With each passing second in this place

With each passing second in this place,

I sink further and further into depravity.

Other urls found in this thread:




nice to meet you

Fortune or Cookie both work for me, though Fortune is more common, and there's someone named Cooki.
Not that I'm still around much...


Where's this even from?

hi fortun
it's ok i've been told you're a good boy by guero
y r u not around

are you trying to pick a fucking fight with me

Just finished watching a pretty funny movie.
Ever see Road Games?

this is my display of aggression


Ooh, neat.
I'm good/nice/kind and stuff NOt a very entertailing fella, though.
I'm not around for no particular reason. I just kinda keep forgetting to get in here, I guess.





oh thats ok
come back more often???

no im mad at u

Is that Soter?

Remind me when I'm not around, then!


Fucking Eric
What a fucking legend.


spoilers is just a cold, empty shell of a person they can't be pure or impure :^)

oh ok :( i guess i can

empty shell? you're canadian, we barely have a shell to begin with

cold empty shell quarter full of semen more like

but that's none of my business

Pretty impure for someone who can't be so.

How though?

I don't know :(( do you have discord?


Yeah, I do. Not sure how to add anyone though.
Didn't expect you to actually go onwith this. Heh.

Back in a bit.

It's your business to stop spoilers from being even more full of semen.



you are not supposed to share the secrets of our kind you know

tbh most of the stuff in that is not even that bad until you start getting to the weird questions like orgies and incest and animal stuff and lots are essentially repeat questions so I think they are a bit flawed


Oki doki artichokie

I dressed up as trash for this Halloween holiday.


Ah shit, have to be up in 5 hours, totally forgot!

Heh, cute.
Help me figure out how to add someone on Discord next time, will ya?

I suppose.
I can't judge that or anything. I'm so far on the other side... whole different world.


Reminds me of pic related.

Such is life of a college graduate.


You might as well have said you didn't dress up at all.

Oh shit, I thought I was the only one.

Shut the fuck up Grim

Happy god damn birthday

I love you, you shitter

And no, not in a gay way, I am not attracted to you so keep that to yourself nigger

night forts



is that chuu mananananaka

Yeah so don't be afraid I'm gonna do some gay shit to you irl

Like you were ever afraid I am the least threatening person ever irl



you are frail

I would only be afraid of you groping me in my sleep under heavy alcohol

I am not one to grope anyone without their express permission, come on now




Enjoy your birthday you fuck

Do anything fun~?




*nods optimistically*

naw, was working all day
tomorrow though ill probably go to a botanical garden and seek tranquility

I got a bunch of shit
loco drew me samus
shits lit

I worked all day on my birthday this year too.... Oh well, we do what we must

If there's anything I can get for you let me know, lord knows I have more than I need lol


It's been so long. How's life?

Oke doke!

If trump wins then our president may have done the right decision.

Magic everywhere in this bitch


If Hillary wins nobody made the right decision.

Do you notice and recognize miracles?





Why would you vote for trump? He clearly works for the Russians.

Hillary hasn't done anything wrong and she fights for womens rights.

Stop being a sexist.

I mean honestly its the current year

They would not let me have my overtime this weekend.
Apparently even my work says I need a break. I am upset.

Oh shit, I'm sorry.
I should have remembered to check my privileged, now I gotta self flagellate for 10 more hours.

R i p

There is nothing illegal about having 650,000 emails that you didn't turn over to the fbi.

Trump called a lady fat and thats way worse.

It's like they expect me to like my free time.

I can't wait for my new Syrian friends to move in next door.

Please draft my wife.

Life is okay, headache about final project is killing me though

I never get to hear the ending story about your crush ;-;


guys look i drew something!!


Is this your fursona?

Nothing fruitful came from that. I haven't told her anything and we haven't talked for over half a year. I will probably look for a job this january.
What's your final project?

Blue Bell is ice cream.

Would Anna do this?

ahhh.. If i were you I would tell her how I feel before losing contact, it's like nothing to lose!

it's some kind of fire spreading simulation with hugely simplified rules.

good evening squashie

hey buddy!!!!11
i havent seen or talked to you in a long time hug hug xoxo

I am bored.

who isn't

People with money.

