Are you currently obsessed with a game? What is it?

Are you currently obsessed with a game? What is it?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Pro_Skater_2


Good game to zone out.
Such a shame they fucked up with the artificial difficulty on the DLCs.

At least we have antibirth to compensate for.

I was playing a ton of Quake last month: I got through the main game, both expansions, the Machinegames' Episode, and the majority of Arcane Dimensions. I can't recommend AD enough.

Was obsessed with Dork Soles now I'm fucking sick of it.

I also did this a few months back, haven't had the chance to play AD tho

finally got around to playing this,not half bad

I've been replaying Mario Odyssey a lot to pass the time, most runs only take an hour and a half or less so it's fun to play through and see what moons I can get in the shortest amount of time

I just wish there was a bit more to the game, like an extra kingdom or some other location


why did Holla Forumsscape have to fail

Not one game, but 3D platformers in general. Been playing through a bunch of platformers of all sorts, making notes on the positives and negatives, so that I'd know what to focus on when I start working on my own.
last project, an RPG of mine, fell through due to personal reasons. I still have the coding experience and general ideas for a lot of simple functionality but I've never worked with 3D in my life. Ended up picking up 3D modeling in a weekend, though, far easier than I remember it being.

Played Mario 64 DS all the way through, bloody good fun. Then played Mario 3D Land, Crash Twinsanity and Conker's Bad Fur Day, as that's what I had on hand. Dug up my PS1, with the Spyro and Crash trilogies, so that's next, as well as the original Mario 64, and maybe Galaxy if it'll run fine on my potato PC.

DK64, BK and BT are the obvious ones I'll have to track down. Pretty sure I also have the Infogrames Bugs Bunny games for PS1 somewhere as well. Is a Hat in Time worth a pirate?
Anyone have any more obscure suggestions, as well?

I'm not obsessed with any one game at the moment, mostly just shifting from one to another as the mood strikes me. That last game I was really in to was probably Odyssey.
If I could get a group of friends together at the same time though, I'm sure Vermintide would become a new obsession. I avoided it for so long because I heard some shit about a rough launch and never looked at it again, and was gifted it the other day after expressing interest in the sequel, and goddamn it seems fun. Loot system seems a bit shit but there aren't any lootcrates that I've noticed.

Odyssey is one of those games where I'd be happy for a straight sequel. Just more levels from developers, maybe a B team, now that they're familiar with the engine and the hardware. Just let them go crazy with some SMW Star World level type shit.

Glover on the N64 is also worth a pirate. It's a 3D platformer where you play as a glove guiding a ball. Sounds dumb but I geniunely had fun with it back in the day. No idea if it still holds up however.
And don't forget Croc on PS1. It's made by the Argonauts people that made Starfox and the SuperFX chip for SNES, and it's their take on the Yoshi platformer that they pitched to Nintendo that was turned down, which in turn inspired Mario 64 (some say, but I bet there was a bit of parallel development happening already).


Because no one wants a shitty bootleg
Because infinite run is totally not ezscape

inb4 post deleted

Remember seeing Glover a while back, will add that to the list, and I'm pretty sure I have Croc somewhere, just never played it.
Thanks, though, user.

And while you're at it, how's Odyssey? Seems like you enjoyed it. Might have to track down a Switch a couple years down the line when they're cheaper. Hoping for CFW, or more games in general until then.

I was playing a good bit of (Fractal) Doom lately.
Also, modern TF2 has been surprisingly good for me. Economy is fucked sideways, but what does that matter? I bought up hats, festives, stranges in plenty before the trade holds bullshit, so I give no fucks.

It's hard to get that much into tf2 now with people that have been playing for a decade and pubstomp you to death.
I've got around 300 hours and I still feel like I suck

Fuck off Quentin


Ys Origins really caught me off guard. I expected some shitty low budget thing and got a very enjoyable game with probably one of the most enjoyable characters I've ever played(Toal). It's gotten me interested in the rest of the Ys games.

Don't forget Sheep Raider on the PS1. It's more a puzzle game than a 3d platformer but it's still very worthwhile.

Battlefield 1

Odyssey is pretty damned good. Better than 64 I'd say, though not as important due to how revolutionary 64 was.

I haven't been 'obsessed' with a game in a good while. I used to play Insurgency every day. I wish I had another online shooter that I could enjoy like that.

