We got another one, comrades
We got another one, comrades
Other urls found in this thread:
let him lie there tbh
So much for the tolerant left :DDDD
Look at those spooked classcucks helping him I bet those class cucks never even read stirner
I'm sure he was just standing there and an evil liberal ran up and maced him for wearing the hat
I'm pretty sure thats exactly what happened, thats what antifa stands for lol.
I remember last time at Berkley a girl got maced for wearing a "make bitcoin great again" hat while doing an interview, but you're right im sure the LE TOLERANT LEFT would never sneak attack someone that they perceive as the enemy unprovoked
Being a geriatric shouldn't be a shield.
In fact, targeting old shitheads like him should be encouraged. Once their generation dies the world will be a better place.
I just love seeing white getting beat up gnome sayin n shiet fam?
Fuck Trump and fuck white people
Yes, that wonderful world where people randomly assault the old, the frail, and the sick we are all working towards.
Back to Holla Forums classcuck(USER WAS BANNED FOR FALSE FLAGGING (is pol))
the dude on the ground was apparently screaming at protestors and daring them to attack him.
I don't care if he's elderly, he was literally asking for it.
Keep pearl clutching
Proof that an-cap are actually just antisocial and have nothing to do with the kind of justice leftism seeks to achieve.
Stop acting like a psycho.
Dude, see
Old faggot had it coming.
man, you sure are shedding a lot of tears for a shithead old man
Gotta beat up more old white class cucks tbh
I laughed at the pic of the old guy on the ground because I hate the elderly, I DO NOT condone political violence!
Because it's not correct to beat up the infirmed. You can call right-hooks on defenseless old people alot of things but only the actually misanthropic will call it justice.
Literally Holla Forumsintpro.
By this logic it would be wrong to execute most American war criminals because they're old fucks.
Their generation is the most classcucked and has done the most damage to the left. Any violence against them is long overdue. Maybe a few old fucks getting their shit rocked will dissuade these geriatric fucks from leaving the home.
I'ma go to a nursing home and beat up all those old white class cucks(USER WAS BANNED FOR BAN EVADING)
literally everyone in this thread is Holla Forums
He clearly threw a punch in the video. Literally who the fuck cares that he got sprayed.
can this mod please be banned? All they are is a fascist that bans anarchist posters. They need to be removed already, they are clearly a sjw or Holla Forums or bunkertard, or fed, or some combination of those groups.
I don't know who is porkying who anymore
I change diapers at the hospital for minimum wage Ima smother all those old class cucks(ban evasion)
But what happens when you are caught alone without your comrades?
Hello Porky.
oh wait no he didn't lmao I watched it wrong
Read stirner
Found the one Alt Righter who remembers Hitler
No, that's not my logic. In fact… I'm almost saying the exact opposite. Put them on the stand and testify to the crimes they have commited. But there is no war criminal here. There is an old man with a MAGA hat.
I gotta admit, I'll masturbate to that.
I read plenty of memes here.
As usual, the tolerant left is disgusting.
So you all are psychotic smashies.
pls learn what porky is
It's amusing that you psycho teenage edgelords love all kinds of violence against everyone you view as a political opponent.
You really don't give a shit about the working class, you are all role playing smashies that want to murder everyone you hate.
Holla Forums has outed itself as psychopaths with power fantasies who would be far worse for the working class, than anything capitalism has ever done.
Do you think Zizek would approve of vile Antifa violence against old Trump supporters? No.
Furthermore, I'll be reporting everyone who cheers on such evil to the FBI, CIA.
You scum are worse than fascists, and you want the masses to be mindless sheep.
They literally attacked a senile old man. I fucking hate Trump but these motherfuckers are COINTELPRO as fuck, none of this shit is real, why the fuck would they have a pro-Trump rally in Berkeley?
No one shoulda hit the old person, the old person shouldn't have been yelling at people to attack him, but odds are it was someone who was FBI or egged on by someone who was FBI.
Hello r/socialism
After re-watching the video the old guy was clearly being a provocative fuck, but then again so was the antifa group.
