Non Cannon game characters

When did valve became so passive aggressive against Half Life fans?

Friendly reminder Race-X were scarier and more interesting than the Combine

Well it wasn't that hard to figure it out was it? They don't make games anymore because they have other gud shekel sources.

I wouldn't want a game made by gearbox to be cannon either

Source, faggot.

Half-life 3 confirmed

When they found out becoming a platform to sell shitty games was noteworthy when money came into play.

All good people are corrupt when it comes to money. Money corrupts all.

I wouldn’t be surprise if valve sold a battle royal game under the Half life 3 name.

Don't give them ideas.

It's already too late m8, (((PUBG))) has a lot of suckers just due to a shitty game mode.

Fuck. Hire telltales game to make Half Life 3 with a battle royal multiplayer mode.

pre-borderlands gearbox were more or less competent devs that didn't go out of their way to out themselves as stupendous faggots, then 2007 and twitter happened and we know the rest

Actually Adrian Shepard is Schrodinger's Cat, he may or may not be canon according to various interviews through the years.

you mean

citation needed

also hl lore is irrelevant because it was destroyed by the piece of shit known as half-life 2

a.k.a. he's not canon until they say he's canon

a.k.a. he's not fucking canon

race-x always looked a little retarded and nothing in half life was ever scary

you can go back to cuckchan.

What is it that it get's right that no other shooter can get?

Its basic movement dynamics are just really fluid and fun for one thing. Have you played many map sets or mods for the game? Those'd scratch your itch if you haven't.

Borderlands 1 and its DLCs were excellent, the only weakness was Roland having a stupidly unbalanced tree.

That was it. It was perfect.

Then Borderlands 2 and Le MAYMEI Supervillainy shit, and weapons being entirely worthless after 3 level ups/it was impossible to buy good shit from the stores/ammo became pointlessly expensive because of retarded faggots and thus the entire point and desire fo the loots died up. And a franchise that could have been good became shit.

I found Borderlands 1 to be really boring. Borderlands 2 sucks as well but the first one was something I got tired of a few minutes after I picked up TK's stupid Listerine swirly gun but decided to slog through until I hit the next zone.

No one said this. HDTF is a fan game based off of an SFM movie.

Borderlands 1 is alright but it's anything but perfect. Story still isn't good even if it's far from the train wreck of BL2 and the gameplay is still slow. Also, the arena DLC is fucking garbage, and of course they crammed the bank in there instead of putting it in the base game like they should have.

Shoud have kept on, for the immersion.

It was refershing, along with the intro song. You are a mercenary doing what you are doing to put clothes on your back, food in your belly, and guns in your hands.

If you read the little mission quips at the bounty boards and stuff, it deepens the immersion.



When did they become so passive aggressive towards tf2 fans after their CS:GO fiasco update? When did they become passive aggressive towards Dota 2 fans after making it into a shitty trading cards game? When did they become such tremendous shitheads in the past few years?

The fish things were. Though not really because of their look or design, just because big and fast fish enemies are scary when you can't see or maneuver well underwater.

Same cycle as Blizzard? A nearly a decade of goodwill from their customers, then afterwards a major shift.

Nerds. Play Quake 2. GoldSRC was iD Tech 2 with a coat of paint on top. Same exact movement down to the retarded sliding around.

Pick one. Maybe the original concept could be both but what you got was pure shit.

It was boring shit.


Sadly non cannon.

She isn't but Theodore is? How the fuck does that work Atlus.

I don't understand why anybody wants her to be canon. It's a cute character and all, but it's not like her being canon would do jack shit for Sonic, and it's not like Sonic has had a good track record with interesting canon characters (at best, they have porn-magnet furbait)
Maybe if she was in some Sonic Mania sequel, but other than that it would be shit.


2007 truly was the end of everything good, or at least the beginning of the end.

I thought they liked maymay games where you came from?


What purpose she would do? Besides lolicon and getting gangbanged?

Wouldn’t that conflict with eggman being a orphan?

good post

no it was horribly average and 2 is just more of the same


The only good/enjoyable thing about the Borderlands series is Handsome Jack, and that's because he's the only character in the game whose dialogue wasn't entirely written by Anthony Burch.




She could always be a female clone or a relative that he discovered in suspended animation or something.

Source on that.

Don't fucking remind me of that abomination. To make matters worse it's at the end of some really long dungeon with no checkpoints.
That boss was fucking awful.

I am out in an area with spotty network signal so I can't look up a more specific example, but there is an easier egg on a keyboard that spells out Shepard's name, implying he exists in the canon universe portal and half life share.

She was a dumb, overrated meme character.

Even more bullshit is that boss is supposed to be the payoff for finally getting to and opening the vault, the central goal of the game, and the original concept of the game was that the vault would be the halfway point, with opening it adding a bunch of new alien shit to the loot pool. They stuck one of the weakest final bosses and endings ever where the entire second half of the game was supposed to be.

that one might have been just coincidence, I seem to remember reading about it somewhere

Borderlands 2 is extremely reddit core so I have no particular wish to defend it on Holla Forums, but I enjoyed it more than 1. It's the pre-sequel that's genuine trash.

HL OP is literally the best FPS ever made and not even F.E.A.R or DOOM can beat it. Except the final boss fight which was ass

BL2 did a few things right, like including more variety in environments and enemies but outside of that it fucked up almost everything especially things that BL1 got right which already isn't a lot.

>Except the final boss fight which was ass
The Gonarch fight is worse
And if you're doing it the fast way it's actually not that bad

Opposing Force was the bees knees

it was ok, some of the levels were shit and that ending was absolute garbage

Borderlands had shitty dungeons.
Borderlands 2 has a fundamentally broken system taken from Korean MMOs because Randy Pitchforkuphisownass wanted it to have real money trading and to make billions off of it.

If they made it that you were either marines or scientists attempting to not be murdered I'd almost play that. That would be far too interesting though.

CS:GO's getting a battle royal mode, and tf2 might, since now you can worldspawn weapons into the map for people to pickup.

I think you're right, read there's supposedly something in the Portal commentary about it.



Thanks for making me dislike her even more.

What the shit?

never played opfor but i beat half-life on hard for the first time a month ago and the gonarch isn't even difficult, i only died two times and the second time was because i blew myself up

git gud

It was released with Valve's official blessing. I have yet to see another company so blatantly spit in their costumer's faces like this.

The Gonarch isn't difficult it's just not a fun fight, you're basically unloading all your weapon in something that won't attack back, except in phase 3 where it spawns shit that you can just tank.

Can the Source engine even handle a battle royal mode?

Poor Rin. At least the other 2hus that didn't make it as playable characters show up as stage bosses, but she was cancelled altogether.

What fear does death hold when you were never born in the first place?

It probably helped that I used an anarchy mechromancer, for whom the retardedly low-ammo guns served as a strength. But seriously, it was a fun as shit character.