Mabinogi is one of those few MMOs that did it right by not following in WoW's footsteps. This private server is a version of that game before Nexon came in and fucked that all up. Here is just some of what this game has to offer:
Mabinogi Private Server: Good Luck with that Windmill Thing Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Fomor Scrolls. Mimics drop their scrolls at higher rates than other mobs drop their fomor scrolls, and the quest for mimic scrolls rewards 12000g in this server. Mimics can be found in dungeons of all kinds, but for beginners, Ciar dungeon is easier to get through than most of the other dungeons, and Randal can give you a Ciar Beginner Pass if Ciar Normal is still too tough for your CP. Fomor scroll quests are sold by Duncan in Tir Chonaill If you grow weary of dungeoneering, you can ask NPCs around town for a part-time job. This server bumped their rewards up to 4x, so these jobs are actually worth doing. These are timed on the in-game clock, and need to be done withing a certain time window. Be sure to do jobs for the church for holy water. Blessed equipment doesn't drop if you're knocked unconscious.
We do. It's called "Smug". You can find our guild stone high up on a hill behind the Dunbarton moon gate. We are currently working on expanding our maximum capacity, but feel free to sumbit your application and the leader will add you as soon as there is room. You can also post your IGN so we can add you to friends list.
Enemies will drop Red Fomorian Coins, which can be traded in for cash shop items at an NPC names Shyla, who can be found in every town.
Server rules allow people to have up to 3 accounts for the purposes of having alt-chatacters. I don't know what the penalty is for having more, but do so at your own risk.
I got a couple of things from rafting. The short sword is enchanted with Red Fox and the bracelets with Snake Soldier. No idea whether this stuff is useful or worth anything, but if any of you want something just let me know. I'll check in the morning.
Might keep the Shylock costume for the banquet, though.
i do want a second buttsagger
I got 2 and turned them on for a paltry sum, is there anything other than the cat robe from this?
What is that uniform with the cape on the shoulder and where do I get one?
Wouldn't mind that eyepatch.
Got some boots to match my armor only to get a nicer pair from the shakespeare quest, if anyone wants the plate boots let me know.
Rare chance at cat robe with meager exploration exp and gold rewards being the norm is all you get.
I must find more.
Hey someone come boating with the thicc giant
whats your sn?
I want to stick my dick between her thighs.
How do I get Cor Village?
Strong fat the best.
A few ways. In Physis go to the southeastern side looking for a river with icy rocks around it, gather an ice crystal bare handed and use it on the river.
Filia can go to that little mini desert with the oasis just to the west of the town mana tunnel and L-rod a bridge near the ruins on the chasm.
Ditto for northernmost Rano.
I want her to stick her dick between my thighs
This shitty meme cost me 1700 gold
This man knows how to live
How2 rank ench
by going through hell
That's hell you're walking into
Just like my old RS days.
That's kind of hilarious if you played the Belisha/Trickster halloween event given that the Don Quixote transformation (who is one of the potential transformations you might play as, along with Spiderty-man) knows Windmill and is OP if the right player uses him on that event
Dont forget to upgrade your pickaxe to collect 2 ores instead of one. Same with any other gathering tool. Just make sure you bless the items with holy water so the durability drains slower.
I have to wonder if you're mining willing or don't know what metallurgy is.
Is that a thing?
Yes and its a core thing that every player should do. Most church and healer part time jobs offer holy water as rewards. Blessed items lose durability at a 50% rate and also have an increased repair rate. When you die theres a chance they'll lose their blessing. I usually keep a large supply on me.
Since you can only do one ptj per job type, the best way is to do a healer job in the morning and church in the afternoon. I like to do Castanea in Filia and Kirine in Vales. Their jobs are easy and always give holy water. Belita is the only other healer with guarenteed holy water but her job can be a pain, especially when it requires you to get capybara furs will a crappy drop rate.
I knew the blessing but I meant the double gathers.
When you die, naos also bless so there's that.
I got mixed up. Gathering knives and axes let you double gather at a fixed rate, but pickaxes don't. You can upgrade it to gather faster though and have increased copper, silver, and gold rates.
Didn't see you online so I'll post it here.
Happy birthday, Adolf
Does anyone want any of these?
giving away?
id take the veil
What's you IGN? I will mail it to you
Nerros, thanks
The only server available is triona and is all korean, this the right one?
mostly japanese*
but ya
The letters in the description are most definitely korean, but whatever, as long as triona is the correct server.
Its the japanese version of the game, technically, but there's still a fair amount of korean text left. Hell the Nekojima island is still entirely korean text.
anyone doing the rafting event?
It's back to the old haircut!
I have no idea how its done, where it is, or if I'm ready for it
I am trying to ascend to windmill perfection, but I am down to 2 ap. I'm told i need to do exploration now.
Can a kindly faggot give me the exploration 101?
Died to the Orcs again. At least I got 1 Counter in. Doubt I'll be able to solo them ever.
run around with the L Rod you get after the tutorial of the Iria starting zone and pretend you're doing something complicated.
Grab the sketch arch lich quest form the quest board in quilla or filia. Then sketch arch lich.
I want to kill myself, holy shit.
If the person with the Male giant outfit still has it, Toirneach would like it.
Can you pass that wand to Toirneach?