Really no excuse for this to happen, chill and keep the pepper spray in the pocket unless you gotta use it. This guy was clearly not a threat.
t. /r/socialism
Hello Officer
Please-tread-on-me poster is actually right for once.
That person they banned was clearly shitposting/from Holla Forums, who then ban evaded. What's your grievance, again?
Odds are he is some old Trump supporting faggot. I don't care either way, but going out of your way to defend him just because he is old is completely retarded.
well, maybe its clear to someone with access to their post history, but it doesnt seem clear to me. Also how would they even know its ban evasion? Could be a completely different guy.
I'm not defending him, I'm saying that the people who attacked him are FBI shills who are looking to make radicals look bad by having jagoffs like you cheering on a beaten up old man.
You gotta take a step back and go, "How will my opponent use this move against me"
That's not what I was arguing against. I was arguing against defending people on the basis they're old. Read the thread faggot.
FBI shills? lmao does it not make infinitely more sense that it was an antifa that lost their cool?
he probably swung first, who knows
Everyone in this thread saying "old people should be killed" is literally Holla Forums, they literally repeat the same memes over and over while pretending to not be Holla Forums
What happened & why should I care?
Posters who make threads as vague as this should be banned. Learn how to make a proper thread.
Obvious Holla Forums posting, so I'm guessing I shouldn't care about whatever happened.
Go fuck yourself
I'm not saying this was justified, but then again she did say this
Right, you aren't defending him. You're just pearl clutching and using your broken brain to come up with conspiracy theories. As if someone would have to be COINTELPRO to want to hit an old man who is being an antagonistic ass.
K Thor Jensen is a huge creep too. Everyone in there is a crep.
I'm sure the right would also never do the same… What kind of logic is this?
What the fuck is pearl clutching anyways? I mean I know saying I don't know something around dogmatists like you is dangerous. But why do you keep using that term as if it's something that is normally used?
define objective facts.
being raised in poverty will make you have those things, dumb ass
But to counter your actual point, you just have to look at the propaganda point, how does this look to people who are watching.
It's thinking like your's that fucked up the middle east. The idea that we don't have to worry about how people feel as long as the mission is completed. Then we wonder why the fuck everyone hates us, (we got rid of Saddam and the Taliban and gave them democracy and they give us ISIS in return?)
Show evidence of it happening. Until then the unprovoked violence is coming from >your side
you guys always try to twist things though, like jews are ruining the world instead of capitalism. Single motherhood ruins peoples lives instead of poverty, etc.
No, obviously it's not objectively true. It's more linked to poverty than single parents. Blaming single parents & asking them for an apology is the height of ignorance/arrogance.
Not to mention her misspellings & shit grammar. She should analyze herself rather than others.
Read a fucking history book. Violence isn't inherent in only the left or right. How dense are you? Just look at the American south. Plenty of fucked up shit happens there daily. I know because I grew up there.
How it looks to who? You? If something as benign as a couple antifa punching people is all it takes for someone to turn towards right wing ideology, then they were never going to be on our side to begin with.
He is probably keeping the same MAC address like a massive newfag.
Opinion discarded.
lol, fuck off cuck.
the increase in divorce rates and single motherhood also correlates with the rise in neo-liberalism, isn't that just a coincidence?
Right wing violence is happening all around you. The state has a monopoly on violence.
A chronically ill person dying because they cannot afford health care is violence. Empty homes outnumbering the homeless population by a staggering degree is violence. Deportations are violence. Extrajudicial executions carried out by the police against unarmed civilians is violence.
the word "left" and "tolerant" haven't belonged in the same sentence for a long time now.
You are delusional. What did mommy do to you?
You're so thick and two dimensional. You are reactionary and young. The point is that if you have no thought or theory behind your violence, and you're beating up old men. You're probably not the antifascist
Have any of you fuckers actually talked to these Trump protestors, they don't have any theory behind them and most actively resist Marx. You're looking at antiMarxist anticapitalists.