No, I am rather bored as well.


Naah. We're still "friends" though. Is that for your final thesis or for your job?

I don't care about you.

That is inconsequential.

(Y-you) too...

I've been lurking and watching you from afar

Gweo do you still play LoL?

it's for Thesis
I have 0 motivation to do it, please help ;-;

Nah, they're too busy cooking.




Hello threaders

rip doggo



Think of the forest fire that happened in Malaysia last year.Your program may help future events like that.

I wanna play a game but I know the second I turn it on this one guy I don't wanna play with is gonna try and play with me.

How do I handle this?

How's Mananaka?

What's good Elmers?


woke up sick, can't fall back asleep.

Duh, just unplug your internet silly.

You're welcome.

Its not really that kind of game though.

I only play Ivern and very rarely but ya i do
we should play sometime bud

A 333 mb limit per day. How will I live.

Then just like play another game man.

I'd rev up them nooses as fast as I could if I were you.


Should have prepared for this by having terabytes of music, anime and games already downloaded.


Not a whole lot tbh. Just real poor and anxious and stressed and it's getting old x_x

Trying to figure out some medical stuff. hbu?

What's up buttercup?

Alex Jones is a treasure

I'm sorry to hear that.
What kind of medical stuff?
Fighting the cold and having horrible sleep schedules.

Nothing. I made plans to visit with my Pop finally. Like a pre-holiday get together to test the waters I guess.

Sup with you?

I wont do it.

Finally like when? I'm just working, caring too much about people that don't deserve it as usual lol

Next Monday. I almost forgot about my date on Saturday and planned it for then, but remembered haha

Aww, man. You don't get paid enough to care, bro. Just do your job^^

*reads each line meticulously and asses whether they apply or not*

Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Well I'm sure you do fine


Link it

Grim pls.


I installed my new monitor but it's got an awfully white sheen to it

Maybe. I dunno. He at least remained gender neutral through our phone convo so that's a start.


I dunno.

Just think that like the huge majority of those people you care about don't give two shits :/

Adjust the brightness and uh

I guess that's it

look at screenshot moar

its right there :P

He's obviously trying.

I do not base my caring for people on the amount of care they show me.

I don't get it

he's a hero of the people

*pets gently*
the link is right in the screenshot right at the top


Y-yeah... I can feel a really weird heart to heart convo coming up in my near future and want to get it over with.

Sounds like a fool's errand x_x

mine is.. in much smaller scale, it's limited in room where wind effect is negligible!

I feel okay ^^
is SD okay?

Oh great.. I'm glad you're not playing that other game all the time ;-;
I've been playing on Indonesian server and fought some challenger players. It's frustrating.

Luka, you aren't pure. You were being sexually aggressive in thread with me last night.

This is a coincidence i just got myself a new monitor too!



i was?

me too

I'm glad to hear that.
Still pretty sick, but it's getting better everyday.

Our conversation about your ass and my nudes.

I was gluttonous on all saints day
see you guy in hell


When i'm sick you usually take care of me, but who is going to take care of you when you're sick :(

Ahh, sorry I missed your reply.

Like, some lab result stuff I have to see about. Emails have been sent.

Well, I mean that sounds like typical SD. Why not fix your sleeptimes?

sounds lewd!

i wouldn't really do that kinda stuff! :o

Racist and now lascivious.
Tsk tsk.

Well, I try to take care of myself usually.

It's alright.
Blood tests or something else, it's alright if you don't want to say it considering privacy.
Pretty much, I always fix them for a while and then I fall out of the loop again, kind of a never ending story.

What did you do?

My hormone levels. My 1year appointment is in December and I was going to ask about upping my dose for year 2^^

Ah, I see. That's the worst x_x

im not evil at least?



woof woof?

pastries =w=

Ah, don't feel like the first year's dosage is enough at this point?
Hope that goes well for you anyhow.
Yeah, it gets a bit repetitive and boring in the long run.

you on the left me on the right

I mean I just feel like I'm on a plateau. I could be getting impatient, but I'd like some more boob growth action at some point lmao

you always do this in front of my friends dad......You're not even my real dad...I wish I was never born

Could be either, that they don't affect you that much anymore, or just you thinking so, but you could ask the doctor if it's possible that you've built some sort of immunity to them and could switch to another type.
At least that's how it goes with antibiotics and some painkillers.