Their Method is a good place to train crash shot. I lured 2 or 3 groups of zombies together in a small spot and use crash shot on them. They don't fall back and wont take any damage so you can spam away.
When you get to the point of needing kills, just set party finish to all and windmill the zombies together. When they're all on finish, just kill them with crash shot.
Sure thing
I'm not training archery. I'm training Synthesis.
I'm sorry I'm mentally retarded and didn't realize you meant that your client crashed and took it to mean you were talking about crash shot.
That quest doesn't exist in this version until much later in levels. It's separated by levels, not type now.
shit dude, you got lie 10 int.
There are fixed recipes, i haven't done synthesis in a long time but those should help a bit
And if you rech certain rank you'll get to a point were you earn 0.05 per success, or 0.10 thanks to double skill exp.
Idk why people keep suggesting to do the lich quest when you cant get it until you're already grinding levels to get it
Tbh i think that the easiest one that gives fairly good exp is sketchig a statue that is between karu forest and muyu desert.
I remember doing it once in live because you need a group of 8 to actually start it, gotta row the boat but you get attacked which cancels the action so you need to take care of mobs while having enough people row the boat to finish in time for a reward
Go to a town in Iria, then buy some L-rods.
Visit the quest board, pick up whatever seems easy and find whatever the quest wants.
Every 5 levels (5,10, 15, etc) requires you to stop and will auto give you a quest that you have to complete to advance beyond said level. All EXP gained while you're at 100% for these levels just gets wasted.
And you can only have one exploration quest at a time.
The Dragon Boat event is held on the continent of Iria far west of the village of Cor, just south of the Mana Tunnel in the La Terra Highlands. A full party of eight has to be assembled to get under the 8 min requirement for a special prize.
There are only a few roles of note when putting together a party: You generally need someone with WM r1 to kill all the hobgobbos that hop on the boat. You need to designate who is steering. And everyone else just sits and waits for the ride to be over. If they get hit, they have to hurry back to their oar. Ranged enemies will tend to target the players with the lowest CP.
tl;dr Just about any player can join in as long as there's one STRONK fucker on board.
I'm wondering if I should dye my helmet green, the sword handle or get some boots and dye them green.
Couldn't find it so i bring links with quests that at least have hints i the wiki
Synthesis is almost worthless, its most notable aplication is helping in dorres request shadow mission.
Other than that there are some costumes and dyes I think.
If you want to help other crafters perhaps metal conversion, fragmentation or other life skill would be helpful.
Well fuck and here I was gonna enter now.
we should be back in 30 minutes.
12 hours :^)
Servers up.
wew lad.
You can duplicate items, like Mana Potions, with synthesis. It also makes crafting so much easier.
I'm going to. Kill me.
I went there by accident last time and the gates were locked. I'm missing a lot by not knowing how to read moon huh? After a few skill resets, I'm learning that I need to be more choosey in ranking up my skills.
Gates weren't locked, you gotta talk to the woman next to that big altar looking thing and you'll gain access.
Good luck selling your soul to train it to that point though.
And thats without taking into account the chances to be able to create the items.
Anyone up for fiodh dungeon run? We got spots available.
Two coming.
It is done
does this image still apply to the private server?
I still have yet to see Deviant art tier characters.
No, it doesn't. Hell, even pure style masters like our friendly neighbourhood skin giant look decent. The only spergs you see with gay flashing shit are the autistic regulars that can't be bothered to add the extra y and o to their "you".
I'm determined to get that cat robe.
Surre, gimme your IGNs.
It's called Shylock's Costume and I have no idea. I won it in an event a guild organized.
Need 1 more for Barri/Sealbreaker. I'm planning to finish the G1 quest so be prepared.
I wonder if housing system exist there, so someone could get a house, put an item to sell and you could get some sort of one way coupon from your current overworld location to the housing channel, after that you could leave housing channel and return to the housing area when you had a team for G1 at moment's notice
this is for people that doesn't have pets that allow them to warp to areas previously saved on the pet
I just ferried a couple guys over to TNN that way.
I need to run all that but I need to sleep. Good luck
think I'd be able to get that first outfit on the left?
my ign is Ornais
Those manuals and tailoring patterns might be useful, depending on what you can make, people can get either craft to rank up or craft to sell.
PMed you both, got no reply.
That's what I figured. Don't know anyone who's doing tailoring or blacksmithing yet though.
excuse my inexperience but how does one see their pms?
cause if its in notes, I havent recieved any
The whisper tab in the chat.
s-sorry, I ended up falling asleep. let me make some food and I'll hope back on.
Still need people to finish fucking G1. Only Silver Gem, Black Orb and Final dungeons are left. I'm currently in Bangor but i have black pass with me. It's an easy dungeon with only 1 floor and you can get the sealbreaker title when you finish itaccording to wiki
Im coming fag but I got dced and my character is locked out now.
I got suck on G1 after getting the TNN keyword and using it on Aeira, been a few hours and still havent gotten any notification from her saying she has the book nor any different dialog when using the keyword, idk iirc but does it take a couple of real days for it to come in?
It takes one real day to arrive
ok good I thought I remembered something like that
You have at least two skills that have a rank too high and/or your level or more precisely the amount of your stats is too high, therefore your CP increased, i wonder if there are CP lowering enchants implemented or if anyone have them.