Too bad it failed, they didn't shill it hard enough.

It's a rare time when a "Galaxy 2" style game would go over well.
Maybe take advantage or encourage/teach the fancy hat acrobatics. Have the difficulty curve be more gradual rather than only really shooting up at the end.
And fuck bullshit like the invisible picture making shit.



God help me.

I played KCD nonstop for the past few weeks or so, but I think I've about cleared out the worthwhile content. I'd like to play more but I've just run out of shit to do. Tried playing differently, as a dick-ass thief and that's pretty fun for a while but it's not quite as fulfilling as being a noble knight.

Guess I'll have to wait 3-5 years for a sequel, or for other devs to make games copying it inspired by it.

I just keep playing team fortress 2 because I don't have the time to devote to any games with depth, so I can just quit on a whim and go back to flogging myself.

how the fuck do you play 2k hours in Elite
the game has like 5 hours of actual content

doxing you rn

He's a space guy, user.

nigga I like space too but that's a bit much


I was playing KCD, but the devs failed to disclose that the game is still a paid beta/early access - so after running into a game-breaking main questline bug, I'd put that piece of shit on the back burner until they finish it up.

Mostly just been playing LiEat, Enclave, and EDF on the Vita. Tried to play Crash Bandicoot Remaster on a rental, but they fucked up the collision detection so much that it's not even worth "gittin gud" by learning to work around their fuckup. It just feels cheap half the time when you die, and that turns my stomach. Especially when I have a perfectly good copies of the original games already. Why the fuck this game is praised so highly by the average PS fanboy, I have no fucking idea. It's like painting your windows, and yeah - they look nice - but you fucked up and painted them shut, and now they fucking stick when you try to open them so you just leave them closed all the time now.

I want to try KCD but all the talk of bugs put me off.

It's a slav game user. There will always be bugs. Best hope is to wait for fan-patches, but with the way things are now, and how long it takes to create content, it could be years away.
Remember when games used to be created in a year, and fans could basically rewrite the whole thing from scratch? That simply doesn't happen anymore, despite tools being so much more readily available and easy to use. It's a sad time.

There was a new patch in the past couple days that should have taken care of the worst of it, but it may still be a good idea to wait for one or two more to make sure if you're worried about it. They have a blog where they take about changelogs and what they're working on. Anyway I played it since day 1 and while there were some quest breaking bugs that were annoying, they were easily fixed by loading a previous save. You shouldn't have to do that in the first place, though.

The new patch should be out this week, and from what I hear, it contains "Hundreds" of bug fixes. If nothing else, proper mod support is also supposed to be coming, so maybe they'll pull a Todd and just let the community make their own bug patches rather than fixing their shit themselves.

I'm just waiting for the hammer to drop and the patch not being able to fix the issue without having to go back to a previous save. I've got a bunch of sidequest shit done since the "waiting for the plague to clear up" objective seemed to be a natural break point to fuck off and level up. (especially after that goddamned fight with Runt) It wasn't until 20 hours later when I come back to find out the game was fucked.

But it's free:
As for bugs, it can occasionally be a little wonky but I'm 20ish hours in and I've never had anything significant go wrong. My bigger complaint with the game is it's aids saving system. There isn't very clear rules about what causes the game to save and I've subsequently lost chunks of 60-90 minutes worth of play time from deaths in places I thought I had saved.

I was disappointed by the fight with Runt, I parried him once, did a 3 hit combo, and it was over. I really wanted a proper revenge battle. That cutscene afterward was pretty kickass though, very fitting with how quickly he got his ass whipped I suppose.

If it doesn't say "game saved" on the screen, then it didn't save.

Why is there so many template threads lately

I've ~1400 hours, but a good deal of that was fucking around on trade servers with my m8s, and I've just come off a long stretch of having forgotten my Steam email. I can do great in most esoteric gamemodes such as x10 and MvM, but completely vanilla TF2 is beyond me by now, not when everyone else is pubstomper fucks.

Rumor is there's some new 4chan app that also includes 8ch boards, so we're getting lots of crossposters suddenly. Certainly seems plausible but I dunno if it's true.

Are you sure you're playing tf2? About 1 in 100 games I play has someone who can even pubstomp the server besides me

What is a "template thread", exactly? I never see people bitching about it in there actual template threads.

Anything that isn't a general.