I'll peg you with a flipflop and you'll like it mister.

did you have a fun halloween?

Feels pretty good tho.

I was a serial vapist and did sick vape trick in my Ethan Klein outfit.

I couldn't really pull off a chub and tuck sadly.

I was also going to ask about the injections, yeah.

I'm just a filthy disgusting plebeain
who the heck is ethan klein?


I know some
trap injections

I haven't written a song in a while so here's a demo so a song I wrote literally an hour ago.


Dank ass cos my man
Did you celebrate with anyone? go trick or treating?

Burh, get a tuning fork or some shit.


w-weird joke

I'm waaaaaay to old for trick or treating so I just hung out with friends and stuff.


over my head x_x

Should ask the doctor about anything that troubles you, I mean, it's not like you're paying them just for the meds.

That's actually pretty great.



y-yeah it's quite a ways past head

Yes, injections. I'm not sure though, depends on whether or not I can just get my dose upped on the pills probably.

I'm uninsured so I try to not rope myself into extra shit with questions lol

You're terrible tonight.

I get sleepier and sleepier day by day I keep falling asleep

fucking mee too

I've always hated injections.
I would assume they have bigger pills available.
Could always say that you're asking out of curiosity.

it winter

I don't mind needles.

It would end up being more pills, not bigger ones, but I dunno. I'll figure it out. I always do.

As long as you're fine with it.
Just don't end up like the old people with those pill calendars/lockers with day numbers on them.

I already have one of those so I don't chance spilling all of them twice a day from the regular bottles lmao

You guys like the closest thing we can get to Neuromancer in game form?


Okay so don't respond to me



Oh damn, but then again that's for the better if you ever get those "Did I take all of them?" moments.

How's Luka?

I'm assuming that was at me, cause I assume everything's about me.

It really helps me with knowing when to call in my refills if anything.


bored and hungry
so i microwaved a can of soup and watching jhon tron talk about barbie


You like remember how many you've taken and how many are left?

Soup's the best food during this cold season.
Why is he talking about barbie?




because they made barbie games exist
and he's checking what's up with each generation of them

did you forget to reply to my earlier reply to you? ._.

Someone make this folder for me as it is too taxing for me.

To be fair, that one was before we knew how low he could sink in terms of quality.

Well the box thing is three rows of 7 for weeks, so by the time I'm on my last week it's time to refill it ;3


Was it on Steam?

That sounds pretty horrible if you ask me.
I assume a whole lot of Sims-type DLCs which just add a car for her to use.

You've given that a thought, pretty impressive.

Um, not really, but if you say so~

what'cha making?

yeah the date says 2015
i dunno i hardly watched him.

nah, earlier in this thread when you stopped replying

this was all ancient games before dlc existed.

Refresh me, I'm lazy :3


The barbie video was one of the first where his decline was evident, then Starcade happened. It was the turning point, that was the moment Disney had taken full control over his content, and it fucking ruined his shit. He already had 1-2 million subs by that point though, so everything he makes is now instantly popular.


oh now you wake up

It's pretty systematical if you ask me.
I'm off to bed now though, have a great day Elmers.

Ah well, would have thought it would be about some newer games with dumb DLCs and little to none storyline.
I need to get some sleep now though, g'night Luka.

yeah i have no control of my life

why are you user again


feel like it


nini moogs. my boobs are way too itchy to post

there's no relevance, just figured I'd share /blog





I missed you.
I have not decided what to ask for.

im flattered

want to do something?

i wouldn't know these things...


bye :c


What did you have in mind?

im not leaving

youre getting so feisty

im not sure


I got all my miracles.
I'm very tired though.

Consider yourself lucky.
The rise and fall of JohnTron is a great tragedy. Such wasted potential, all on a mass marketing push and studio fuckerey to make his humor as accessible to little kids.

im point it out when you do it again. its funny

thats fine

kinda want to do space paperwork simulator anyway

didn't mean to reply to the first one

Interested in a call?

im just going to listen to alex jones ironically and play elite





You are so needy with the calls.





