Why dont you belive in white race?

Why dont you belive in white race?

Other urls found in this thread:


why do you


Because what is 'white'?

Is it the Romans?

Is it the celts?

Is it the slavs?

All of these groups hated/hate each other in their respective times and are/were radically different.

I believe in sage is why



The white race is for me the people who look like me. I can feel with them i can see what struggles each other have. I want to help them becasue they are like me. And i am them.

that's retarded and so are you.

Somebody looking like you doesn't mean they share your interests or struggles. Them being in the same material conditions and economic circumstances as you however, does. Especially when you are both being screwed over by the same people.

Honestly that would be kind of ok if it just stayed to a own little personal bias in your head.

What gets super retarded is when you try to turn something you just admitted to be emotion based into actual policy. Maybe you don't do that but it's the whole idea of the alt-right.


Nah OP I prefer to base my worldview on material conditions and not a fringe collection of debunked psychometric studies

Care to explain me why?

Yes but dont forget that being same race creates more trust than being differnet from each other.

Alt right doesnt exist. Its just right wing. Alternative doesnt exist that would be just retarded.

why are you limiting your loyalty and sympathy just to people who meet an arbitrary definition of race that is completely ahistorical and only exists to promote the interests of elites?

messed up the picture

Race outside of the USA might have some actual meaning behind the term but for the most part it is more accurate to say ethnic group because that term is more regional/culturally specific.

The whole 'race' thing in general is more of a concern for how groups function and since race is one of the easier groups to categorize people into it becomes a focal point for certain people's ideologies. Not unlike how arbitrary amounts of money that people make can be used to group people into 'class'.

Which as a tangent raises it's own interesting point where if you want to deny 'race' as a construct there is logically not much that would support 'class' as construct.

Anyway to keep things short and simple. Race exists, class exists, they exist because enough people believe they do and act on that view, and lastly because people hold these views factions develop and strife occurs.


No, it doesn't, and this meme needs to die. Ideology is a powerful tool of the bourgeois that has successfully turned the proletariat's interests away from their own self interest.

I think class is a lot easier to define than race.

This is just a long way to say race and class are spooks.

Because that's the reason why we exist. I was created by white mother and white father all people around me looks white and we act accordingly to our culture which was created by white people aka us. Our technology our ideas. I was created to help people. Not to help some shitskins in mudhuts who poo on streets. Not some retarded niggers who are violent.

You literally believe you have a white destiny LMAOP

the world isnt a high fantasy land you virginal autist

"White" is not a culture.

Yes i belive in white destiny and call me whatever you want

How come? Slavs, Anglos, Germans same culture?

i'll call you a cuck because you're basing your entire identity on serving the interests of an nonexistent concept of whiteness.

From a psycho-evolutionary perspective one could make the argument that protecting your 'race' is worthwhile because it means that those with similar genes to your own will live to pass on those genes. If you take the Dawkins view of things where people (or really any organism for that matter) is simply a vessel for the transmittance and replication of ones genes, that is.

I would imagine that subconsciously the socialists and other class obsessed persons are also looking out for the interests of there genetic lineage but take a more resource based approach to it. In a way it makes sense considering that the world outside the third world has mostly moved beyond the tribalism of days past and now securing the lineage of yourself and your immediate family/peers is of greater importance than securing the lineage of your ethnic group who more often than not are spread out across the globe and mostly distanced from the goings on in ones own personal life.

like said even European culture isn't homogenous.
Terrible and sad!
Sounds like you need a safe space

All of these peoples have vastly different cultures

Not only is this wrong, I wouldnt even concider Germanic people (or Slavic or Celtic) to belong to the same culture.

Um no? Especially when you include Slavs in there. Slavs themselves are not even culturally homogeneous.

Can you give me examples how come slavs,anglos or gemrans are SO very different culturally or genetically or look different?

Can you repeat the question in English

If you think evolution is driven by rational self interest on the part of individuals you have misunderstood it entirely

literally orc vs humans
youre a great shining light among the slavish masses
a modern day paladin

he doesnt know the difference between anglos, celts and slavs

Give me examples how come slavs,germans or anglos are different. Right now

So what if its orcs vs humans. Orcs hate humans and vice versa. Whats wrong with it? Do you think each other could live toghether?

