Billy is dead, archive is his mother.
RIP Aniki
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey Holla Forums.
His own mother tweeted out that he died in a car accident.
And I was having a good day too.
Fake news. Birry is an immortal, astral god-kin, he cannot perish, only vanish for a while (eons for us mortals).
He got himself a puppy 2 weeks ago …
Reminder gays burn in hell.
Rest in peace
Why doesn't his mom have the same last name as her son?
Gonna need more proof. There is no news about this other then the 1 sentence in OP's archive.
There's also unfortunately this.
He's doing whatever the gay community's version of yiffing in heaven is.
He can't be.
This is why driving is for faggots.
There could be several reasons, I don't know the man's personal life.
I'm sad now
Sleep tight, Aniki
Rest in peace aniki.
Billy Herrington might just be a pornstar name or his mother just goes by her maiden name because she's attached to it or divorced.
Another day, another part of our history dies
Post your favorite MADs
They both link to completely different twitter accounts, and 1 is claiming to be a cousin? Gonna remain skeptical.
I am sorry grandpa, I was born in 2000
He's the boss of hell now.
Because some middle aged bitch from New York knows about Billy and just fakes being his cousin, right?
He's still alive in our hearts
I am not going to believe her just because she says its so, especially on twitter.
Checkmate atheists.
So you don't believe the woman claiming to be his cousin nor the woman claiming to be his mother.
I think you just don't want to believe he's dead.
Rest in peace dude
None of us do user.
How about his director, you fucking cunt?
He’s in the locker room up in the sky now.
was it a muscle car?
i hate fags but this man brought many good content to us
Denial/Shock is the first stage.
Well, we needed a thread to out newfags anyway.
Gachimuchi is vidya music
This is a special case
Cursed image
He didn't.
N-No Shabu Shabu
Cursed image's for cursed days.
Sic semper faggotus
Western wrestling is gay user, can't you see? True men only wrestle as they do in Монгол Улс.
Funnily enough it's now raining plus thunder
This car crash was faked because Billy had to fake his own death so he can take up his true calling which is wrestling all the monsters round the sea of Japan in order to keep the world safe.
How fucked up,who will take care of him now?
Does anyone else remember it as being 3 blocks down?
Hey budddy, I think you got the wrong door, the cuck club is 4 blocks down.
his wife
Billy had a wife?
Yes, he was bisexual.
i would smash and never contact her again
Welcome to the "two blocks down" parallel universe, user.
Truly a great man.
And a son too
Billy was bisexual. He also left behind two(?) children.
He made it to George Michael's concert, then
What the fuck are these uBlock bypassing gay ads, shit.
Prove this immediately.
What a man
How different is it from the three blocks down universe?
Ebini, have your uppership.
Stop posting these
These are awful
Truly a hero among men
I will miss you Aniki!
If OP isnt actually lying
I don't beleive that either. OP shouldnt have even made this thread, its a month too early for an april fools joke.
Lewd gamer reported on it as well,for what that's worth,they usually check their shit well.
The newfags must be cursed, user.
The director of the macho movies confirmed an hour ago or so.
It all ends in tragedy,no matter how you slice it
might be the worst news I've heard in a while tbh
I've only been awake for an hour and already this day is just awful.
His wikipedia page says he's bisexual, make of that what you will.
Bogs preserve things, you wouldn't want that. Also go away Holla Forums
T-that's not funny!
Get outta here with that shit.
wew lad
post gachi swfs
I don't believe you
this is a hoax right?
it must be a hoax
I heard from the Russian gachi page. I am glad that people here made a thread. We are alike.
That might be my favorite right there.
Probably because the source is so good to begin with.
Multiple verified sources close to him have confirmed his death.
What's with all these tryhard newfags ITT?
I mainly meant you thinking there's a hell,get out of here with that.
Someone post the FF7 Gachi pls.
Pig disgusting.
i said die nigger, now go die you fucking nigger
The OC of him was great.
mark stop banning anons just because they hate faggots, we all know you are one
I guess I have no choice but to accept it. Why does 2018 exist to make us suffer?
How does that make you feel?
He's half the faggot some of these posters are.
No. No way. He was too good for this world be he has people who cared about him, he had a damn puppy. He cant just go. This is bullshit.
He wasn't even a faggot though. Faggots are, by their very nature, exclusively attracted to men.
Faggots burn in hell.
I'm going to miss you Billy
Can you newfags go back to cuckchan and stop shitting up my website? You already made Holla Forums fucking unbearable.
Good thing Billy isn't a faggot
Just report the newfags.
It wasn't propaganda though?
Lurk more youngling
Billy is too big of a guy to just die like this
Wasn't he just gay for pay?
As somebody who just finish phantom blood this is comforting,thank you.
RIP Aniki [*]
No, he wasn't gay at all. A gay can't love women.
I don't have a .webm of this, but this is great
The whole international chanosphere is crying today.
RIP sweet boi
Post more Deep ♂ Dark ♂Fantasies ♂
dubs of truth I guess?
Posting to pay respects to Aniki.
Rest in peace. I look forward to hearing who the boss of heaven's gym is.
Hence gay for pay, I know he had a wife. Was wondering if he was the white equivalent of Hard Gay.
Holla Forums's response is ridiculous. I have never banned anyone for posting something that wasn't illegal but I am seriously considering doing a sweep of all of the redditors that are shitting all over Aniki.
Your fault for going on Holla Forums. That board was lost a long time ago.
Do it.
Why, what's happening on Holla Forums?
And while you're at it, ban all the cuckchanners shitting up your pathetic board.
Wipe the board clean.
I'm not really a fan of gachimuchi, but it's still sad because universe seems to have it out for swole as fuck niggas these days and it's got to stop. They work so hard to get big, it's just not fair.
Rest in peace, Billy.
Three people are pressing F. Every other poster in the thread is celebrating the death of Aniki.
Thanks for the attention, mark
I honestly think he was sexually attracted to men though, seeing as he never tried to dispute it, and continued doing it after getting his money. Bisexuality is perfectly natural, homophilia is perfectly unnatural.
Do it for great justice.
Do it
Do it!
Jesus Christ, how depressing.
Holla Forums is full of goons that hate imageboard culture and facebook normalfags, this has been known for a while now.
Please do it.
Fucking cancer.
Do it
Defend the memory of Aniki, dont let the newfaggots shit over board culture and history
Sleep tight, Aniki.
There are a few there but more faggots over here who are saying 'who?' and saying it is good he died. Mostly people there are sad and honoring him.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
I normally hate these, but…
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight,Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight Aniki.
Based sodomite
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep Tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Wake up aniki ;-;
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Most tragic death of the year
This ruined my night
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Do it already
Sleep tight, Aniki.
See you in heaven Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki
so how'd he die? power of memes give him AIDS or something?
Aniki isn't dead, he's just sleeping. Right?
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Car Accident
Supposedly car crash
Car crash.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
He crashed his car with no survivors.
sleep tight aniki
This man's light has forever left us, I can't even fucking fathom a worse death to upstage this one, and I'm not even kidding, he took his meme status in stride and even shared his favorite gachimuchi vids to friends.
Can we do something to tell his momma he had friends all over the world?
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
So is this for real? I feel like I see a false report of his death at least yearly. I did have a weird dream about the police showing up to my house and telling me they tried to resuscitate someone. I woke up thinking it was family.
If his own mother said it m8
He thought of you as family,user.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sources have been posted several times already, his own mother has already said so.
It was family user
Reminder that he may physically be gone, but the memes will make him immortal.
Stop with the fucking lies.
Billy could take dicks up his ass and still be more of a man than you
M-m-maybe their accounts were hacked?
Maybe its just one big jest and he is fine r-right?
Sleep tight, Aniki
I don't think you realize those people are on your side,man.
Nothing of value was lost, good riddance homo
He would told us by now if he were still alive
He could do a collab with Pianoman now. It's not even a joke, I just can't deal with this shit.
Did anyone ever translate this?
Sleep tight, Aniki.
A day to mourn
A life that set our hearts in motion
With rain tears and sweat
And sometimes lotion
In a way, all of us he met
Inspired so many a man
That we will never forget;
Ass. We. Can.
sleep tight, Aniki
Aj Styles is the true faggot here.
Zyzz, Rich, Aniki
How many more deaths we have to endure ;_;
How does one rest in hell?
Truly,another legend.
What if perfection actually does mean to leave humanity behind? Have they reached a new plateau of legends among men, and thats why the heavens took them away from us?
Stefan's cancer relapsed and spread.
He's a loving father though,don't even say that.
Whats Chad Daddy up to these days?
Don't do steroids, kids.
Being a dad.
Jesus that guy can't catch a break,what's his current condition?
Glad to see this thread is outing the newfags. Fuck off.
the way it relates to videogames is fuck off back to leddit or cuckchan you fucking newfag
Stefan Karl - Lazy Town's Robbie Rotten.
You dumb fucking niggers while he is certain to reach that point, that's his nephew and that was a fan account.
Oh god damnit
I guess cancer is never truly gone, uh.
