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The market place of ideas is a meme though, you dumb AnCap.
No. Fuck you. Nobody wants to live under a boot.
Why? Popper was better.
You dont habe to live under a boot to understand some ideas are trash tho
Also fuck free speech tbh, we need
make people accountable of what they say, no reason to have a repressive state apparatus to defend free speech, if someone wants to offend people, then he better gets ready for the smackdown
So much for the reals>feels
Yeah, a lot are, but who gets to decide that? Tankies and Nazis and Liberals all think Anarchism is a trash idea. Should they get to control our mouths?
Everything is offensive to someone.
"Did you just assume my gender? Time you break your legs!"
"Did you just say Allahs name (PBUH), infidel? Time to die!"
"Did you just suggest Regan was lied about raising taxes? I'll shoot you dirty commie!"
"Is that belt made of leather? Meat is murder! I'll avenge you, cowkin!"
What your are suggesting is a return to barbarism. Everyone walking around, silent, never expressing a single idea or opinion, not for fear of government reprisal, but instead, fear that somebody, somewhere, will get offended. Why do you want this? Why do you want to force other people to live like this?
you can present your reals all you want, just dont expect anyone to take it kindly if you call them a subhuman ape
But we all know right wing cuckos will at the end always appeal to the authority, as cucks cant defend their position themselves
Well, if a tankie wants to censor you, you have all the tools at your disposal to defend yourself
Again, there is no need for state backed up free speech rights
Because he's an ebin anarcho-lifestylist who needs to read more bookchin
Nice to see you think blatantly strawmanning Blacks holds any value tho, really shows how impotent you are to arguee theory
No?? If we're living under authoritarian socialism NO, I won't have all the tools to defend myself. That goes for ALL authoritarian governments.
Bob Black seems to think so :^)
I dont understand, of course if we are living under a totalitarian regime we cannot arm ourselves, but going back to the main issue, ideally, there would be no necessity to protect free speech, if someone asks you why are you eating meat, you can tell him to fuck off
You should try reading what you claim to be knowledgeable about, he stated he would have fixed things himself if not for the rule of law, the muslim degenerate tried to murder him, but was too druged to do it and let black leave
Keep sperging bookchinite
top kek
If its false how come the attitude of the guy who invited him to Seattle (?) Is precisely as he described it?
What advantage? He is incapable of killing the opium dealer that threatened him with murder and that sells opium outside schools, he was forced by the police to drop names, he too no advantage, on the contrary, he is now considered a traitor by people like you
So much for criticizing him for lifestyleism
whats to indicate this outside of said letter
top lel
blatant hypocrisy works to :^)
No, I can't.
That's offensive.
And as you stated, in order to say offensive things I must be ready for a smack down. Since everything is offensive to someone, I am required to be a 300LB bodybuilder on stimulants with 200 rounds for my PPSH-41 on me at all times. I am now ready for your smack down. Yes?
burn all books and cities
All you have is your high horse buddy I dont care about Black outside of his writting, the one who is emotionally attached to him is you, if i remember correctly he was going to have an interview and the guy who helped him to get to seattle abandoned him the day after it and the interview didnt happen, this was before the letter
If you want to keep strawmanning be my guest
It isnt, i do not eat meat to despite vegans, if it offends you i wont eat meat near you
Behead those who say things that upset me :^)
will anarcho-lifestylists ever not be lolcows?
Feel free to point out where he defended his actions tho
wew lad
Did it on purpose?
I'm bored with shitposting at you for now. Until the next thread my property.
No way sir, I invented that one
Jokes on you I am not an ancom, kekalonia was your fault
We never supported it in the first place, it's "socialism in one country" for anarchists
But marxists DO managed to take control over catalonia
'"Lenin"""""ists aren't Marxists, they're socdems
Makes sense fam
You posted images about ancoms didnt you?
the memes?
I don't see where you're going…
Unless you are saying you think that the DoP must be established?
oy vey
The proletariat-bourgeoisie dichotomy must be abolished for the REAL movement that changes the present state of things to actually happens, anarchy and post-leftism not statism and leftism, ok??? Read Jacques Camatte
The Bordigist who thought the USSR was socialist economically, then realized that non-Bordigist real leftcoms exist, then became so depressed that he gave up communism entirely and retreated to a survivalist camp in the mountains of France?
Sure thing bub, I'm assuming you're referring to the latter part of the trajectory?
So much for the radical left smh
OK, got it, you're just trolling
I was not until now