that kind of ideology existed, and after that I got myself into a massive rabbit hole starting with the youtuber LSR. This was just before the election. Took me quite a while to get despooked.
Same here tbh. Was an unironic stormfag.
Basically just trending increasinly left over past few years. Throughout high school I was a mainstream liberal/moderate, slowly moving left.
That said, back in 2015 when election season started (senior year) was when I was starting to really identify as "left" (even if I wasn't quite radical yet lol) and I was onboard with Bernie/hated Hillary from pretty much the start of the primary season. Of course was incredibly pissed with Bernie getting screwed over, etc.
I didn't really start moving into real leftism until October/November. I had been vaguely aware of Marx and likewise vaguely liked him for a bit, however a long-time friend of mine's influence, (who was already a Commie, he worked for the Sanders campaign back in Winter/Spring 2016) the shitshow that was the election & its closing weeks, and Jimmy Dore finally were what pushed me into full blown anti-capitalist leftism.
Now here I am, reading theory, getting ever more lefty, posting on leftypol, and founder of a new leftist club on UConn. Don't really feel grounded enough to identify as anything past a vanilla Marxist/Communist, but that's that.
I realized that being bourgy gave me a bigger sense of freedom than my friends that had to work, so i realized it is imperative to abolish it
(Same guy)
As an addendum, like I said as early as Spring/Summer/Fall 2016 I considered myself "Marxist," but still I just wasn't nearly as engaged or bent on learning leftist politics as I've become since. Definitely 2015-16 I was getting more radical, but it really didn't come to a head until just this past November, and tbh this past January/February marked me going even further I guess.
was a fairly radical Socdem, went to jail for something BS, read some Debord in uni. Ancom these days.
Honestly I'm not a leftist.
In fact, I admire Nietzsche the most.
But for some mysterious reason I end up amongst political leftists, despite al their flaws and what I consider to be delusions, still lesser than those of their opponents that rule today.
General curiosity, being a bookworm and history class school homework on industrialization giving me a nudge towards Marx.
Continued with Lenin, checked out the works they were refering to when brutally destroying anarchism, read Stalin and Trotsky and now know what i'm talking about unlike this place full of pretentious stupid little fucks that change their ideology like a fashion.
I used to be moderate right and thought communism was awful until I actually read up on it and found out it was more than "the gubbermint doing things". I stopped going on Holla Forums and came to Holla Forums and realised how retarded I was.
Yup, its a Marxist alright. You can only pick one of these options fam. Also, reading exclusively tankie lit is not reading broadly, its reading exclusively tankie lit.
It's not pretentious when it's true, faggot. Now go on and drink some bleach.
The problem is that anarkiddies can't fucking read and lack basic text comprehension.
You're the problem here, not me. Kill yourself.
You're bretti gud imo, user. Do you acknowledge that the economic right-wing is in charge of the world atm?
In what way is Marx, Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin not exclusively Tankie lit?
which part didn't I comprehend exactly? I mean aside from just quite the scale of your monumental ego that can't take a little dig on the internet?
oh and also
Dear lord, yes, you are right. Jesus
The shitpostings of anarkiddies really know no bottom in their lack of quality.
Someone this retarded can't end up anywhere else but with anarchism. Don't you have some public places to stink up and loiter around while getting drunk and yelling at muh privileged white homeless for eating meat?
Yes, and their contradictory nature, which consists of both their pretensions to nobility and exclusivety and at the same time of them being the lackeys to their own capital, merely conductors of 'objective' capital's logic.
Sorry, 1/4 of your mentioned books came from the other half of the RSDLP, you're right, its much more broad than I think.
This is about 1/5th of my library, does not include PDFS or indeed any of the Marxist stuff I have because I read that a few years ago and its at home.
Btw, Lenin basically agreed with giving power to the Soviets in The State and Revolution. How does that make you feel?
Retarded bootlicker stalinist fag gets triggered, as usual
His autism seems to increase everyday
I hate the rich
My nigga
The worst anarchists are just lifestylists or strategyless activists, they are just a bit anoying. The worst tankies are insufferable """"antiimperialists"""", revisionis genocidal maniacs, have no vision and no tactics. Also tankie idpol is a thousand times worse than anarchist idpol, when will you say sorry for that btw? They direct their retardation outwards because they think they are smart and ruin the name of the left. Smashies atleast call themselves anarchists whichs name is allready completly ruined.
I started reading books and then became a leftist.
Now I'm of the opinion that no one who hasn't read the Communist Manifesto should be allowed to vote.
They had this candy bowl. Those first in line took everything. Been leftist ever since.
Saw all the other sperm die, been a leftist ever since
Started as a left-liberal, got caught up in GG, but had been growing a hatred for identity politics for a while before that. Was mostly a poster on KYM, and heard about the migration to fullchan from there. Decided to check it out, saw leftypol in the board list, and immediately knew I was home.