Dunno if stats decreasing enchants work as well
kill zombies in TNN
their CP is so high that they'll never stop being boss unless you somehow fuck up really hard
The only things that aren't F are WM and sharp mind, which is rank A.
Accidentally ranks up FH and Smash
Zombies have the CP title of weakest
Searched on the wiki, CP given by sharp mind's rank shouldn't be much of a hindrance and yeah what stated is what anyone would suggest, being second the CP lowering enchant, even then there's also an option to get carried to higher difficulty and leave you finish the mobs.
Hocus pocus give me the arat.
I'm ttl 80, so 20 more an I can do basic SMs. maybe that'll be the CP spike I need.
Anyone alive on guild?
I am, need to be adv feathered?
Fucking hell doing these fossil restorations is suffering.
I can only get mostly restored, how the hell do you get anything better in the time it gives you?
the guide on the wiki suggested putting your mouse sensitivity to as low as possible as to not accidentally nick the thing. And to also start against the fossil and brush away from it and repeating as you work around it.
Someone take this sword off of my hands.
Grab mine instead it is cooler.
If anyone has a Ciar Basic pass, I need it for G1. I'll give you money or whatever if you want.
If you aren't joking I'll take that shit
k tell me ign
Also if you need a pass you can buy an unlimited from shylla
And thanks for that info. Did not know this.
Holy fucking shit. I remember playing this game years and years ago. Back when you had to pay to actually play the story mode or some really fucking retarded shit like that. I never got too far in it but it was sort of fun. How "current" with the actual game is the private server and is it easy for a noob who only barely remembers anything about it to pick it up?
When is about certain skills… is hard as fuck, the rest should be easy… as long as you read the wiki and become aware that the game is stuck in around g13 (now it's g20 on the official global server) so many features past that are not available.
Prepare for some serious grind though.
G13, supposedly missing some content from live, but from what I understand its the stuff that fucked up balance and shit.
Fuck it. I'll join in. If you see some low level retard doing retarded shit and getting his ass kicked, it's probably me.
Daily reminder.
Morrighan didn't betray us.
Reminder that the new custom quest chain gives 30 AP. You can start it by talking to Kousai about nearby rumors.
Post your ign, also banquet's today so you should be able to see almost everyone if you stick around.
Well fuck gotta do that shit
banquet when?
7 EST.
Namely Nexon "Revamped" the game several times to make it run smoothly and to be up to date… that's what fucked up the server, and what's missing is in a nutshell some story, quite the hefty amount of skills that don't belong to any specic talent, some talents, pets and giving a skill that make pets finally useful by turning them into almost almighty tanks that can self-revive
Besides that… not much, just some anime collabs and other events.. oh yeah, titles reskin some skills
I still miss the OP bard shit that made them not useless anymore
Dunno, now bards had another story expansion on which you can get a skill that will basically let you stomp your enemies to death… by… DANCING…. also some Soul Calibur skills thanks to a new… old Ace that let you play as Ivy with with the new chain weapon.
I actually prefer it.
Now cooking's useful since you can't just rely on skills to get stats up.
Also being bard can still give buffs, they're just smaller.
Is not the skills that bother me, is that every update makes the required RAM getting closer and closer to 8gb just to play, i think even people with 4gb can hardly play the official server even though it is stated that the game just need that amount.
Does the abundance of foreign language on the server get better as you progress or is it something I'm just going to have to live with?
It's 50/50, really.
What's your ign, by the way?
what do you mean?
Are you talking about the untraslated shit or users?
All the untranslated flavor text
Was going to go with a weeb name, but remembering this was more "western" I went with the still out of place "Octavian".
Whats this about a banquet and it giving exp? Also were do you learning cooking?
also add me when the guild gets space, my ign is Spiky
oh yeah that doesnt get better, if you want to know about the history check the wiki.
If you wanna know shit about the game check the 2011 wiki and ask here.
The banquet is at 7 EST in tara, inside the royal castle. For learning cooking, ask in dunbarton's grocery shop about skills or something, and also check the 2011 wiki for more details.
all he wanted to do was make you a god
I haven't even left the starting village outside of the logging area and the Shakespeare shit, just been grinding money from the dungeon and part time job to afford a wand.
well when the time comes I'll get you in, Whats your ign.
I used to be very interested in playing this game but never did due to the Nexon shovelware coming with it, I'm glad to find a version that doesn't have that attached to it. Do I have to read those guides to know how to install or isn't it that complex?
I've lost interest in serveral games in the past due to installing methods being made way too retarded for a semi-interested newcomer to handle so I really hope that isn't the case for this one as well.
I didnt have any problems installing it, the process is simple, if you have any error ask about it.
sounds like a linux problem
Thanks for the run. Was fun.
Alrighty, my ign is Spiky.
We should do again sometime.
Nigger. Map.
Make sure to get your lucky coupon for the banquet raffle if you didn't already know. Just simply talk to the banquet helper and you'll receive one.
I'm donte the succubus slayer.
10 minutes late thanks to no gps and huge as fuck city.
we did it for you aniki
type /discopump in chat
smug is full so fuck you
He means actual non-smuggers, not yet-to-be-joined, or so I'd assume.