Sonic and all stars racing transformed.

You'd think people would bitch more about permanent general threads, but whatever.

Clearly, but If online sources are to believed you can just sleep to save, which I can say definitively does not always save your game, even in a bed. The game does not tell you how long you need to sleep, where you need to sleep, or what conditions need to be fulfilled. It's temperamental as fuck.

The only other ways of saving are completing main quests and saviour schnapps. Saviour schnapps are not particularly common and are thus impractical. The "complete a main quest" save mechanic doesn't work for me because of my playstyle in these kind of open world rpgs. I like to spend as much time as possible doing side quests before the main quest, because after I've completed the main quest the side quests feel empty and pointless.

You'd think people who bitch a lot do it for a reason, but nope.

For 11 years now

I just want to chikibriki…

My sword skills weren't nearly high enough to go after him. I just ended up getting an occasional poke in before he'd half-sword me and gas my stamina with a 5 hit combo. Then it was just a rinse and repeat with diminishing health. Ended up having to just shoot him in the face a few times with quality piercing arrows - and that felt cheap as fuck.

I just, from my play, didn't really happen upon too many quests and random encounters where I could really practice my sword fighting - so it atrophied until I ran into an enemy that actually put up a decent fight. So after that I started going bandit/cumin hunting on those repeatable quests you get in each region. Also discovered just how fucking broken hunting was, killed literally a handful of boars (which on a good hunt nets you like 600+ pieces of meat) cooked the meat to remove the "poached" status - and then was able to afford the best gear, plenty of training, and the best horse kit in the game so far.

XRay is Open Source
Get to work

Saviour schnapps are pretty much infinite once you get past early game and get some money or learn alchemy. And sleeping to save can be iffy if you're only sleeping a couple hours, but if you get a full night's sleep (8 hours) it saves every time. Anyway I heard the new patch adds a save and quit option.

I know the feeling, user.

Training with Bernard is damn near mandatory in the beginning. Get those perfect parries down, no enemy should ever get more than a 1-3 hit combo on you before you catch them with one.

It sucks but I can't stop playing it


why are you using that theme,change to tomorrow

That's heresy.

That requires cookies to be enabled, use stylus and base16.

Usually play GS games for a few days in a row. All the way from playing civ on dos. I wonder if i still have diskette with old save files somewhere.

Can’t tell if this is bait or you’re this new but it’s essentially “What are x games that you x?” or “Why is x games bad?” List goes on newfag.

No. I wish I was. I keep starting games and then quitting them after 2 or 3 days. Nothing good is ever made anymore.

Get >>>/out/ cuckchan

I like the purple of Yotsuba B, it's easy on the eyes. I've also never liked dark themes on websites, they're too overbearing for me. Not to say that getting your eyes assaulted with pure white is fun, but again, it's why I like Yotsuba B, close enough to white to look appealing but not bright white so it doesn't melt your eyes.

I have 3k hours and I've been getting worse. I end up being bottom of the score list most of the time now, of course I also don't try to "main" any class, soldier, demo and pyro are objectively easier classes in most scenarios, but recently I get my asshole reamed every game regardless of class.

Yes there's some gay phone app called 'clover' so now we get even more cancerous posters where at least the the difficulty of posting on a phone barred entry to some of the dumbest or laziest. Now we get the joy of phone posters being able to make identical threads and posts across numerous boards/sites.

it probably will run under wine

what is XRay?

That's what I thought. So why bitch about this thread? Nobody's made a thread like this in a while.
Are you upset because you don't enjoy games and have nothing to post?

Engine made and used specifically for Stalkan

>Even contributed with the spic wiki.
What they have done with the DLCs? Tried afterbirth 2 years ago and it was ok except for the blue spongebullet.

I run stylus on almost every website, everything is too fucking bright. You've got to run site specific css though, the universal dark themes never run correctly.

The engine that S.T.A.L.K.E.R runs on.

Wew and I thought he was retarded

that's just the engine though, if there's additional dependencies that are required those would need compiled for linux too
compiling it is the easy part, it's the dependencies that are a bitch

Making large trade empires as any faction other than the Lumeris is goddamn satisfying.

All the Stalker series should run well in wine
t. played Stalker on wine

ES is a joy

Not currently.

Dragon Quest Builders. Or at least, obsessed with trying to feasibly make buildings that are more then a single story high.