From 2014 I went from Liberal Obamacrat on Tumblr-→ June 2015 a MAGA shitposter because I thought Trump would've gotten his shit handed to him -→ Bernie supporter for 2016 until primaries –→ reluctantly "liking" Hillary because I thought she could at least be better than Trump by way at least being in gov't before –→ turning into SocDem because I think that's as far left as we as a nation will ever get realistically unless automation gets huge.
I mostly fall in line with Dems because lesser of two evils meme.
I was a stormfag until I joined Twitter, where I studied the theories of Marx, Engels, Hegel and Dril
First considered myself apolitical, then went through the slew of western European higher education and everything there plus the few econ classes I took turned me into what is basically the European equivalent of American libertarianism: ordoliberalism. Nine months of living on my own with only my own made me realize just how bullshit it all was and from briefly being a social democrat I read Marx and became a communist.
I'm an anarchist since I knew what it means. When I first heard about it I was surprised there were others who think like me.
Dril is the true sage of our times.
i went from conservative>classical liberal>anarcho-communist via chomsky and realising everyone is not even close to being born equal under the current system
t. social democracy at gun point
I first encountered Bernie Sanders in a thread on an online forum. I hadn't really been into politics before, but the more I read about his platform, the more I liked it. I went from Bernie to Marxism via Einstein's "Why Socialism" when someone posted it and I found myself agreeing with it, after which I started reading both the Monthly Review and Jacobin and eventually read Wage Labor And Capital, The 18th Brumaire Of Louis Bonaparte, and various essays by Daniel DeLeon. Seeing as there were no modern sources on Marxist syndicalism, I started watching videos from Noam Chomsky on anarchism. I realized, more and more, that anarchism was Marxism without mystifying bullshit like the materialist conception of history (which, while an interesting though, fails to stand up as a whole) and overly complex terminology like "dictatorship of the proletariat". Plus, I liked the Conquest Of Bread (although I'd really like a modern version of it with an ecological element) and see that Mutual Aid: A Factor Of Evolution (next on my reading list) is more and more vindicated in its central thesis by modern biology.
Interesting, your perspective is welcome here. Who know maybe you'll be converted one day.
I was pretty much born a leftist I think.
My mom was a UPS driver and I saw how the engine manual labor destroyed her body and I saw how here bosses treated her like shit. She joined in the 80's back when women had a much harder shake in life and she had to blackmail her bosses to pay her the same as the other male managers because that shit illegal and she was also the most productive manager at the facility.
At the same time my dad who was divorced from my mom when I was 5. Was an "entrepreneur" who moved from peasant project to peasant project paying rent for his apartment until he met some other tall blonde woman who was more successful than him to marry and he leaches off of her to this day. Now they live in Colorado in a sky town they can't afford and they live in a house they can't pay for because they sold their company and haven't found a new business yet.
So my entire life I had this contrast of my worker mother who I loved and my slimey petite bourgious father and that pushed me left I think.
As I grew older I watched some videos where red army marches were dubbed over with metal songs and this stimulated my 12 year old mind and drew me to left politics. I read the communist manifesto at 13 and was actually hankie as fuck. I was really drawn to the idea of full and guaranteed employment since I was always afraid of not having enough security in life. As I've aged I've read a little here and there like state and revolution and Castro's what is to be done but not nearly as much as I should.overtime I have become more of a libertarian socialist.
Really interested in reading bookchin next.
Idiot > SocDem > Increasingly Educated SocDem > Remarkably unstable misanthrope who won't stop talking about Keynes and hanging around communists.
I was/am a lefty because I want to make the world a better place to live in, and on the fundamental questions the left has it right. (Both from a lazy reformist sense and in more revolutionary terms.) I never quite managed to get into proper leftism (It's always fallen between "I don't see it as implementable now and what's really the problem with capitalism if we can paint it pretty colors?" towards the more SocDem phase, and "Capitalism is worse than feudalism, alas People stupid enough to have voted for Neoliberals time and time again are far too stupid to rise up and save themselves" in the present.)
In the broadest strokes I think the left in some form or another (socialism/communism) have got the right idea, but as history since 1948 will tell you there is nothing more doomed than the right idea. I suppose because my total loss of faith was drip-fed, my hate for capitalism is even stronger than it would otherwise have been.
So now I'm not really anything, strictly speaking. I'm without faith in reform (Bourgeois democracy is worse than worthless.), revolution (You really think the people who can't handle a cross in a box will suddenly handle a rifle?) or random divine intervention. (Eh, it's the most likely option.) I'm a prisoner on a planet captained by the inept and the evil. I've just decided to hang around the red-star gang because they've got the best chain-gang songs. Arise ye workers from your slumber…
I half just want to check out of politics. There's no happy ending to this story, doubly so within my lifetime, except maybe seeing some Porkies suffer alongside the rest of us when their neoliberal chickens come home to roost. Like most things under Capitalism, however, I know that I won't really enjoy it. I enjoy the idea of it, the idea of catharsis and Karma. I don't actually like human suffering. That's what got me into this miserable spiral in the first place.