That avatar does not befit you.



YOU'LL NEVER WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm capping literally all the cats.

Seems like Lackadaisy will never die.


It's easy to cap and nobody really has claim to it.
It's like K-On.

Lackadaisy is mine

now stop

Remember. I have one thing you can't deny.
Don't make me cash it in because you sassed me.

why how did I even sleep through my alarm

dont threaten me



By having some deep ass sleep.
Must have needed it.

But I went to sleep super early yesterday

Maybe my request should be to end that awful folder.


Ehh. Who knows.

You made it sound worse.






cute pic
saved :)


we aren't friends anymore



of life?

who's still here









huh. I didn't know you ever came around the anime threads.

Hardly, but I'm here.

oh hi
so dj screw and isopropyl alcohol works pretty much as i expected

what other threads do you know me from?

you furries all have different names every time i come back

I have had this one for months.

Also you anime tards have a new name and trip and avatar every week.

i still need to get around to dj screw! but in order to avoid dj screw spoilers(?) tell me what is isopropyl alcohol like to give me an idea? he seems right up my alley


never mind. you're clearly not the paint I know. my mistake.

CUPCAKE i need ur professional opinion on something

okay. what?

You are very awkward to converse with.



I make it a point to be so.

Do you wish to die?

It used to be completely new identities, so this is only an improvement.

yes. very very much so.

okay. so, do u know boku girl? i want to avatar as the main character who starts off as a feminine-looking boy, but by supernatural means xhe becomes a biological female but the only thing that changes is slightly bigger boobs and a vagina is avataring as this character gay??

We still get those though.

Also what is not befitting of this avatar?

and i haven't posted here for months
my problem not yours i suppose

similar "regular" alcohol except your insides burn
fucky and unwell

too bad
i liked being the only paint

I'm pretty sure there's not enough memes in it.

It would only be a problem if we talked.

using any character as an avatar is not inherently gay. you feeling the need to ask though makes me think that you might be questioning your sexuality. posting any given character won't affect that either way though.

pretend I didn't say anything. you're definitely the only paint around here.

Nah, we're all paint.

fucky and unwell that sounds perfect!

btw i also had a music thing why are people so prejudiced against crescendo core ?it's so pleasant!

no i am very secure in my heterosexuality trust me!!!!!!!!!!

Only one comes to mind with the paucity of attention I have given the proceedings lately.

The same thing that is wrong with your name. You are not the least bit intimidating either. It reminds me of something Zac said a while ago.

who even are you, anyway?

sure, sure.

Admittedly, I have never read that comic, so for all I know it could be apt.

anime is so confusing it's unfair

I am not trying to be intimidating.
It's just the only 6 images I have capped so far.

And I honestly stopped caring about his opinion years ago.


The former still applies.

the only thing confusing you is your sexuality.

good enough for me.

And none of your followers are shotas.
Now neither of us get what we want.

I found it funny when Zac tried to start shit after I said I value Snuffles affection over his respect.

You presume to know all of them.

Plus, I do not want that. FOR LEGAL REASONS.

alright then
so how long have you been here

well, i liked f#a# infinity and icelandic alien fetus, which are the only things i've heard that i'd think would be called crescendo core, but people seem to usually like those.
guess i should do lift yr skinny fists eventually idk


I know how you are.

Maybe I should recap Grant again.
After posting that pic I miss him.

I've been around here specifically since around the fourth of july, but the anime threads in general I've been around since 2012. and was in other threads before that.

Zac says you are lying.

no the problem is that anime traps are just girls with penises and it confuses 100% straight people like me. these artists need to be CENSORED imo

is godspeed considered crescendo core? also yes u should listen to that it's exceptional
mostly im talking about explosions in the sky
oh also any reason in particular youre back ?


Zac is an idiot.

It looks to me like he was starting shit BEFORE you even mentioned that.


There is your problem.

I figured the comment was way too out of left field.
The other one just felt like playfulness.

Either way I stand by my statement.

stfu tard be nice to paint or ill bomb ur hospital

I concur.

How about you eat my ass?

Eh. I don't mind doing it for him on special occasions. It mostly just goes from 3 posts to talking about how we miss hanging out.