I bet y'all this faggot is a white American mutt

Someone please post the humans vs. orcs meme

Orcs dont exist you fucking retard
This is your response?
The "Orcs vs Humans" comparison is making a mockery of your beliefs because you think other humans are literally Orcs

kill yourself

Well for starters there's the wildly different language, history, and geographical distribution

They speak different languages. They have different customs.

Infact, can you tell me what they have in common, except being part of some vague "whiteness"

completely different cultural and national backgrounds, something that you as a white nationalist should be aware of.

my gott

I would also think so, if it wasnt for his shitty English

There is no such thing as an American that isn't a mutt

You know I'm throwing you in a gas chamber, untermensch

You're not even white though (if there is such a thing)

Nice logic son

Oh yes? You dont say this is why they are called anglos celts and slavs

Like what?

Are you fucking serious

Hard working, kindness, creativity

As a white nationalist i am aware that the differences is minimal

It helps to have a more nuanced and holistic understanding of things than reducing them to buzzwords. Oversimplifying things reduces ones ability to understand complex situations.

Spend some more time here. Better yet here is a thought experiment for you. Is a doctor who makes $200,000 in the same 'class' as a small business owner who makes $100,000? If you and several other anons can independently arrive at the same conclusion I would be surprised.

A pity that was your only take away from what I said. People in general are motivated primarily by "Emotional Amoral Egoism". This does not imply 'rational' self interest but it does imply acting in ones interest as molded by ones upbringing, culture and life experiences.

In short evolution is driven by whatever helps the organism pass on its genes the most with the highest survivability. The left-right paradigm of ideology is essentially a debate over which strategy to use in relation to this.

so minimal that these cultures were murdering one another for thousands of years before the concept of whiteness was invented and stupid people like you bought it.

Can you give me an example of people that dont think they are this? These are just pure projections on yourself.

Da dirty brown people


Why in the world are you posting hentai?

Because he is white and rhus creative

No, the doctor is proletarian and the business owner is petit-bourgeois. This is basic shit.

Europe is so succesfull because different ideas clashed toghether and resulted in war. Europe was forged by war after war. We are result of it. This is why we are master race because we understand how useless war is and why it's so importnant to have freedom of speech.

I dont undestand? Do you want me to give you examples why are people in Europe like this?

oh yeah you've totally been to war bro. That's why you're posting softcore porn on an imageboard and taking credit for other people's accomplishments as your own.

I can't wait for Op to go "Hentai is european, i swear"

I am posting softcore porn because it will attract more males which is 98% of this board. I am not taking their accomplisments i just want to simply live in white country made by white people. Nothing more nothing less.


No one has ever said this. Im just saying it will attract more males than if i would post something different.


You want freedom of speech to compensate for you freedom of tought that don't use and your freedom of will that you can't use because you're blinded by slave morality

Posting porn will not atract people to your thread, it will only show them that you're a manchild that let his penis decide fo him, that is why you're a nazi, because you don't get a girlfriend and think it is because some big other.

You're trying to imply that you as a white person are apart of the same legacy as all these historic figures just because you share skin pigmentation. That's taking credit for their accomplishments.
even in an all white country you'd still be exploited by capital.

1. porn just attracted many people to my thread
2.What slave morality you fag shit? What freedom of thought or will? What the fuck are you talking about? I just posted my thoughts and will and freedom of speech on this board which you fuck shits should encourage and not extinguish

Dont be so ignorant about genetics its not just skin pigmentation

So what let it be like this. I just want it to be white

that's odd. but doesn't matter because the best thing you can do for them is communism. Capitalism and the nation will only further the suffering of these people.

I assume then that you don't empathize with the struggles of people of other races? is this a feeling that you've suppressed over time because of your political views? or perhaps you lead a very sheltered life? or you've had some traumatic experiences with non-whites? I'm interested, why the connection with white people is so important to you. I mean surely you don't empathize with people who share your hair color, right? do white women get the same empathy from you as white men (I assume you're a man but if you're not then do white men get the same empathy from you as women?). This is a curious condition you have.



just keep posting porn and we'll let you sperg out as much as you want, you have good taste.

Yeah whatever

Read a book slave, something I be you have never done in your life
Slave morality is when you're tied to something larger, you obey the laws of your religion tribe and not the laws you make for yourself.
Freedom of tought is being able to think critically about the world, like a philosopher, of will is just doing what you want wihout being tied by slave morality. Max Stirner wrote about this and Holla Forums loves it
This board is private property, is you are enslaved by slave morality you should respect our property and accept your "freedom of speech" ends here.

we really need wordfilters for "read a book"


The irony in your post is that sheltered people are the nigger/spic lovers. Left wingers aren't down south with all the niggers. You're up far away from the majority of minorities in the north - living some fantasy world in your >90% white community.