Don't ever disrespect aniki again, you're not worthy of him
We must always remember these humble words
Except for all the goons
They're doing it on cuckchan as well
Sleep tight, Aniki.
God you're such a fucking lying faggot and a cockmongler. How about you do your fucking job to clean up the halfchan cancer and zach spam?
I unironically care more about people in some way "connected" to imageboards than about 99% of people around me irl
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Fuck this piece of shit nightmare.
Whatever the fuck is cosmically willing all this infuriating unjust bullshit needs a literal beating at this point.
I'm just human and seeing billy dead means that now all the memes will have a bittersweet taste
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Wait until the thread is practically dead and all of the newfag posting is pretty much over and done, then ban every single one of those fuckers, they dont belong there or even here at all.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to delete it a bunch of times and then only stickied it because Hiroyuki got involved
RIP, the godfather of high production value shitposting
Sleep tight, Aniki.
oh fuck when he dies i'm probably gonna be really fucked up inside,i hope it's not anytime soon.
I'm going to wait for Zero to give the okay first. He doesn't even ban people for posting that video so I don't know if he will let me do this.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Fuck off obummernigger homo, AJ could beat faggot's ass 1000 times over and still have energy left.
The fact that the buttmuncher couldn't drive is none of his concern.
Sleep tight, Aniki. Lord knows I need them now.
Sleep tight, Aniki. Just as there are but a few good jews, you were one of the few good faggots.
when were you when aniki legend dies
i was sat at home drinking brain fluid when fred ring
'aniki is die'
and you?????
Sleep tight, Aniki
If you're arbitrarily banning people, be sure to ban for shitposting negatively about Aniki :^)
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
He's been having thoughts since 2010 and last christmas he did started doing now baleeted sad twatter posts, he's next.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki
(double checked)
Even sadder than his character in Broken Flowers?
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Rest in piece, you gloriously fit faggot.
And I dreamt of becoming fit as fuark sick cunt. Is this the fate that lies before me? I'm scared.
He said something about "autumn leaves, farewells said", then deleted that shit right away, maybe he didn't wanted to be pushed more about it.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Pour a cold one for our boy.
Sleep tight, Aniki
I would rather die being as swole as my inspirations than continue living the rest of my days as a gay, weakling joke.
Follow your dreams before its too late.
Sleep tight, Aniki!
Sleep tight, Aniki.
It wasn't supposed to end like this.
Aniki dies unchallenged,AJ is stolen valor
Billy wasnt gay, he was manly
Sleep tight, Aniki.
If god does exist I will personally beat the shit out of him even if I have to climb up from hell
The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
I, Billy Herrington, stand here today, humbled by the task before us.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki. You will be missed and remembered well.
I suppose you're right.
Memento mori motherfuckers
Sleep tight, Aniki. ;-;
Thread theme.
confirmed by other sources, including a friend of mine who knew him, and had his number. He has some voicemails and such from him from right before he died.
His work lives on, and continues through all true gachimuchi otaku.
Expect an unprecedented amount of tribute material
Sleep tight, Aniki
This is why jews are winning.
Sleep tight, Aniki!
You think you can post them?
Shut your whore mouth
What a wonderful place.
hopefully it will be permanent you fucking newfag
Good, faggot.
Get back to halfchan that is owned by your beloved "based Japs" if you dont like being here so much
RIP in Requiscat
Kill yourself while you're on it.
my favo gachimuchi
I could ask for permission, but I don't really feel incensed.
Academia is trash tier
What the fuck? I'm pretty big into the gachi community and have been for years. This is fucking awful
All the porn is top tier though
Imagine how the nips are taking it right now.
And nothing of value was lost.
see for yourself.
Don't give them the satisfaction of a reply.
the chinese will probably take it harder, the japanese have moved onto inmu
Sucks he passed away. Not a fan of memes but Gachimuchi was one I really enjoyed. He also comes off as a pretty cool guy, appreciating the fans he had from being Aniki.
He's being the lord of the locker room in Heaven.
Somehow harder than anons ITT, holy goodness.
I'm actually speechless here, it's pretty incredible. and sad :^(
Sleep right, Aniki.
Don't worry, they are being cursed as we speak.
Sleep tight aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Elt pls don't stop
Elt, pls do a portrait to honor Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
dumping my respects
It's real
I want to fuck a Totodile
that Tsuyu one finished yet?
Thank you for providing me with a ton of micspam. It's a much sadder place without you, Aniki. Here's to you.
Sleep tight Aniki
I want to put my dick inside a Dragonairs cloaca
Sleep tight, Aniki.
He was streaming at the time. Not sure who made the suggestion, but it just immediately clicked.
On an unrelated note, that spic's got a heart of gold.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki. Show god who owns the locker room.
I did, it was a good stream, he even put up chat requested music
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Missed the Paps stream though unfortunately, I have to see if I can catch on of them
Sleep tight, Aniki.
How strong is the cognitive dissonance going on with you? Billy was a fudgepacker, dude. Don't act like he wasn't just another byproduct of Judaism.
Guess you never heard of freddy then
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Freddy Mercury and Steve Jobs were cool enough guys, but they were both still gay and I'm pretty sure they both died of AIDS.
Don't kid yourself; you and I both know they'd be cooler if they weren't gay. Just cause they were cool & gay doesn't mean that it's okay to be gay.
Nobody is joyed of him because he's gay though, they're joyed because all of the content he birthed into the world that brought them joy,his sexuality didn't matter.
It's funny because it's gay
Gay and poorly written, most porn is made fun of as well but nothing is as over the top as Billy.
Everything you know and love is a product of judaism, no different from gachi in this respect
Sleep tight, Aniki.
I will never forget you
steve jobs was a sack of shit.
Why do amazing people like him have to leave? Sleep tight, Aniki. May you wrestle with angels in heaven or demons in hell. Hope your Meme Legacy lives on forever. His stuff actually made me happy in some weird way. We will miss you.
I wonder if Billy Graham asked God to smite this faggot down when he got to heaven.
I refuse
Sleep tight, Aniki
Aniki didn't die from a car accident, no accident that can kill mortal men can harm aniki, this was the work of women. They realized that if they wanted to take over the world they would have to go though aniki, so they brainwashed his wife and got her to poison him and once he was weakened from the poison, he was attacked by hordes of paid mercenaries who had to dismember aniki and boil his body in acid to truly kill him, otherwise he would have reanimated and gotten revenge.
sleep tight, aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Steve jobs was a faggot and died because he had pancreatic cancer and refused to use regular treatment and instead thought weed and herbs would cure his tumors. Fuck him. Freddy was great though.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki ;~;
Sleep tight Aniki.
You will always be with us.
Not lurking more is…
I’m too, pay some respect, nigger.
Sleep tight, Aniki
I'm going to start lifting twice as much for Billy.
I ran a mile and a half on the treadmill in 10:17 for Billy. All time record.
Fuck, this sucks.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
You know what guys I'm going to do it too.
funny how gays always die young, but in this case it wasn't from anything related to his gayness as far as we can see
Sleep tight, Aniki.
The other driver was just in such awe at Billy's physical form he he crashed right into him.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sweet dreams, Aniki
I've been thinking… that puppy, does he have a name yet?
I'm certain that only Billy knew the name of the pupper but didn't have time to tell it to others so he/she will remain nameless
Where's this from?
Oh. I wanted to know his name, but even that has been stolen from us.
If dubs, then the name's deadlift.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Perhaps if Billy is Aniki, then should we call the puppy Ototo (Little Brother)?
For a homo at least he produced children and got massive gains. I give my hat off to him and wish him best in the afterlife. F
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Rest in peace, Billy. We'll always have your memes.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
That classic was remade recently in embed related.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
It's not gay if it's a meme.
Have any of you faggots stopped grieving and started punching shit? Trust me, forcing being pissed feels infinitely better than sad.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Fuck this, I want off this ride.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Maybe someone will pick up the torch and publish it for us.
Underrated post.
What's that sad dog from user?
Wonderful. Get fucking angry.
I'll give source, but only because it's a sad day, and we all need some pick me ups.
Here are some of the original video's with billy in them.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
A little better but it doesn't feel right still.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Truly, you were, the boss of this gym and Darkholme's Deep Dark Fantasies.
Sleep tight Aniki
I can't make gachimuchi and otomad threads on this board without them getting deleted
check yourself, smh
I miss those threads. What a gay immigrants are.
Thanks Mark. For once, you aren't a filthy jew.
the mods do it
I forget why those threads disappeared to begin with. I stopped paying attention to meta cry bullies long ago.
Are you implying the mods aren't as bad as cuckchan refugees?
I archived it just incase.
As much as I love gachimuchi, it's not vidya gaems. Billy dying is a special case, however we already have the webm thread for these things. No need for two threads for just sharing videos
Gentlemen, follow your dreams..
A toast For Billy, our Aniki.. we shall miss you
Yeah, just use the webm thread for gachis
You fucking newfag.
>Check KYM
Day ruined. Sleep well Aniki.
then you get nothing. I have enough otomads to bumplock a thread a few dozen times over. I don't care to post in a thread which will be bumplocked many times faster, largely due to the posting of content that I have no interest in.
