kingdom Comes Butt hurt continues

kingdom Comes Butt hurt continues.

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Good thing you can rely on those retards for your marketing, isn't it Daniel?
Make a good game next time. The realism meme has been known to be awful for video games for at least a decase.

postin' some Bowie

Too bad my interest won't continue until they fix their Bethesda-tier release bugs.

Come on now. Exaggerating much?

Hilarious. How many times do I need to hit my head to be as stupid as this guy?

just because they stick it to libtards doesnt make it a good game, maybe the dev shouldve focused more on making a functioning game

man they really want people to accept that nonwhites were always living in the west don't they? Even though everybody know's they weren't especially the lefty faggots that push for this shit ordered from other jew indoctrination or jew/lefty bosses forcing them too

It's ok to be white.

I see the butthurt continues ITT

is it that rough? I was sorta interested in just playing a non-fantasy medieval game but a lot of footage i see looks kinda dull. It's nice that the dev doesn't take shit from crybabies on the internet but i won't buy a game just because MUH BASED OURGUY

It's not that rough as the bugs are rare.

Europe was never white user. White is a term for European Americans.

It isn't that bad as many anons make it out to be.

It's a dark time when "realism" is now considered a conservative concept.

I was waiting for another medieval video game to play to be made and see how my patience has been rewarded. Not only am I having (((fun))) with the game, I also get to witness a lefty salt-party to boot

But do you get to remove kabab?

You get to remove tengri

White is what I use to define anything European. I know in Europe you all describe something German/British/French/Italian/etc. because you all instinctively know only only whites are considered European. So the term usage isn't really common there although I'm seeing how media in Europe is trying to shill anyone can be German/British/French/Italian/etc. and I'm scared you euros will fall for the civcuck "nationalist" bullshit that Americans(whites) fall for and say stupid shit like "We're all immigrants" or "One race the human race" or other cringy shit. I get extremely triggered when I see nonwhites that live in Europe call themselves British or German because it's a slap in the face of my ancestors who came to America from there. I also get extremely pissed that spics, niggers, chinks, injuns are considered American even though none of the founding fathers of America believed that at all and it just shows Americans the real Americans are out of touch with their history and need to reread what the founders of America beliefs really are. Still makes me pissed they keep pushing this shit when no one wants it in one of my favorite past times

Isn't he one of the 5 guys Zoe fucked? How does this asshole still have a job after all this time?

Devs will probably never learn that the social justice faggots don't actually buy games, but it's always satisfying to see it turn out this way.

If anything, it's worse than Bethesda.

Damn, what videogame is this?

and n

It's fine, just a little buggy here and there. Only thing it really need, bug-fixed aside, is save and quit.


I'd buy it if I had the money or time

Color me surprised.

That's apparently coming in the next patch.
Only really needed if you're not NEETmode though since it's pretty easy to find an inn and sleep within a couple of minutes.

He's still around?

Holy fuck, how far down the slippery slope can we get? Until we hit the bottom.

Most engaging vidya I have played in years, fucking love the game and don't really care about the devs politics either way but I am glad they didn't get cucked out of accuracy.

It's got some bugs in it that are actually gamebreaking, but it's easily a fun game. I think in one more week they'll release the patch that should get rid of most of them. Try it out then.

Is this what you Americans mean by pot calling the kettle black?

no you fucking shill

(((who))) could be behind this post?


It has game-breaking main-questline bugs. The game is literally unfinishable for a lot of people, myself included, and there's no guarantee that the patch will retroactively fix the problem or if it'll require you to reload a save. Since it occurs during a quest that's part of a slow point in the story, it appears as a natural break point for the player to go level up and do sidequests.

Bethesda's games are buggy, but at the very least you can do rudimentary game repairs via the console so long as you're on the PC (if you're on console, you're fucking stupid and you're asking for trouble). You don't even have that option with KCD. You're pretty much stuck either waiting on a patch, a community bug fix, or restarting the game/reloading a save that could be dozens of hours ago depending on how much side content you got distracted by.

It's worse than bethesda with Morrowind 3, of course, Bethesda has been removing features from the engine for a decade now.

is he trying to hide his white face under black hair and beard ?

Cronyism. In an ethical industry, he would have been out on his ass, but were it an ethical industry - we wouldn't still be talking about this fucking shit now would we.

todd please


That's not a bug, that's a feature, faggot.


true, but i guess he never saw flubber

Speculation at the time was that he must have had dirt on a lot of people - no other reasonable explanation about how mush deflection he got from whatever loser was the kotaku editor going in to bat for him.

kys grayson

Could you get any better marketing for your game?

For some reason I think nu-leftists and feminists never cared about Jeanne d'Arc

I'm SJW and I love KCD. Fuck SJWs.

The game is fun, I'd buy it if you stopped fucking shilling it and fixed the fucking bugs and shit optimization.

Stop with the fucking duplicate threads you retarded newfags.

Assuming part of all this shit is the race thing; the only good argument I heard for including other races in KCD is that other things are probably historically inaccurate as well so why not say fuck it entirely if you aren't willing to get every detail right, and even THAT is not a great argument.

Because GG lost. The gamejourno clique is still there and got even more powerful.

its funny because the authors are progressive in other ways, their studio is full of colored heads and anarchist, they have jewish oppresion, women status in medieval ages, refugees in it.

yes, that's technically correct

Wut ?

I wish they had tried to gain popularity by making a good game instead.

we wuz Basileis n sheeit

Black as Knight, sheeeeiiiit.

It is good though.

also forgot to add the whole studio is funded by "fuck the borders" guy Bakala, he is guy who pushes diversity in CzechRep. a lot to a point where his email service will censor alternative media in your emails without you knowing it.
There was also case that by the books on Kingdom come worked only one guy so he could scam taxes or something

Teleporting magic horse, magic save point alcohol, magic quantum-linked chestes besides every bed in the world, enemies that stand up out of bed and instantly spawn full plate mail armour and weapons on them
Can't save anywhere without magic saving alcohol. Game autosaves on some quests, not others, and often at inconvenient times, forced combat lock-on making multiple opponents more difficult than necessary, stupid quest design (talked to NPC B first instead of NPC A? Now you failed that quest and NPC A will never discuss it again for no reason)
Bethesda style "these are the people you care about, spend 10 minutes with them then that is your motivation for the rest of the game!" Cut-scene characterization bullshit, Control constantly taken away from the player so your character can do stupid shit and react to people like an asshole/idiot against player wishes,

It's an alright game, but people acting like its the second coming of RPG Jesus are fucking stupid. I don't know if people are just starved for a proper western RPG experience or what… But this game is getting way too much hype considering how many mistakes it makes. And that's not even mentioning how technically fucked up and buggy it is. The opening hour or two is straight out of Bethesda's guide book for how to design a shitty RPG, for example. But people are acting like it's some paragon of game design.