Spend a season in a town/city with less than 50% of whites.

"its as simple as that"

spend a season in a poor white neighborhood. i dare you.

So first of all i am thankful for mods to unsink my thread. Now lets discuss

but you can be white and not be exploited. that's the point. Capitalism divides this race you so love against itself. If you managed to say create an ethnostate for your fellow white people it would fall apart fairly quickly. The reason why big capital keeps black people in the US for example is 1. really cheap labor 2. (more importantly) an easy scapegoat to dangle in front of white workers in this country whenever things go to shit. Without minorities the capitalists would have to find some other way to divide the working class against itself so that it doesn't rise up against moneyed power. If not it would have to try reallllllllll fuckin hard to suppress them by other means. Also Isolationism is a particular phase of development for capitalism, it's unsustainable in the long term. Either a state must open itself up to global markets or it must conquer resources and consumers nearby. Either way, the ethnostate falls apart with development.

also posting porn does work. though OP's pics are declining in quality I have to say.

Aside from the fact that there are plenty of minorities northern cities, you should know I come from the South and I'm goin to uni in a city that's very black. This post is just trash. Generally iirc most Trump supporters came from racially homogenous small towns.
Even if righteys lived in big cities, most towns in the states are heavily racially segregated still including my home. More than likely you don't really know what their lives are like and they don't know yours. The enforced lack of social connection is an easy recipe for hatred for those who wish to exploit it.

Honestly don't think such a thing exists anymore. They're full of spics, niggers, and coal burners now. Definitely gone in a generation.

White neighborhoods are where all the white liberals live and tell us about how the rest of us should accept multiculturalism because it's good.

If the thread isn't deleted/closed you can keep discussing in it though.

because i like black women and the only white women im attracted to are mediterranean beauties and feminism is destroying their viability slowly. Noreuro women are disgusting, manly, autistic and boring. Cetic women are cute, feisty and caring but they are too free spirited and easily bored for me. I like black women and mediterranean women and that will never change. The white race can go hang

there are plenty of poor white neighborhoods around the world. Your autistic obsession with brown people is making you blind to it.



why do racists/polacks always post hentai? granted I'm not opposed if your going to shitpost might as well post something nice to look at but why?

You typed that as if cities don't segregate based on race. Almost like it's human nature to do so.

I mean you got places like sweden who were for the most place a homogenous country. They have a never ending desire to import diversity because it's good.

Lol, ya right you're full of shit. They're all full of spics - at least in every southern town I've been to. Guess they don't go north as much because of a lack of jobs for them. I mean unless you count everything >50% white people in a town as a white town.

It's not hentai but ecchi. Also we have mastered the art of subversion there is no force which can stop us. Posting beatiful art of women will attract more attention and will give more responses.

The more you know

He already said its because "He wants to atract the lads" but we all know it is because he's a kisless virgin

You still have to answer to the last (you) I gave to you

i was to busy looking at the tits

it's a mystery indeed.

maybe you should stop relying on anecdotal experiences then?

Heh son didn't you knew there were female assasins? They were quite successful. I will tell you secret. You will precieve erotic imaginery more than anything else. But that is true only if you are non weaboo becasue i am immune to 2D girls. *wink wink*

The thing is his taste is kind of shitty

Here you go: http:// www.censusscope.org/us/map_nhwhite.html

Ya, it's completely fucked now. Where's your sources with all these white majority towns? What fucking mad world do you think you're living in lol. Have you been out of your town? There ain't no white towns anymore, and I mean REAL white towns. 60% of a town being 'white' ain't a white town. It's a multicultural town with a slight white majority.

We both agree his taste is shitty but could you please not shove your fetish onto us

Ignore the other guy, shove the fetish.

I mean we haven't established that it's an emotion he's suppressed. Frankly it wouldn't surprise me if he just never felt empathy for a non-white person before. That's not to condemn him. I just think the majority of these people don't have any sort of social connections to non-whites outside of maybe encountering them when their doing a shit job or something like that. For some it's hard to have empathy for people of other races when the powers that be have an interest in maintaining mutual hatred between these groups. That's where these Holla Forumstards come from. They're ultimately the best proof of the existence of institutional racism

but then why haven't we kicked the blacks out in the US? I argue it's because this hatred is manufactured by those with an interest in creating it. Slave owners would often make appeals to poor white southerners' fear of falling for this exact reason.