Yeah, well. I guess that was mostly early on, anyway. Just every loosening up. It's been a blur. Have to pay attention to the newfags crying about anything not hard on about vidya, though. What's a board without a little fun? Perhaps this should go in along with Harmony, next year, for an annual gachi thread.
homosexual meme man was taken from us too soon
I think it's about time we tell her her son is a fucking faggot and she's a failure.
>yfw Mark dies next
RIP, an asset to the white race has been lost today.
He was a bisexual since he had kids
Christ user.
Sleep tight, Aniki. Hope your spankin them angels in the great locker room in the sky.
Mark I swear to fucking god if you don't give Aniki a sticky you will have Holla Forums taken away from you.
mods do your job, they're arriving
I would be sad, I've actually met Mark and he's not a terrible guy. He's genuinely passionate about vidya.
lol, i post on my own terms or not at all. gachimuchi has a right to exist.
He was more successful than you'll ever be. I'm going to dedicate my workout today to him. R I P
Sleep tight Aniki
Though we have our differences; he overcame the allure of sodomy, and became a wholesome family man. I won't soon forget the good shitposting times.
I'd certainly be up for it but that's if Mark will consider it essential enough. This is a pretty drastic even for internet culture to justify it honestly.
Words of power.
That is fucking depressing.
What do you mean, fun? This doesn't make sense to me, upside down satan.
How is the Japanese community reacting to this? I know he was a big meme on their imageboards as well.
see it's funny, sure he was a fag or bisexual or who cares what not but he took being made a meme in stride and loved his fans people who met him at cons and shit said he was a great dude. Other fags woulda seen those videos and wept and demanded a take down but Billy laughed and saw people having fun and embraced it. He was a solid dude
Is what I was referring to. To commemorate the man and share our love for gay porn.
He is the top or second trending thing on japanese twitter.
Losing more and more every day it seems
Very, very poorly.
Should probably sticky it anyway, you can make an exception for something like this and anons aren't gonna bitch.
What does it even mean?
The first two mean billy, the kanji next to it is big brother, so aniki, and the last one I don't know but likely means death or mourning or something.
Goodbye, aniki.
They're pretty upset over it
Sleep tight, Aniki
Zyzz and Pianoman died early because they did enough roids to stress their hearts. Zyzz went to festivals and shit and prob did party drugs on top of that. If bust your ass lifting consistently, eat with that goal in mind, and avoid drugs, you'll be swole and won't cut your life short.
Every faggot should be killed
Nice to see natural selection doing god's work
Are all newfags this retarded?
Sleep tight, Aniki
It was a car crash, nothing natural bout this selection.
Being a faggot already naturally selected against him.
If that's n that shit isn't valid my dude.
it's sad panda
It's bigger than that. Just the same, if they do not underustandu, next year. Another run on newfags.
he had a gf too
Oh alright,thanks
I thought he had a wife.
and two kids,yeah.
well, fug
It's a cover up done by the people who killed him.
How'd you get those details?
Don't worry about the genestealers pretending to be Holla Forums. Won't see a presences unless necessary. Not about this, it's deep dark material that built up anons. Culture. A strange thing that normalfags grasp around for daily and don't realize they're living it.
It's all a scheme to enact gym control
Fucking shit tier. I hope you get your own cock cut and then die due to bleeding.
They aren't kicking a faggot, they're kicking a Lativian nationalist. Also Russians are probably the biggest sodomites in the East, next to the Chinese.
It was just shitty fucking cars, not even something grand or memorable. So when are you fine anons planning on eventually killing yourselves? It's the only guaranteed way to end all this repulsive 3D shit on your own terms. You decide when you die, not some shitty virus or degenerate retard you can't prepare for.
I'm blowing myself the fuck up to the embrace of an air conditioner and PMs once I'm too old and taking my most treasured possessions with me into oblivion where they'll never be unappreciated.
Now that you say it, it is known in the Russian army that instead of physical hazing (beatings, hard training without rests that won't even get you gains but just pain) they do a more "psychological" one. Basically, gay rape.
Reminder it was Satans fault, God loves Aniki.
Thread theme.
Is this what 4AM looks like?
I'm not telling you
To enter the American army you have to pass an IQ. The Russian army on the other hand is one big IQ test by itself, ie. only those who are too dumb to find a way to avoid doing service end up going there.
Here's some quick shitty OC for the newfags in this thread.
I don't want Tarrako to die lads.
GOD is a natural entity. And for him he deserved his punishment.
Shitdickers deserve every death in the world
I fucking wish, I miss the 4ams of old 4chan where you'd have these bizarre somewhat existential bull sessions without anyone trying to hold up some internet persona
Fisting is 300 dollars
Ass we can
Stop being a faggot and let people grieve.
I guess they may be from elsewhere. Maybe /r9k/. I never cared about anything but Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /ck/, /k/ and presently /redstick/.
How's /redstick/ going? Anyone did anything important like that user at his uni?
I didn't throw /fit/ in there because it became /r9k/ for the most part.
That's quite up to you. It's a template.
I still visit occasionally when I have a night off to stay up that late but it's not the same. Unfortunately I'm usually drunk when it happens and complain a bit into to void but I know i'm wrong for doing it
They've been diddled as kids.
Dude, you didn't get my question right. Let me do it again. Has any user layed more stuff around and succeeded like the user that did it at his uni and got a news article because of it?
That was the answer. You don't have to wave it around.
So, anyone here mind uploading his "movie" collection in volafile or mega.
I mean his actual movies, not the edits, you know what I'm talking about the porn.
What? It's a fucking yes or no question, nothing about "templates". Do you have brain damage?
That's gay though
Do it, or do not. Doesn't matter if you post up about it. How about you have a corner moment to collect yourself and let some words run through you. This isn't chanology.
It's a shame, I want to clutch on to that "old culture" but it's gone. Shitsu making up half of the replies is annoying at best since all he does is promote being a leech.
There's no porn user, it's just wrestling.
Nigger, stop with the semantics and fucking answer the question.
I think you need to show him who's the boss of this gym.
The fuck are you? Fuck off. You don't even know what you're doing.
Not to mention when you get mean he filters you and just goes back to leeching off of his posse.
It's a shame, really.
Fuck you leatherhead.
You're going to have to stop this, as you are derailing what was a 1-2 matter.
Are asking for what and when. Not doing fuck all. Get this hothead out of here.
Fucking disgusting. I can only feel grateful I'm actually too fucked up emotionally and obsessively to hold a job.
Upload all the completely legitimate wrestling videos
If this was a head on crash, how old was Billy's car for his airbag not to deploy?
Although it sounds like Billy was most likely side swiped at an intersection or something at a high speed, trapping him with deadly injuries. Especially since not a lot of cars have side airbags.
Thank you, I'm starting a wrestling video collection for the purpose of practicing and obtaining a wrestling climax.
Is THIS what 4AM looks like?
IIRC he was the reason for Mark temporarily banning 4ams too and he acts like he's been upholding the tradition since 4chan but I can sure as shit tell you I never saw his avatar on old 4chan 4am threads
the rapefugees have infested Holla Forums's thread by now
Holy fuck, are we tumblr now?
We should all lift like mad dogs in honor of his memory
Then go wrestle each other. Hard.
I'd wrestle you user.
I'm going to not take off Sunday then. Anymore.
i want to be gay now, if people show disrespect to the meme man himself
It wasn't meant to end like this.
I'd wrestle me too, but I gotta lift now. See you in 30 mins after my fap
I got the shaving cream.
fucking figures.
and for all those who wish to make it
There's a torrent out there with something like 34gb of it. It's called "gachimuchi source pack".
Niggers have the highest rates of homosexuality of all races.
Yes, you are. Thank you
Of course, that's where AIDS comes from. Niggers. If someone is pozzed, they've indirectly fucked a nigger. stay away from them.
I've got the leather.
My idea of /fit/ is when you can drop the weights and just lift yourself. Find the problem one side or the other. There's a lot you can do in home, just palm slap the beams and grade yourself. If you cannot walk on the ceiling you have no mitts for this place.
I fucking would
I'd wrestle other buff Holla Forumsirgins, because in the end, we're all in a fight against the society in some ways here. And you can't just say you want to lead an ideological fight, if you can't handle a physical one.
You're the only one who doesn't like Billy here. I can see that you're from Holla Forums though, since you didn't notice that we have IDs here.
Is this "nobody"a bunch of newfags that try so hard to fit in? How long are you browsing? 2016?
Then don't post race mixing memes, jackass.
Should've picked a different boogeyman.
==Rest in Peace, Aniki.== Ass we can
They're marked for slaughter. Same trash, everytime. Question is. How new are you? To have been hooked.
Can we just gas all newfags please?
ugh, go to four chan you bigot
did the poz get him
Nah, there's a pretty respectful thread going on Holla Forums. This is someone else.
Here's the hash for the torrent. acb959dc68fc3c1d2c944cba8d1648100c05003c
Read the thread.
It's Holla Forums. We've already been over this.
Didn't see it as such until you had to come and bring it up, you fucking cuck.
Car crash.