I WAS in Smug, but didn't/don't play enough to contribute GP, because work. When they get the guild to 250 I hope to rejoin though
how many do we have on our side?
Probably 40-50. There are still a good number of people waiting to join Smug.
30-40 for smugs, about 20 non smugs.
unless you didn't mean at the table, then about 30-40 smugs total at the table.
What this nigga said
We have budgetteers and other faggots crowding us.
This banquet in a nutshell
Why you do this
Is the banquet on now?
Fucking hell I want that xp
good fuckin shit, whichever one of you that may have been.
I bet you they are ERPing right now with their cocks
I hit level 30 from partying
w e w
Here's what I received from the raffle. A dress for men.
you're pretty cute.
Fashion show everyone.
a few more before work
did we break server
fashion show next.
like half of that is probably just because azure is trash at allocation
do they even use azure?
if the metrics report a hypervisor load that's almost certainly what they use
Well, that was fun.
you can view them here
but i dont really think this is azure - they're REALLY pushing their resources judging by these graphs
Do any of you fuggers have any of the elemental arrows?
That was fun as fuck.
they're pushing the resources allocated in their vm. it could be some other host i suppose. i don't think drahan is hosting these himself.
Some invisible force is keeping me from passing this doorway.
wiki is your friend
Do the tutorial.
You can skip the tutorial using the appropriate keyword you were given when you warped to the tutorial area. Use it on the NPC next to the crystal ball. You can also go through the tutorial to get an idea of what exploration is like.
I tried
too soon.
So this is the true power of autism
Good shit guys. The disco pump was strong this night.
Saved. Good night, Aniki.
I really like this pic.
Anyone interested in a crappily fully upgraded claymore? Also got a kite shield to give away.
I am now a rank B enchanter, bring me your fuckin scrolls and I will upgrade your shit.
Which of the new dungeons drop Shyliens more often? Cenae or Pantay?
This seems kinda fun. Is it grindy as fuck?
We got a raid, fuckbois.
it's not not-grindy but there's lots to do, you'll usually grind one skill and do about 20 other things to distract you
This is conflicting.
But I can make an extra thicc giant qt?
Yes but AFAIK there isn't really an "end game" that everyone is rushing toward, you can take it easy at your own pace and not worry about falling behind.
I finally got it. At first, I took the boat once I learned that you had to wait for it to depart. Then when I got there, it warped me to the usual spot. The keyword did the trick. I did the quest twice before.
Alright, maybe I'll check it out. These are usually fun with anons.
Isn't that just called alchemy?
i'm probably doing it wrong but what's the optimal upgrade path for buttslayer swords?
Oh on last question. How many characters for an account. I wan t make a manly man too.
2 if you started with human, and you can have 3 accounts.
Humans get two extra characters. So make a human first, because you get a giant anyways.
I'll take that kite shield off your hands if you still have it.
IGN: Aurous
Think it's 3 total, you can either get 1 human 1 elf 1 giant if you start as a human, or have whatever combination you want if you use separate accounts. If you're doing 1 account, you will have to travel to the homeland of the other race and make an alliance in order to get your extra character. Getting an elf is really quick because there is a moongate (teleport) right next to one of the human starting areas, but I don't know about giants.
Also you can rebirth your character to (amongst other things) almost completely reset their look and even gender, so don't worry too much about what your human looks like if you go that route.
Pretty sure you can break your alliance to get both an elf and a giant.
This, elf is easy to get to giant is kinda harder, pretty sure theres people whod ferry you over though, I'd be happy to take anyone who wants to
You can and you'd probably want to for both unless you like being attacked upon entering towns.
I'm helping someone with G1, it'll be mailed to you as soon as I can
sorry we didn't get to complete your G1 tonight shota
if you ever need my help just say the word
We're hitting comfy levels that shouldn't even be possible.
I'm taking a page out of your books. I'm making even the veterans sit down and chill once in a while.
Wew. I promise it makes the game 200-300% more playable when you just chill out and shitpost for a while. That and pointless ADVIINCHURE and such.
At least I'm getting swole as fuck. I MUST WIN MIKU BACK
The miku bowl is mine, fellow autist.
You wanna go, nigga? Ill fite u.
Big thanks to Kyoupon and Ceres for music, Dartier for making the fires, faget and Motsi for making food and egg. Maximum comfy was achieved.
Where do I buy a pickaxe?
P sure there's one in the Qilia camp smith's shop, too. Haven't done a full catalog of all the shops, but i think it'd be remiss if there wasn't someone selling them in Bangor.
is love over?
Did the server just shit itself?
Server is DOA
that's too bad, we were making good progress in albey
And I was so sure I was close to maximum fat
Banquet killed it
How often does this happen?
this is the first time in the two weeks i've been playing that the servers went down without notice, they did go down last weekend for 2 hours but we had notice.
Not that often, it's probably just maintenance.
Normally its declared, this was without warning. inb4 Nexon subpoenaed their ISP and had them cut off
If that was the case, we couldn't see their public webpage.
Due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing unscheduled server maintenance to address a critical issue during the following times:
12:40AM 03/04/18 to 05:00AM 03/04/18 (EST)
we're the unfortunate set of circumstances aren't we
Most definitely.
