When will having right wing political beliefs be considered a mental illness?
When will having right wing political beliefs be considered a mental illness?
when we accidentally the whole bottle
If you elected Hillary we would already had it!
stupidity/ignorance/being an asshole is not a disease.
When was it not?
this is exactly what the Soviets did
anyone opposed to Marxism-Leninism was diagnosed as mentally ill
fucking pricks
All humans are mentally deficient.
It always was, the right are a bunch of fat autistic creapos.
I thought it was sexual frustration.
I'd assume when the commies seize the means of production and Orwell/Huxley's nightmares come to fruition.
there's plenty of fat autists among lefties so idk
They always were. It explains their desire to learn as well as their political illiteracy.
*not to learn
if you think there aren't people on the left that are mentally ill you're kidding yourself
don't let your tribalism turn into hatred and blind you to the conversion potential that exists in most right-wing types
only the absolute worst porkies (which none of us will ever have direct access to online or otherwise) are beyond hope
this user speaks truth.
if your leftism can't be appealing to NEETs / autists / unemployed people / disabled people (who have been fucked over by capitalism and tend to have hella resentments about society in general) then you're doing something horridly wrong. there's lots of conversion potential among lots of rightwingers. (not all of them OBVIOUSLY and i'm not asking you to "debate" every rancid reactionary that wants to shit on you)
we need to come up with redpills that work on bitter angry right-wing types. the left is on the losing side of a redpilling gap and WE NEED TO CATCH UP.
part of that means not being trolly or confrontational just for the lulz when it's not appropriate. appeal and sympathise to how they've been cucked and fucked over by the system and be fully willing to concede that lots of previous and current leftist attempts have had faults.
even Trump understands the need to have divorced fully from the disasters of george w bush, you can do the same for whatever lib / leftist thing that your redpilling targets take instinctual offence at.
pic related, a leftist redpill i dropped once
It's just really poor behavior due to really poor critical thinking skills.
It's not crazy, it's just cruel and self-defeating.
Socialism is very selfish, and more people would feel that way if they had a wider viewpoint. Other people's suffering harshes my mellow, and the next guy having his means he's not taking mine.
I mean, at that level, there are many forms of Socialism totally compatible with the stupid meme of "human nature", but these chucklefucks are too god damned spooked to notice.
I mean, come on now, Holla Forumsintelpro, try harder
I pop in here from time to time to see what you guys are about, honestly this board seems way less inteligent than pol. You're like if Holla Forums decided to focus on a single subject
You guys are currently discussing how the CIA is hacking the "cash me ousside" girl.
It's Alex Jones and his increasingly large following you need to be concerned of. He pretends not to be far right, but he is the far far right. At least what it has become.
Far-Right Jewish Cucks Need To Die.
When was it not?
Being histrionic, having an inferiority complex and autism are already covered op. That is about 80% of being right wing in a nut shell.
Technically it is.
Humans are drones guided by a need for control and stability, because of that they start forming world views that are close minded and limited and not flexible, that makes them become the bigots everyone wants to kill because they will always end up having their beliefs be proven wrong since a human mind will never be able to truly comprehend the entire world or calculate all outcomes thus instead of admitting they were wrong, they much rather shout at gays or trans "mental illiness ree, i are not wrong"
Religious people are just as bad, somehow having pleasant delusions that give you a psychological feeling of control and certainty is somehow acceptable, that is why humanity is going to shit.
Unless faggots learn about their primal drives and control it to a degree everything will remain shit.
Go back in time and genetically modify the original humans so that they will be self-destructive like leftypol
we would go extinct
Build time machines to take us back into the past and reverse every religious doctrine. For instance, remove all the nots from the 10 Commandments, so that thou shalt commit adultery, thou shalt steal, thou shalt covet your neighbours wife, etc. This will surely fix the problem, and if not, we should do it anyway because it will fix a couple problems I have.
Around the same time the Left realizes homosexuality and Islam are not friends.
read the sticky Holla Forums
religion will vanish with the emergence of true communism. Or at least the ability to say "don't do that" arbitrarily will vanish as hierarchies disappear.
Eat my dick /faggot/
but if he is a faggot he would gladly do so
Exactly and id still get a bj so win win.
They unconsciously try to compensate what they lack that's why they naturally fell for the Nazi and nazi meme.
there you go word filter