You stupid kids just aren't capable of appreciating patrician board-culture, your low-IQ minds are only capable of understanding shit-tier peepee the frog and brainlet wojack memes and you get offended by everything else.
Imageboards died in 2012.
How am I a cuck? I have a qt twink BF.
Holla Forums's ideology is incompatible with chan culture.
My fellow brothers, I, Billy Herrington, stand here today, humbled by the task before us.
This hurts
Yes, the guy using the term "board-culture" is the one who gets to say when imageboards died and who killed them.
Nigger, YOU are the reason imageboards are shit nowadays.
See right here. Holla Forums is fucking cancer now, and the fact that you lack that knowledge shows you to be somewhat new, fag.
>>>Holla Forums11334031
Me too actually!
If any of you vidya games only faggots wonder why the board is in problems presently. Here is just one example.
>>>Holla Forums11327932
I thought that was Big Lenny at first. God knows we'll lose him too soon as well.
I did an extra set on the bench today for him. (You have to shout YUGAMINEENA or it doesn't count.) Going to do a lot more extra sets tomorrow.
Talk about triggered.
Holla Forums has been AIDS for a while now, as most of 8cuck. Still better than 4cuck, but it's bad.
why are you calling me new?
This is why.
What am I supposed to be looking at here?
Nice goron cosplay
Wonder how the nips are taking his death?
Up the ass
I assume you weren't here when the board took two DDOS attempts this last week. There's more. Much more.
We’ll never get back the post quality we used to have, will we?
If you don't understand what fraud is, that's a speechan sort of nonsense. If you have a brown brain, just get off of our wave.
This is why old people shouldn't have the privilege of driving.
Shock, comparisons to Kazuya (another gachi person who was thought to have died, but recently found out to still be alive).
oh we cyclical now
no u
that's not new you triggered shit. gay, if you say so, but not new, neo Holla Forums has been for a long time and has fucking with other boards by trying to make them there safe-space, this isn't news at all.
If you going shit and not cum on our holy lord, then fuck ♂ ff.
user, you really think we'd ever have a thread without at least a few anons coming in to bait? Especially when it's gonna be as easy as in this thread? Not saying they aren't triple niggers, but it's to be expected.
And you made them better how? You were born only yesterday, you newfags flooded our imageboards and replaced them with your cancer. Go back to cuckchan or reddit or wherever it is you millennial soyboys hangout at these days.
This, it's always the homophobe newfags that shit things up. They always try to derail with calling traps gay or posting some dumb wrestler. Just accept that other people like things that you don't.
RIP to this great man
Its just the newfags in general. Kill them all and we would be alright.
But he's right you know. Chans were always about anarchy.
Thanks user.
Then he should have specified "nu/pol", you nigger.
You're calling me a soyboy because I don't spend hours and hours watching gay pornos to make edits out of?
Seems like a projection there, fella.
Holla Forums, true Holla Forums, didn't have "one" ideology.
No they weren't.
no u, fuk u dad, neo Holla Forums is better now talk about the post you fuck
Gachimuchi is
T E S T ♂ S T E R O N E
Yes they were.
Doesn't look like an intersection at all….so…Did one of the cars jump the island into the other lane?
That thread has over 1300 posts in it, so they're pretty upset.
Not anarchy. Mods have power over you. So not anarchy, you dumb nigger.
For the sake of Aniki, I will stop arguing.
It's not gay, it's manly.
It's not even porn, it's just wrestling.
I told you to stop pretending. You don't even play video games. You don't watch movies. You don't listen to music.
Fuck off, you absolute quadruple niggers, and never return.
That doesn't look like a regular crash, it looks like someone rammed into him at full speed. Also that fact that no airbags deployed when he was hit head on is pretty suspicious.
How much of a fucking newfag do you have to be to require someone to explain gachimuchi to you?
Cancerous normies like you are the reason sites like Know Your Meme and Cheezeburger exist. You don't belong here, go back to reddit, trust me, you will love the community there.
I'm surprise the vols on Holla Forums haven't deleted thread.
You're right user, forgive us.
Not you, the other one.
We shall uncover the truth.
You left this world too early, Aniki! I always want to meet you in real life someday! Now that you're gone, life would not be the same again! Rest in peace, you glorious faggot.
How do we know these pictures are from the crash that killed him?
Supposedly some old man crossed the median into oncoming track and Aniki collided with him, crashes do tend to be pretty horrific since nobody expects it, you're just cruising along like normal then some asshole is coming at you.
user… my coworkers use reddit. They are familiar with gachi
Newfag shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about, I do. It certainly wasn't the national-socialist shithole that Holla Forums is today.
One faggot down…
I called it faggot shit 10 years ago, and it's faggot shit now.
You're not ironically gay, just gay.
I bet you liked le ebin chanology xD. We ar analmouse!!11!
Holla Forums is hardly NatSoc, but more "co-opted skinhead faggots".
It's hard to understand you, user, so don't blame me when I misread your post.
You can blame some twitchfags for that.
that how now you use da implying, nor i was implying u gay
then dew so.
sorry user, but the newfags were being gay and shitting on a this grief thread.
Now for you…
Settle down, faggot. You are obviously trying to stir shit right now.
Not really surprising, except for the Holla Forums part. But /christian/ has been shit for a while. Too much Holla Forums influence.
>>>Holla Forums11334031
Holla Forums is sad about Aniki.
but gays dont go to heaven
Chanology didn't seem like a bad idea at the time, only in hindsight was it obviously cringey.
Yes, you are (1)
So… people care because they liked his gay porn? I'm so confused.
Reddit, not that shithole. Some idiots thought it would be a great idea to start advertising the board on reddit a while back. Then it quickly turned to muck.
Curious, isn't it? Almost like they are not Holla Forums and the fact the ADL was aware enough to give 8ch an F. So disconnected they don't realize this is a board of peace.
What gay porn? it's wrestling, and they liked the edits
Are you fucking serious? That explains a lot about /christian/
Freddy's main problem was that he pozzed himself. Gays at the time were extremely retarded and felt that they were going to get aids and die regardless, so they gave it to themselves to get it over with. Having said that, non-gays get aids too, but not as easily.
Had Freddy not been gay or if he had repressed that side of himself, he would never have pozzed himself and he could have died some decades later like MJ and Prince. Queen could have kept putting out albums and who knows what they would have came up with in the 90s? He really didn't care about politics, so I don't see him as being any different than current britbongs had he made it into the 2010s.
Sad to say this guy and I share the same home town. No surprised because most people that came out of there were drug addicts, niggers, wiggers, faggots and whores, and those were the one's that actually graduated.
i used present tense, lol
homophobes are fucked in the head tbh
What's the story on the edits? Why did they become so damn popular?
I still don't understand, why od people care so much about this guy's death?
There are a lot of popular YTPMV sources, but gachimuchi stood out with how much it repelled or fascinated those who weren't in the loop, and how many quotable lines it had.
It's like TDKR but slightly gayer and with music.
Stop projecting, fag.
Van is next, isn't he?
Night, guys.
That was really fun. huh?
kazuya is alive
Don't worry about us, aniki
Van will be the only one left.
what if tom hardy dies in the next week
He is a necromancer, all of these are sacrifices to be granted with eternal life.
Chavez Obama (a slightly more obscure one) was discovered early January to have died a few years back.
No! Don't give Death ideas, you fucking faggot!
Oh, so he is. Didn't see it was misinformation
A.J. Styles, what have you done?
The gym is now closed for good.
It's going to be fine. Real good times.
*also Lee is alive
Is that a JoJo reference?
he also thrives off of people talking about him, bringing him up, openly hating him, and otherwise refusing to ignore him, so months to years of people hoping he'll go away by doing exactly what he wants is something that's fucking baffled me ever since it started up
Actually it was a Star Wars reference, but I'm going to pretend otherwise :^)
ignore me
The chink actor? was he gay?
No, everyone pay attention to this user.
I'm very proud that I have triggered ever one of you faggots and you have made it clear you do not belong here, elsewhere, nor in your home. Pleasant, to find such trash that thinks it can lay here. As if this is some dumpster for your 4AM tier cyclical trash. This is the gravity of a problem that should have never remained.
Kill all faggots.
With love
and that's more mentioning of him than you should be doing, or really any 4am attention-whore for that matter, since if Holla Forums at large wanted the problem to go away in an intelligent manner they'd filter the thread and completely ignore them instead of screaming for mark to magically make it go away and end up making the problem much, much worse and far, far more deeply rooted than it really has to be. but constantly paying attention to attention-whores thinking that being angry at them will make them go away has been a Holla Forums problem for actual decades
We need car contorl now.
I see the thread has devolved into meta shit. Truly we have come full circle.
Kind of makes sense, it's a cyclical thread.
Just ignore them and post more gachi.
Kill all faggots.
I would rather have Robfag than 4AM fags. 4AM threads should be banned on spot.