Dont be silly. You are all fine. We will get this issue fixed ASAP. Sorry for the trouble.
inb4 smug with -300,000 guild points
It's fucking Wurm Unlimited all over again.
The fomor want to return everything to nothing; maybe WE are the fomor.
I'm already a fomor, Kaz.
[distant *woooahhooaaahhhhh-ing]
I Guess I'll wait.
Should I really stay up another hour and a half?
How long were you planning on playing tonight? If it is significantly longer than an hour and a half then sure.
5 minutes.
In approximately 8 hours, is any level 30 up for some grinding for dosh? I'm going to load up on some party quests and grind part time jobs until someone joins me in the dungeon.
Well today is my rebirth so my level will be lower but being an alchemist my damage will be the same so I'll join then.
fug forgot to reply
If i'm awake, I'll join. level 40 though
I think im going to sleep If I wan't to wake up in 8 hours. Server maintenance looks like its going to take longer than it was thought.
I wish that was me
Do you guys know something I don't about the server or is that how long you plan to sleep?
the server status is right here, I keep hitting refresh but it doesn't change
It shouldnt take 8 hours is just that he has to sleep.
Either way we really fucked it if its taking this long
Well fuck I'm off to do shit then.
See you lads tomorrow then.
I will never get rid of these fucking gems, will I?
did our smugness kill the server?
and if it did s-sorry
Waffo, you shouldn't force comf.
i just wanted to sift sand before work, but that probably won't happen
If you need ores, I can give you a bunch. I just need iron and silver.
i only need iron right now, thanks for the offer though
I think the entire server detonated.
>it's probably gonna get delayed again
Holy shit, what were you fags doing?
Spamming VC like a bunch of fucking autists all while grouped up and disco pumping. Best fucking banquet
nothing much.
Fact: i can log into the character select, but i can't actually enter the world and one of my pets had become a Nobody.
Why are we still here, just to suffer?
I hope its the last man.
Maybe they'll bump it up to daily rebirths then.
maybe we finally destroyed the Gangster Computer God.
but at what cost?
A lot of them already knew, user.
In fact from what I hear, they thought we were raiding at first because so many of us came.
bit how would they know of us.
many see us as only but a myth.
I was sleeping. Is it still down? I've got goyim to shake down for debt money, god damn it.
Wow so it really is like that time we crashed that Wurm Unlimited server with no survivors.
The only way for us to restore balance is by music. And for that we need to get at least 3 or 4 copies of that fucking book from Karu. :^)
Organize some runs and if im free I'll go.
you need something from a boss to doot doot? man, barding is intense in this game
Karu's end chest has a chance of dropping a book for composing, composing is useful to mages as well as bards.
I can get to character select but I get an error when selecting one. At least my dude is still giga-fat.
Will maintenance ever end?
Just wait.
>50 more minutes
There is gonna be another delay, right?
Server cannot be reached.
Has the power of autism and friendship finally been defeated?
More delays incoming!
or noy
Fills my pen with sadness.
Yeah but its starting to go along at least, I thought for a second that I would play at all today.
I just want to have my rebirth dammit.
its up to three now, its probably the gms.
Yeah that's what I was thinking too.
surveying the damage dealt
Servers are back up online
servers up
A-are you trying to tell me something, user?
I heard resetting the server takes about 5 minutes so every maintenance window is completed with [time taken/5 minutes] number of resets to get it to work.
a-at least it's up and going now
holy shit that's great
Can't wait to roll an extra thicc giantess who punishes shotas by farting on them.
you have to use your OWN drawn VC from in the game as the base image to convert with. I'd tried just changing the name in the file but that never worked for me
Looks like your crackin for a braaaapin user.
May you please head back to furaffiny? We dont want your type here
Teach me to suck dicks like you.
You're pretty cancer, and this is coming from a meme autist.
what in christ's name can I mix to rank up cooking to ANY degree? I looked in the wiki to make some breadcrumbs (which is just sliced bread that you "mix", using only one sliced bread 100%) and I failed that even still. For fuck's sake.
Do mixed fruit. Takes berries, strawberries, and apples.
Do Strawberry Milk. Strawberries are cheap and bought just about anywhere. Milk is infinite as long as you have a bottle and a cow.
at a 33.3/33.3/33.3 ratio i'm assuming
oh so THAT'S what I can use the bottle for? neat.
Are part time jobs sometimes bugged for anyone else or am I just being retarded? I have the items they need but it just brings up the normal conversation stuff instead of the rewards and shit.
PTJs have turn in times that are different from the initial start time. You can check by hitting O and hovering over the time
I don't know what these do but mine expire in 4 hours. Anyone who's a bad enough dude to post their name gets one I guess
All they do is get you a title. I usually just send them to people I hang out with in-game.
we broke it again
this is all you smug bastards fault
Did we meme too hard again boys?
I wasn't aware, thought you could just turn in whenever.
Hope that works out because Baol Infil is a pain in the ass even in its shortened form.
that equals stuck char, which is at least 10 min of wait in normal circumstances.
Come on, guys, it only took you 2 and a half hours to break it again?
Is hope well and truly dead this time?
Channels are offline fuck.
Well, in better news, the guild is sitting at 12k guild points, which means we only need another 2k which is about a day or two's worth.
