What do you make of this Holla Forums? Is it accurate?
What do you make of this Holla Forums? Is it accurate?
I fall just above Chomsky
stirner is innacurate, castro too. Bernie's actual opinions and his proposed policies would be in two different spots lol
Tbh I think that Chomsky should be moved to above Proudhon and far left libertarian should say either Kropotkin or Emma Goldman instead of Chomsky. I say this because while Chomsky if farther to the left that most people he has been less radical in recent years and there are plenty of people more leftwing than him
Pinochet should be Lee Kuan Yew or Deng, killing your political oponents shouldn't be enough to bring you to the top, only actual police states should be there.
Pol Pot is beyond 2 axises
Mao was less authoritarian than Stalin.
Castro is definitely more authoritarian than Lenin and most of the Bolsheviks.
I'd also drag Stirner closer to the center, like an anarchist Hitler.
Chomsky, Jackson, Jefferson, Trump and Bernie shouldn't be there at all, Democracy makes for very opportunistic politics and very little political philosophy. You can't put bourgeois politicians, revolutionary leaders and philosophers on the same graph.
why to these always put hitler on both right and left wing?
Because fascism is authoritarian centrism, not far right.
I'm not sure whether Mussolini and Hitler should be swapped though,
reply to
i assume you mean totalitarian right?
also wouldnt those views on race,tradition,gender egalitarianism etc. be regarded as far right?
i would agree that his political views arent far right though since he was opposed to capitalism
The problem with this chart is that it doesn't include a third axis for left vs right on social/cultural issues. Hitler was technically centrist on economics, employing a lot of nationalization and socdem type policies, and the 2-axis chart doesn't really have a way to accurately relay that he wanted entire races exterminated.
"Social" "Issues" aren't politics and can't really be graphed.
Fascism is Class Collaboration.
True.The only somewhat decent political test is the abtirsi 5 dimensional I think
someone pls respond , let's make something out of this thread.
pretty close, but Jesus needs a spot in bottom left pls
also castro isn't libleft and about 30% of the reagan and 50% of the jackson ought to belong to like Hillary Clinton or something. maybe the left half of jackson could go to FDR.
Which Jackson is that supposed to be?
More like the right half could go to FDR. The left half could be Tito.
fixed this a bit
nice memes
bernie actually/lenin is god tier zone just so you all know
Well are we talking Mussolinni 22, Mussolinni 25, or Mussolinni 43?
Marx isn't on the political spectrum
Lenin is only half on it
The political spectrum is entirely capitalist (yes anarchism is entirely compatible with value production)
25 seems the most authentic since he wasn't trying to convince people to give him power nor being Hitler's bitch.
greenpill me on differences between Proudhon and Stirner
also I happen to be where Lenin is
Goddamnit, leftcom, take your autism medicine.
When Holla Forums say our memes are shit, I think they mean the ones you like.
How do you have production of goods (value) if you act outside the value production (work), ONLY labour , either living or dead, creates value and Im quoting Saint Marx here, you fucking retard?
those are some trash memes tbh.
Anarchists don't abolish abstract labor, they simply self-manage it.
Read any communization theorist ever
Please illustrate us how your special snowflake version does abolish abstract labour
I did what now
is dubya bush where trump is?
Jackson, Marx, Bernie, Castro are all very very wrong. Lenin should not be anywhere in the green. Stirner should be in the green somewhere. The rest I don't know about.
probably top left corner of Reagan, a bit to the right of Hillary
Swap Mao and Stalin
Hitler should be fully auth right, then swap Pinochet and Mussoloni
Reagan and Trump should just be a shared tile
7/10 chart did not give me cancer like I expected it would
This is bullshit comrades, just talk to any libertarian about the topic and sooner or later they'll defend Hitler somehow, the economic/social division in general is unnecessary and it doesn't predict political alliances like the good old left-right division, and the centre is conservatism, fascism is NOT a conservative movement
China still has a lot of state owned industry. I don't think that Deng could considered a total neoliberal.