I'd say it's not really that but a simple combination of a few factors.
- the devs are basically unheard of
- they dared to do something even just mildly different
- SJWs hate it, or at least pretend to
- other devs and their games of a similar vein are so terrible that a 6.5-7.5/10 game like KCD stands out so much
That said I have been having fun with it.

Fix your bugs and you'll get another player to that count, Daniel.

Of course. Don't forget the muh jews dindu nothing book in game and save the poor kikes quest.

Are you seriously implying that the game shouldn't strive for historical accuracy because of some unrealism due to video game logic?

Can you kill or condemn those kikes in-game?

Thank God for this inventory sorting mod, shit's a mess otherwise.

I thought that was from one of the articles criticizing the lack of "PoC" in the game

No, of course not. You can't be antisemitic.

No, I'm not trying to imply anything. I was pretty direct with my statements.

I'm saying the game shouldn't SAY it's striving for historical accuracy and also make pretty severe compromises on historical accuracy in the name of making the game easier to play, while also using that historical accuracy to keep some really pointless annoyances in the game.

Having magic quantum-linked chests is not video game logic, and it's not historically accurate. It's "streamlining." They don't want players to have to open their map and press the fast travel button if they've left something in another town. So they let you teleport items around. Historical accuracy was sacrificed for streamlining the experience for casuals.
Meanwhile you can't save the game and quit without going back to a bed or using the saving schnapps. Despite this impacting the historical accuracy not at all in any way.

The crappy UI is another thing they seem to have aped from Bethesda games.

what a letdown, i was just about to get that quest. and the codex has an entire page dedicated to jews in 15th century bohemia and muh pogroms

Who? Where? I've only seen people say it's a fun but flawed game.

I mean, the entire Jewish culture is based on taking advantage of the goyim's pity.

He is not wrong tho, people wouldnt defend it if it wasnt following historical accuracy

Reported for hate speech.

But everything you've listed is video game logic stuff. The game clearly isn't trying to claim that linked chests or fast travel is historically accurate and its clearly compromises being done for gameplay reasons given you're outlined those reasons yourself.

Historical accuracy and gameplay realism are two different kettles of fish and you shouldn't be trying to conflate them.

Why do you need linked chests though? Moving your stuff around with you, getting it where it needs to be, and avoiding bandits and waylayers on the route would make good gameplay.

And if you are making sacrifices in the name of gameplay why not let you save and quit anywhere? Why not let you have non-lock on combat? Why not let you be an atheist?
The point I'm making is that they've sacrifices historical accuracy for things they don't need to impliment, and have kept historical accuracy where it would make sense to sacrifice it for commonplace game design things like allowing you to quit the game at any time.
I'm not conflating these two things, the devs are. I'm pointing out they shouldn't.


Have they claimed to be doing this stuff to be historically accurate then?

A mod could fix that.

Its just not worth the effort tbh. Playing as a fat fedora tipper in the 15th century and getting your shit pushed in has very limited player appeal.

They claimed their game was focused on historical accuracy.

It's just not worth the effort.

Good to see the spirit of nuBioware is alive and kicking.

It would be like letting the player play as a flaming faggot, you'd just get thrown out of the village in the first hour of the game and then that would be the end of it. Having dead end starts is just bad game design.

Basically, although some of the writing IS really good. The game has a lot of issues on the technical and mechanical side, true, but the feel of the world and the interactions between characters is so far beyond anything that Bioware could produce it's not even funny.


Fuck off, white became a term when Europeans came in contact with the Negros
As it is today White means Europeans and those of at least 90% European decent, with exception of the Jew

White as in originated from proto indo europeans is more accurate definition. All whites meet that criteria with. Exception to this rule are conquered and slaughtered peoples, like the original Iranians prior to arab and then mongol massive genocides.

What about the Finns though.

on release there was jank. there have been several major patches since then.
the other major criticism you hear is
when it doesn't try to do the same thing as M&B at all

The most funny thing is that Vavra spend last 15 years writing articles about whats wrong with others people games ant then releases the exact same mess like everyone else. Back in 2011 he even wrote lengthy article about 116 things that he hates in Skyrim and guess what? Many of these things are in KD:C too…

they should go back to Mongolia, yes

Which one would take to mean that their game world is historically accurate, not necessarily the video game logic stuff.

Shit I don't know how long it took me to realise Vaara's Game was this one
Honestly surprised a game that verementally was against putting Niggers in is the biggest game of the year so far


that got me good

Cry harder.

Enough times that you'd actually put your dick in chelsea

Is this One Piece?

you do spend an awful large amount of time helping the jews in this game.

I couldn't have though of a more butthurt article myself.

Does stolen status eventually wear off of items? I have a lot of armor pieces I'd like to wear I'm keeping stashed in a trunk.

Yes, it does.

That's the thing. It wasn't against putting niggers in it. It was about historical accuracy and nothing more. The "nigger" part was never even part of the equation because it's as dumb as putting aliens in the game. It's not like it set out to be anti nigger, it just simply set out to make it somewhat accurate. The lunatic SJWs that are crazy about diversity are the only ones who are thinking about politics and race here. If Vavra had wanted to set the game in a place where there actually were niggers in it, he'd have done it and would've gotten praise for it even though he never intended to make it about diversity, he'd have also intended to just be historically accurate.
The lunacy of these people is amazing.

no,butt this is

The devs aren't making any political statement in this.
Historically accuracy is not a political statement.

Oh sweet summer child. History is all political statements because it's written by the victors. What they didn't tell you is that it also works both ways: the re-writers of history become the victors. This is the Marxist strategy. That's it. That's the whole god damn thing boiled down to its root. Re-write history enough and you win.

Attempting to defend the current record as it's being re-written makes you an Enemy of The Party.

It is if you're anywhere to the right of Trotsky apparently

I want those newspeak leftists mutts to hang

Good to see subhuman marketers still have jobs unlike the majority of the starving white race

I get what you're saying but from the point of view of the author, it's possible to not have politics in mind when you're working on a specific subject that has nothing to do with politics, even if the research that lead to that subject involved politics at some point.
Either way, aside from the Holocaust, there hasn't been any recent major history re-write, at least not big enough to actually put negros all over europe in medieval times.

Except that's literally the current re-write going on RIGHT NOW.

Dumb fuck

who do you think is going to be keeping those records?
its not going to be your nonexistent children

A world without games depicting history would be an insanely boring one. The question to always keep in mind is whether the intent is to portray history, or to just use it as a setting for unrelated propaganda like

Nice stuff.

Are you stupid, a shitposter, a nu-Holla Forumstard or all three?

I don't think you quite understand the extent of what's going on.

Just stop.