That was never once in history an option, if anything it's a kike tactic to tame the goyim.
the issue was fucking doomed the very moment there was an actual rule specifically designed against 4am. you're right that it's not an option any more, but that's because mark thought it was better to cement 4am into Holla Forums's consciousness than it was to forget about them. it's a constant mark and reminder "4am bothers us and they know it", i honestly see no way to interpret that as anything but that if you're aware of them and that the rule was crafted in response to them. it's a constant reminder the issue was handled badly, will continue to be handled badly, and Holla Forums at large is not smart enough to handle the situation on their own when it's completely within their grasp
Nips thought gay porn was funny so they made edits.
No queers.
The newcuck fears the homo.
Please don't ruin Billy's memorial with meta shit, we can talk about in the meta threads but not here.
>so anally annihilated that he keeps coming back
You know this happens every cyclical thread to stir shit up, right?
Let's just mourn over a fallen hero.
Oh hi Mark!
I just wanted to do something nice, but you're right.
You need a serious spanking
My day just keeps getting worse, first my dog gets sick and now Aniki dies. I don't fucking like this shit, give me some mercy.
Webm for easier viewing / distribution.
He's getting six hot loads in heaven now.
I don't remember this, but please spank me anyway D♂A♂D♂D♂Y
Not on my own computer so I can't access my gachi folder right now.
Its easy to spot you, stupid intl newcuck.
Yeah, that's life. Just yesterday, I had to put to sleep a cat I had for almost 20 years, then I woke up to this thread.
Besides the memes, Billy Herrington was one of the kindest persons out there and I'm genuinely sad to see he's passed on, he left us way too soon. The best way to pay tribute is to get /fit/ and treat everyone a little nicer in your day to day life.
This legit makes me sad now knowing Billy is no longer in this world.
good goy
Fair enough.
But your meta threads are shit and you tend to either shitpost or bounce for no reason whatsoever leaving more questions than answers behind.
Go back to your dungeon, Van.
I will soon make all my deep deep fantasies become real. You cannot stop me, for I will become stronger with every death.
I love you too Aniki
The Ruskies at 2ch have stickied this on Holla Forums
This meme transcends language and culture. I think it's the only meme to be loved so dearly by Japanese, Western and Russian anons together. God bless gachimuchi.
Aniki please no. I don't want to cry.
I love you too. You indeed died too soon.
I love you too, Aniki.
Rest easy man, you're were pretty freakin cool
Geez man, that's super rough, it'll get better from here atleast
There's a thread on Holla Forums right now filled with people mourning Aniki's death. I have it open in another tab. Fuck off you misinformation shill.
Explain leatherboy
>goes to see how sites outside imageboards are taking it
>checks date
>tfw it was prophesized
Botmin's an ok dude, you don't have to archive his shit.
He was only 48, taken too soon
Please stop, this is not what aniki would have wanted. Go make a meta thread to contain this or something.
Holla Forums heavily spammed cuck/pol/ around half a year ago with commie threads. Since then pretty much every last retard who wasn't already aware of us is it since then.
Sadly this has become the new meta containment. End me tbh.
I'd end you on the spot if I could.
rhythm games with level editors needs to be a thread, user. Do it.
You're right, my apologies.
Superbus went to do things on twatter because he felt he wanted to do "more for GG"
if you're this full of whiny blogposts about your failures from years ago then you should keep staying on cuckchan
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A man of taste as myself
It's still Twitter, so…
Proud of you cake kike, eliminating cuckchanners is always a good thing.
A personal favorite of mine.
While not the thread, this sad occasion made us look back to other days, happy for many, and some are regretful it turned like this
Is that bad?
Why hasn't that board been removed yet? They constantly deny that they're liberals or redditors, but they have a fucking pro-feminist thread up with more than 100 posts.
It is inevitable to reminisce about the past in a thread like this.
It simply goes to show how long the road has been and how far ahead it still goes.
What we do have is disruptors pretending to be regular users being super aggressive to try to derail threads.
An example is every thread about a new game, no matter how obscure it is, being spammed by shill accusations even if you provide a torrent, or accusing users of being part of a group because you don't like certain things.
Here's one of the most blatant examples
I'll end the metashit here
forgive me Billy
Because hotwheels decided on non-intervention back when he was around, which is both a good and bad thing. Shit, seeing as Jim runs a mediocre, sorta-right-wing news website, he'd probably want nothing more, but still.
Cause people are allowed to make any board that doesn't violate U.S. law (or at least doesn't get noticed by the law).
It's not bad to reminisce, after all this is a thread for remembrance, I just hate to see it polluted by meta bickering. I'm glad I saved the archive of the thread pre-cyclical, it was much better than this.
I'm gonna bumplock the thread in 37 minutes, please say goodbye to aniki one last time.
Fucking Current Year.
I'd have no problem if they weren't crypto-liberals and weren't redditors, and weren't so eager to bring in as many newfags as possible, and weren't flagrant and ceaseless shitposters, and so on and so forth. But they are all those things.
You said midnight Mark
Sleep tight, Aniki.
My humble gachimuchi folder, thanks to the fine folks at /otomad/.
pls share yours if you have one
Farewell Aniki, may you be the boss of Heaven's gym.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
How would I share it?
Thank you based user
Top tier dolphin erotica, my friend.
Oh right, 1 hour and 35 minutes then.
Danny is still alive
Sleep tight, Aniki.
You bastard, you shouldn't have posted that image with your announcement and tripcode you (you)-fishing attention-whore slut of a board owner
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
I hope you weren't telling me to go back to 4chan in that warning message.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Kill me next, Pete
Does anyone have the gachi music parody where during the middle of the song a guy is talking about fantasizing about beating off in the shower with other dudes? I stumbled across it on jewtube but I cant find it again for some reason and I dont think I put it in my favorites list either.
I'll miss you, you lovely and kind faggot.
Sleep Tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
I wonder if we should all pitch in for flowers and condolence cards for his mother?
I mean, we're all human at the end of the day and he was one of the chilliest guys on the internet.
We'll forever miss you!
One last time.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki. ;_;7
might be too late in the thread to pull that off, another problem is its a cyclical so it might get lost but I'd be down for it
Sleep tight, Aniki. Sweet dreams!
That and there are some newfags/goons who would do their utmost to shit it up.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Set something up and I'd be all for it.
Goodbye Aniki. Be the boss of the gym in heaven, glorious faggot. You'll forever be in my heart.
Sleep tight, Aniki
I'm not sure if his mother really likes the fact that he became internet famous for doing gay wrestling porn.
Well obviously you wouldn't be so overt with the memes.
Maybe not obviously, sometimes I forget some anons are unironically completely autistic.
Sleep Tight Aniki.
I hope you become a legend in the future
those fuckers actually did it, they took our aniki away.
Goodbye aniki♂
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Somewhere in the universe, spring has begun.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Here's his stance on religion.
I recognize all of those except for the nog directly to the right of Harambe.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight Aniki Greet God for me
Sleep tight, Aniki
Disappointing, but not surprising.
Goodnight and sleep tight aniki
forgot to say sleep tight in my last post
Looks like more of a statement about obnoxious and hypocritical religious faggots than a jab at religion in general to me.
When do we get the BAC test?
funny he's talking about AA when a drunken drift into a tree is what ended him
It was a 70 year old man who crossed laned and plowed into him.
Sleep tight, Aniki
You don't have to be drunk to get hit by a senile 70 year old driving the wrong way down the road.
sleep snug, aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Goodbye, Billy.
Where does it say that?
I already miss him. Rest in peace Billy.
I'd say someone should do a gachimuchi version of this song but that would break any man.
I guess the heavens needed one more Billy.
Mays could use a hand.
Sleep tight, big bro. You've earned it.
This one's "funnier"
what the fuck man
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Why did you have to do this to me?
billy crystal will be next.
I have been granted one final burst of drive for gains, bless you billy.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.( つω;`)ウッ
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki
you're new, that's what's going on
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Don't reply to him you dong. He's either a newfag or a hothead and either way he's not worth giving (you)s to.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
What a waste of dubs, newfaggot.
Sleep tight, Aniki
_ ,...._ ∧_∧/''"´,.-'´ \ (・ω・ `)r‐'´、. )、 /`ニニ ´,\ -‐‐ 、.,.. 、 / ヽ. __/, ‐'ー-γ { リ ヽ. ', / ゙ ヽ 入 '.,}' ヽ ', / ヽ‐ャー''´ ゝ.r ´`ヽヽ i,. -''ヽ.__,...___,ノ'")r‐' ー、 / , '/´フ.,'′ / ,/'" ヘ ハ々 ,-'" ヽ._,.. -< { / ' / / ,ノ' リー 、._ヘ、 ,.. '" ', ___/ ,ノ′ 人 _,./'´,' / `{ ⌒ーァ-‐-y'´ /{ /´ノー7/,ノ‐'´ )ヽ、 }'' ,//´', ノ′,'´ )r'/ /,' ハ、ヽ_,. ノ,/ ,' i ,/´ ノ'"/ / ,' { ヘ  ̄ Y : .i / >、.. -‐'' ´ /′ ノ} ,' : ヽ ,ノ ! { _ノ ,..-イ / , ' ノ ,' / v }イ i { i { rァ ,..( / , ' } ,' イ / .! }、゙ | {゙{. ( ヽ)ソー i ,' i ノ / ', リ ヽ、 ,' | ` `′ レ ノ〃,/ i i ∨ ,! / 〉._,/// ∨: }. /
Fuck yeah
Exactly. You're new. Now fuck off back to reddit.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep right, Aniki...
