Really gets my noggin joggin'
Claims to hate liberals
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It is funny how Holla Forums seems to think that "degenerate" means "gay" or anyone who has made lifestyle choices they don't approve of when it more typically refers to NEETs, petty criminals and other people who have rejected respectability for nihilistic hedonism, which is what the vast majority of Holla Forums are.
Hitler was the biggest cuck in history
If you watch anime you're taking part on multiculturalism
If Holla Forums actually cared about their culture and civilization they will only consume and promote products of their own civilization istead of foreign products like anime.
The Nazis were cucks hmmm,
Realy makes you think…
nazis are dweebs
God this meme literally always makes me laugh, ebin pic
Go back to "cool kid twitter" idpol memelord.
t. Holla Forums
Isn't there a theory out there that explains why right-wingers and fascists tend to secretly be the most degenerate?
Something like they sublimate all of that repression into authoritarianism and aesthetics in some strange "I'm just as disgusting but at least I try to not think about it unlike these animals" ritual?
Don't forget that most are non-white.
That seems like one of Eco's 14 points of ur-fascism.
Nice deflection.
You realize you and your me_irl redditwitter friends are the people solely responsible for making internet leftists look like a joke, right? Go masturbate over pictures of "communist doggos" or whatever.
Like every fascist Trumpcuck that showed up to HWNDU was mixed if not outright non-white
A fucking strawpoll is less biased
Everyone knows Holla Forums is mostly comprised of mutts, half-breeds, and hapas.
Cum inside tits?
No, her vagina. That way her insides can absorb the residual brainwaves inside the DNA of my sperm so they subtly start to mind control her and make her more like me.
It's the same with homophobic bisexuals/gays in the closet.
They propagate the notion that being gay or bisexual is a choice and that there is a gay lifestyle because for them it was a choice, they chose to not act on their urges. They project this on others and they think that everyone else is having these urges, too.
Lol I thought you guys were all about *facts*, now you're disputing literal photo evidence?
You know what, I can honestly hear Molyneaux saying this.
Except what I'm saying is empirically backed up by top scientists around the world.
Scuse me, I think you means hundreds of gorillions at the least?
Completely inaccurate, Stalin and Mao clearly killed trillions
That’s the flag of communism right? Millions is an understatement, Stalin alone killed over a billion
Hitler gets blacked
Holla Forums education
How to put out a shitposting fire: stop, drop, and die.
i dont get how you can see this and then think pol is something to be envied
no shit these kids hearts aren't in the hitler cause and they're atomized and full of contradictions, doesn't that mean that there is possibility? poltards are our inverse in many ways, when we try to copy them I fear that we will end up copying the worst parts of their platform
you're not going to sell leftism to people with the image of a rich snooty twink who slathers the word bourgeois over everything or a pothead or some faux class warrior professor who will strike in opposition to solidarity instead of for it
the stupid frog memes conceal a lack of substance whereas the edifice of crap (im looking at you chapo & bunkermag) parody on "our" end sits atop a hill of gold
why why whyyyy do we have to copy their mistakes and throw away opportunities?
We don't, we shouldn't, but your PRfaggotry is disgusting.
haha yeah lets go fight da ebul nazis haha white trashcan for the revolution (TM)
Never post anything this retarded and unfunny anywhere on the internet ever again.
Being against PRfaggotry doesn't mean I'm for lifestylism. but I shouldn't even reply to this level of shitposting.
muh webclique
muh cybertribe
Most of the Far-Right are Jews.
wtf I love open borders now lol
We need open borders so the Holla Forumsyps can return to their homelands.
My favorite thing is how stupid, pointless, arbitrary, vague, etc. "preserving the white race" is. Like they can't even define what the white race is, much less why it matters. Obviously culture fills us with feelsums but it too evolves and improves (except in cases when it is intentionally destroyed), they'd be disgusted with the Romans and the Romans would be disgusted with them because shit changed and we do shit differently and less retardedly now.
Plus the whole "the generous E" thing is a meme Greek old fucks who didn't like the Good Humor truck changing its route to describe inevitable social adaptation they were uncomfortable with because it reminded them the gudoldaize they were used to were over. They always will be. People die. Kids grow up. Atoms decay. That's how it is. Deal.
If they actually followed all these tenants 100%, without being hypocrites, being true believers, would that be a positive or negative thing?
When I think of people that actually uphold what Holla Forumsyps merely pay lipservice to and LARP about, I think of more stringent Southern Baptists in and around where I live and grew up. These are people who work almost constantly, and shun whatever the consider to be idleness. It's basically No Fun Allowed: The Lifestyle, and that includes the internet. If they even have their own home computer, they'll usually strictly limit the time they spend on it, especially any recreational use. That, of course, sort of keeps them from becoming any kind of political force on the internet.
So, the irony is that it's the aut-right's hypocrisy is what allows them to be the political force that they are.
Like the photo evidence of numerous young black and hispanic Trump supporters?