Its back
The last 3 times I set up my shop in Dunby the server died shortly after. My shop is 150 seperate 1x1 items I have to put the price in for manually every time. My will and wrists are crushed.
For an update it seems like the server is being fucked by someone on purpose.
Saw that in chat, something about Pake or something. Not sure what that is.
the user will be tracked down, but the bug will probably continue to exist
forgive me for linking the first result in google
archive that shit nig
fucking wew
Doubtful. I think 1 or 2 GMs are major austic in mabi and can fix shitty bugs
I havent seen dragon rocks that's for sure.
if you played official it was around years ago (probably since launch actually) it just didn't cause problems until people started getting black robed.
Ominous sounding, what does that do?
did server ded again
From the reddit thread, it seems that your face and hair are implemented internally as an "item" in a hidden inventory, and hackers could use an exploit to literally delete people's faces.
it happened to a good chunk of my guild on ruari. you couldn't login and nexon took months to restore characters it happened to.
I'm never going to get refining at this rate, let alone train it.
Creepy, and considering it doesn't actually do anything other than remove a face its down right mean.
guess i'm not playing today at all
Seems to be the purpose, benefit + rush of power/drama bullshit or something along the lines.
You guys gonna be playing tonight? I spot one or two smugs occasionally but haven't gotten anyone on friends to do group stuff yet.
Judging from it sounds like they would delete your entire inventory, including your face, and then you wouldn't be allowed to log in because you were missing essential "items."
There's a shitload of us everywhere, honestly. A lot of them don't have the smug tag, though.
I'm convinced we make up half of the population of the server at this point.
hmmm we might have to shoot for the final guild upgrade then before investing in the other guild stuff.
back online
That's the plan, honestly. There's anywhere from 40-70 anons, and I've lost track of who's staying and who isn't.
yeah also the last upgrade is fucking humongous, a total of 250 slots damn.
How are you guys gonna go about adding people once there's more space? Just anyone for now until you start to run out of room?
last time people who showed up at the stone got priority besides a chosen few very active people
How many slots are there going to be, anyway? The application list is full so I can't even apply. Seems to me most recently/regularly online peoples should get priority but can you even check that?
30 more slots making a total of 50
I'm running the barri spirit dungeon for a while so does anyone have any requests for spirit stones?
That should be more than enough slots right? The only reason I could play is because I quit muh wageslave job.
Maybe a spirit for wands if possible, I'm gonna try this whole spirit weapon for the first time on a fire wand.
user there's definitely more than 50 people playing.
Yeah you get paid to spend time doing the work, not the actual work. don't let anybody know you already did it and that youre just lassing time, theyll tell the manager
any preference on spirit gender? And post your ign so I can mail it to you
Where is our stone?
Also please be courteous if you know you aren't gonna play much or only on weekends. The way it works is you get guild points for being online and for leveling up, and we need a lot for the final guild expansion, so we can get there faster the more active players we have in the guild.
I'm gonna run the Ciar normal dungeon for some cash and hopefully a drop of the ciar basic pass so I can complete that golem hunt quest I picked up ages ago. Anyone want to join? Gotta get myself some nicer looking armour.
Afterwards I'll probably try to complete my G1.
I'll be there after I send some mail
almost all the new recruits were very active (which is why we've gotten so far so fast) the next expansion is going to take a while regardless.
it's near dunby on the hill behind the moongate.
Its west of dunbarton on a hill. And you can apply to the guild without touching the stone afaik.
doesn't matter which one, iIGN is Propainwaifu
I can help if you're still waiting. I'll make my way there now.
we're in the dungeon now.
Alright. Let me know if you want help to run it again or not. I'll be shearing sheep in the meantime
Do you have a ciar basic pass? If so we can go now.
Who ERPs in global though
oh it doesn't end there.
Where was this shit a while ago?
I do not.
How do you not skip leg day?
man now i wonder how the faggots from RO General are doing; i know i saw Anumati around here years ago
Does anyone feel like suffering?
I'm up to the golem and still haven't found any enemies that train windmill. Anyone care to spoonfeed me?
Their method, other alchemist shadow missions in Tara.
What rank are you even at?
windmill is the only skill I have at rank E instead of F, so the lowest I guess?
be sure to derank your skills at Duncan. Skills up your CP enough that you'll need to kill legit boss monsters to train it.
In that case, you need to kill mobs of your own CP level. the foxes near trefor might still be normal for you. try them. Alternatively, Randal gives beginner passes for ciar, where you'll find young gobbos, which have low CP.
Stop by the tir chonail bank, I'll explain everything.
still around?
I'm at the cemetery making a spider farm. Need a hand with something?
How and why?
Also yes. Ciar normal.
I didn't get a chance to send it yesterday before the server got fucked, it's sent now.
Aggro spiders to the tree, get them stuck and walk out of aggro range
I need spider webs for weaving
And I'm headed there now.
I like skin giant. Skin giant is the greatest hero of them all and doesn't afraid of anything. Pillar of the community and he always brightens up the day when he appears.
He's cringey at best.
Are the servers fine now or do they keep crashing?
been stable for 5 hours.
Downloadin, lets see what I can get into. I will roll human first so I can get dem other characters on the account.
How long have the threads of this been going for?
2 weeks.
