What are some games for PC where I can breed, raise and train animals or monsters to fight and compete each other? Like Pokemon Stadium or Monster Rancher
What are some games for PC where I can breed, raise and train animals or monsters to fight and compete each other...
just make your own game that does all of that
Shit, emulate it. Shut up.
Also I guess it doesn't need to be necessarily monsters, but people too.
Free Cities.
The only con is that it's a text-based porn game.
Another one of a similar genre that meets your specifications is called Strive for Power.
What the fuck
Fucking newfags
I didn't know we had housewives on Holla Forums.
If you weren't a newfag you'd know that Holla Forums is comprised solely by women.
You're not fooling anyone stalker. Get out of here.
Как тебя?
Those are some nice tiddies.
Got any more?
here, the best slavic women
bakc to /int/ with you shillboy
Forget I asked.
No lewd, just cute
is this the russian thread?
what does actual breeding and training animals entail?
Sure, Russian girls are cute, but I heard a lot of them have meth and krokodil problems, which makes me wary.
Jack of Nine Tails is better
The russian women meme is they look amazing young but hit 30 like a brickwall, quickly becoming babushkas.
slavs are a genetic dead end. Not worth the time and their low average IQ will be the dooming of your offspring to eternal welfare and never amounting to anything. Just look at this thread for proof.
That's white women in general, not just Russians.
это 'фаггот'
Who even makes these.
I just wanted some more titties, Why did this happen.
Its called bait and hook.
Someone has never seen them in real life.
I don't even care anymore.
It's almost like it's downhill for any average woman past the age of 30.
It is well known that japanese woman spontaneously transform into grannies once they hit menopause.
Reported for posting fake and gay information.
Can we please get back to the topic? Slavic girls are dumb whores and golddiggers, they're only cute because its an evolutionary development in order to secure your western currency.
Dragon Quest Monsters
Touhou Puppet Play aka Touhoumon
both can be easily emulated
Let's find one together user!
I would love to have a rival trainer for SOME game
post cute anime girls at least you faggot
Bump for awareness because none of you use the catalog like you should be doing
Honestly there is so much wrong with this post, I don't even know where to begin. Why do you feel the need to perpetuate this "lol >3D" meme? Why do you feel the need to perpetuate the homosexual meme? Why do you feel the need to bait? All of this, mind you, on the video games board. Not a 3D pornography board, not a 2D pornography board, not a homosexual lifestyle board, not a le ebin trollu board but this: the video games board. Why? What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have AIDS or something? Has toxoplasmosis ruined your thinkpan? Are you trying to pick up boyfriends or something? Get some help, man. Get some help.
Go back to reddit
What ever happened to that one monster girl training farm sim game
I dunno, but if you come across any that let you breed snake girls, let me know alright.
Catalog's fine if you're looking for a specific thread, but you can't get a glimpse of what's being discussed in the thread like you can with the front page.
I can name four off the top of my head, you're going to have to be more specific.
The "toxic" ruins the bait tbh.
Name all four then please.
Well furries are the fucking worst, that much is true.
angry furfag detected
Flash, famous for it's patron shekel grabbing. The older versions can be fun.
Unity, made by the artist of Breeding Season. It's shit, not worth the space it takes on your drive.
RPGmaker, the developer has been working on it on and off for somewhere around half a decade.
Unity, but it doesn't look like your average unity game. Very early in development but shows a lot of promise.
Unity, I think they renamed it at some point. Haven't touched it in over a year, so not much to say about it.
There's another I can't find or recall the name of, but it was in unity and you're on a farm with a bunch of catgirls you can knock up. It was very bare bones when I last played 3-4 years back.
Whore Master gets an honorable mention as you can send your gangs into a dungeon to retrieve monstergirls. No farming, and I don't remember what happens if they get pregnant.
Polite sage for /hgg/ on Holla Forums.
I knew of breeding season and cloud meadows,other ones not really though,thanks
Menopause is universal to women and affects them all.
A life of alcohol/drugs and parties will universally make them look like old hags at 30+, hits some as early as 19.
One last bumpu
its in their genes
I treat my slaves far too nicely to have them fight in the arena.
Now eratohok is the place for fighting. Breed with 2hus and raise my daughterus as wonderful officers to stand by my side for the peace and unification of Gensokyo. And breed with them too.