There are two Atelier games on steam currently, Firis and Sophie, the reviews are good, what do you guys think about them?
Do they have a chronological order like Rorona -> Totori -> Meruru or are unrelated to each other? I haven`t played an Atelier game since Escha&Logi
Atelier Series
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They're alright, they follow each other chronologically with Sophie coming before Firis.
I'd place sophie about E&L level, and firis a bit below that. They both have the same core gameplay of breaking the game by abusing traits
The music doesn't dissapoint, I can tell you that much
The games are very stressful and involve a lot of heavy duty time management and nothing comes close to requiring mastery and understanding of the systems of the game in such short time. They're great once you get it all figured out. Too hardcore for most of Holla Forums so they usually just assume it's about cute girls so it must be shit, but it's a more demanding game than dwarf fortress.
Man, you must be really shit at this or really fucking good at dorfs.
I hate that my autism requires me to start at the very first game in a series. The large amount of Atelier games are a bit overwhelming + my laziness has stopped me from playing them. Tomorrow I'm getting the emulators and playing them. No more procrastination.
I've been playing them since Marie, dwarf fortress pales in comparison.
Do the newer games even have time management?
I've never had a big issue with the time limits, but I hate seeing large, diverse worlds that I can't explore because I have to deliver rocks to some asshole.
Are you really talking about the same thing everyone else? Dude Atelier games are baby level difficulty, i never ran out of time in any of them
You get a 4/10 for some effort
These games must really be uninteresting shit because every thread made for them dies almost immediately. There's not even yuri porn dumps about "wich atelier wud u fug?", let alone very much to say about the gameplay. I recall playing Iris on the PS2 ages ago and enjoyed it a lot. Later I emulated Iris 2 and 3, and despite having more interesting and refined mechanics, the games were just worse and worse. JRPGs can have good gameplay but they really sell on aesthetic, characters, story, and world. The characters were increasingly shitty and the world got smaller in each subsequent game to the point that in Iris 3, there was a single hub town with no overworld and all action took place in cramped pocket dimension worlds under time limits. I fucking dropped that shit and regret finishing Iris 2.
Which Atelier wud u fug?
Also, Norn a cute. A CUTE
The PC versions are so poorly optimized that you're better off not playing them. The only thing keeping me from finishing Sophie were the annoying and unbearable crashes and bugs that came with the port. It's a shame because I was looking forward to seeing more cute alchemy.
I will never understand this image.
Just start with the Dusk Trilogy jesus christ.
At first glance I thought it was a head pat.
how do I get into this series?
Sophie takes place before Firis, though their stories are not directly related (There are some recurring characters and references to Sophie in Firis).
You don't have to play Sophie to understand whats going on in Firis though.
Could also wait for Atelier Lydie & Suelle (the last game in the "Mysterious" series), coming out at the end of this month.
Atelier games are pretty much "cute girls doing cute things: the video game". If you're looking for a pretty comfy (and somewhat grindy) JRPG, you'll probably like it.
The board actually had constant Atelier generals for some time.
They completely died around late 2015.
They're all gay despite really cute girls it might as well be bara because of the bullshit forced time limit you're guaranteed to miss 90% of the events and get a shitty ending without using a guide.
Really enjoyed sophie, but couldn't get too into firis, been meaning to play it again to see if it catches my attention but not liking the main girl too much nor this exploration and making tents
Sophie is pretty good, Mana Khemia level good.
Firis is a disaster.
Lydie-Suelle is boring.
I thought Sophie was fine, not great. But have mostly heard the opposite on Sophie and Firis.. Maybe it's the 'open world' of Firis that gets some folks going. Haven't picked up Firis myself though.
Sophie is shit. And All Ateliers past ps3 era are shit.
you mean
I tried playing Sophie and it bored me to tears. It's just grinding with practically no story and the mechanics are not nearly fun enough to make all the grinding fun.
The movement is stiff and clunky, the animations are not matched with the movement speed so it looks like shitty ice skating, the combat is generic JRPG shit with nothing interesting going on, the characters other than Sophie herself are overdesigned trash, nobody has anything resembling a personality, the alchemy is just a shitty color matching minigame, collecting materials is just running around tiny maps and pressing a button on a shiny spot, every quest in the game is an MMO-tier fetch quest.
This game is completely brainless, grindy, boring, soulless shit.
The music is alright though.
Mechanically the series peaked with the Arland games and narrative/atmosphere peaked with Ayesha. It hasn't done much interesting since then.
It has a been a while since i used my Ps3 controller on my PC, what is the currently best software to make the controller work on windows?
It's タ~ル
I thought Monika's design was alright, at least if you took the metal arm bits off of it. I tried to do some research into which characters Yuugen designed and which ones NOCO did, but it seems like they both contributed their fair share of mobage gatcha tier overdesigned characters. Definitely a big step down from mel and hidari.
It really is a shame after how good arland was that gust decided to fuck the gameplay part of the series into oblivion too. They could have just made the games like they normally do and included a no time limit difficulty for the casuals & girls that started getting interested in it late Arland/early Dusk instead of just messing up everything.
SCP driver package + windows xbox controller drivers
You're garbage.
The series kinda died around then too honestly
The alchemy is a lot more than "a shitty color matching minigame". Hell the color matching aspect is the least important part, it's mostly tetris. There's actually an annoying amount of detail required to create some of the high tier effects on certain items.
Also, the story in Sophie is a great deal more present than Firis as well. Firis doesn't really have a story at all, you take the test and that's pretty much it, nothing of importance ever happens. Sophie at least has the book>cauldron>big-bad-draining-the-land plot. The maps in sophie are absolutely horrible though, I'll give you that, and with the maps being what they are there's nothing they could do with the quests or gathering if they wanted to.
Are the crashes related to specific graphics card or processors or something? I keep hearing about them and bugs, but I haven't had any whatsoever. The only issue I had was the stupid high CPU use when Sophie first came out, but that's been fixed last I checked.
Also Ayesha is the cutest and Keithgriff is best grandpa.
Is the PS3 version of Ayesha still good? I'd rather play on console than on my Vita.
Sorry to interrupt the thread with something only tangentially related, but how was the PS4 English release of pic related? It's gotten a recent pricedrop so I'm looking to pick it up. Was it pozzed in any way? Any censorship, DLC kikery, or otherwise consumer unfriendly bullshit?
Sage for stomping on the playground.
nope, no poz, no censorship, just light yuri cute mahou shoujou doing cute mahou shoujou things
Sophie was released for the PS3 in Japan.
Does the story even go anywhere or are all of the playable characters female now?
no censorship but god the translation is rough…and missing at some points
Does anybody realise how sad the automata is?
I'm just waiting for the online mobile game to be launched
Although it'll probably keep getting delayed
There was censorship. After release they put in a model viewer. Which you can move the camera freely in japanese, but they made it so you couldn't tilt the models enough to see up their skirts in the west.
DLC for that game is also ridiculous last I looked, but then I was looking at the Japanese store. Experience with KT leads me to believe there's no breaks for other market territories, though.
I need to start the vita version. PS3 is absolutely fine, with none of the frame hiccups that came from the bad compression routine Gust regularly does for its PSVita branch of games.
Import yes, but the translated version is eng audio only. I thought the Alrland dub was fairly decent, 'Haha esty dee get it ecks dee' aside, but I still found Ayesha's dub to be really hard to listen to. It sounds borderline machine translated at parts, or at best not translated by a native speaker. At least it wasn't a meme dub, but an overly literal and awkward dub isn't much better, and that's what you're stuck with for the ps3 version.