Fuck, haven't been watching the board due to me playing wurm
Well I'm joining in anyway.
Oh yeah, there are 2 servers? Which are we on?
Theres only one, Tirona or however its spelt.
You're gonna see a lot of people by the bank and a fire. That's us.
When you see GM on the official server stating that they don't care about the game besides fashionogi then…
You actually just get paid for finishing the job within the time limit so ayone can get you the gear that you are crafting for blacksmith/tailoring to 99% and you just have to complete the last step
Fuck me. This and the eyes might take a while. Can I change my appearance after making at all?
Yes, but only during rebirth, which is after 2 weeks of play.
Every rebirth.
Neet. All thats needed to to think of a name now.
who do I message again?
Just run towards the bank.
ALright, on very last question. Some tiddy bitch is telling me to go to Tir Chanil or something, should I listen to her? Or go to Iria?
Tir chonail is the newfag starting village, and iria is a fuckhueg continent with nearly nothing on it.
Deathknight Blue wants to grind exp with you fags. Anyone have a good dungeon pass or want to run some shadow missions?
Thank you for remembering, user.
It's probably said in the tutorial, but you can effortlessly warp to or from Iria from the menu roughly twice an in-game day. Warping from it puts you in Dunbarton, which is two screens south of Tir Chanology.
I can't start this despite having 16 exploration levels. Is there anything else I need?
you can have three accounts for no discernible reason; make another one and do it right this time then use the first one as an alt. or just play with your fuck-up until you can rebirth which is what id do to REALLY salt the wound
Anyone with Ice Spear, Fireball or Thunder wanna help me make some Alchemy crystals? Alternatively, anyone who wants to just chop firewood would also be helpful. I'm in Tailteann.
It has gone even further beyond.
it absolutely destroyed me, even with full HP.
Is tuco the only one with mirage shot?
Turns out WM spam is easy because it doesn't flinch or get knocked back.
Mirage shot is the DoT attack right?
Adolf has it
anyone want this?
1595 more points to go!
we can do this!
for Jagger and anyone having trouble with G1.
I miss my coins already.
who here are also soldiers of fortune?
how do i fashionogi some decent shoes?
the leo boots aren't bad i guess but they're so shiny
id feel gypped but i can zoom like a motherfucker on most of iria and im happy to have a second mount for when my horse goes ghostmode
also fuck fashion
it's just like my japanese animes!
I'm now reconsidering heading back to Tir Chonaill
You can be gay in the middle of town with no additional cost.
at least you got some sort of clothes, I just wasted 50 coins and got a set of potions
It works in tara, tailteann, abb neagh, and other places west of dunbarton that aren't emain macha.
How to import pics to visual chat?
you clikc on a VC you like then click on import
Mabi Gear Solid 3: Tree Cutter
MGS5: The Phantom Elf Village
/ss/ intensifies
If you look at the ss while is small you'll probaly notice that those eyes of the blue dood seems like the style of the pop team epic eyes.
is this the fanservice episode?
filler episode before the big twist
This is some OP shit
and it's fun
Just finished my new character in game name is Wewladdie.
Some free dyes for anyone who wants them.
who are actually boys
May I have the red dye?
I have a feeling i'm going to regret this.
Requesting yellowish metal dye for Shotasucks.
Again, I can purge it real easy when you want me to.
Yeah i know. I'm going to push it to the limit to see how much it will cost so i'm going to lose some shekels either way.
Someone already took the red off my hands. Here's what's left.
Can I get that orange one?
When does wm training so I can enjoy comfy dungeoneering and leveling up my other skills? Also what is destiny? Is it only after rebirth?
When does it end*
When you want it to end, user. Which is never. There's someone providing CP reducing gear rental service on the forum, you should use that if you're having trouble finding boss monsters.
You get bonus stats and bonus skill exp depending on your destiny choice. Right now there are knight, archer, magician and alchemist destinies. And yes, they are only after rebirth. Check the wiki to learn which destinies provides bonuses to your choice of skills.
I just remember getting it rank 1 first makes it easier but it takes forever in any case, also did thread reach bump limit?
It ends upon reaching Rank 1, or rank 5 if you're a faggot.
limit is 300.
Lol can we get a sideways view
About to do ciar normal with this fag
anyone else want to come along?
This is great
I chuckled. I wonder if the same will happen with Waterdrop Helm too?
Dart i need you man if you're lurking remove this shit.
Go to Ferghus :^)
oh my god who touched sasha
Never repair at edern, bless your item and then go to Grantis (elf guard in Tailtean) for the same repair rate.
Is he cheaper than that dyke in Dunbarton?
Anyone want one?
The white one might be sellable, say 10-50k if you can find a buyer.
I'm thinking of using blunt weapons, are there any non combat jobs the guild needs?
I wouldn't mind the green one
Giants are able to dual wield these or get to use two-handed blunt weapons, so get your human to vales.
All of them.
I've been looking at random wiki pages and they say humans can use two handed blunt weapons, is that wrong?
I don't think there are any two handed blunt weapons for humans in this version. When you look up stuff on the wiki make sure you roll back the time to 2011 march (or as close to as possible) by clicking view history in the top right.
It could be that you can use two handed blunts as a human, but you cannot get the skill for it. Knuckles work for human in this one, but here is no skill for it.