I still recall that recent french drama in February, where they gave the role of Jeanne d'Arc to some nig for a sort-of theatrical piece during the Orleans festival. The thing is that the traitors who set up this drama knew it was a win-win either way: dont complain and they'll keep pushing diversity and rewrite your history; complain and they will label you a racist and push more (((hatespeech))) laws

Like said, it's happening slowly

There’s a difference between being historically inaccurate or being historically inaccurate on purpose to rewire the commoners brain on certain subjet matter.

Idiot reasoning Satan.
If you start removing nationalities from the white label for this and that reason, in the very end you will be left with only Norway at best.
And this is certainly not what your american ancestors planned.

Hey if this game takes place during the Holy Roman Empire era, does that mean Frederick Barbarossa is in it?

I'd add to that there's also the works that don't particularly respect history or intend to portray something, but just borrow cool stuff from it, like Castlevania does.

These aren't human beings.
Not even being edgy or fishing for you's.
These "people" deserve to be erased out of existence.

Friedrich is long dead, 100 years too late my user.

That fucking Picture….
Why? What? Why the detour to modern Turkey/Istanbul when you can go from Alexandria to Italy to Spain or directly to Spain?
Do they think they walked all the way along the coasts and wanted minimize their water crossing expenses?
Also African King does not mean Negro.
Probably as slave boys to the not black moors that were an mixture of Middle Eastern, German Vandal, North African what ever the fuck.
No, just no.
And even if you try to say that trade nodes are connected and that Somalia and Prague are connected through Somalia->Egypt->Greece->Italy->Germany->Prague or other possible routes does not mean that Somalians take the treck to Prague and back to trade some Exotics for iron. Even now that is done by trading companies, subcontractors, transportation and logistics companies and the former caravanserei was nothing too different.

And why does that trigger me so much?

That's gun x sword.
I recognize that butt.

Why don't people want to put this medieval ball busting legend in a game? I just want a game where I take Barbarossa across the river in the second crusade and make good on his threat to curb stomp Saladin.

It's not the first show doing this dumbass. Places like sweden have altered existing stories about nigger vikings, shieldmaidens medieval asians and etc.
The Poles, the Czechs, the Italians, the Spaniards, the French and etc have had issues with this. The russians even more so with erasing entire historical periods for the sake of muh federation.

Blacks wouldn’t even survive.
They would’ve to get from down South up to Central Europe, with shitty maps and navigation, without speaking the language or the thousands of different dialects, while not being mugged by very likely bandit, angry peasant or soldier encounters, making month long marches over 2 mountain ranges, through blocked paths by the local lords, then not aiming for the large capital of Bohemia but going out of their way to go into rural territory into a bar and impregnate a wench, and getting blind at the same time becase of the lack of Vitamin C.

Age of Empires 2?

It upsets you because he's making such desperate clawing logical leaps all for the sake of rationalizing his liberal fantasy of a pure white European woman being impregnated by a black African.

Will keep that in mind user, screencap you ID.


I'm just going to paste this apt summary from bad ass of the week:




Yeah, then lied about when it occurred.
Political Cronyism. It's how the clique of worthless hacks continues to occupy positions from which they spout their idiocy.


The Kyffhäusersage is the German Arthus/Return of the King equivalent.
Someday he will come out of the mountain and will make the Reich great again.

Look at Germany now. Germany is ground zero for the cucking of Europe by African semen. They'll be demolishing cathedrals to make room for refugee camps before long.

Again, that's been more than just a TV show. You're conflating a TV show to much bigger and more organized campaigns of revisionists.

Germans need to be reminded from where their blood flows.

And when that day comes the mountain will rumble and Barbarossa (which can be seen in a Jungian sense as the Archetype of Wotan or to get into the folklore of part of Germany like the Mountainspirit Rübezahl) and his host will awaken.
Maybe you will be part of his host.

It shows that SJW are free adverting fools tools now. Wanna publicity? Trigger SJW hard and enjoy your game been talked about everywhere. Free advertising

You still need to have good game though.

Every term is overused. But what is wrong with real realism? Would KCD be better game if you add rocket launchers, light-sabers and jet packs?

Is it really as simple as making a game with only white people? That's something I'd probably do anyway but right now it seems like an amazing opportunity for other developers.

The game sold a million copies, I doubt the devs are coming here to viral. That said, I do agree with you on the realism meme. The obsession with accuracy doesn't necessarily a good game make. That said, on the other hand you have shit like Assassin's creed rewriting history.

That alone should be enough for any sane person to fire him, but he's actually done worse shit since. Like leading a hate mob against a competing game news site so steam would deplatform them, attacking devs, etc. He's 100% vile, yet Kotaku keeps him and their other trash around. He must really give some good head to Totilo's pecker, or something.

It's as simple as even implying that whites are not guilty of some crime.

Well you also need to specifically announce this as SJW and gayming "journalists" are lazy cunts and they could easily miss this fact if they are left to their own devices. So you need to state this loud and clear.

Yes. Vavra criticizing anita sarkesian and game journos probably helped though.

I am surprised that game journos haven't lashed out at Kindom Come's treatment of Christianity.

Aye, that's how sensitive their assholes have become. He had it right in if they want representation they can make their own delirious ahistorical game.

Nigger, in the 15th century—and likely up until 18th century—in any land under the rule of Catholics you would be persecuted for heresy. I don't know the slightest thing about Bohemian history, but I can't imagine it was any different.

That kind of ending would only happen in an early graphic Adventure game, for doing something stupid no doubt.

Lads, we're all going to be rich.

Yup. The cultural marxists can't stand that kind of thing.

Not really.

It was okay tbh.

you have shit taste.

i am pretty sure this is from the onion

That has no import on the game's quality.

Because sex didn't work like that more than 50 years ago, you stupid nigger. First, no woman other than a prostitute is gonna fuck a nigger and not unless she was well paid. She's not going to do it when she thinks she is likely to get pregnant either. And most importantly, if the local men heard about it (likely rape) they would hunt the nigger down and lynch him. Likely killing them upon arrival to the hamlet in the first place.

Really, if you can't appreciate the things this game does, probably means you're a SJW yourself

I am sure the problem will go away if you keep ignoring it
Worked every time so far

nice hamburg, god bless america

It's not. Welcome to the clown world, user.

keep crying bitch nigga

b-but g-gamergate won?!

Hatred sold like 30 000 copies, didnt it ?

Technically speaking, that's literally what conservatism is about.

Actual anons lost interest after ecelebs both from the left and the (((right))) hijacked the movement. The elections also didn't help. To me personally the near constant media demonization of both GG, Drumpf, and muh salt raifus for the past 3-4 years were mere bread and circuses to keep anons distracted while the lefty fags continue their march through the institutions.

it won so hard it won itself into a coma in november 2014. it's still winning, that's why we have threads about it regularly which totally aren't the equivalent of a chatroom where people talk about twitter, talk with their friends about anime and video games, and kotaco and polygon no longer exist.