Why the fuck are you rooting for these people and >>1442349 is rooting against them?
could it be that maybe poverty leads to broken homes and criminality, and that's why the two often intersect? No, it must be single moms destroying America on purpose.
the answer you are seeking is feminism and it's agenda being pushed in the media.
Stupid cucks brainwashed by kikes keep deleting my posts
So much for the tolerant left
Divorce rates are sky high and have nothing to do with poverty. You will all be gassed.
Ancaps smashed up smashies? What happened. Fucking hell shit is getting weird lel.
Listen kid, the argument at hand is
for "higher drug use"
The rest of your horseshit has nothing to do with the FACT she presented
it's only march. this is going to get real good during summer
People aren't dying because they can't afford health care?
The homeless population doesn't exist?
Deportations aren't a thing?
Police don't kill unarmed civilians?
now now, putting words in my mouth won't get you very far.
If you can play nicely you won't have any trouble.
everything that user posted is true. How is using state authority to forcibly relocate people not violent?
feminism is the radical notion that video games should be illegal and poor women who are subjected to mass economic exploitation should intentionally raise kids to be gang bangers.
-Mary Wollstonecraft.
if a fascist government came to power, classcucks like you would be purged like your fuhrer purged his most loyal supporters, the sa.
Stop projecting, user. I'm not the one who wrote that post. Just calling out your lazy shitposting. Reality backs up their claims, btw.
shes right though
it's like..like they're Holla Forums's evil twin or something.
Alt-right, Far Right, Trumpens, AnCaps, Anarchists, Antifa, BLM, White Liberal Faggots, shit gone be good when it warms up.
now prove that single parent households are the main factor in this happening and not just another side effect of capitalism pushing people into poverty.
That's Holla Forums in a nutshell. All they have is m*mes.
We're laughing at the antifa retards.
Now you're gonna die wearing that stupid little hat
And stick man apparently
I spent six years in Mime school you prick. Apologize.
You've got some random middle class old guy, who probably just votes republican because his dad and granddad did, has no idea of political theory outside of the republican party, and has a slanted idea of what the democratic party does based on what Fox News tells him, which he only half pays attention to, and for that he's a fascist? Fucking hell! HE'S 90 YEARS OLD! You can't pepper spray a person that old, they could have a stroke or a heart attack! But I'm sure these antifa people would not care. Obviously facissm MUST be fought but actual facists are so few and far apart. They're just assaulting random republicans! That man is so old he might be a veteran who fought actual Nazis at some point. Jesus christ. This lack of empathy and disregard for human suffering borders on sociopathy. I feel like the antifa crowd is made up of mentally ill tankies. But everyone thinks they are anarchists! Christ. This all makes me so angry and sad.
I want the libs to go
Again, no answer.
Again, no answer. Just admit you're shitposting & not here for conversation. Plenty of people are engaging you & you're simply saying "lolno". That's not a point.
Well maybe the working class should stop acting like the retards we want to kill
That's a different argument that doesnt change the fact that single parent children are at a higher risk, what are you not getting about that you fucking idiot?
Just wait until the aliens show up and the Posadists come out on top.
Still, no one has told me what happened or why I should care.
I should have been saging this Holla Forums thread by now.
no one here is disputing that you retard, the problem is that you're implying that single parenthood is the cause of this and not the result of poverty.
r/socialism is where everyone calls trump a fascist. That's either 4/pol/ or some kind of sargonite liberal, maybe Holla Forums.
Now this IS reddit, but they're far too entrenched on this board to root out.
Yet you are going out of your way to defend your own nonpoint
gg no re
We are living in times way more transformative than the 60's and the Liberals are the only ones with nothing interesting to bring to the table and don't realise they are the frogs in the pot.
So, what happened here?
eh, I don't like attacking old people unless they're packing heat.
Also, if they're not fashies, I can't be bothered to care.
I don't get why anyone thinks these anarchists are gonna do anything
These people are really just mad kids with no plan. Can you really trust people who weren't mad at this shit until Trump was elected?