So why are you still up?

hello there

Struggle snuffles.

if you're only attracted to strictly feminine features then you have nothing to worry about. the fact you you feel such a need to defend your heterosexuality really doesn't speak to you actually being 100% straight.

huh i don't remember scoots not liking me
or is this new

alright. your name's kinda familiar, probably posted while i was lurking or something.

idk, feel like i've seen it called that before
haven't listened to explosions in the sky since like middle school, always just thought of them as that band from friday night lights

He tries to fuck every "girl" who posts.
Sci is relentlessly homosexual.

Because it is only 12.

Im being memeonic

Eh. It's whatever.
I'm over literally everything between me and the old fur posters save for like 2 things. None of them particularly exist in my life anymore.

didn't even consider that possibility
clearly i've been away too long

why do u get to psychoanalyze me ur not even heterosexual so how can u know what it ;s like. how could u know how difficult it is being a heteoro sexual today

lol i remember that show i used to watch it with my parents and we all really liked it for some reason

Daily reminder that Siskel watched the C-Beam speech and felt absolutely nothing, and Ebert God rest his soul can't pronounce Replicant.

feeling lots of weird vibes rn

How quickly you forget us.

possible. but who knows.

just saying.

There are a few that I still cherish.
Just not many.


aight we cool then

Fair enough.

Sci is a homo
A pedo
And should be banned


same for me with my mom and brother
we liked the kid with the shitty christian rock band called crucifuctorious because it sounded like the crucifucks

in any case

yes, hello. so where are you originally from then?

99% of furries are insufferable, manipulative, egotistical little sissies.
No thank you.

Just an odd thing to feel all of a sudden.

I still love you.

darwin can i have some attention

Aw. I'm at least a little sufferable.

oh wait right scoots hates everyone and i love it



Tou really must have crippling depression

huh. those were around a long long time ago. like, 2011 I believe.

lol my family liked the dumb/poor one whatever his name was. damn kind of a blast from the past right there. btw hows everything going

why? dont u ever get that?

This is your curse.

Yes, hello.

Arigato, paint-sama-san

Also, weren't ksb 2012/13?


weren't scoots kys?

Greetings. It has been quite some time since we last spoke. How have things been for you?

not really
then again
I don't think I've felt good vibes in ages, so who am I to say

Am currently KYs.I.A

fucking finally

Don't get your crippling osteoporosis up

riggins that was the guy

yo i heard u had an e-date with baddog did he tell you about my classism revelation??

u sound like a real sad sap. gimme some music

why don't you just leave me alone you big bully?

fuck it, I don't want to be up at 4 am again
I know I'll just lay in bed thinking so much I won't be able to get to sleep, but fuck it
night fam

the ones i was part of started 2012 or 2013 i think. i've drifted in and out of the anime threads since.

eh, same as last time we talked

yeah that's what i was thinking

here's some

Choose one

good luck.

interesting. maybe you saw me back then, because that was when I was active before I left for a few years then rejoined them here.

he didnt

that's not what I coppied

I am totally a victim of it.
I just happen to enjoy it.

I cannot say there has been any meaningful change. Life has been good, all things considered. I suppose I cannot complain when my biggest obstacle is overcoming boredom. How are things on your end?

i see. hey have u ever had a broken bone?

oh well

but i was already listening to that gimme something else

hey cups

hello spoilers. what's up?

I am glad to hear that, hopefully you will be able to find something to entertain you in your downtime. Surely there is something out there that you might find interesting...

Have you tried tightrope walking, for instance? Or perhaps underwater basket weaving.

just playing stuff, feel a bit strange tonight wassup with you?

Good afternoon.


strange how?

nothing really. just another day of meaningless existence.
watching netflix and debating going to bed.

hello goggles.

oh I get it. it looks like a cat.


I use work to keep myself entertained for a short duration. Other than that, I visit some people occasionally and I yell at people on League. It seems to be working.

Tightrope walking sounds fun, though. I could use the balance.

lol australians have a timezone

could be

oh yeah riggins was our favorite too
though thinking back most of the other characters i remember were kinda boring and/or shitty so he kinda wins by default

nope. have you?

Hey Cupcake. Are you well?