All the two handed blunt weapons I've seen are giant only and other than blunt mastery there is no skill for it.
Turns out that no it doesnt happen with the waterdrop helm.
Can I get the white one? Squidlegs
This is where the suffering begins, isn't it.
Metallurgy is one of those skills that get easier to rank up as you get exp for more ore types. Refining on the other hand… have fun with it.
stockpiling a ton of ore makes refining a little more bearable to rank up. Also get some titles/gear with -dex to fail refining.
I was doing the protect deian's sheep mission and now I'm stuck in his farm. The current objective is to talk to him, but he's not with his sheep and there's no way out because it's all fenced in.
What do I do?
You were given a Wing of the Goddess. It should be in your inventory somewhere. Use it to return.
Thank you.
Chibi blue ready to explore
that poor loli is starving to death
That's a tight hole.
Final stretch. Let's go!
Speaking of starving to death I just got fatter.
Not kawaii at all.
Anyone wanna help me blast through Ciar Normal?
Exploring and hunting treasure in the mainland is fun. A friend helped me befriend the giants too. It looks like you can ride Hippos too! On my way to the elf village, I found a tribal village that showed me a cutscene of a dragon. After digging some stuff for them, I reached the elf village and they attacked me. How xenophobic. That's enough sightseeing for now
Once you befriend the giants, or elves, the other side will try to kill you. You can change sides to the elf side to get an elf card, by the way.
The game doesn't save my skill hotkeys. Wat do?
make sure isnt blocked on your network (make sure cloudflare hasnt suspected you to be a botnet)
do you log out normally, where it gives a popup saying "saving character data"?
I love global chat sometimes.
drop bag of gold at dungeon entrance
Kill me please.
>dropped a bag of gold
what's your IGN?
Every time I logged off my computer had locked up. I'll try again once I finish this dungeon.
>start asking him for marriage
>He's an elf
>I'm a giant.
Do you also lock up when you're opening those in-game web stuff like guild home or homepage?
Where can I find grey foxes that aren't near dire wolves and wisps that can meme on me in one hit? Also, how does weapon speed work, and if I dual wield does it just use the slowest weapon's speed?
Hey, you're just not my type.
I'm gonna have to end up finding you a goddamn elf partner in the end.
Goddamit if you get married I'll even do the whole family business.
Alright whose fucking idea was this.
There's a bunch of grey foxes on the path to Ciar Dungeon. They are by Black wolves though. Weapon speed is just how fast you can attack an enemy and how many hits you can land before you push an enemy back. If you dual wield it averages the weapon speed between what you're using.
750 guild points off. That's like, 5 people handing in tonight.
Well those are 2 items I'm never seeing again.
Bless ye faget.
They said it couldn't be done
I still have some dyes left to give away. The ones outlined in red are untradable so you'll have to pass me whatever you want dyed if you want those.
This is what it means TO GO EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
Thats a really elaborate cigarette lighter you have there.
She have become avatar of fire, the burner of worlds.
Typical giant mage can't hold all her spaghetti
I feel the lack of quests is somehow related to talking to people, but rumors and private story only get me notes about shit like the graveyard or other nonsense. Got to renes only to discover its part of another chain I need to start, Cor made me fight a panther that raped me 4 ways from sunday, now I have to fight hobgoblins after ballooning across the entire region.
I'm still at the starter town and I have no idea what to do.
I'm level 16 and don't know if I should still be there.
I'm 43 and I'm in such a weird power gap, everything is either weak or awful.
Levels are not as important in this game as it is in others. It has more to do with the CP you get from skill ranks. Leveling up only gives you AP to rank up those skills.
I need to gain another 3.2 levels before I'm allowed to take on higher tier shadow missions, and can all but handle a shadow mission with a very nice exp reward. Come to the stonehenge in tara to join me.
as soon as I can find out if these hobgoblins are awful or not, though it'll be a while since I'll need to run from dunbarton after a continent warp.
Nope, fuck this, I'm out.
Going to run the taillteann daily with limbledon. If there's not enough room for you or you're not interested, wait for me in tara.
I'm at the noob town doing the noob dungeon, currently smacking a tree to get food so my loli doesn't starve
already near tara, need to pass the wineries, and i have no idea what the tailteann daily is.
Marry someone and the ring you get never breaks, gives the same defense and protection you also get stat bonuses when near each other
Frustration Status:
newfags can't redtext.
>current year+3
>can't redtext
I only wanted to play the damn game.
is this normal? do I need to go to a doctor?
Alright, I finished up with those guys. Heading over to tara again.
What's your IGN? I'll summon you.
Where is new bread?
Comfy Smug gathering.
semi looks like a social outcast. turn around, babe.
My fucking client is crashed on startup, then after I logged in, at the worst possible time, god fucking damn it, now I gotta wait for the server to disconect me.
Save a spot for me, I'll send the application once this shit stops being retarded.
thats kind of hot
I got to go do something so ill ask in the threads. How does dye lite work. I followed the instructions but I don't think im doing it right.
what a train
Successfully infiltrated.
Now that I'm in the numbered ranks for windmill should I find the easiest "boss" monster or just stick to white wolves?
Easiest boss monster, levels you up faster.
Holy shit my sides.
New bread