Their attempt at subtle erosion of freedoms through false flagging and shaming tactics have been blown out of the water, and they are scrambling because of it. The race/sexist/xenophobic/stoplikingwhatidon'tlike card has been pulled, and now all they can do is autistically screech about it. the world is getting more and more fed up with it.
For as long as I live I will never understand Wrestling's popularity.
This is all im saying: Single parent children are a higher risk for drug use. It is True.
Stop trying to use mental gymnastics to move the goal posts you clown, and deal with it
This picture alone should be enough to make people hate the excesses of capitalism.
Would be great if mods banned obvious shitposters who aren't here to discuss politics.
It's basically the last remaining example of theatre-in-the-round. WWE is trash, but I can understand why some people get really into Japanese and independent wrestling.
I get that it's not for everyone. I really enjoy the campy nature of it all. Plus, some of the stunts are genuinely exciting and impressive.
An old shithead is still a shithead.
In fact, most American shithead happen to be old fucks.
If you dont take it seriously it is some of the greatest entertainment out there.
But for those who take it to heart ehh im not sure about them
I think my favorite surreal moment of this protest/rally was when some homeless guy with a sign saying to "house the homeless" got pelted with eggs by antifa.
So much for the tolerant left.
Deserved it for trying to apropriate a house tbh
Watch this.
A nation is nothing for the individual
Was it antifa? That doesn't make any sense.
Good classcuck
I shit and piss on your nation, its laws and its constitution
Gulag is too good for whoever made that sign. Wall.
it's because he was talking to some of the Trump supporters, I think he said something like he's willing to talk to anyone that would help him (homeless people generally don't give a fuck about ideology they just want a roof).
gee, I wonder what's going on
was meant as a reply to
Heh edgey xD
no he said "do something" to a protestor and was picking a fight apparently
How many VPNs you have left? You should really put that energy to constructive use rather than shitposting, user.
why is a mod here not a leftist
It's only edgy because you're there to hear it.
If you weren't shoving your spooks at his face he wouldn't need to dismiss them, he would just rightfully live his life as an egoist.
Glad your feelings got a little hurt
You Faggets pick on old men, meanwhile I beat the shit out of commie cuck larpers on almost a daily basis and haven't been cought yet. Ps. Not a trump supporter I just hate cumunist & love violence…
You respect every real law out there like the good cucklet you are because you know you'd get gang rape by jamal if you didn't. I bet you never Jay walked in your life.
i'm sorry man but right wing anti-worker policy class cuck libertarian faggots deserve to be punched in the face. sorry if this hurts your feelings or makes you scared
Yeah, I've been homeless & can identify with that. Friendly fire, I guess. Do you have a link or something? Random people shouldn't be joining antifa, if they don't know what it's about.
Isn't Holla Forums the board that reports random people to the authorities if they disagree with them ideologically?
lol, tryhard.
Unless you're a cop, I don't believe you. If you are a cop, enjoy it while it lasts
Who here picked on an old man, you dense fuck? 160+ posts & I still don't know what this thread is supposed to be about. Link to some information so a topic can be discussed.
No we were just doing our civic duty to prevent the mentally challenged (anarchist collectives) from roasting to death in a dilapidated warehouse while forking over their money to greedy landlords. We are good citizens.
The cognitive dissonance you've shown is remarkable.
Not an argument, fellow citizen.
none was give spooky spookerton
Getting gang raped is actually a big fantasy of mine.
If your standard of someone "on your side" is having well thought out theory then you'll never see a political victory in your life. I'm sorry to break it to you but the common person needs to believe in something for change to happen and most people can't or won't read meaningful theory.
frogposters can't be good citizens.
I dont, i do not pay taxes nor respect property rights when I need something
I held common courtesy laws out of respect to my fellow individual, whom I recognize as my property, enabling me to do whatever I want with him, i do not need authority to tell me what to do, it is my self-interest to respect and take care of my property
I also decide out of self-interest to make life as difficult and troublesome to fascist cucks like you, because you are my property
Nice spooks nerd
Sure you do. Sure.