It's funny because Kingdom Come is probably more offensive than fun games like Postal and Hatred that lets you play as spree shooters to liberals.

what did they even do in all their existence other than some shitty site shut down? Was it just one massive impotent spergout? The only lasting consequences I see is that the feminists they hated are popular now.

that implies they were remotely responsible

Considering they gave the feminist attention for years until she developed actual fanbase, I think they were pretty much responsible for that.

And you'd be wrong.

So what this guy is saying is
You can't even enjoy a game anymore without some retard bringing over identity politics to the table.

If you're white then unless you want to end up like the white South Africans then you better act in the interest of your racial and cultural identity, because nobody else will.

Well considering that the last spree shooter was an Antifa and they've been hiding discussion about him in favor of generalized gun control, yeah, I can see why they're not so offended by spree shooters.

Why would you call your country like the continent its located in?


Because gamergate lost, moron. Or have you not noticed that the industry only doubled down on its bullshit?

Look at that fucking skull structure.

Our country is supposed to by the entire continent. The problem was after we allied with the French to defeat the Brits; the French quickly sold out to the Brits and made Canacuck. I can't remember why we didn't stomp the spics down further south, but I'm guessing Spain had something to do with that. Anyway, North America is supposed to be our entire country.

That fucking jutting jaw, sloped back forehead, flat nose, and sheep hair. 100% disgusting.


feel free to prove me wrong

I bought the GoG version, waiting for sale to get it on steam.

Stay salty, moishe.

this game has brought a remarkable cancer to this board



Go back to >>>/cuckchan/ nigger

Does the Merhojed stables ever start selling horses again after the bugged Pestilence quest is over? I want to try out Warhorse Jenda.

steamspy says over 180k

Leigh Alexander left the industry for one thing. And the resulting overreactions to the whole thing made people a hell of a lot more wary to how far gone a lot of people in the industry are. Also you see a much bigger deal made about transparency in games journalism when people previously didn't give a shit.

But hey, lets just call the whole thing a failure because it didn't manage to meet a bunch of unrealistic goals you set it.

Well which feminists are you even talking about? The only one I think you can even make an argument for is Anita and people are a hell of a lot more aware of how full of shit she is these days.

I'll buy it three times if it triggers you harder, juden

What's wrong with buying games, /trannypol/? If you want to see more of something then you should support the devs. If you don't then you can't act surprised when there's so video games to your taste.

Name one good game with niggers in it

*there's no

your mom's house

Being Jewish was pretty much the only way you could lend money for the better part of 1000 years too. Our former (((royal overlords))) and the (((pope))) pretty much guaranteed that.

So why are all these "journalists" still active and where is the outrage about niggers in games? People still massively buy garbage they massively bought before and nothing has changed. And yes, I am talking about Anita and also Zoe Quinn. They both got so much exposure and made a fortune off the whole ordeal. In fact they still get money for this shit. It doesn't matter what people think of her, because she gets rich from the hate she got and in some small scale, continues to get. What goals has gamergate achieved? Shut down kotaku? Successfully funded feminist games? Entire thing was a shitty operation that turned into e-celeb worship garbage as opposed to realizing actual goals it set for itself in any scope.

you're baiting in empty waters fag

Vigilante 8 and Urban Chaos.

Nathan "I don't have to be unbiased when i write reviews on games" grayson?

Was this guy the one who fucked who? or the one of fucked leigh alexander?
Or was he the one who is friends with almost every indie developer he's written for?
He's certainly not a games journalist because he's not actually writing about the fucking game.

What's so bad about it?

t. %90 burger who set the bar at %90 for some bullshit reason because he wants to be part of the european club

You will always remain the dregs of Engle society, kicked out for your retarded beliefs.
This is coming from an englishman.




(implying having a historically accurate game is overt pandering)

I could tell, don't you have a knife to go bin?

Don't you have a school to go shoot up?

Dev of that game shat all over his fanbase when he alienated his fans by calling them "stupid radicals" on the forums.

I'd rather get shot by spree shooter than trucked by a mudslime.

It's obvious and fuck and anybody can smell it out from a mile away.

The Suffering

Hey,enjoy your rape.

No, it's true. I know several people who don't consider Germans, Italians, Spaniards, the Dutch, the Scandis, the French or the Irish white. Evidently, white is then either a term for the Anglosphere, or for European Americans who have cut all ties to their country of origin, as they ought to.

Good because the last terrorist attack we had here wasn't conducted by my jewish controlled government to justify the invasion of sovereign states in the quest for OUR GREATEST ALLY ISRAEL.

Jet Set Radio but you'll just move the goalposts so why am I even bothering with (not getting one faggot)

There's no problem to begin with.


I think you miss the issue that the terrorist are still in your country while you do jack shit to get rid of them

Soygoy, why do insist on saying half of Europe isn't white?
Stop trying to make huwhite niggers a thing, it's pathetic.

Consequences of Gamergays:

I don't see why Euros would want to be white in the first place. Aren't we, here in the colonies, a bunch of interbred genetic defects as you would have us believe? Imagine, a world with paradoxes such as French-Irishmen or Finn-Italians. That horrifying realm is America.

Good argument
You want to call me SA, go on, do it, i know you're holding it back.

What you actually meant is "i'm going to say that your country is doing nothing about terrorism until you start killing muslims in the streets like in my wet dreams"

More like our ancestors could tell the powdered wigs of England were high on their own supply with syphilis rotting their brain and decided to cut bait and fucking bolt before tits went ass up. The one's who stayed behind were mostly cucked betas who didn't have the desire to conquer new lands and fuck the indigenous women that inhabited them.

Basically your progenitors were limp wristed faggots and that's why you have no guns and mudslim gangs grooming your children to be rape slaves. If you have the audacity to even comment on either of those topics you're labeled a biggot and can be put in jail for making a post on facebook.


nope, we're all ZOG now, except I can own a gun. But tell me more about superior English culture that needed to steal the foods of other nations, and needed us to win both world wars, and is now actively killing itself.

Killer7? Technically No More Heroes too because Shinobu also technically San Andreas. I think the trick is to just make them good characters and not focus on the niggerdom.


The issue at hand is how ridiculous and hilarious it is that leftists/SJWs are mad about a game with white people in it. It seems like a lot of people here are eager to talk about anything else apart from that. The basic truth is the disgusting anti-white racism of the left is being thoroughly exposed here.

Look through this thread and note all the posts that are blaming white people for the actions of non-whites. It really makes you think.

But if you're not a leftist/SJW but are finding yourself making anti-white posts then please take a step back and think about what you're doing. Don't let your ego take over, just be honest with yourself, and then please stop doing it. If you're falling for bait, how about just not doing that from now on?

nice IP hop.