If you enjoy no challenge and constantly grinding your time down to easy to get moons it's a decent game. I wouldn't recommend it to non-mentally challenged people above the age of 12 though.

but why subject yourself to that - why privilege that over actually good custom episodes

I still play terraria pretty actively.

Oh shit nigger, what are you doing?

Doom, but now I realize why I left it last time. It's fucking garbage.
I enjoy the IWAD levels, they're fine. Anything past them though is utter fucking garbage. I fucking hate the fact that this shit game has gotten popular as of recent.

here the reply you wanted

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 for me, but emulating it in Retroarch for the PS1 is a fucking headache because it won't fucking save unless I do save states. I'm trying the Dreamcast version next to see if that one will work better.

Have the noSteam version with all the levels from the original as well.

It's on PC you idiot
And the port is's_Pro_Skater_2

It is shit though, it really is. You have to be delusional to think otherwise. It's good when it's just Doom, Doom 2 and Final Doom, but with all the mods, it's just garbage.


I just finished Dying Light. I was pretty obsessed with it while I played it.

Ah, I was looking what to play next and I just remembered I never played quake. I'll need to look into it**.

Absolutely play AD after the OG game, it's really good

Kingdom Come Deliverance and Crusader Kings 2 respectively

What about source ports? Are there specific ones for Quake, or can I just play it with Doom ports?

I already knew that, but what I didn't know that it's considered abandonedware so access was easy. Thanks.

For the OG I personally find Darkplaces the best sourceport.
The Arcane Dimensions mod however was designed all around the Quakespasm sourceport.

Actually been playing a good bit of Guitar Hero lately. Guitar Hero Live is pretty cool. I like the changes to the guitar, and the campaign setup is a good change. The way you're playing in front of a crowd in first person, and if you do poorly everyone starts ridiculing you and your band mates start getting pissed at you for fucking everything up. A good incentive, because it's surprisingly shitty to have people shaking their heads and booing you when they were screaming for you and dancing a moment ago.

I preferred the overall vibe and song selection of GH3 though, but I'm still liking this one a lot. The online is pretty good, has some interesting ideas like having radio stations that you can choose to play from, but sometimes it's annoying to have to play through songs you don't much like to unlock credits to buy more free play songs. Also I just found out that you can upgrade the stats of your guitar to give you more points per note, a higher max note streak multiplier, etc. If it were single player that'd be cool, but it's annoying playing a song excellently on Expert and still having your high score blown out by some bastard because he's been playing longer and invested more in his guitar. Especially since it's a fucking grind to max it out, but they've (((conveniently))) added the option to buy GH dollars to skip the grind.

Alright, thanks.


Next you'll tell me to play the game without mouselook and to use CTRL to shoot.


I could bet you don't even gl_texturemode gl_nearest_mipmap_linear

I thought it was still up

It's been sitting on a pathetically low userbase for years, sure you can go play with 10-20 other people but that's not my idea of fun or success.

For completions' sake. The final level actually plays better than the climax of the original, but that isn't saying much.

I wanted to like it. But it's missing so much meaningful content, quality of life shit, tons of items are really shit without rebirth, and most of the new bosses are just annoying as hell

I've been playing it and it seems considerably better than Afterbirth, you said Rebirth but I assume that's what you meant. Explain?

Currently over 15 hours and i'm having fun

shit is this out?
I thought it was vaporware

It was release on 27th Feb.
It was cheaper on gog than on steam

Dark Souls 3 primarily due to the self-imposed challenge of getting 100 million souls solely throught sunbroing

This game is bullshit but I have a sick obsession with beating Expert mode on a Hardcore character (no dying allowed).

I was trying that not long ago. I was dying, not in-game but of boredom, because single player is depressingly tedious.

Titanfall 2, Yakuza Kiwami, and Deus Ex _one__

It's a shame TitanFall 2 was scrubbed out by fellow EA game Battlefield One, like for real, what the fuck were they thinking. TF2 feels like the closest thing to a good modern Arena shooter without the autism factor of Rocket Jumping and the jankiness of the COD games. The Titans arent too OP and can even be dealt with on foot if you're clever enough. Definitely an Underrated Gem, tho Holla Forums will hate it cause its EA and requires Skill.