Cupcakes BDSM dungeon.
The Gothic Arsehole.

I never really am. how are you tonight? today. this afternoon. whatever.

that's what I said.

riggins is really the only character i even vaguely remember

no never. u ever been in a fight?

Not too well. Have I missed anything exciting?

I wouldn't know. I haven't been paying very much attention to the threads these days.

but the safe money is on no.

What do you do in your spare time?

just weird really, I couldn't put an actual word on it probably cause of the being stupid thing your existence is not meaningless

nope. i'd probably run or get my ass kicked.

anything I can to distract myself from my thoughts. usually video games.

opinions opinions.

huh. well I hope things feel better soon.

I could do with something like that.

so find something like that? video games. music. tv shows. anime. reading. lots of options.

Nothing is feels fun.

nooooo u absolutely have to stay and get ur ass kicked

no this is just the truth about you, stop being a dork about it

yeah. I've been there. that was when I was here like 18 hours a day, remember?

alright, I'll just shush then.

depends on the situation



It was nice talking to you a lot of those times.


was it? I'd imagine I was pretty boring and depressing. you know, like I am now.

Changes nothing.

you are very silly cups

spongebob is trash tbh

how curious.

am I? how so?

Like you on LeBlanc.

Why curious?

Its a rigged job

why you comment on my half decent lebonk
why not my trash cait top

I can't fathom why anyone would want to interact with me in any fashion.

The latter was expected to fail. I believed in you, though!

can't tell, you must be kept in the dark over just how so. did you see the artwork of sombra?

this is fucking amazing.


Talking to cupcake is like drowning. Drowning in marmalade. Terrible.

Ah, yes. I too have mastered the art of yelling at people in video games usually not while holding my push-to-talk key though

I'm glad you still enjoy work. Hopefully one day I can find an interesting job that doesn't make me wanna an hero

I did. her look has some cool stuff, but her hair is an abomination. at least it's not as bad as zarya's though.

go back to your packet of crisps you fucking liverpool limey

well at least when it comes to fisticuffs absolutely. kind of like a draft if that were to come back for some crazy reason u absolutely must go trying to get out of it would be extremely dishonorable. but thats just what i believe maybe im a fool. what do u think?


:( love me

I watch it every day

aha beliebing is important to success

maybe if I artistically mained lebonk for 1000 games straight I would be as half decent asI am on looloo

but who wants to do that


she is probably getting nerfed soon too and Ido not want to be all lebonk buffs when

lulu buffs when

I don't know. I don't ever know.

i like her shoes

that seems excessive.

crawl back into the meme pit you came from vile wretch.

purely amazing

I'm sure at least one of her skins will either erase the hair from view or change the style somehow

we can only hope. I do actually love the skin like that for zarya. they usually manage to have at least one skin that is really good.

Yo jokes are shitty,
Memes weak,
Boos spaghetti,
Theres cummies on his sweater already
But he keeps on forgetti
What he typed diwn
The reeeeeeeeeeeeee sounds so loud
He opens his lmao
But the post wont come out
He choking now
Errybody wokin now
The times run out

I tend to forget to press the key. I cannot find a key binding I am comfortable with.

I am sure you can find something that is at least tolerable until you get the perfect match.

Lulu is dead forever, I am afraid, like Kalista.

:( r-reee?

zarya really deserves some new stuff, even though she got stuff during the summer event it's really just lame and the two good original ones are plain as heck sadly


Sombra wen

after blizzcon

you're a'ight, kiddo.

yeah. I got one of her summer games skins and I never use it because it just...I dunno. it just looks weird.




tracer was by far the winner for summer skins

I disagree. american mccree was the fucking best. of course that's the one I didn't get. ugh.

I know, I want her now too.


I can only guess mei, zarya, winston and rein are going to be Christmas packs. Makes sense


what do you want from me?!

I'm expecting a lot of santa themed outfits.

but I'm hoping they will do something more creative than that.


If mei isn't olof then they've missed a trick.

I wanna mei ur olof


well, I am here for now. not sure how much longer though. getting tired.

U/////////U ah

what's that mean? u_u

Oh, alright.


you didn't? haha, sucks to be you I didn't get thriller soldier :c