Technically, you both are derailing the thread and have no place to bantz each other over whose subverted more anyway. The entire Anglosphere subversion is run by the Brittish model. All the faulty Philosophy was shilled by the Royal Scientific Society. The Anglican state church is nowadays a LGBT/ecumenism pressure group. You can find pretty much the same shit as CIAnigger mirror image in America. The reason Murrica is more prominent is because the American Empire still has control over the biggest brainwashing machine in the world: Hollyweird.

Just give it up. The eternal Norman has already decided that he is going to become a pedosex savage when he made his own Church.

Alternatively gramsci communists.
Soviet Union fell because it did everything backwards.
First employing mass terror to change the onwership relations and then making up a reason why that's a good thing.
Gramsci figured out that once you destroy culture people will give away their things because they have nothing to live for anyways

Sold enough for the devs to make a beachead with ISIS, and have weekly contests with prizes in it.
Now they're making a strategy game about vikings, teutons, slavs and germanics "Ancestors: Legacy"

So can I burn down a church in this game or what? How much degeneracy can I enable?

Gamergate elected Trump, don't forget that.

America is the only place where the term white means anything whatsoever. You in Europistan have nations, but we in the West do not.

Europe isn't in the west?

But is the game actually good?

And Gamergate did Brexit.

It is east of America.

I know, but I'd never refer to fish and chips as eastern cuisine.

Wew lad. Even if I was a full Nog that wouldn't invalidate my earlier points. Bruv, is your dad a paki? You a chav?

So they are the fuckers I should blame for this kikery going on?

If you take stock in what game journos say, sure. Don't forget Gamergate /Five Guys Burgers and Fries has been their boogeyman for several years now, and they love bringing it up all the time. As much as it'd be nice to think it was big enough to influence an election, it's more likely to have just sparked media distrust.

The USA will have a minority of whites in 20 yers.
By then Europe will still be white melting potter, here's your last reply.

sure, if you liked oblivion but wanted it to be more buggy and with kikes dindu nothing themes it's the game just for you. Oh and it was developed by a kike funded by another kike (Zdenek Bakala) who is pushing for diversity in Czech Republic. Btw if you don't support the game you are an SJW and a hater you stupid SJW.

Funny thing is that black moors were extremely rare, with 95% of the moors being actual white converts, heck, several Muslim lords were just whites that converted to Islam in order to keep their power. They're now starting to say that moors were black, and therefore black people were already in Europe for thousands of years.

Yeah, same thing.

My favourite part is where you admitted that Americans aren't fully European and thus aren't white, just like the spanish or the italians.

And use it to shoot nobody while niggers ruin your cities and fuck your daughters.
Also he said
Which is funny because i, as a britbong, own a 10 round lee enfield.

Nice misrepresentation of the leftist argument, christcuck.

The leftist argument is that there should be niggers in europe at that time because they believe that's what the world was like. Not the deliberate misrepresentation that they're angry that white people are featured in a game, but i wouldn't expect anything less from a kike worshipping faggot.

I don't see a single post here even remotely suggesting anything of that sort.
Of all the ways you're going to use word salad and be a weasel to give your viewpoint more impact than it's actually worth?

I'm an anglo saxon, not a norman saxon.
most nothern english are anglos, most southern faggot english (with the gay, soyboy high pitched voices) are norman saxons and they come from london/brighton/east sussex

it triggers you because you have a brain.

So is the game any good? does it have the Holla Forums approved stamp?

You know, you don't have to reply to everyone sperg lord.

Pirate it and find out for yourself

Yes it's an alright game but it has an ugly UI and the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""final battle"""""""""""""""""""""""" was a fucking lie that everybody here ignores.
Crowbcat relased a video about it, i haven't seen it posted here once, just like i haven't seen his switch video posted here once.
But people still repost his OTHER videos…
What's that about, hmmmmmm?

Basically pirate it and have fun for a while and if you like it you like it and if you hate it you hate it, there are enough good and bad aspects to warrant a FREE trial (by pirating the game because who the fuck is retarded enough to actually pay for a game in CY+3)

Ok i guess i should just not have posted at all so you can believe whatever the fuck you retards want to tell yourselves?

Maybe for some countries, like Poland.
But for places like germany, sweden, france, uk, etc? Lolno. It's too late.
Your mass invasion of mudshits and niggers will permanently destroy them. We may have a spic problem here in the US, but at least we're building a fucking wall to stop them.

sage cuz this is more of Holla Forums post

There is currently nothing to stop Americans from owning guns. I honestly don't even see where the intense butthurt over some stores only selling to people 21 and over comes from, like, is everybody on /k/ 18 or something? Seems like a lot of FUD over nothing. Sage for off topic.

Lurk more. There is already a thread that is actually about the game in the game catalog.

Owns Warhorse Studios. The implications are nothing new for me, as you would already know from my list of Gamergays consequences.

for now. oh who am i kidding your government is so incomptent you'll keep that gun until your neighbors rat you our.
with the Britain is going i could say the same to you Muhammad.
Yeah throwing a bitchfit over something so stupid really boggles the mind.
Looks like the jutes and/or saxons came over and raped your ancestors.
You want others to take you seriously? Be less of a hypocrite Muhammad

When you desperately write a wall of text to everyone who replies to you, it does make you seem desperate and ass hurt. i might as well humor you though. My right to own a gun is protected by the constitution, yours is not, so the one getting gun grabbed is more likely you, and how many muzzies have you slain oh great one? I'm guessing the answer rhymes with done.

Give up your guns! The government will protect you goy!

Been thinking about playing this. Does Henry ever move up and take shit over? Or is just day to day life?

Why can't these faggots understand that only goods traveled full paths of trade routes, not people? It was not a marathon, but a relay race. Traveling merchants generally had a set loop of going between few different cities. No single merchant would travel from China or Africa to sell something in Central or Northern Europe. Especially is the country is landlocked. Even today it takes weeks to months to cover these distances in a car. It would be much more time consuming and dangerous in middle ages.

Imagine being a merchant in middle ages planning your trip in a way that you avoid hottest times in the deserts and winter while crossing the at least two European mountain ranges. On top of that you need to protect and haul your goods, secure permits, pay taxes and bribes, feed yourself and your horses and possibly guards, have to rely on inaccurate maps (if any) and roads, and seeking out bridges to cross the rivers. Less developed medicine, population centers spread out further than today, and slower flow of news and information would not help either.

Wait, what? What website did he attack?

It is a decent, but flawed game. There are bugs and it is rough around the edges, but over all a fun and original game. I would say that it is a little bit more buggy than Betheseda games, but less than the 1st Witcher game or Gothic games on release.


Really now.

"cultural marxist" is the "nazi" of the (((kosher right))).
A mysterious group that came from nowhere, doesn't have a tangible leader, founder or notable members of high importance and is used as the boogeyman
cultural marxists, didn't start in Weimar and certainly weren't jewish
muh marxists, no jews involved.
Those darn cultural marxists!