Yakuza Kiwami is great (havent played a Yakuza since 4 so its cool to get back into it). Alot of people say play 0 first, but it's a prequel and I feel it'd spoil the nostalgia factor, and I got a huge boner for Nostalgia in vidya (Mafia series, LA Noire, most World War shooters, hell even Bioshock). The combat is EXTREMELY repetitive tho, despite having 4 fighting styles. it can get very very very tedious, but I enjoy the story and sidequests and general feel.

Also as a Las Vegas resident, it's funny how extremely similar Kamurocho is to Freemont St and the Arts District. I wish there were more games set here in Vegas so that I can see stuff similar to this. (Contrary to Popular Belief, only Fremont "street" [a quarter mile of road-paved-over-into-sidewalk] and The Strip [2 miles of road] are the only places in Vegas that are CASINO CASINO CASINO NEON NEON NEON like you see in tv and movies). GTA SA's Las Venturas is the closest thing to it, and it does a pretty great job, except for all the factories on the west side of town, they'd be north east.

They were thinking that they wanted the game to fail so that Respawn could be absorbed into their amorphous mass.

that makes sense.

My nigga. His Juicero videos were pure comedy gold.

Do I have to torrent the original game map packs? I can't find them on websites.

Im actually suprised they havent done kingdom DLC.

5 bucks, add a kingdom or two's worth of new moons.

I went through the first and the second game, Inferno, Derelict, Blue Planet and Dimensional Eclipse in practically one sitting. Freespace is one hell of an experience.

What's wrong with it? Obviously comparing anything to AD isn't going to flatter it but the DOPA episode wasn't half bad.

I played the dark souls series for the last few weeks
I don't know how From got away with convincing people 3 was a good game, especially compared to 1 in bosses and level design and removing what improvments 2 brought in with regarding the UI, inventory, and some combat stuff

Also notable was how people don't talk about the huge drop in game quality in DS1 after Anor Londo

Do you live under a rock? That's a very widespread opinion when it comes to DaS1.

post-Anor Londo is quite literally the only reason as to why people think DaS3 is better, because it's more consistent.
If DaS had the same quality the whole way through it would quite literally be perfect

ah fuck

mostly, I went into the games almost blind knowing only that people thought they were great arpgs

I'm on the last dlc. I'm determined to beat this thing.

Yesterday I got fucked over 10 minutes into hardmode by a jungle tortoise. I was trying to float over the area quickly with a bunny mount and umbrella and a tortoise shot into the air and killed me in two hits before I realized what happened.

There's a difference between being easy and boring. That being said Odyssey is the easiest Mario game to date and is intended for a much younger audience.

I disagree. Fludd makes Sunshine way easier than Odyssey

I started playing Majesty again and I don't know if I can't play for shit now but the game is way more difficult than I remember. I must have restarted that king rat faggot mission a dozen times already.

I’m pretty consistently obsessed with Hotline Miami 1/2, especially some of the better fan made levels in 2. Shame the main campaign was sort of meh but their level editor was a God send.


Been going through some nostalgia runs lately of this series.
Fuck chain of memories though that game is stupid.

street fighter iii 3rd strike
snow bros

Fine tuning the carburator and valves has triggered my autism

Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold, 70 hours in the ride never ends.
I've got the smug faces of Warmagus and Gunner on my phone screen, every time I turn on the screen they taunt me like "why haven't you beaten our game yet user"?

Max Payne with the Kung Fu mod. It's kickass. I'd recommend anyone with a copy of MP to try the mod. You can level up your kicks and do walljumping. Only problem is when you start a new part (not chapter), all your kung fu skills will be reset to level 0 and have to work your way up to unlock new shit.

The difference is you're playing Sunshine for a much shorter duration of time compared to Odyssey. You might consider Sunshine easy but there were still portions of the game that remained challenging and decent. Compare that to how many easy moons padded Odyssey.

I played the game for 12 or so hours. It's a tedious fucking bore with decent aesthetics and maybe 3 hours of enjoyment in an otherwise padded experience. You're constantly going to be shifting through shitty boring areas of gameplay to get to the 5% of the areas that are worth playing with an already nerfed movement system from the prior games.

Rimworld. I'm coming up on 700 hours on this game, which is close to double what I put into Skyrim in all my time owning it. I still haven't gotten to end-game Rimworld. I find the transition from early to mid-game to be entertainment enough. This game is like crack.