I dont need you to belive me
When's the last time you have seen sunlight making a post like that?
You and I both know you're a meek cucklet that never broke a law in their life.
being old, sick or frail is not an excuse for being a fuckwad. Can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.
Nice projection
Holy fuck if you guys are all this autistic irl then I'm not sure what's surprising about you guys getting punched every once in a while
That shit is just natural for anyone this fucking annoying
ahahahahah You will get a bullet fag
I'll never understand why people like you lie on an anonymous image board. Talk about insecure
How is this shit thread not bumplocked? Are mods asleep?
Also, to add, Illegalism does not worship the idea of breaking the law, thats lifestyleism, but rather is the understanding that laws are oppresive and that there is no civic duty to obey them, one can chose to obey them as long as the result is a greater good as an individual
Looking at the ban list, they're not asleep. Nazi poster keep evading bans, from what I see(I'm not a mod).
This is a prime candidate for bumplocking though, since it's Holla Forums bait & they still haven't even told what this thread is supposed to be about or alluding to. Just full of shitposting.
Well apparently this is even a duplicate thread.
This one came afterwards, so, reported for deletion.
Stay a retarded slave to political correctness, lad.
This one is for engaging Holla Forumsyps and the other was for discussion.
Don't delete a 200 reply thread.
Yes, but it's classist bullshit you dumb bootlciker
A duplicate thread is a duplicate thread shitting up the catalog, period. Have you seen the other one? It's also full of Holla Forumsyps, so, no distinction there.
This tbh. The American classcucks need to be gulag'd into hard labor since they enjoy working for nothing anyway.
Her dignity died ablobloohoho ;___;
Press 'F' to pay respects
Oops meant for
The irony is I would think rightists of anyone would understand the value of talk shit get hit.
You leftist really taught that old man a lesson, I'm sure he'll rue the day he dared have a opinion that ran counter to "The peaceful left"!.
Who ever said it was peaceful, lol
wtf I'm right wing now.
So much for the peaceful left smh
And nothing of value was lost. Keep up the good work comrades.
Lol keep fighting that strawman you built yourself retard. Outside of rightist spaces no one has ever uttered the phrase "peaceful" or "tolerant" left
Lefts such tolerant and "peaceful"!
Sifting through this thread was worth it just for this
So assaulting an 87 year old veteran is ok because he disagrees with your ideology? I'm a pretty on the fence guy but this is disgusting and the way you're lauding over it speaks volumes to your principles.
Nice shop, sadly you dont have the balls to go outside and replicate it, lel
You're the only one saying we're trying to be peaceful.
So much for the tolerant left
Well since we're all just shitposting & leaving this thread up..
This is the whitest thing I've ever seen, lmao
Being a veteran is all the more reason.
I'm sure Holla Forums fits your principles, you transparent twat.
Dog bless Ameriga
The fact you think that assaulting the most vulnerable in society just because they disagree with you, is the reason why you lost and will keep losing. I'm not even a big Trump guy but I'll never support the left. They speak about tolerance, acceptance, diversity of opinion and for the working classes yet their actions contradict every single thing they say. This very thread is proof of the pudding.
>>>Holla Forums
Is he died
You attack their ideas not their bodies, this is why I know you guys have lost, because resorting to violence is the sign that you have no argument.
Argumentum ad baculum.
Nobody went to his house and beat him up because he said mean things on the internet. He came out to a hotbed political rally and then got aggressive.
You're in for a ride, my man.
No one can hold fascists ideas if all fascists are dead
I'm going to take that geriatric's adult diaper and shove your face in it my bitch
Keep justifying beating up a decrepit old corpse you 120 lb numale, it's a fitting metaphor for your entire ideology.
Never said that.
Who lost? Are you assuming we support Hillary. Lurk more, you imbecile. If you didn't come from Holla Forums, where did you come from?
How open minded of you.
Who's "they"? You think we're liberals?