What's especially interesting is that these modern racial categories are not historically timeless. I mean in the US we used to have a much stricter definition of who was racially 'american.' I think it makes a lot more sense historically to say this divide is manufactured by moneyed interest, the same thing that brought most of these minorities here in the first place. They are a source of cheap labor, and an easy way to diffuse class antagonism.
This bit also contradicts with what you posted above. Unless of course swedes aren't people and somehow it's swede nature to desire diversity while everyone else despises it.

Thanks for the anime tho

Are you a fag?

I mean other than rich white liberals and urbanites towns that is. Pic related.

I'm sorry
i want to take you seriously but looking at these posts and now this
it's just

nigga pls.

meaningless buzzword.

also your theory of racial hatred and the rich white libs kinda falls apart when you look at where Trump supporters came from generally in the primaries. Once again iirc, they came from poor rural white communities, the same communities you claim do not exist. That is, isolation and a fear of falling caused this racial hatred.

lmao at the raid spray

minorities are concentrated in towns for the most part though blacks are dispersed throughout the deep south and hispanics in the far southwest. Most of the middle and north of the country is fairly racially homogenous.

Again, these aren't real white neighborhoods. These are multicultural neighborhoods with a slight white majority. By white neighborhood I mean at least >95% white people. There are poor rural traditionally white communities, but they are drastically being changed for a while now. There's a reason this happened after all. You think a ton of 99% white towns across the states would be isolated and scared, lol?

That's my point. Rich white liberals are so out of reality that they'd invite millions of people from the stone age and think it's good for them. Hell, why should they give a fuck. They're rich. Fuck the poor worker right?

No wonder all these corporations and rich are becoming lefties, lol. Because fuck the poor, fuck the worker, and fuck community. The world should be the oyster for rich people to fly around and live like kings. That's good goy communism in 21st century.

Slavs don't look like Germans at all. They're different ethnic groups. The germans tried to rape/enslave/exterminate the slavic race off this earth. I don't know how bad your physiognomy senses are but behaviorally, spiritually and culturally Slavs and Germans are worlds apart

why the fuck is there a weed plant included? what does weed have to do with idpol? nothing at all. just poltier faggotry


I am glad retards like you suffer this much

Just letting you know tbh

almost no city in America is 95% any race. Chicago doesn't even have a black majority, there are more white people as a percentage there than blacks but that won't stop racists from categorizing it as a black city.

Jewish lie

Slavs are not different ethnic are you seriously telling me czechia or polad which is just across border are different ethnic group that was WW2 propaganda. There is no difference between slavs and germans and if there was it was in WW2 when germans were not rapebabies from russian invasion.


Ah hell, I don't give a shit. Just a loner and always have been. Personally I think the white race dying off and being replaced is good. The weak have no place being in charge.

early Trump supporters came from particularly white neighborhoods in relation to the rest of the country. Most were fairly far from the southern border iirc. I think these people are in a shit situation, afraid of losing jobs and shit and they see easy scapegoats on the news. We're talkin small isolated rural communities for the most part.
so it's human nature except when liberals don't act according to human nature? do workers have a different nature than rich people? in a communist society will we all become not racist when the proletariat dissolves and we achieve classlessness? maybe you're just kind of a dipshit.
yep, he's a dipshit. liberal is not the same as leftist.

White race is not dying off or will ever die. The mixed babies which white women and men create will be segregated later. White people the strong one which really want to continue their legacy will create new countries heavily segregated from other minorities. This was plan all along. The elites are in fact ultra whitesupermacists.

There is literally nothing wrong with that picture.

nice persecution complex.
The rich are becoming "lefties" because being rightist today in america means being a racist theocrat and the Democrats have been becoming more and more corporate friendly since the 50s.
If you honestly believe Gates and Musk would rather be taxed for foreign aid than send food boxes to Africa with their faces stamped on them you're insane.

'White' is just something made up to convince the Dutch in New York not to reestablish 'New Amsterdam' and get poor people to support slavery. The concept exists to create submission to the state and division among the various people the state is oppressing.

Its another lefty pol falls for the bait thread.

This thread was actually bumplocked, it's good to have an exchange with Holla Forumsyps sometimes.

Something like "I masturbate intellectually" maybe?

Read a book should worldfilter to read a book

Muh iphones, the image.