I know this is sarcastic but I seriously don't understand how people actually believe this shit. Especially in large cities with millions and only a couple thousand police officers if even that. The odds there's an officer doing nothing and being able to immediately respond is quite low and the odds they're anywhere near you is even lower. It takes police in rural small towns 15-30min to get to you. The only reason I can rationalize why they believe this is that they've never called the police once in their entire safe and comfortable lives.

man this picture is racist, i thought eurpopeans were above racism. I guess not

Really gets the almonds activated

You should really look up the actual gun laws federally and by state before you spout off like a retard.

I just gotta warn ya. Story wise, it has a massive cliffhanger at the end. I won't spoil much, but it's extremely obvious that this game's story was made with a sequel in the works.

woops wrong pic

Show me where it says that I'm not allowed to purchase and own a gun.


All three actually started during pagan times in the frame of retarded psychodrama ritual and were "rediscovered" during the Renaissance era, since it was still in the background radiation of the Western upper crust. After that, Apostasy got even worse and all 3 were pushed harder and harder by Masons. There were large stashes of Victorian Amateur porn. Also don't forget all those globalists weirdos who have been planning all this 1750s.

That isn't the claim you made. Stores do not voluntarily restrict under 21 year olds from buying, those are always state laws. In commiefornia for example, you cannot own a handgun if you are under 21. The stores do not just randomly decide this.

I don't slay random people in the street just because of their faith because i'm not American.
No actually your right to be a part of and operate a functional regulated militia is protected by the constituion.
It says nothing about individuals owning firearms for individual ownership and use.
It says, in English, plain terms.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
That does not mean "own a 100 round drum mag for your babykiller 5000 just because you love guns lol and freedom and shooting lol"

"In United States v. Cruikshank (1876), the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that, "The right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution; neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence" and limited the scope of the Second Amendment's protections to the federal government."

You must be behind in the news.

knock yourself out user, California banned the purchase of Assault Rifles. Although if you already bought one you can still own it, but you can't ship the bullets to your home. Government has to tax your bullets first. And you can't transfer the gun to family members or friends.
So you "own" it but they control it so you can't enjoy it.

Go fellate the nanny state some more.

That's aside the point. There are laws that raise the age for every seller in the state, just cause those two chains want to be fags in every state doesn't change that.

Razorcuck has come a long way from the New Vegas shittery.

56% meme isn't bad its your arguement that other people shouldn't use memes making fun of you that shows what a hypocrite you are.
I know you're not brown bong but it give two generations. Then we can laugh together at the 56% meme
Of course not you're english you just use acid attacks and run em over with your truck.
It doesn't say not to either, you can bear arms which ever one you want and sometimes a militia requires a 100 round drum mag.

Stop with your disinformation. Gun ownership is considered a duty of a man who would be free and fit to defend his rights. After all, what good is the "functional regulated militia" when it's controlled* by a bad government? Upholding Constitutional values is their duty and when they cease to, they are illegitimate.

*It isn't for the most part. Even so the point stands.


I thought you Brits were supposed to be proud of your comprehension of the English language, but clearly you've let your country down.

Colonialism is messy.
Get on my chad level faggot.

this is true.

Not all white men are equal. Again, don't blame me for your ancestors being faggots.


We don't want to be European retard. As far as genealogy goes that's going to vary from one mutt to another but I'd rather be a mixture of Irish, German and Scandinavian than a dirty packi, hindi and nog that lots of UK cucks currently imbibe.

But go ahead, tell me more about your white culture while everyone around you is wearing burkas and the prayer call blares over the loudspeakers outside your house. Make sure you don't brandish that Enfield in self-defense of your home. Even as a cudgel you could go to prison for using it in a threatening manner against a robber.

Who is "the people"?

But that's fucking wrong, you faggot, and muslims slaves were mostly cockless mutilated disgraced souls.

My state actually looks after my poor and homeless countrymen, my state actually has police trained to stop crime and not shoot niggers/drunk white kids.
I can go to my local hospital and wait 8 fucking hours to get seen but ill be seen by a standard state sanctioned professional who is accountable to the state and who's paycheck is guaranteed by the state.
In america you guys have jewish controlled corporations charging american citizens $$$$ to re-attach EACH INDIVIDUAL FINGER and people being forced to decide what fingers they need the least because they can't afford the surgery without going bankrupt.
In the USA it's actually possible to become bankrupt and poverty stricken for the rest of your life because some drunk arsehole can't pay the medical bills after be drove into you, so now you've got crippling debt for the rest of your life.

I find it hilarious that Americans can argue for state controlled armed forces but state healthcare is OVER THE LINE.
You can make the argument for the state to have the power to tax the average citizen to fund israeli wars but you can't make the same argument to ensure people aren't dying on the streets?
Oh wait your country is %50 shitskins, why would you guys want social healthcare when it'd just be keeping shitskins alive and out of debt?

read some more

I can own and shoot, and regularly do, shotguns, .303 & .308 rifles, .22 semi-autos, .375 & .38 lever actions, revolvers etc
learn your shit before you smack talk a country which is better than yours

They co opted gamer gate threads and told everyone that they won, meanwhile shitheads still run the industry.


The federal government did not create rights, nor did it give them. Those are natural rights (also known as "god given" rights) which are merely enshrined in the bill of rights. This is something the founders were explicit on, not that you need their say-so to have those rights either. Furthermore, the supreme court have no right nor have they ever had the right to infringe or modify those rights (as, again, they are natural rights). No government institution has any say on those rights, and the founders were quite clear on what was to be done if they attempted to infringe: Murder them with our guns.

This whole thread is shit. Discussion over the controversy of this game is shit. No one cares about this game, they just care about the "Based AF" development team and all the other political shittery surrounding it. I wish all of you people would stop doing this and I'd like to not make posts like this but It's very important to remind any potential Americans that these are not privileges, but rights and are not bestowed but merely protected. Also you are gay and that meme portraying all Americans as niggers of various breeds is just as politically motivated as anything else.

Where were they when your kids were getting raped?

This is why your country is so cucked.

use the legend, red line is silk

why has the bar been set at 90%? arbitrary figure because USA is so mongrelised they cant even dictate a 100% policy for "white" people
also what the fuck is the "white" race? It doesnt exist. You have the Nordids, the Atlantids, Mediterranianids, Baltids, Keltic-Nordids, Dinarids etc. but where do you draw the line? completely arbitrary. The USA was a mistake

you enjoy your rape
blacks in the US rape 100x more of you then the muslims rape us

No I'm talking about the map projection. It's totally fucked up and distorted as shit. They tried to convert some lopsided trapezoid into a square.


I'm ok with that picture, but spaniards also have blue or green eyes.

I can see what went wrong now.