Holy shit, dude. First, google Gachimuchi, and see how old and popular this meme is. Next, take a step back and evaluate why you think people discussing something as though it's popular when you don't know about it means that it must be the work of shills, and not just you being out of the loop.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
What if we started a campaign to pass a federal law that ensured that older, incompetent drivers stay off the road? We could call it Billy's Law or something.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Truly blessed. Also
That better not be water, user.
This is a special occasion you fucking pussies. Drink up
97% Moonshine. A two glasses full knocks russians out, I'm almost done my second glass.
All three do, you forgot
And you did as well. Aniki smiles upon us and our remembrance of him.
You have also been blessed.
I'm not buying it.
Proud of u
You haven't heard of gachi. You're new.
You did good.
jew, lol
gachi was a shit meme
When Koksal Baba dies, are we just going to laugh and shitpost?
I drink more alcohol than water.
Well shit what a horrible way to start a day. RIP Aniki.
I wonder if you could get someone else drunk on your cum
user, it's fine to call someone a newfag, but it's cancerous to call someone "homophobic" even ironically. Just call them a faggot like a normal user.
Well, you can make them puke at least.
[spoiler]Only if his testes are connected to his liver[/spoiler
Well, if that's what gets you going man.
user no.
It's like this
*.*remove the periods.*.*
Sorry to interrupt, but does anyone have an archive of the thread before it was cyclical? There was a webm of some anime girl humming a catchy song from the 70s or 80s, and now I can't remember the name of it.
Jesus fucking christ, no one can be THIS NEW
Go back where you came from and never return you fucking nigger
I was trying to describe an effect of being extremely drunk, but that probably would get someone off too.
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door…
I should have known better
Sleep tight, Aniki
and godspeed.
I dunno, I knocked my wife up with it though
You fucked up
You double fucked up
I'm pretty sure Finnish anons love it too, don't they?
Why do they think that's relevant?
I did it on purpose. Unless you mean teaching newfags.
How's your son?
4/pol/ is being its usually cancerous self and calling Billy a fag. For some reason they blame GG for Holla Forums working to get Trump elected
The latter.
My firstborn is a daughter, I haven't a clue on what current bun in the oven will be. I hate being woken up at 1am.
Thank you, my dude. I found the song I was looking for. That would've driven me insane the entire night.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Ah, I see.
Well, I hope everything went well after the impregnation and you have a happy and fulfilling life
Then you have many more.
Sleep tight, Aniki
It seems like it was just yesterday I was posting gachi at AJ. It won't be the same now.
Why even bother?
It wasn't the aids was it?
Supersetting in heaven.
Nevermind. Apparently car accident. Rip.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
I'm glad you see my point.
Me thinks things went well given the woman wants eight little ones. I ain't back in country until July and I hope to god I get to celebrate the 4th before I have to take a quick flight across that ocean.
Bye Aniki.
You get no (you)s for this cake jew.
Shit son, you could've whistled that into a shitty phone mic and uploaded it and I would've been able to tell you the song.
That sounds like a potentially fun idea for a thread about vidya tunes you can't remember the name or origin of
Sleep tight, Aniki.
he's already got plenty of (you)s
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Note: no response.
Sleep tight, Aniki ;-;
It was stated in a tweet by his cousin.
Maybe it was wrong, but I haven't seen anything stating otherwise, sorry for not answering earlier.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Goodnight, sweet prince. We loved you....and we still do. Your legend will always live on.
Atleast we aren't halfchan.
I don't understand all of these disrespectful niggers shitting on a dead man''s grave. Have some fucking respect for the dead.
Sleep tight, Aniki!
*tips fedora*
But really, RIP.
I have a feeling if the Holla Forums thread had IDs turned on you'd make up pretty much all of the bitchposts.
Sayonara, Aniki
Oh shit it's still up
are you fucking serious?
The question then, is if that is Zach or the maisiefag?
t. low-test faggot
munter spammer doesn't do much outside of post munter pics, Zach is more likely to be the culprit, but considering Zach doesn't seem to care that much about video games I'm more inclined to say it's just some random goon trying to stir shit up for (you)s.
They never waste an opportunity after all, no matter how big or small.
In all the threads, Holla Forums, /a/, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums, there are faggots posting this shit. It's just drive by shitposters.
aka goons
There's also the usual "mods are compromised" autism on Holla Forums, funny, how it always comes in with a burst of (1)s.
Feels bad man
Buddy don't even try to go down that rabbit hole, leave it for another thread.
Sleep tight, Aniki
Those implications are serious, don't go there
The mods are desperately trying to delete everything right now
sleep tight forever Billy, I'll love you forever.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
See you in the great gym in the sky.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
t. package of soylent
Sleep tight, Aniki
Please stop, for anikis sake.
sleep tight, Aniki
The concept of masculinity, which Aniki encompasses, is incomprehensible to the mind of a soy-guzzling cuckchanner.
Sleep tight, Aniki
The man just died, show some respect.
Mark, it's midnight in our timezone, when were you actually planning on finally putting Aniki to rest?
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Why would you upload pictures of yourself on the internet?
Don't give your (You)s to the wojak autist.
He said he'd bumplock, not delete.
I know, but it's still cyclical.
Sleep tight, Aniki
I'm a fucking newfag compared to most, and even I can appreciate the impact this man has made on the lives of people from all corners of the world. Go back to cuckchan, nigger.
tbh that would be fine, if Gillen died i'd be shattered
bye fugger.
As if we needed any more proof that soyjak posters are cuckchan scum of the worst kind.
Good joke, haha
Sorry user, the soylent store is two blocks down.
Honestly, if I had to wager, I'd bet that the nujack spammer is the guy that made the meme. There's a shitload of variations for a meme that nobody actually likes, so I'm guessing the guy is trying to force it.
wait soy isn't soylent
those are entirely different things
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Oh look, it's this autist again
You think?
Sleep tight, Aniki.
What a fucking newfag. Jesus Christ.
Wonder how the japs are responding. Their next gachimuchi collaboration is gonna be sad.
Sleep tight, Aniki
They're taking it pretty hard.
fuck off JIDF
I was going to link to a 2ch thread that was posted earlier, but it appears to have disappeared.
lol what meta threads
and i'll talk meta whenever and wherever i want
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Now you're the boss of that big gym in the sky.
This is how retarded you sound.
Dunno, I just get a 404 when I click that.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
That accident wasn't even in the same area, you falseflagging kike.
Rest in piece Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki. You left us too soon.
that's too vague, you're describing the source. what's the song?
Really? Oh man, oh damn, oh shit.
It was foretold I suppose.
The candle that burns twice as brights burns half as long, rest in peace billy, you brought me a lot of joy.
Damn. At least the gym in the afterlife will be taking it hard too when Aniki arrives.
I didn't want it to be real, why am I so torn up by this? I'm at work and I keep having to hide in the back office because I can't stop tearing up.
You're not alone, I've been shedding some tears too while playing vidya for once.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
I must admit that my eyes did get a bit watery.
The Japs are really unhappy about this apparently, he's all over 2ch and Japanese Twitter right now.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Fug, I thought I archived that one. I guess it'll be lost forever.
Because a faggot became an ironic meme, and instead of being butthurt about it he embraced and had fun with it, and was even kind to his ironic and unironic fans IRL.
That's some extremely rare shit you don't see every day.
I still have it up on my computer, so I will take screenshots of it.
Yeah seeing him occasionally post on youtube videos to thank his fans made me smile.
He was a genuinely good dude, pic related.
can source nearly all gachimuchi if anyone would like
He was too pure for this world.
Sleep tight,Aniki
fuck man, i loved him.
Holy shit, what should I say to Billy's mom? Also, I could have met billy!
There is one where it's a side by side mockup of a blonde anime girl walking and then running down and up some stairs. There were other characters from the anime taht appeared in teh background just before she runs down the stairs iirc.
Vague as fuck, I know, but I'm too stupid to describe it in more detail.
Nothing would probably be best.
Shitpostbot is a prophet.
Ah, this guilt is gonna FUCK ME UP.
I could have hung out with billy.
I could have accidentally saved his life
I honestly don't have a problem with porn stars. Even if they seem shallow, there's usually some sort of different wisdom behind their exterior face, just out of reach. Billy in particular doesn't seem like a bad person.
I've seen plenty of broken people in my life, with facial expressions and mannerisms that betray them and what they think. Behind them, Billy's type of people, while I wouldn't see them as friends, I don't see evil in their faces or that common sort of emptiness.
I've studied faces and body language as a hobby for most of my life, and I couldn't find any evidence of a broken or incomplete person in Aniki.
Sleep tight, Aniki. You died too soon.
Nothing, maybe send her flowers?
Because this isn't cuckchan and the site attempts to respect freedom of speech. It doesn't always succeed but it's still leagues better than the alternatives.
If you start arbitrarily banning boards based on the fact they disagree with your politics then you'll have to ban basically every board. Leftypol has internal disagreements as does pol. Neither of these places have an absolute stance on everything. Holla Forums mods used to ban for people exposing trump as a kike lover.