This thread is full of Holla Forums false flagging as leftists. Again, lurk more. This is a little better quality of a false flag though, tbh.
So much for the tolerant left
Not a liberal. I support class war and the fight for communism which will bring about the ultimate liberation of workers. You support enslavement of workers for the benefit of the wealthy. kys nigger
Looks like we might have ourselves an actual liberal, guys!
The man got treated equally to any other trumpcuck. Not sure what the problem is as far as the left treating people equally here.
I fucking love you guys
Yes, that was unironic
That's rich coming from a nazi.
We're not liberals.
We didn't "lose" anything. In fact, it's only now that we're beginning to win. People embracing political violence is a sign that they're abandoning the old defunct liberal ideology and its doctrine of unprincipled peace and finally understanding the virtue in divine violence.
Now, I'll admit that I'm not sure if this is a good thing strategically. Attacking some old reactionary fuck is a good way of getting a lot of bad publicity, with dubious benefit.
What a soft, doughy boy. My man gets winded jerking his 2 inch hog to hentai.
And then what happens when limp-wristed antifa cucks try to pick on people who can fight back.
divine violence?
something like that.
Nice try porky.
Wow so much for the Non-aggression pact smh #tolerantright
Are you fat shaming her sinner???
uh huh
Can't even tell wtf is going on in that clip.
"Anarcho" capitalists fighting on behalf of "patriots" is pretty lmao worthy. This is why you get bullied everywhere you go. It's a meme ideology. Learn about hierarchy.
So much for the tolerant left!
What is that filter I forgot
Fucking amateurs
This is the most revolutionary thing I've seen since Marxposter let my Sudanese BF cuck him back in 2014.
I'm so glad that me and my wife's son will live to see the final death of Capitalism, comrades.
The cuckshed is the headquarters of the Revolution.
Cuckolds of the World, Unite!
I would have brought out my Davey Crockett the moment they violated the NAP, tbh.
The fact that this thread is 236 replies in and none of the Holla Forumsyps have figured out what's going on is telling as to just how fucking dense they all are.
He was asking for it.
257 replies before I finally learned even part of what happened, lmao.
wasn't this guy actually maced and thrown down by one of his own MAGAtards?
could be, but he was also trying to start fights
you know i'm white and hate racism, i think i do a lot more than your average white devil to speak out against it but i don't agree with this 'fuck white people' thing. you'll just embolden the most reactionary whites into browbeating you, which will only make things worse for black people. it's a lose-lose situation.
What are you doing?
roflmao omg this was amazing.. this movie is amazing but damn if this doesn't fit all those MAGA hat wearing sunza bitches HAHA
Heh. No peace for Nazis, schmuck. Only death and destruction for your kind.
t. liberal
Yep WWE is trash, but almost every other promotion is good fun. TNA is good if you like characters and fun stories. NJPW is good for athletic fights.
sorry comrade am drunk right now so brain isn't working
Fair enough ;^) We've all been there.
& btw, you were right though. I agree with what you said.
thx fam. whatever its worth. glad to know im in good company here.
Where do you think I work at?
Hungarian-Serbian Border. I drink lots of Liberal tears at this job,and it's fun.
That's not how ideology works, you forget that most Holla Forumsacks were left leaning before Obama and his party were stupid enough to force a healthy reaction
ok can someone corroborate this. i see this over and over with zero proof.
define 'left leaning' because being a right wing ron paul supporter does not a leftist make.
sure buddy here's one, voted blue for both of Dubya's elections
Its a nostalgiafag hobby, in terms that if you grew up with it you'll likely stick with the hobby in adulthood. Other nostalgiafag hobbies include board games, anime, video games, and comic books.
maybe you could come over and gimme sum brain ;)
Right wing scum needs his head stomped in
Right wingers cucked
Let me guess, you specialize in gorilla warfare?
WWE was pretty good back in the day but man does it suck now.
Hey Holla Forums, whatchya doin?
oh no you don't
nice to see charlatainry hasn't advanced much since the patent medicine era
we're reaching levels of doublethink that shouldn't even be possible