State controlled healthcare outside of providing healthcare for armed forces is unnecessary waste of money.
if there's nobody charitable, or considering them worthy of saving, why should they continue living?
Switzerland, other than being a democracy has the best government model with no useless departments that exist only to propagate themselves, or to measure dicks with competing departments like NSA-CIA-FBI

I don't even know anymore.

Yes you can own some guns but your culture basically denigrates you for doing so. Furthermore you can't use guns for self-defense so if someone were to break into your house (mudslime or otherwise) you'll have to fend them off with a cricket bat or some similar cudgel even if they were armed with a gun because guns aren't for self-defense in the U.K. goy :^)


Yeah i hear you but its the one that includes most of the trade routes.
Fuck now the map looks hideous to me too.

I mean I'm ok with that picture portraying the story of America, just wanted to point out that europeans had variety of eye colours.

Oh sorry, I guess he must have forgotten how American geography works.

And people tell me they're not trying to erase whites.

It's because European history started in 1939 with the Holocaust, and Poland simply never existed before being invaded by Germany And Russia Soviet Union

All castilians spaniards are spics

Stopping crime in a way that doesn't involve gunning people down on the street.
The real question you should have asked in

Oh you're baiting, I was dumb enough to fall for it, my bad.

That’s one hell of a counterproductive article on their part.

Black text here with an insult to the OP virtue signalling to people on this board

Your posting style is stale and your images are even staler.

"some" means basically anything you would need to shoot/hunt practically other than a machine gun
not at all. I've told many people about my shooting and not once did I get any criticism. In fact a surprising lot of people know people who shoot or own guns.
this bit is retarded. I've studied law in the UK and the law is you can use ANYTHING to defend yourself within reason i.e. if I had a gun in my room and I heard someone with a gun coming up the stairs, and I had sufficient cause to fear for my life, I definitely could use the gun to defend myself. Self-defense in this country is only illegal when its so remote from being an instant/instinctive response (say, for example, you had people breaking into your home, you went and confronted them, they ran away, then you grabbed a gun and shot them as they were fleeing). And in that scenario it wouldn't have to be a gun, using any lethal force, with any weapon (such as a cricket bat), against a vastly disproportionate threat (say, a child or an elderly man) wouldn't be seen as valid self-defense. It's got nothing to do with guns themselves anyways.

stop acting like you know anything about my country, you know shit all

Are you a fucking Anglo?
You really don't know how shit Castile and castilians are do you?

there is no such thing as the "white" race
open your eyes
"white" identity was invented only a couple hundred years ago in the US to cope with the fact they were being mongrelised with the waste of Europe (which many true Keltic-Nordid/Anglo Americans tried to stop e.g. the nativist riots and the Know-Nothings)
Mediterranianids are as distinct from Nordids, as Slavs are distinct from Atlantids. Just because you live in a nation that got raped by immigration from every nation on earth doesnt mean in the real nations, in the Old World, your notions of this united "white" identity is true.

Rapists were fucking your kids for 30 something years. And you think your officers were stopping crime?
Thats just one gang mind you, there was another.
Well no shit they're in jail thats most basic thing that should be done. Thats like me saying im a good parent because i take my children to school, you're supposed to take your children to school its a parents job you don't get a medal for doing your job.
Crime jumps up 20%, and your police put in more effort monitoring the internet and what people say online then stopping crime. Whatever you may think. Your police are not stopping crime.

First comment nails it.

also you all Czechs here?

It's not like we have one of the lowest crime rates for such a nigger infested country, or anything.

I wish my country had gun and self defense laws like you Burgers have.

Because if anyone should be given the right to take another humans life it's someone who posts anime on Holla Forums Holla Forums all day.


You've shitted this thread up quite enough now haven't you?

thats right only niggas and mudslimes should take lives

except its not black people doing those crimes. Its the middle eastern nations.

kill yourself, britstain


What exactly do you lot think is wrong with UK gun laws/self defense laws?

And for the record I'm pro-gun, pro-self defense



That you import thousands of shitskins to rape and kill you but hate crimes are the real problem.

nice falcon kick
what's next?


Oh yeah, user, the leftists are known to hate jews alright.

They're also known for D&C tactics and not understanding how kike blood spreads
>>>Holla Forums

But user, National Socialism is an extreme leftist ideology. It's even got socialism in the name, that's how you know it's leftist.

Falseflags and D&C tactics

What if he had a knife, and you had a 12g shotgun, or he had a brick and was a foot taller than you?
fuck off cuck

>arbitrary third party ABSENT DURING ATTACK decides if you used too much force DEFENDING YOURSELF FROM A HOME INVASION
The only excessive force would be using a hand grenade and causing collateral damage to property you don't own.

I am Castilian and I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

arizonan here, and you're full of shit. arizona has some of the least restrictive gun laws in the US. no permit required for concealed carry, 18+ for long-arms, 21+ for small-arms ie handguns. 18+ open-carry, 21+ concealed carry, neither requiring a permit. i could walk outside with a rifle slung on my pack and a pistol in each hand and it's legal here, so yeah. full of shit.

I don't think you've ever seen leftists D&C tactics. They suck dick at it. Or are you one of these retards that thinks that TRS getting outed on Holla Forums was an antifa psyop?

Yeah Hackney police have better things to do, and the definition of a weapon has been taken to extremes, but thats got nothing to do with UK gun laws/self defence

thats got nothing to do with gun laws/self defence

If he had a knife and you had a shotgun, it would be up to the jury to decide really but a big factor would be how close he was to you with the knife. Same goes for the bloke with a brick. If your life is in danger, you can defend it with a gun.
And dont give me that shit about judges and juries being arbitrary third parties, thats how the law works you mong. Do you live in Somalia?


what do you mean, define it?
muslim immigration and the govt focous on hate crime has nothing to do with gun laws. I asked you to point out where you think the UK has a problem with its gun laws. Why are you bringing up completely different topics (although still related to crime), just answer the god damn question

Oh yeah, because cuckchan and /r/thedonald are known to name the jew. A self-admitted jew. Please, try harder.

Iberia has always been ours, what are you, some triggered moor or something? Piss off you nigger.

Compare Northern Ireland to the rest of the country

Yes, they are you fucking retard, cuck/pol/ floods that shithole as well you retard.
Fuck out of here.
I guess we're all niggers because Homo Sapiens origin was Africa.
You're a retard, end your life

Are you here since the election? Because I don't give you more than 2015 at the most.

>muh arian visigoths dindunuffin!