The fact you unironically mention feminism as if anyone cares about that shit anymore proves you're some sargonite redditor. Lurk more or fuck off back to where you came from.
I'd sooner ban cuckchan users than commies.
don't feel bad man. i walked past the rainbow a week or so before lemmy died. i always considered going in there and buying him a drink but always figured i'd do it later
is the original, doesn't have the side-by-side comparison
I'm gonna send her dates and some chocolates maybe.
This is also a good idea
Do you guys want to make a big collaboration card to personally hand to her? I could be in charge of the project and hand it to her. I could talk to her about how billy changed so many lives
I could do it
I could help you all
It hurts doesn't it?
Well, the Japs are honorary Aryans for a reason.
nvm found it
I would probably send flowers and a note that said "dear billy's mom, you raised the one good faggot. He was a top shelf fellow. My condolences for your loss."
lol actually i can embed
Sleep tight, Aniki
do it you dirty faglover. get her a cake with something sweet on it about how grateful we are that she raised such a good gay
Thanks for the effort man, turns out I'm an idiot that doesn't have any comprehensive way of saving his files.
Give me design ideas, I could order a custom cake
Budget is around $150
I'll do that as a tiny note that she unwraps when I'm gone.
I'm gonna break down just reading this man's positivity
Well its gotta have a '♂' for sure
How's the meth?
I say do it faggot. We could write a letter, one word at a time.
Jesus, I just looked up what happened and apparently he died in a car accident. The pictures that were taken were pretty fucking gnarly.
R.I.P. Aniki.
It's pretty good during coachella fest of course I only do kratom
If any of you mainstream trash loving faggots are gonna be at coachella fest this year, feel free to say hey.
You know what to do user.
Make a thread.
I'll add a disclaimer and say that it was made by each person making different words.
Shame about all this rain.
It really is a terrible day for rain…
God damn it. He was dangerously close to me.
I'm blaming myself. We were so close and I didn't even know he was living here, I was a huge fan too, and now I'll never meet him, and I indirectly killed him.
This is going to stick with me until my grave.
Hey man, it works. I can actually draw shit now. I have a bad attention span.
even the heavens weep …
thread is up
"Your son was boss of our hearts"
Fuck spoiler this shit.
what's it like living in a road trip town? Every time I drive from AZ to Cali I stop there to piss and that town is a shit hole
Sleep tight, Aniki.
NO, user. It's not your fault. Don't do that to yourself. That's not what Billy would have wanted.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
Spring rain melts the snow
The only time I've seen a Suburban sort of vehicle that fucking trashed is when an Indian decided to joyride one into a tree at 80mph. What was left in the driver seat wasn't a pleasant sight.
Here is some screenshots if you give a shit about archiving it.
Reminds me when an user on /mu/ correctly called out who was next to die.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
you fucked up user
Good night and
sleep tight, Anaki
You probably passed by old town Indio, near Indio Blvd, which is the more poverty stricken part I recon. If you go to east or south indio, then you'll start seeing the richer, more upperclass neighborhoods and country clubs. Go near the border between La Quinta and Indio to see what I'm saying.
Would you like me to have someone write it in cursive, or in a simple paper paragraph?
It's hard not to feel that way when I knew I had the power to keep him on this earth, user.
Noted. I'll have two notes, one I wrote myself and the other by the board.
death penalty for drunk drivers NOW
I bet it was some normalfag piece of shit coming back from drinking at the club
Guys… he had just gotten a puppy… Fuck.
Don't do this to the man's poor mother.
Also, I'd genuinely like to thank Billy for bringing all of us together this evening, even if it is the last time he does so. God bless him, and may he enjoy the great gym in the sky.
fuck this world
life isn't fair
Fuck, man.
And I'm gonna cry again. Fuck.
Thanks, user.
People are saying it was some 70 year old guy actually.
Sorry anons, I know it's only going to make it worse, but this is relevant and I can't help myself.
kill all boomers
The legend.
That shit pisses me off, because my friends brother in law was recently killed about a month ago by some old faggot as well, now he has left a widow who is now a single mother and she doesn't know how to cope. Fucking people here are too fucking senile or don't give a shit about others enough to stop.
That's not how it's going to end. When I reach his mom, I'm going to ask her for the dog.
Leave his mom alone user, she should have the dog as a remembrance of her son.
His mom'll have to take up the slack and start doing porn.
I just need to talk to her is all, I'm not going to harass her and further exacerbate her suffering.
God fucking dammit user
kill yourself, seriously
I made vid related a year and a half ago and finally fixed it, seeing aniki go down like that made me fucking sad all day but the gachi lives on
He's one of the people who made me feel the most confident of my sexuality.
Kill yourself newfag. And fuck off to reddit. For fucks sake.
I wish we could get a drawfag in here. I am curious how Billy is adjusting to his life as the boss of the forest fairies in gensokyo.
fuck off
Definitely This
This guy has been banned like 3 times already, stop taking the bait.
kill yourself Holla Forums no one likes you in real life and you'll die alone
Have some respect.
God fucking damn it.
Yeah I'll not give him (you)s anymore.
I even lectured others for doing so earlier, gotta practice what I preach.
Kill yourself, cuckchanner. You do not belong.
Boy, he's determined isn't he?
Cool it with the negativity.
leftypol never learns. Even on the dead of a good man they have shit.
Yes, this old thread where they got David Bowie (60185).
You don't NEED to talk to her, you're a stranger, not a friend of her son. Leave the woman alone you autistic fuck.
You mean goons
>>>Holla Forums11334031
They don't care to learn. Their poisonous ideology rules over everything. Leftists are fucking scum and deserve no mercy or kindness. They will say any lie, pull any dirty trick, do anything they can to justify their wickedness. They are brainwashed cultists.
The memorials are starting to show up on pixiv
Communist are even beyond cultist, cultist can be shown the light from time to time. Communist will all go into the pit with the belief that another million more in that hole will bring some glorious society about magically.
He may have had the dog in the car with him at the time user.
I'm sorry user, it might be true, the dog may have died too. May the Lord bless you.
You know with every passing day I agree more and more on this. I don't even bad about it anymore.
I've stopped seeing them as humans long ago.
I can understand that fully. I'm sure I'll be like that in a few weeks.
Nobody wants a pupper to died, but it probably happened instantly.
Even Holla Forums has a thread up
I have come to terms with Aniki dying, but now there is absolutely no proof the puppy was in the car at all.
I think the reason why Holla Forums, a board often thought of (mistakenly depending on who you ask) as "anti-gay" would have a thread mourning the loss of a bisexual porn star, while Holla Forums, a board often thought of as "pro-gay" would lack a thread of similar nature, has much to do with their origins. Holla Forums is a board with its own history, it's a board populated by people who have used imageboards for a long-time, or have become inundated in imageboard culture to the point of coming off as being experienced imageboard users. They know the various jokes, the common images, the catchphrases, they know imageboards and their culture well. Holla Forums on the other hand is a new board. While there may have been, and likely were a few honest-to-god True Believing Communists among the veteran imageboard-users, Holla Forums isn't composed of them. It's composed on greenhorns, initiates, outsiders, immigrants. All this would be fine if they integrated well, but these wanderers come to the imageboards and attempt to establish their own sort of enclave, or commune as they would call it. They don't adopt the lingo, they abhor the humour, they despise the shared ground between anonymous imageboard users, and they act as if they have the high ground.
There's no proof the puppy wasn't in the car. I'm not saying it was, and I hope to god it wasn't, but I'm saying it is possible.
Does Holla Forums finally see that Holla Forums is a cancer that only helps when sees the opportunity to rot you from the inside?
Another cuckchan filename.
or maybe if you lurked for more than a month you'd know that 8ch filenames used to be the same
Yes, used to be.
Try again, nigger.
pretty sure you don't become a grossly pumped-up, steroid filled, gay leather bondage amateur porn actor because you had a wholesome childhood.
They weren't that long though
Meant to reply to
And you can find a perfect example of it right here
Interesting to note is that the same Russians beating up gays pics that are being spammed in all these threads are also being posted by the same IDs that are posting
Which is also the same spam that the Blacked poster on Holla Forums uses and who, hey imagine that, is posting with the same IP on Holla Forums.
So quite the coincidence that someone from Holla Forums who is fetishizing Russian imagery, spams BLACKED porn, and is going out of the way to stir up shit while broadcasting as loudly as possible they are from Holla Forums.
Such an amazing coincidence.
t. knower who happens to be something of an afficiando of anime
Whatever you say krautfag.
I was talking more about how shit tends to get political very fast. At this point we're just a vassal board.
Alright, so here's what I'm going to tell Kathleen. I'm going to let her know that billy changed my life and brought me comfort during a time of turmoil, and that his presence also helped a lot of other people with the issues they had at the time. If it wasn't for billy, hundreds upon thousands of people would still be wandering inside their emotional labyrinth without anyone to set them free and give them that boost of confidence they so desperately needed, his existence and good nature improved the livelihood of an unspoken number of people and his memory will live on not only through is bloodline, but through his art and his instinctual wisdom. I will thank her, and I will hang up.
don't give it any more (you)s, he was the retarded larping faggot in the letter thread
That's not at all what you said though. If you were complaining about how things devolve into politics, then that would be fine. But you're claiming that one political board alone is the cause of this. It's well known by now that Holla Forums users, like you, are ceaseless, flagrant shitposters.