Yeah but it's pretty hard to imagine authoritarian NeoLiberalism (authoritarian Liberalism is an oxymoron anyway).
So I was going more towards Ultra-Capitalism.
Why is Mao more authoritarian than Stalin? He had to compromise with his party far more than Uncle Joe. Also, I don't think Pol Pot really fits on a conventional political spectrum.
I kinda like the one of the left.
The Reagan Tile should just be "GOP/Repubs"
The Jackson section's blue section should be given to Dems
Fixed it. (I haven't fixed the axis names, just assume that authoritarian -> libertarian mean left and right, democratic/autocratic, and liberal vs conservative respectively.
Incidentally enough, I shared many of the same complaints as
I separated social issues/"civil rights" from politics, Mussolini is placed to the left of Hitler, (Mussolini's program of corporatism was more leftist than Hitler's complete lack of any solid economic policy, and Mussolini was far more willing to work with communists like Bombacci. Makes sense considering Mussolini's history as a radical syndicalist.) and I added a few more names. (I'm going to stick to comparing individuals as opposed to groups.)
The main issue is that the distances are not to scale due to the limitations of showing 3 dimensions on a flat surface.
Also, I'm not OP.
Was Lenin really that libertarian?
How is Castro more libertarian than Lenin? How is fucking MAO more authoritarian than Stalin?
No, remember how he sperged out when he lost the constituent assembly elections
Mussolini and Hitler should definitely be swapped.
I think everything is right here except for Bernie and liberals. They are not leftist at all. They are just to the left of the republicans inside Americas tiny Overton window.
Pretty good.
Wait wait wait, Thomas Paine and "Legit classical liberals" should both be in the purple quarter. I didn't see that the first time.
Wait, okay also Trosky should be moved up under Lenin, on the green quarter boarder. Sorry.
The rest is good.
tbh early classical liberals advocated some kind of common ownership of land. Something like Georgism. Even the holy lockean proviso of the Right-Libertarians maintains that enough land should be left in common for everyone to use.
Maybe replace 'liberals''' with progressives?
why should he care about parliamentary democracy at all?
Bernie is authoritatian left, though only very slightly and thus should be found on the bottom right corner of the upper left quadrant. Catro isn't a libertarian of any kind, a highly developed military state that has the authority to seize and execute citizens at random is not anarcho-socialism
REALLY? That is entirely news to me. But would it be communally owned, or state owned stuff kept up by taxes like a "public park" in liberal cities?
"Nor was this appropriation of any parcel of land, by improving it, any prejudice to any other man, since there was still enough and as good left, and more than the yet unprovided could use. So that, in effect, there was never the less left for others because of his enclosure for himself. For he that leaves as much as another can make use of, does as good as take nothing at all. Nobody could think himself injured by the drinking of another man, though he took a good draught, who had a whole river of the same water left him to quench his thirst. And the case of land and water, where there is enough of both, is perfectly the same."
— Second Treatise of Government, Chapter V, paragraph 33
Never made clear on how it would be 'owned', but a lot of property-minded folks seem to ignore the whole "…at least where there is enough, and as good, left in common for others" part of it.
Maybe this version seems a bit better.
*Forgot Marx
put marx where goldman is
Shit compass fam
I reaaallly think Marx belongs in the red between Lenin and Misc. Libsocs, he abandoned the idea of statelessness later in life, and instead of wanting banks to be abolished, wanted laid out a demand for (in Brittan anyway) for banks to be collectivized by the state.
The liberals and convervatives and Bernie+Socdems looks great. Jefferson is great. I have no idea what Geoists are. Trump himself is just a run-of the mill republican, people just react towards him waaaay too much because he actually says what republicans are thinking. He belongs in the conservatives block, not near literal fascists. The rest of this is a really great job.
I mean, it's hard to say because this test doesn't really do a good job on what's considered "authoritarian". By all measures that matter, Lenin is a pretty authoritarian fellow, but he would likely end up in the Green if he doesn't want to kill all the brown people.
Woah there someone needs to read a book or two.
this is.. bad
like, really bad