Northern Ireland has greater allowance for pistols, because it had a sectarian/terrorism problem. Thats not a problem, its a good thing. Are you implying the mainland UK has a problem with not allowing pistols? In which case I'd generally agree although you can still shoot black powder pistols and modern pistols if they've been given a goofy long barrel and stock, because the law only defines a pistol as being under a certain length. It's a minor issue relatively which hopefully will be ironed out with a more comprehensive legislation piece on firearms.
Thanks for the first serious response

Jesus fucking christ, you clearly do not know our history.
Before the visigoths, before the romans, there were the Celt-Iberians that pretty much filled up the whole peninsula, and it's been proven time and time again that the modern day Spaniards are pretty much unchanged for the most part by either the romans, visigoths, or even moors.
It was due to the fact that Iberia was just heavily populated by Celt-Iberians, making any form of genetic change extremely hard, heck, most moors were pretty much white converts.
In fact it was the visigoths that allowed the moors to creep in through their in-fighting.
Also you said spaniards dont have light eyes, I guess me and my family aren't real spaniards, right?

Also sage for off-topic.

It's called being Tsundere.

I don't care what any of these retards yelling about MUH RASISM, or the glitches and bugs. I haven't been this enthralled in a video game in a long time.
My poor toaster can run it with still looking very pretty, and just roaming the villages and watching/listening to interactions between NPCs is awesome. In Uzhitz two NPCs were bitching about this dude that didn't make a fence yet and the cows were all over, so I went out and there was an unfinished fence and cows roaming all over. Little shit like that makes me happy.

Next you'll tell me you don't believe in Neo Darwinism.

Aragon, Leon, Navarra, Galicia beg to differ you mouth breather.

Exactly, we're in the same page there
Except the whole country wants to restrict firearms possession even more

Except we've all stood together in the face of invasion, we each have our own separate cultures and ways, but ultimately we're all Iberians, so fuck off.


I just want the right to defend myself and my family in my house with extreme deadly force.


They might, if Labour won the next election they might push it through. I think the Conservatives would struggle, especially when theres bigger fish to fry, to bring in more gun control. Especially since guns are demonstrably not the problem as most recent terror attacks have been knife/bomb/automobile based. I think its an exaggeration to say people want more gun control, and that would be a hard political battle for the govt to fight.

kek your hysterics are pathetic, how old are you? Grow a pair of balls and calm the fuck down boy.
yes you can? I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are entitled to defend your life with whatever means are reasonable and necessary.

Yeah, cause Galicia and Andalucia truly are one and the same, you have no idea what you're talking about, so fuck off kike.

Can't wait to get your thoughts on the ending :^)

Fucking laughable, next you'll tell me the reaction your Gov had to the referedum was totally justified.
When did I ever mention Andalucia?

Son come on, you know how these leftists and their rethoric work

either way, neither party are making gun control an issue they're willing to fight over and I think it will remain that way for a long while

I'm 21 hours in and have barely touched the main quests.

It's an example you kike, I was making a statement, oh, and let me guess you're a pissed of Catalonian, well, here's the thing though, nobody likes Catalonia.
It's funny, when the moment catalonia tried to become independent everyone else in the country regardless of region agreed to kick its ass by sending cops to stop the protests.
And you know what I think about that?
I think it was well deserved for these Catalonian commies.

Was totally justificable.
You squash traitors like you squash bugs.

Fuck off. You are a kike, a communist or a butthurt catalonian, but in both cases you are a faggot.


More like the rest of Spain fucking hates Catalonia.
Not to mention the capital is fucking Madrid, they're the ones calling the shots.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a Catalonian. The body of a faggot and the soul of a jew.
The Catholic Kings didn't manage to kick out the jews, they all went to Catalonia.

it isn't even that, because the ones supported the catalonian independence bullshit are being led by the nose by kikes, and are almost all civnats at the most themselves. it's like the scottish national party, which is a marxist, kike-run party, just like plaid cymru etc, same shit in catalonia.

You'd think it'd be obvious by the complete lack of any sort of trade embargos enacted by 14th century European nations against Asian nations. England never had a trade disagreement with China at that time, because they weren't fucking dealing with China or Chinese merchants. They were only ever dealing with merchants and trade caravans from their local area.

Maybe once in a great while you'd get an explorer who would travel the Silk Road out of curiosity and adventure, like Marco Polo, but they were extraordinary and famous precisely because they were so rare and brought back stories and drawings of alien exotic cultures which weren't available from first hand accounts of native merchants.

Spain hates itself
Spain should never have been a thing in the first place, they're all different cultures and people being forced into one by a small collective of power hungry kikes playing the hereditary and and assassination game for hundreds of years.
And they'll step on every other autonomous region to do so.

Mete-te no caralho antes que o caralho se meta em ti.

Fuck out of here


guys what does this have to do with the game or any of the historical countries involved in KCD?

Ya'll had your say in the Catalan independence threads. Why you gotta derail here.

that actually take into acount the spherical aspect of earth..
basic "map" are hidenous, showing poles so big

Sorry, took the bait of a communist faggot.

I'm sorry
But Castillan Spain is full of inhumans and this has to be stated.
I want a Reconquista mod for KC:D

Espanholitos são piores que of Bifes, fodasse

I don't even have energy to be mad about it. I'm just fucking done. I was planning on buying it once after the usual Q1 slump, but now? I don't know. Maybe once some good mods come out. Or Kingdom Come: Revengeance.

Were you expecting them to be out of a job? Even if the sites willing to pay them just vanished off the face of the earth they would just band together and start a blog or something. That's precisely what I mean by unrealistic goals.

And what have they done with it? Jack fucking shit. And any profit they've made was taken from the pockets of people dumb enough to fall for their bullshit.

Pretty sure that goes for everyone except the mongols, not just catholics. Mongols let you worship whatever the fuck you want, just say a prayer for the Khan, in case yours is the right one.

Have you considered exercising your duty to retreat away from that damn dumpster fire?

holy fuck the autism, this thread is about v i d e o g a m e s you sperg

no its Montgomery county, that shit was real all over the place for like a week or two before they finally realized it was bait to make them look dumb. its like the pools closed incident but on a national level cause everyone got stupider.


But Marco Polo did exactly that.

What a fucking retarded post. Everyone and his dog tried to ape him precisely because his feat was so rare and luck played no small part in his expeditions. And of all those wannabes, history basically only remembered Columbus, who didn't even get to where he actually wanted to go and Magellan, who got eternally BTFO by savages.

A wild tuga appears.

These things are fucking fun. I with warhorse had fucking balanced them properly instead of nerfing them into a temporary god weapon though.

>jews are 'absolutely not white
I hate this double discourse.

patch when?


New Kingdom Come thread when?
This is the article currently posted under the news for Kingdom Come Deliverance on Steam. It's basically just some little bitch whining that being historically accurate isn't an excuse to ignore "racism and diversity" because the game isn't that historically accurate if you nitpick the fuck out of it. How exactly is steam okay with this article basically bitching about how terrible the game is being put right on the page for the game. I'm sure people who bought the game are really interested in reading about what racists they are for wanting to play something """"""""Historically Accurate""""""""

When you make it.

new thread