Please don't do this user.
Tell her through a letter. Don't fucking call her.
Fucking leave the woman alone you autistic fuckhead, let her grieve.
I'm not a larper, but one way or another, you're going to find an excuse to be mad at what I do. So fuck you.
Just WHAT is the big fucking deal in paying my respects to the dead, is it the guilt other people carry that they project onto me. The fact that people have superficial reasons on liking him that stem from making fun of him, which they then can't swallow after someone tries to pay their dues?
Just what the fuck is the issue here?
Just write a letter you nigger.
Your autism is the issue.
If you're going to go through with it, at least give them some time to grieve first.
Here's a zip file of the 2chan thread if anyone wants it for archival purposes.
Your autistic mind may not understand it, but calling someone you don't know is creepy for regular people. Write her a letter, it is more personal, less creepy, and it is something she can keep with her should she find solace in it.
Are you the faggot that sent a google translated letter to tsukumizu trying to cheer her up over her "depression" (that she has never explicitly told anyone she had) despite dozens of anons telling you it was a terrible idea?
You're acting like a fucking retarded manchild in this thread, you've got to be even fucking worse in real life from what we're seeing here
at least you aren't talking about going to the funeral and "representing Holla Forums" so maybe you have toned back your mega autism but I still don't trust you to do anything right faggot
What I like about that letter was that it ended up being something stupid like "ravioli ravioli don't be sadoli" because the guy didn't know what to actually send.
Oh boy, tumblr is here. Go back to jerking your dicklet about microagressions you piece of shit.
Not an argument.
I've been genuine, and now I feel more determined than before to do it. I'll tell her where the funeral is going to be at, and I'll make a good god dammed attempt to show to it. I'll even wear my infinity pin.
No. That was someone else.
He sent a letter in nip, with a sign saying "don't be upsetti, eat some spaghetti"
Exactly how an autistic fuck would respond. You're a mess.
Alright dude, do what you want but don't bitch to us when she hangs up on you.
If nothing else for this thread, you got a very loud laugh out of me.
Hopefully someone else from here goes just to tackle you and stop you from embarrassing everyone here and worse, disrespect the passing of a man who was beloved worldwide
how many (you)'s are you going for
None. You don't have to respond. Everyone here is fucking neurotic that project every single god damned insecurity they have onto others. Trying to convince people here of something is like trying to love a dog with down syndrome.
Dude can you give it a fucking break everyone here is telling you it's a bad idea.
I knew it was something stupid. At least he "tried".
I hope you are removed by security when your autism and spaghetti spills out.
Did your parents not tell you about strangers? How you're not supposed to talk to them? It's not a matter of fear as some would call it.
If you keep it succinct it may work, just don't go off on a tangent about memes and mongolian basket weavers.
Something like
and that's it.
Retard if you wanted to do it, do it instead of attention-whoring here and acting like a complete autist and making every single person who reads your post shit their pants because of how much of a manchild you look
If you want to do it, be a fucking man about it. Stop posting here, don't make a goddamn fool of yourself,
Be subtle, act like a gentleman, don't fucking speak at the funeral like an attention whore. If you plan on going to it, see for a moment when the mother isn't talking to someone and talk to her then, and don't fucking bring up "art". Bring up his attitude and his ability to make people smile, the joy he spread and whatnot. Don't say much on how you knew him, or be smart with how you say it but don't fucking be retarded and don't act like you're acting in this thread.
A red user would not act like such a faggot.
Will do.
>>>Holla Forums1180015
>>>Holla Forums11334031
cuckchan is getting hit as well and they also post the exact same just to further prove these are not regular posters and likely not even newfags
He's just fucking with you, no need to sperg out.
Rare billy for your nigs
Also going to give a little tip.
Don't fucking address her by her first name. You're a stranger and she's much older than you, she's not a co-worker or anything like that. Address her as ma'am or Mrs./Ms. Wood. Its much more respectful especially to her age and your relationship.
Be sure to be well-dressed, put on cologne, shave, and make sure your hair isn't greasy or nasty.
If you want her to feel like her son made an impact on your life, don't come across as a fucking wreck to her.
Obviously make sure you come in full dress attire; that goes without saying but that means dress pants, suit with sports jacket, tie, belt, and dress shoes. If you have to use the infinity pin or whatever, make sure it isn't gaudy and make sure it isn't on an extremely obvious place, like somewhere on your person where, if they're talking to you they can't avoid looking at it.
If you're going to give a gift as well (which I do recommend if you're going to this in the first place), make sure its simple as well as other anons say. Don't get a fucking Holla Forums cake. Do some research on your own and see what Billy or his mother would've appreciated.
He probably is and I guessed as much; this is just in case he's actually being sincere
Adding to the list. Not specifically anti-billy, but it's blaming Holla Forums for the anti-billy posting, which is also disingenuous.
This world is now short one great man. I'll never forget you Aniki. We're all gonna make it.
Is it Zach?
Wouldn't know, I'm not a Holla Forums regular.
>He died slowly
Sleep tight, Aniki. Your soul lives on.
Billy was quite the artist.
What fucking game do I have to play to channel all of my fury and sorrow?
Just do some pushups and sit-ups, maybe run for a while.
Do some good perfect push ups.
You're right. I lost sight of what I should be doing.
For Aniki.
Who is chad and why should I care?
Run the pain away. My daily workout routine is 1.5 miles on treadmill, followed by 300 meter sprint, then 70 pushups, 45 situps, 50 jumps as high as I can. Broke my previous 1.5 mile record, did 10:17 for Billy. It's what he would have wanted.
also, an aniki CSS would be nice
mark get on it, get this man in the corner
No, faggot, I was literally just asking if we can just have fun instead of feel any sadness, I wasn't fucking disrespecting Aniki or grieving anons, I was doing it to Turkish midget.
At least he was aware of those ytps and MADs
Come on,dont do this to me.
Good. Fags have to suffer.
I was there to witness the early days when Gachimuchi was still new and making waves. I stumbled on a parody video one day on jewtube and I initially didn't even know what to search for later since it was all in moonrunes, for fuck's sake. All I had to go on was that it was gay porn and people made ridiculous videos about it. Describing that to my friends only got me strange looks, which is saying something since they all went to imageboards. We found out we all went to imageboards only years later in our relationships, we kept it secret.
So ends another chapter of internet history. You gave us so much, and because of that it hurts so much more. Probably the strangest story of internet claim-to-fame yet. You are the reason both autists in the east and west unironically have gigs upon gigs of gay porn on their hard-drives.
Claim your place as boss of heaven's gym. F.
Great job you giant faggot you decide to get on a car and drive to your death the day where I'm feeling like shit
There are too many horrible people who keep living on making the world a sadder and angrier place, it feels like people with good intentions are becoming rarer and rarer. I'm going to miss you
Sleep tight, Anaki. A man among men
I could go for a long nap, too.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
This world isn't just.
Good dudes don't fuck other dudes.
Well if being a soyboy in your book is to not cuck your wife with other man dick in your butt for a few shekel i will be one with no fucking hesitation.
and this is officially and by far the gayest shit iTT
That's why you need to use your own anger to push back and systematically tear down and destroy the shit for people and loved ones who don't want to live with hate.
no, they just ban people who hyperbolically blow things about trump out of proportion. Often these same shills then spam the board complaining about their bans. It's one thing to point out Trump's ties to kikes, its another to autistic sperg out about it and shit up every thread like a Shareblue shill. Remarkably this rhetoric about how the mods are compromised only gained traction after people started talking about Enochs Kike Wife and all the Faggotry at TRS. Really activates your Almonds.
Also, to get this back on topic. Yes, Aniki memes where funny, I respect the joke but the world is a better place with one less faggot. Hope the queer is thrown off many rooftops in .
t. closet fag
fuck off imkampfy
Did Mark bumplock this tread ?
It's past 300 posts you dubmymor
ive been in a car accident like this before. me and my friend got the front of my car slammed by a dualie truck going about 80 perpendicular to us. if we had been out another three or four inches we would have had our legs sheared off by the twisted metal. another foot and i wouldve had the pleasure of watching my best friend get turned into ground meat as my last moment alive before being ground up myself.
as it was, our car spun around about five times and landed in a ditch. we both got out and were more or less fine (i had a little whiplash and he had a broken collarbone from the airbag/seatbelt), we started running around laughing/crying hysterically and hugging each other. it was then that we looked behind where the car had landed in the ditch. there were two side of the road headstones. you know, the ones they put where people died in a car accident? its giving me chills just thinking about it. for whatever reason, me and my friend were given another chance. yet a man of this caliber was not. fuck man.
im sorry aniki it should have been me
Tell me user, how have you made the world a better place thus far in your life?
Can you faggots just go the fuck away?
desu ne