"Read a book" should filter to a 20px bold READ A BOOK with epilepsy-inducing background.


Aren't ya'll supposed to be building the revolution instead of arguing with some white kid with anime?

I believe in that ass
Post more

Classic SJW logic tbqh fam.

Because white race isn't a religion


The least you could do is promote a "white culture" that isn't hentai and incest cartoon porn. You're making us non retarded whites look bad.

Stirner was a cuckold.

Bit of projecting there, Hess

He didn't give a fuck about his wife and was only interested in her inheritance. That's far from being a coock.

But Slavs or Mediterraneans look nothing like me.

Fuck no you retarded american

BTW if you can't tell germanics, romanics and slavs apart its because you haven't grown up in europe and everyone where you live are mutts.

They look very different from each other.

Can you tell me how they're not drunken ass subhumans you kulturbolschewismus Juden?

Can you explain to me how the noble Arab warrior people are not closest to us Aryans in Spirit?

point isn't idpol, but whatever, the pic's bullshit anyways

This argument is beyond ridiculous. We live in a capitalist society; there's no way to escape that fact. If you don't participate in capitalism when living in a society dominated by it - like by buying food at a grocery store so that you don't starve to death - you will die.

I do

I would like to live in a world without race, but black/brown/asian people look out for their racial interests all the time, while whites are harangued for doing it

this explains everything.

Who made this? I can see it's translated to slovak language too and it's very very good. I have never seen this.

Not really. There is a subtle difference between the two. The argument you're claiming I'm making is that people can't use technology or society to improve their/others lives, because it makes them hypocrites. My argument is that these people are claiming something is good and going out of their way to avoid it which does make them hypocrites.

Imagine someone going around telling everyone cigarettes are good and no harm could come from them - they are very enriching for the body and mind! Everyone should smoke them and let them into their country. This person lives in a smoke free neighborhood and only goes to smoke free stores because he refuses to do otherwise.

If you do then why are you posting asian drawings :^)

Because Asians are


ravioli ravioli don't fuck the dragon loli

Because I sold all my stocks in the sunscreen and crocs industries.

racialism is unscientific nonsense

I do.

I just don't think usury is okay just because a white guy is doing it.

I have more in common with the Kurds fighting in Rojava than some yuppie white rentier capitalist.

A thousand years of Islam condoned inbreeding generation after generation has destroyed those people. They are gone forever from this world.


What's with Neo-Nazis and liking Shadman? I don't see it much, but when I do, it seems that a lot of people that post Shad's pictures tend to be Holla Forumsyps or sympathize with them. Is it because he draws SS girls?

don't arabs exist anymore?

Arabs are a myth

dunno bout the rest but the first two are wokada

polite sage because this idiot is probably 14 and I have no idea why you're giving him (you)s

Its time to stop. Those kinds of Nat Socs are LARPing autists with no ideological foundation. I bet they haven't even read any primary documents on Nat Soc. Porn is a bourgeois luxury and those claiming to want to strengthen Europeans being obsessed with a non European cultural theme is hypocritical.

Found OP.

I do believe in Caucasians trough.


The irony is that many of the modern day "white" races weren't even historically white.

Look at Hungarians or the other Finno-Ugric people. These guys for all intents and purposes are textbook anglo whites. But historically they were mongolian and even persian/iranian long before they got bleached

Jesus fucking Christ, user. Look at the different foods, and religions. There are Muslim Whites (Albanians) for God's sake. Take a look at the fucking Yugoslav Wars! By the way, would you say there is a fucking difference between Kotlet and Spaghetti? What about languages? What are the similarities between Russian and English? Read a fucking book you blithering, insufferable moron!


The Bulgarians hate being reminded that they're Turkic.

Someone doesn't know anything about Appalachia.
Hint: It's no paradise.

World communist republic > muh race

Different user here. I used to live in Appalachia and it indeed a hole aside from the wannabe Aspens like Blowing Rock. Then you have it's neighbor Boone that is a working class town being devoured by the university piece by piece and hollowed out by Wal-Mart.

Then you go five minutes out of either of these places and you're in a hell of poverty, meth abuse, and child prostitution , all exacerbated by the drug trade they moved in to service the rich out of towners. One time they found the remains of a guy in the trunk of his car, burned alive, the result of a deal gone bad apparently. Another time a body was found in the woods outside of town, tied to a tree, with his skin flayed off.

Good times.